Monday, April 27, 2015

Davids Daily Dose - Monday April 27th

1/  You will be hearing more of the TPP this week - it stands for Trans Pacific Partnership, and it's a trade agreement that's been secretly negotiated with 11 Asian nations.....the only problem is the secrecy, and the fact that apart from corporations noone officially knows whats in it. 

The President is trying to ram this through Congress without any changes, and he has the overwhelming support of Republicans which should give you a clue it's terrible for the middle class, and wonderful for the oligarchs....

If you believe as I do we are living in a plutocracy, this is no surprise. The question is how did they get to the President and why is he pushing this?....what have they promised him, or even threatened him with?

This is an excellent column from the Times by Mark Bittman.....

There’s an important issue out there you may never have heard of, which is just what its proponents would like. That’s the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), currently being pushed by the Obama administration and its corporate (and mostly Republican!) allies. It’s a blatant attack on labor, farmers, food safety, public health and even national sovereignty.
And the details of the deal are largely secret. Other than what’s been leaked, the public has no access to its contents, and even members of Congress don’t know much. (On the other hand, “cleared advisers,” mostly corporate lawyers, have full access.) That’s because the TPP is way too important to its sponsors to allow little details like congressional or public input to get in its way, even though constitutional authority over trade is granted to the legislative, not the executive, branch.

2/  As always, sometimes cartoonists nail it better that anyone.....this is the TPP summarized by Brian McFadden, who writes "The Strip" in the Times .....

3/  Contrast the "TPP Obama" with the relaxed, very funny President at the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday......his timing is excellent, and he has some great political's 22 minutes, but full of zingers and some genuine laughs. 

He also brought in Key of "Key and Peele" as his "anger translator"......
To that end, if you watched the WHCD last night or wish to in our video embed below, what you’ll see and hear is some truly hilarious, biting stuff from the president that can’t be considered nasty or too partisan to those owning any semblance of objectivity. Given this is the president’s sixth Correspondents Dinner, here’s his Top Six lines of the night, which were delivered with the just the right pace and precision:
- Mr. Obama said he’s asked, ” ‘Do you have a bucket list?’ I say, well I have something that rhymes with bucket. Immigration executive action? ‘Bucket!’ Stricter climate rules. ‘Bucket!‘”
- “I look so old…John Boehner’s already invited Netanyahu to speak at my funeral.”
- “Michele Bachmann predicted I would bring about the Biblical end of days. Now that’s big. … Lincoln, Washington — they didn’t do that.”
- The economy’s gotten so bad for some people that…”I had a friend, just a few weeks ago, she was making millions of dollars a year, and now she’s living out of a van in Iowa.”
- Speaking about his fondness for Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who could run for the Democratic nomination: “Apparently people really want to see a pot-smoking socialist in the White House. We could get a third Obama term after all.”
Rest assured, these lines (along with a tremendous performance by Keegan-Michael Key as “Luther the Angry Translator”) will be played all morning on the Sunday talk shows (with anchors/hosts/moderators all laughing/grinning/chuckling out of the bites and acting as if it’s the first time they’re hearing it). You’ll hear a majority of them on Monday as well. If a poll is done on the president’s likability this week, it’s almost a guarantee that number ticks up…all thanks to the convenience of online consumption, millions will see these clips who otherwise wouldn’t have at the beginning of Mr. Obama’s tenure.

4/  A rerun of the hilarious three minute clip of a Southwest flight attendant giving a "safety"'s got subtitles so you can read the jokes....she talks VERY fast.....

How come never get these fun flights? Waaaa.....

5/  The always excellent Frank Rich on the issues of the week....this one is about Hillary and Scientology.....

Most weeks, New York Magazine writer-at-large Frank Rich speaks with contributor Alex Carp about the biggest stories in politics and culture. This week, the magazine asked him about various presidential announcements and whether Scientology will lose its tax-exempt status.
ith Sunday’s announcement video and her Iowa campaign tour, Hillary Clinton is officially in it to win it again. She faces no Democratic challengers who might pose a serious threat to her securing her party’s nomination. It’s 9 months until anyone votes in Iowa or New Hampshire, 15 months until the Democratic convention. What will or can she accomplish?
On the basis of what little we’ve seen thus far, Hillary Clinton’s opening gambit is to persuade voters that a candidate of wealth and privilege, who has received fat checks for speaking to Goldman Sachs and will have a projected $2.5 billion campaign war chest, is as simple and down-home and as jus’ folks as the Iowa farmers in Grant Wood’s American Gothic. It is truly delicious to watch. There’s a kind of Thelma and Louise vibe to the stills from the security video showing Clinton and Huma Abedin in shades placing their order incognito at a Chipotle. The shots of Clinton holding court around a table with a few “everyday Americans” — as she has decided to call them — while dozens of reporters eavesdrop on the periphery are worthy of a Christopher Guest parody.

6/  Todays irresponsible guy video - here's seven minutes of some asshole in a Mercedes AMG C63 taunting and outrunning the Swedish police.....he has this beast set up with front, side and rear's a complete waste of seven minutes, but worth it for the adrenaline rush.....

7/  In some ways being in your 60's and retired is a bit of a relief, and one of the benefits is not having to work in todays business world - insecure, pensionless, and always looking over your shoulder to see if you've been "outsourced".....

But there's a new wrinkle - your job could be automated to an AI [Artificial Intelligence] doesn't have to do your job better - just adequate is fine, as it's much cheaper for a corporation to use a robot than have an employee......

It's coming folks, a nation of serfs and drones......a very good story from the Times....

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — THE machine hums along, quietly scanning the slides, generating Pap smear diagnostics, just the way a college-educated, well-compensated lab technician might.
A robot with emotion-detection software interviews visitors to the United States at the border. In field tests, this eerily named “embodied avatar kiosk” does much better than humans in catching those with invalid documentation. Emotional-processing software has gotten so good that ad companies are looking into “mood-targeted” advertising, and the government of Dubai wants to use it to scan all its closed-circuit TV feeds.
Yes, the machines are getting smarter, and they’re coming for more and more jobs.
Not just low-wage jobs, either.
Today, machines can process regular spoken language and not only recognize human faces, but also read their expressions. They can classify personality types, and have started being able to carry out conversations with appropriate emotional tenor.

8/  Amy Schumer is a funny lady.....some of her humour is a little crude, but still this skit with three powerhouse co-stars. I would hesitate to say this is one for the ladies, as some of you might be a little ticked at this video.....

But we report, you decide.....four minutes.....

“The media decides when you’re no longer believably f**kable”: Amy Schumer tears into industry sexism 

She enlists the help of Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tina Fey and Patricia Arquette to drive the point home  VIDEO

"The media decides when you're no longer believably f**kable": Amy Schumer tears into industry sexism(Credit: Comedy Central)
The Season 3 premiere of Comedy Central’s “Inside Amy Schumer” was full of methodically precise sketches that tackled hot button cultural issues. Perhaps most memorable of the bunch: “Last F**kable Day,” the star-studded sketch featuring Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tina Fey and Patricia Arquette that shames the media for its perpetuation of industry sexism. While on a jog, Schumer stumbles upon the gang having a picnic in the forest and quickly learns that they’ve convened to celebrate Louis-Dreyfus’ “last fuckable day.” That is, the day the media decides you are no longer “believably fuckable.” They take Schumer — “that girl from the television who talks about her pussy all the time” — under their wing and prepare her for the cruel world of middle-aged acting as a female: Disney stars replace you in the sequel to your Oscar-winning film and you only get signed on to movies with “uplifting yet vague” titles like “Whatever it Takes” or “She Means Well.” Then, you’re pushed off to sea … so you can go home and do laundry.

9/  The worst Governor in the country [yes, our very own Voldemort] won't let Florida use the $52 billion from the federal government to expand's has put Scott and Florida House crazies against the Florida Senate, which seems to be relatively sane for once. 

But as this good story from MSN says, there is no logic to this - it's the outpouring of pure hatred for Obama and Obamacare combined with contempt for the poor that's driving this behavior......and they call themselves Christians.....

Rick Scott And Florida Republicans Are Throwing An Anti-Obamacare Tantrum

An unusual and revealing political fight over health care has been unfolding in Florida.

It's unusual because it pits Rick Scott, the Republican governor, against some members of his own party. I's revealing because it lays bare the motives of the Affordable Care Act's most determined detractors.

Conservatives have plenty of genuine, intellectually honest reservations about the changes that came with Obamacare. They don't like the new government spending and regulation, for example. In some cases, conservatives object to the whole notion of government-sponsored insurance.

But the Florida dispute demonstrates that differences over policy can't, on their own, explain the fervor now on display. The law and its enactment have tapped into something deeper and more primal -- about what the law represents, or, perhaps, the president who signed it. 
Those feelings are so strong that, in Washington, Republicans have tried dramatic and unprecedented measures, such as shutting down the government. And from the looks of things, the anger is not going away anytime soon, particularly with a Republican presidential campaign underway and a potentially devastating Supreme Court decision looming.

10/  A second look at the same story from Scott Maxwell in the Orlando Sentinel from a political perspective.......very insightful......

Tallahassee melted down last week.
I know it's hard to tell in a town that suffers from daily dysfunction.
But last week, absurdity went on steroids when Republicans realized that all their screaming about how they don't want no stinkin' federal money might end up with them getting their wish.
This was something they never really expected.
Yes, they want to rant about Obamacare. But they also wanted to keep sucking up federal health-care dollars.

11/  A very good Bill Maher on the whores in the Republican party who deny climate change so they can get the Koch Brothers money......funny, and with an edge that's palpable.....well worth five minutes of your time......

Bill Maher ended his show tonight by going after Republican “zombie lies” on the environment and basically calling them “prostitutes” for denying climate change just to satisfy donors.
He ripped into candidates like Rick PerryJeb Bush, and Ted Cruz for raising serious questions about established science on climate change, before saying the whole thing was “never about facts to begin with.”
Maher said the donors are “making their money killing the planet” and as long as people like the Kochs continue to give Republicans tons and tons of money, nothing’s going to change.

12/  Looks like an interesting movie - "Ex Machina" in theaters right are decent....interesting segue from story #7 about AI machines taking our jobs.....

Ex Machina Android Alicia Vikander Ex Machina Review

Ex Machina is memorable and downright challenging, full of sharp performances that blur the lines between humanity and programming.

In the near-future, young computer coder Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), working for the world’s most powerful tech company, is selected to assist in an unorthodox experiment. Caleb travels far from his office job to an isolated homestead, and research facility, of the company’s reclusive CEO, Nathan Bateman (Oscar Isaac) for a weeklong visit. However, when the eager employee actually meets his employer, Caleb finds that, in his isolation, Nathan has become unhinged and obsessive – rarely seen without an alcoholic drink in hand.

Nevertheless, when Nathan reveals to Caleb the purpose of his visit, the coder dismisses his initial discomfort (and fear) in favor of jumping head-long into scientific discovery. Hidden away in his compound, Nathan has been working on an advanced artificial intelligence named Ava (Alicia Vikander) – and has brought Caleb in as a consultant, hoping the programmer can successfully administer a Turing Test: intended to determine if an A.I.’s personality and self-awareness is equal or greater than a flesh-and-blood human (meaning the A.I.’s “artificial” intelligence is imperceptible to “normal” people).

13/  You have to wonder about the frenzy we as a country get into about recreational drugs - it's the nanny state telling you what you can ingest and what's good for you, and the problem with their propaganda about [for example] weed is that what they are telling you is patently BS......which then opens the door for using drugs that are truly nasty and addictive like heroin and meth.....

But anyway, I found this story fascinating because a Mexican cartel has been smart, and decentralized their heroin distribution networks using good old fashioned American business acumen........and if what they are doing sounds like WalMart did, it is exactly that model. 

The irony is they aren't even close to doing the damage that WalMart has done to this country.....

FATAL heroin overdoses in America have almost tripled in three years. More than 8,250 people a year now die from heroin. At the same time, roughly double that number are dying from prescription opioid painkillers, which are molecularly similar. Heroin has become the fallback dope when an addict can’t afford, or find, pills. Total overdose deaths, most often from pills and heroin, now surpass traffic fatalities.
If these deaths are the measure, we are arguably in the middle of our worst drug plague ever, apart from cigarettes and alcohol.
And yet this is also our quietest drug plague. Strikingly little public violence accompanies it. This has muted public outrage. Meanwhile, the victims — mostly white, well-off and often young — are mourned in silence, because their parents are loath to talk publicly about how a cheerleader daughter hooked for dope, or their once-star athlete son overdosed in a fast-food restaurant bathroom.
The problem “is worse than it’s ever been, and young people are dying,” an addiction doctor in Columbus, Ohio — one of our many new heroin hot spots — wrote me last month. “This past Friday I saw 23 patients, all heroin addicts recently diagnosed.”

14/  David Hasselhoff is a character......his latest music video is truly amazing.....amazingly bad, that is. Just look at it with a clinical eye, and it's deliciously OTT in every way.....

This video is everything that was awful about the 80's.....but "The Hoff" rocks.......
It's got dinosaur attacks, kung fu Nazis, robotic transforming arcade cabinets, primitive video games, and beautiful women dressed in animal skins. Therefore it is perfect.
David Hasselhoff's new music video "True Survivor" takes the form of an action movie in which our hero confidently takes on the world. The special effects and combat scenes are gloriously over-the-top. It's precisely what you would hope for from The Hoff--the man who made the 1980s so 1980s-ish.

Summer TV #1

15/  Mary and I have watched "The Americans" from the beginning, and we can say this show is up there in quality, drama and character development with "The Wire", "Sopranos" and "The Fall".....incredibly good......

The best TV show you're not watching: "The Americans" will never be must-see TV, no matter how hard it triesKeri Russell and Matthew Rhys in "The Americans"  (Credit: FX/Patrick Harbron)
For its fans, “The Americans” is not just a beloved show, it’s a mission. The FX show, which concludes its third season tomorrow evening, is talked about almost exclusively in terms of how not enough people are watching it—critics and viewers who love the show are often stumping for it as much as they’re analyzing it. At Vox, Todd VanDerWerff calls it “the best show on TV”; Emily Nussbaum at the New Yorker finds it to be “possibly the best current drama out there (at least of the ones I’ve been able to keep up with!),” and Matt Zoller Seitz at Vulture titled his review in January, “For the Love of God, Watch ‘The Americans’ Tonight.” These are rave reviews from respected critics, in an era when TV criticism is read more than ever. And yet the praise doesn’t seem to stick.
Which is perplexing, because “The Americans” is an empirically letter-perfect prestige drama. It’s moody, it’s violent, it’s sexy, and it’s even period—set in the very early ‘80s, a period ripe for nostalgia. The show is about two Soviet sleeper agents who have lived undercover in Washington, DC for so long that everything about them—their marriage, their children, their names—smacks of good old-fashioned middle America. Except that then they wear wigs and costumes and sleep with strangers, to advance the cause of Mother Russia.
It’s worth observing, briefly, that a major reason “The Americans” doesn’t have more viewers is because the show is streaming online exclusively with Amazon Prime. Though Amazon is the second-most popular streaming service, it is still leaps and bounds behind Netflix, the most popular.

Summer TV #2

16/  We missed this show "American Crime", but will definitely be streaming it this summer based on this story in Salon......intelligent TV indeed.....

"American Crime": In this dark and all-too-human murder drama, no supervillains or antiheroes need apply Felicity Huffman in "American Crime"  (Credit: ABC)
“People see me how they see me and that’s all they see,” says Hector Tontz (Richard Cabral) in the eighth episode of “American Crime,” the ABC series that is quietly and brilliantly taking apart the prime-time crime drama. Too quietly, it seems; with the show’s ratings sinking every week, some voices in the entertainment press are already describing the cancellation of “American Crime” as inevitable. That would be a dismaying end for one of the few truly ambitious, innovative and grown-up dramas on network or cable TV.
The story begins with the eponymous crime in Modesto, California: A home invasion that leaves Matt Skokie, a young veteran, dead and his wife, Gwen, barely alive. Matt’s long-divorced parents, Barb and Russ, arrive in town. Gwen’s parents, devout Christians, haunt the hospital. The rebellious teenage son of a widowed Latino auto shop owner admits that he rented the family car — spotted fleeing the scene — to Hector, who (we will later learn), is on the lam from a murder charge in Mexico. Hector fingers a black man named Carter Nix as the shooter, so the cops arrest him, separating Carter from Aubrey, his white addict girlfriend.
That’s a lot of story lines to keep in play, and I know a few people who bailed on “American Crime” a couple of episodes in because the characters seemed too broadly sketched and the structure too reminiscent of pompous prestige-cinema offerings like “Traffic.” But “American Crime” show runner John Ridley — he won an Oscar for his screenplay for “12 Years a Slave” — has an aversion to moral preaching and a lot more than just two hours to spin out this yarn. To paraphrase Hector, if stereotypes are all you see, you’re missing a lot.
The most original thing about “American Crime” is that not one bit of the story is told from the perspective of a cop, a lawyer, a private detective or a sleuth of any kind. Every major character has a personal rather than a professional connection to the crime. Each is someone whose life has been wrecked by the murder and its aftermath. These people know next to nothing about the investigation, and whatever their role in the case, they all find the legal system to be a baffling and indifferent labyrinth full of booby traps and stone walls.

Todays video - is Russian, and it will take you a while to see how it works visually......and if you've had some wine you'll be totally baffled.....

Todays Ukranian joke
Vladimir Putin, wanting to get on the good side of voters, goes to visit a school in Moscow to have a chat with the kids. 

He talks to them about how Russia is a powerful nation and how he wants the best for the people. 
At the end of the talk, there is a section for questions. 

Little Sasha puts her hand up and says "I have two questions. 

Why did the Russians take Crimea ? 
And why are we sending troops to Ukraine ?" 

Putin says "Good questions..." 

But just as he is about to answer, the bell goes, and the kids go to lunch. 
When they come back, they sit back down and there is room for some more questions. 

Another girl, Misha, puts her hand up and says 
"I have four questions. 

My questions are - 
Why did the Russians invade Crimea? 
Why are we sending troops to Ukraine ? 
Why did the bell go 20 minutes early? 
And where is Sasha?"

Todays Australian guy joke

The Husband Store

 A store that sells new husbands has opened in Melbourne, where a woman may go to choose a husband.
Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

You may visit this store
There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. 
The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, 
but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! 

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. 
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 2
 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

'That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.'
So she continues upward.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3
 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.

'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 4
 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.
'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!'

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 5
 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 
sixth floor , where the sign reads: 
Floor 6
 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. 
There are no men on this floor. 
This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. 
Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store 


To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.
The first floor has wives that love sex. 
The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and like beer. 

third, fourth, fifth and sixth floor
have never been visited!

Todays golf joke
A man had two of the best tickets for the Masters tournament in Augusta, Ga.

As he sits down, another man comes along and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him.

"No", he says, "the seat is empty."

"This is incredible!" said the man,"who in their right mind would have a seat like this, the biggest golfing event of the whole world, and not use it?"

He says, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. My wife always would come with me, but she passed away.This is the first Masters we haven't been to together since we got married.”

"Oh ... I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. I guess you couldn't find someone else? A friend or relative or even a neighbor to take the seat?"

The man shakes his head, "No. They're all at the funeral."

Monday, April 20, 2015

Davids Daily Dose - Monday April 20th

Two essential reads this week.....#1 and #11.....exceptionally good articles....

The Hillary train started moving this week, and here are some interesting articles to think about......

1/  Matt Taibbi is one of our most astute political reporters, and nails it again - the theme of the Clinton message is populism, and the media are reacting as predicted, but it won't last. 

If you are are a little indifferent or suspicious of this "New Hillary" message, there's a good reason for that - you have become "aware" and are seeing through the hype. If you are going to read one political story this week, read this one. Taibbi says it like it is and gives you the reality behind the posturing....

Hillary Clinton ran onto the playing field this week, Rock and Roll Part 2 blaring in the background, and started lying within minutes of announcing her entry into the presidential election campaign.
"There's something wrong," she told a crowd of Iowans, "when hedge fund managers pay lower taxes than nurses or the truckers I saw on I-80 when I was driving here over the last two days."
Oh, right, that. The infamous carried interest tax break, the one that allows private equity vampires like Mitt Romney and Stephen Schwartzman to pay a top tax rate of 15 percent while all of the rest of us (including the truckers Hillary "saw" – note she didn't say "hung out with Bill and me over chilled shrimp at the Water Club") pay income taxes.
The carried interest loophole is an absurd, completely unjustifiable handout to the not merely well-off but filthy rich, and it's been law in this country for about three decades.
Raise your hand if you really think that Hillary Clinton is going to repeal the carried interest tax break.
We'll come back to that in a minute. In the meantime, the reaction to Hillary's campaign announcement went exactly according to script. Newspapers and news sites ever-so-slightly raised figurative eyebrows at the tone of Hillary's announcement, remarking upon its "populist" flair.

2/  This is a fairly jaundiced view of Hillary's campaign from Bill Curry in Salon, and his main points are politics have fundamentally changed, but the Democratic techniques of running a tough campaign haven't. What's new is widespread anger and disillusionment, and voters are hungry for more idealism and less bullshit......

I don't completely agree with his conclusions, but he makes some compelling arguments......good story if you're interested in politics....

Hillary Clinton just doesn't get it: She's already running a losing campaignHillary Clinton  (Credit: AP/Carolyn Kaster)
Hillary Clinton joins the race for president today. If you believe the leaks from her staff, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t, she’ll do it in a video released at noon as she herself flies high above the nation in a chartered plane. She and her top advisors, all smart people, must think it’s a good idea.  It doesn’t feel like one.
For months Clinton has run a front-porch campaign — if by porch you mean Boo Radley’s. Getting her outdoors is hard enough; when she does get out it’s often to give paid speeches to people who look just like her: educated, prosperous and privileged.  Needing desperately to connect with the broader public, she opts for the virtual reality of a pre-taped video delivered via social media. Go figure.
Her leakers say she’ll head out on a listening tour like the one that kicked off her first Senate race. They say listening to real people talk about real stuff will make her seem more real. This too may be a good idea, but it made more sense when she was a rookie candidate seeking a lesser office in a state she barely knew. Running for president is different. So are the times. Voters are more desperate now, and in a far worse mood. If you invite their questions, you’d better have some answers. I’ll return to this point shortly.
Her leakers say she’ll avoid big events, rallies, stadiums, that sort of thing. This is about 2008, when she and her tone-deaf team seemed to be planning a coronation. This time they say she doesn’t want to come off as quite so presumptuous. Yet next week she keynotes a ‘Global Women’s Summit’ cohosted by Tina Brown and the New York Times, at which “world leaders, industry icons, movie stars and CEOs convene with artists, rebels, peacemakers and activists to tell their stories and share their plans of action.” Orchestra seats go for $300.
Clinton personifies the meritocracy that to an angry middle class looks increasingly like just another privileged caste. It’s the anger captured best by the old ‘Die Yuppie Scum’ posters and in case you haven’t noticed, it’s on the rise. 

3/  Paul Krugman in the Times with a column that sounds like the kind of puff piece Matt Taibbi mentions in #1, but isn't. Krugman makes the point that the ideological differences between the two parties are real, and significant, which will transcend party messages. The Republicans unashamedly represent the billionaire class, and the Democrats do too, but not as blatantly. At least the Dems pretend to care about the middle class.....

So Hillary Clinton is officially running, to nobody’s surprise. And you know what’s coming: endless attempts to psychoanalyze the candidate, endless attempts to read significance into what she says or doesn’t say about President Obama, endless thumb-sucking about her “positioning” on this or that issue.
Please pay no attention. Personality-based political analysis is always a dubious venture — in my experience, pundits are terrible judges of character. Those old enough to remember the 2000 election may also remember how we were assured that George W. Bush was a nice, affable fellow who would pursue moderate, bipartisan policies.
In any case, there has never been a time in American history when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less. As we head into 2016, each party is quite unified on major policy issues — and these unified positions are very far from each other. The huge, substantive gulf between the parties will be reflected in the policy positions of whomever they nominate, and will almost surely be reflected in the actual policies adopted by whoever wins.
For example, any Democrat would, if elected, seek to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act. Any Republican would seek to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system.

4/  OK,  time for some light relief - SNL has a hilarious five minute skit on the Hillary announcement, with an appearance from the "big dog" himself, Bill Clinton played by Darrell Hammond.........

Get used to Kate McKinnon as Hillary....there's two years of this to go, and she's Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin, she's more real than the lady herself.....

"Buckle up America, because the Clintons are back!": Hillary Clinton's 2016 announcement gets the perfect "SNL" treatment(At long last, Hillary Clinton is making her 2016 candidacy official today. For those who miss Darrell Hammond on “Saturday Night Live,” this is delightful news for a very different reason: More Bill!
On last night’s “SNL” cold open, the imminent Hillary announcement yielded the perfect excuse for Hammond to reprise his role as Bill Clinton. This time, though, as the unhinged “First Dude” (FDOTUS?) dropping Lewinsky references while Hillary (Kate McKinnon) is trying her darndest to record the perfect video announcement for Twitter. “Isn’t it crazy that phones can take video now?” Bill (Hammond) says. “I mean, if they could have done that in the ’90s, I’d be in jail.”

5/  "People Are Awesome" is a series of short movies showing sports, stunts and just plain amazing feats of derring-doo......and as a bonus noone gets hurt in these videos! Seven minutes of very cool stuff, set to new-age music.....

I want to do the flying suit thing.....

6/  A reasonably good Bill Maher "New Rules".....nothing too heavy, just funny......five minutes....

Bill Maher ended his show tonight by putting America’s religious freedom debate in some context: at least U.S. fundamentalists have been reined in, but Muslim nations need to do the same. (This came at the end of a show where Maher and Fareed Zakaria argued about Maher’s critiques of Islam.)
Maher found it hilarious that the culture wars have progressed to the point where conservatives are fighting for the right not to serve wedding cakes to gay people. After all, he said, the Bible dictates “being gay is an abomination and we must destroy it by denying it pastry.”
But as nutty as America’s fundamentalists are, Maher said that Islam has “crazy scripture” too, and moderates need to “hijack it,” take the “crazy parts” out, and hope for a more peaceful time when, just like the U.S., their biggest fights are over gay cake.

7/  Zach King's best vines of 2014....and for you untutored, a vine is a six second video clip. Zack seems to be a magician and/or stuntman, and this is three minutes of his best vines of 2014. He's quite clever......

Zach King is an American Vine star, film-maker and YouTube personality based in Los Angeles. He is most known for his "magic vines" - six-second videos digitally edited to show as if he is doing magic. He calls his videos "digital sleight of hand".

8/  For regular readers of DDD this story won't be a surprise - the inequality of wealth in this country is much worse that people realize.......but as the title says, most people are clueless, and it's the fault of the corporate media, which ignores these facts because the oligarchs don't want the stupids to know how badly they are being screwed. But DDD readers know, don't you.....

This piece is from Scientific American, so it's been fact checked....

The American people are clueless: Why income inequality is so much worse than we realize 

A wealth of new research confirms the rich and the poor have no idea how good and how bad the other have it 


This article was originally published by Scientific American
Scientific AmericanIn a candid conversation with Frank Rich last fall, Chris Rock said, “Oh, people don’t even know. If poor people knew how rich rich people are, there would be riots in the streets.” The findings of three studies, published over the last several years inPerspectives on Psychological Science, suggest that Rock is right. We have no idea how unequal our society has become.
In their 2011 paperMichael Norton and Dan Ariely analyzed beliefs about wealth inequality. They asked more than 5,000 Americans to guess the percentage of wealth (i.e., savings, property, stocks, etc., minus debts) owned by each fifth of the population. Next, they asked people to construct their ideal distributions. Imagine a pizza of all the wealth in the United States. What percentage of that pizza belongs to the top 20% of Americans? How big of a slice does the bottom 40% have? In an ideal world, how much should they have?
The average American believes that the richest fifth own 59% of the wealth and that the bottom 40% own 9%. The reality is strikingly different. The top 20% of US households own more than 84% of the wealth, and the bottom 40% combine for a paltry 0.3%. The Walton family, for example, has more wealth than 42% of American families combined.

9/  Ever heard of Maroon 5? Me neither, but in their new video they crash weddings all over Los Angeles and play their new song as a surprise.....quite a funny premise, and an amusing video.....the song "Sugar" is pleasant but forgettable....

Everybody knows that Adam Levine is a douchebag. Even though he explicitly told GQ that he's not a douchebag, everyone knows he is. They know this because of his creepy music videos. They know this because his new year's resolution was once "be more awesome."
And yet even the staunchest Adam Levine haters will have to admit that Maroon 5's video for "Sugar," directed by the man behind Wedding Crashers, is insanely charming. They will have to admit that "Sugar" is one of the catchiest songs of the year. They will have to like Adam Levine, because this music video is an undeniably good time.

10/  Tom Tomorrow with a look at the Republican alternatives to Obamacare......

Sometimes cartoonists just nail it, like none else can.......

11/  You should know by now that the average American diet is really unhealthy, and we as a country eat all of the wrong things and way too much of them too......but as this fascinating story details the reason your diet is so bad, and the government guidelines so flawed is because of Big Ag and their role in setting the diet given to all Americans. It's all about the money folks.....

If you want to eat healthily and you haven't taken much interest in this before, just followed the herd, please read this - it's an excellent article.

I see this when we go to buy yoghurt in Publix - 90% of the yoghurt sold is 0% fat or 2% reduced fat, or with sugar added, and the only healthy choice is the plain need good fats, and a plain yoghurt is one of these.....

We try, but there's a shitload of money and ads telling you you need low fat everything and as this story says this is bad for you.....

The choice is yours - do as Big Ag and the gub'ment recommends, or think for yourself and be healthier....

The FDA's phony nutrition science: How Big Food and Agriculture trumps real science -- and why the government allows itMichelle Obama has lunch with students at Parklawn Elementary School in Alexandria, Virginia January 25, 2012.  (Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)
Lie: The U.S. Department of Agriculture Knows What Should Be on Your Plate
You know by now that sugar has been pumped into the food chain over the last fifty years, especially in the form of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). As a result, there has been a dramatic increase in a whole range of illnesses that manifest in different parts of your bodies, depending on your own genetic profile. All are caused by the same underlying impact of inflammation from sugar, and the resulting nerve damage and compression. Medical professionals can be blinded by the bias of their specialties and miss the important connections linking these seemingly unrelated conditions. But like us, they’re hampered by information linked to the partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Big Agra complex.
When the Government Took an Interest in What You Eat
In 1916, the USDA began a well-intended nutrition education program consisting of two publications, “Food for Young Children” and “How to Select Food.” These plans established guidelines for groups and households to provide “protective foods.” Then, in 1992, after several successive programs, the USDA established the familiar Food Guide Pyramid, with its six basic food groups. The base of the pyramid, as we all recall, consisted of the Bread, Cereal, Rice & Pasta Group. Americans were advised that in order to be healthy, they needed to consume 6–11 servings of these foods per day! The pyramid then stacked foods in descending importance: fruits and vegetables, meats and dairy products, and finally, fats and sweets to be used sparingly. A modified MyPyramid Food Guidance System was initiated in 2005; it added the concept of exercise and stressed moderation in food choices rather than specific daily servings.
The latest incarnation, established in 2011, is a dinner plate icon called MyPlate, which advises us on the percentages of foods we should consume daily: 30 percent grains, 40 percent vegetables, 10 percent fruits, and 20 percent protein, with a small, side portion of dairy.

12/  "The Guitar Man's" version of the Tea Party anthem "I Want My Country Back"......three minutes....

What do you get when you cross regressive Tea Party politics and the achingly woeful “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables? A new anthem for the party of Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, of course, courtesy of New York City singer-songwriter David Ippolito, otherwise known as That Guitar Man from Central Park.
Ippolito’s song, titled “I Want My Country Back,” takes a satirical stab at the Tea Party’s insistence that America should return to the days “when hardly anyone was gay” and the poor had no access to insurance.

13/  We lose track of some of the awful things our scumbag of a Governor does because he is so incredibly corrupt and evil, but the refusal to take the $52 billion for Medicaid for low income Floridians is criminal.....the Florida Senate is for it, but the House [full of crazies] and the piece of wolverine shit we have as Governor won't......

Now he's suing the Federal Government......

Greg Sargent in the Washington Post.....

Florida Gov. Rick Scott . (AP Photo/John Raoux)
I hope you’ll indulge this blog for writing about the bruising, high-stakes fight over the Medicaid expansion in Florida for a second day in a row. But now things have taken a turn towards the truly surreal.
As you may recall, Governor Rick Scott recently reversed himself on the Medicaid expansion, digging in against it so hard that his fellow Republicans warned that he was putting the push for tax cuts, a major GOP priority, in serious peril. (This is because the Obama administration is considering phasing out funding for another Medicaid program — the Low Income Pool, or LIP, which provides money to hospitals that treat the uninsured — and without that money, or the Medicaid expansion money, the budget is in trouble. State Senate Republicans want him to take the expansion money; he, and state House Republicans, are saying No, and conservative groups such as the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity are demanding no surrender.)
Now Scott is taking a new step: He is suing the Obama administration as part of that dispute. Basically, Scott’s lawsuit is designed to get the administration to fork over federal money for health care — but only if it is not part of Obamacare.

14/  A powerful and actually quite emotionally disturbing one minute car safety video from New Zealand......for all you speeders, and also drivers that pull out without looking.....

15/  Carl Hiaasen with a discussion of the crime of DWB......he makes the excellent and not immediately obvious point that the main reason whites are pulled over by the cops is driving infractions, like speeding. Blacks are lit up by police for many other reasons....

The shooting of Walter L. Scott in South Carolina prompts the question:
When is the last time you heard of a white man in a Mercedes-Benz being pulled over for driving with a broken taillight?
It has probably happened somewhere, some time, but there’s a better chance of your car being hit by a meteor.
Getting shot dead during a minor traffic stop also isn’t a prevailing fear among white males in America, no matter what type of vehicle they own.

Todays video - "The Spanish Inquisition" from Monty Python.....two segments.....both good, but the second one is a little better......four minutes each....

Todays religious joke

While the priest was presenting a children's sermon, he asked the 
children if they knew what the Resurrection was.

Now, asking questions during children's sermons is crucial, but at the same time,
asking children questions in front of a congregation can also be very dangerous. 
In response to the question, a little boy raised his hand.

Little Bob Smith

The priest called on Little Bob and the boy said, "I know that if you have a 
resurrection that lasts more than four hours you are supposed to call the doctor."  

It took ten minutes for the congregation to settle down enough for the service to continue

Another religious joke


The following is an actual question given on a  University of Arizona  chemistry mid term, and an actual answer turned in by a student.  

The answer was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well :
Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?  

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:
 First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving, which is unlikely. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:  
  1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.  
  2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?  

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, 'It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,' and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct..... ...leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting 'Oh my God.'


A sort of religious-ish joke


A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there is sex after death. Their biggest fear was that there was no after life at all.  

After a long life together, the husband was the first to die. True to his word, he made the first contact: 

"Marion, Marion ." 

"Is that you, Bob?" 

"Yes, I've come back like we agreed." 

"That's wonderful! What's it like?" 

"Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I have breakfast and then it's off to the golf course. I have sex again, bathe in the warm sun and then have sex a couple of more times.. Then I have lunch (you'd be proud -- lots of greens). 

Another romp around the golf course, then pretty much have sex the rest of the afternoon. After supper, it's back to golf course again. Then it's more sex until late at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again".

"Oh, Bob! Are you in Heaven?"

"No. I'm a rabbit somewhere in Arizona."