Monday, June 27, 2022

Davids Daily Dose - Monday June 27th


1/. A story that says Republican insiders aren't worried how the abortion issue will affect the mid-terms....and with the average American attention span, they may be right.....
Abortion-rights activists protest outside the Planned Parenthood Reproductive Health Services Center in St. Louis, Missouri, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday. Photo: Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images

On the left and among Democrats, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning 

Roe v. Wade on Friday was an earthshaking event. It prompted demonstrations 

across the country, a torrent of outrage and despair on social media, and big 

political speeches — including President Biden and other Democrats saying that 

Roe is on the ballot” in this fall’s midterm elections.

The reaction was far more casual on the right.

2/. Absolutely fascinating story from Politico about how the white working class is split 
into two distinct groups, and the Democrats are ignoring all of them.....

Ever since J.D. Vance became the Republican Senate nominee in Ohio, journalists 
and pundits have been preoccupied with how Vance’s politics have shifted since 
the 2016 publication of his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy. The book brought Vance fame 
and a platform that he used, among other things, to criticize Donald Trump. Since 
then, Vance’s positions on polarizing issues like immigration have lurched to the 
right and he sought — and won — Trump’s endorsement. Vance now also dabbles 

3/. Bad Lip Reading with "NFL 2022".....amusing, and they've tweaked the format a little.....

4/. Conservative media is salivating over Ron DeSantis...

If you want to get a sense of which way the Republican Party is headed in 2024, here 
are two straws in the wind. First, Gary Fineout reported that Ron DeSantis might
 not seek Donald Trump’s endorsement in his reelection contest for governor — a 
risk DeSantis can probably afford, given the Republican tidal wave that will be at 
his back in November. Second, a poll of likely Republican-primary voters in New 
Hampshire found DeSantis edging out Trump 39 percent to 37 percent.

5/. Bill Maher is pissed with the Democrats - one of his best "New Rules"...7 excellent minutes...

6/. Bob Lefsetz with a big picture look at the Supreme Court decision and what it 
means....very good indeed....

They’re gonna take away your guns!

They’re gonna turn your kids into homosexuals, even worse they might end up being trans!

These are the tropes the right runs on again and again. Tiny issues, usually social issues, that 

they blow up to obscure the real issues, which are often to the detriment of their constituents, 

to win elections. AND IT WORKS!

I was having dinner with John Glenn… You remember, he was a senator in addition to being an

 astronaut. And, he was from Ohio. Which used to be blue. And he’s telling me how the right 

weaponized social issues to win. But he was already out of office, approaching ninety… 

Everybody knows the truth, but no one wants to say it on the left.


7/. This is what everyone's thinking.....

8/. Heather Cox Richardson with her excellent perspective of what is really behind the 
Supreme Court decisions, and what it is 
leading up to in the next couple of years....the reality is your life is going to change.

At yesterday’s hearing of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th 

Attack on the U.S. Capitol, we heard overwhelming proof that former president Trump 

and his congressional supporters tried to overturn the will of the voters in the 2020 

presidential election and steal control of our country to keep a minority in power.

Today, thanks to three justices nominated by Trump, the Supreme Court stripped a 

constitutional right from the American people, a right we have enjoyed for almost 

50 years, a right that is considered a fundamental human right in most liberal 

democracies, and a right they indicated they would protect because it was settled law.

These two extraordinary events are related. The current-day Republican Party has 
abandoned the idea of a democracy in which a majority of the people elect their 
government. Instead, its members have embraced minority rule. 

9/. John Oliver with a very good comedic reporting segment on housing and rents.....informative as well as amusing....

10/. What are Trump supporters so afraid of? The answer, surprisingly, is 
themselves.....interesting story.....

As the January 6 hearings restarted today after the long weekend, I was thinking about the weird, psychotic fear that has overtaken millions of Americans. I include in those millions people who are near and dear to me, friends I have known for years who now seem to speak a different language, a kind of Fox-infused, Gish Galloping, “what-about” patois that makes no sense even if you slow it down or add punctuation.

Such conversations are just part of life in divided America now. We live 
in a democracy, and there’s no law (nor should there be) against the 
willing suffocation of one’s own brain cells with television and the internet. 

11/. Merrick Garland.....cautious, or just pathetically indecisive?

12/. Umair with his gloomy take on where our society is headed.....I certainly 
hope he's wrong.....

13/. Jordan Klepper asks MAGAs if they've watched the Jan. 6 hearings....OMG these people.....4 painful minutes....

14/. Interesting story on how our society is going cashless.....and how that's a bad thing 
as the banks will truly own you. 
And then there's the Handmaid's Tale the gub'mint can screw anyone in a 
cashless society....
Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty Images

Of all the futuristic promises that were made at the end of the 20th century, mobile digital payments is one of the handful that our society has delivered. Whenever you have to pay for something, there is a very good chance you can do it with your card, phone, or even watch. During the first decades of the 21st century, cash has gone 

from the primary American form of payment to third place. Debit cards jogged past 

in 2018, and credit cards followed in the first pandemic year, 2020.

15/. Tom Tomorrow on the reality of how MAGA thinks....

16/. In case you have a question about where to buy your 
sports equipment....Dicks is your place.....

Today Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO, Lauren Hobart, posted the following statement. I will leave it here without comment except to 
note that Dick’s Sporting Goods also quit selling guns in the wake of the Parkland shootings, so it’s establishing quite a track record for integrity.

17/. Bob Lefsetz on why protests don't work any more.....

Stay home.

When you get the clarion call to go to some destination to wield signs and slogans in support of your mission I hope it makes you feel good, because it has no effect on the cause whatsoever.

Mass protests in America are all based on those that took place during the Vietnam era.

But the Vietnam era was different. Not only was there no streaming TV, there was no basic cable, no cable news, CNN didn’t arrive until 1980, and there was no Fox, never mind the CW. We only had three television networks and we all watched ’em. Hit TV shows had ratings akin to the Super Bowl, every week. There was not a soul who had not seen “Laugh-In” on Monday night, and you had to tune in Monday night or it was gone forever. Oh, there might be a summer rerun, but there was no On Demand, never mind videotapes or DVDs.

As for the news?

18/. Vanity Fair likes the new season of Westworld....

If you, like me, dutifully watched all of Westworld’s third season (and even perhaps, like me, 

did a whole dang podcast about it) and yet have pretty much no recollection of what happened during its muddled run of episodes, I highly suggest watching some sort of video recap ahead o

f the season-four premiere (HBO, June 26). Otherwise, you will be utterly at sea; Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan’s knotty sci-fi thriller allows little time for catchup and rehash. 

Once you’ve gotten your bearings, though, season four proves far more inviting, legible, and gripping than did the previous season, which significantly altered the DNA of the series from eerie psycho-philosophical musing to pre-apocalyptic action. 

Today's aging jokes
Perks of reaching 50 or being over 60 and
heading towards 70!

01. Kidnappers are not very interested in

02. In a hostage situation you are likely to
be released first.

03. No one expects you to run -- anywhere.

04. People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake

05. People no longer view you as a

06. There is nothing left to learn the hard

07. Things you buy now won't wear out.

08. You can eat supper at 5 PM.

09. You can live without sex but not your

10. You get into heated arguments about
pension plans.

11. You no longer think of speed limits as
a challenge.

12. You quit trying to hold your stomach
in no matter who walks into the room.

13. You sing along with elevator music.

14. Your eyes won't get much worse.

15. Your investment in health insurance
is finally beginning to pay off.

16. Your joints are more accurate
meteorologists than the national weather

17.Your secrets are safe with your friends
because they can't remember them either.

18. Your supply of brain cells is finally
down to manageable size!!!!

Today's bear joke
A  Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher and a Rabbi all served as Chaplains to the  students of Northern Michigan University at Marquette in the Upper Peninsula of  Michigan. 

They would get together two or three times a week for coffee  and to talk shop. 

One day, someone made the comment that preaching to  people isn't really all that hard, a real challenge would be to preach to a  bear. 

One thing led to another, and they decided to do an experiment. They would all go out into the woods, find a bear, preach to it, and attempt to convert it to their religion. 

Seven days later, they all came together to discuss their experiences. 

Father Flannery, who had his arm in a sling, was on crutches, and had various bandages on his body and limbs, went first. 

'Well,' he said, 'I went into the woods to find me a bear. And  when I found him, I began to read to him from the Catechism. 

Well, that  bear wanted nothing to do with me and began to slap me around. So I quickly grabbed my holy water, sprinkled him and, Holy Mary Mother of God, he became as  gentle as a lamb. The Bishop is coming out next week to give him first communion  and confirmation.' 

Reverend Billy Bob spoke next. He was in a wheelchair, had one arm and both legs in casts, and had an IV drip. 

In his best fire-and-brimstone oratory, he exclaimed, 'WELL, brothers, you KNOW that we  Baptists don't sprinkle! I went out and I FOUND me a bear. And then I began to  read to my bear from God's HOLY WORD! But that bear wanted nothing to do with me. 

So I took HOLD of him and we began to wrestle. We wrestled down one  hill, UP another and DOWN another until we came to a creek. So I quickly DUNKED him and BAPTIZED his hairy soul. And just like you said, he became as gentle as a lamb. We spent the rest of the day praising Jesus. Hallelujah! 

The  Priest and the Reverend both looked down at the Rabbi, who was lying in a  hospital bed. He was in a body cast and traction with IVs and monitors running  in and out of him. He was in really bad shape. 

The Rabbi looked up  and said: "Looking back on it, circumcision may not have been the best way to  start." 

Today's philosophical jokes
Q. What's a mixed feeling? 

A. When you see your Mother-In-Law backing off a cliff in your new car.
Q. What's the height of conceit? 

A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name.
Q. What's the definition of 'Macho'?

A. Jogging home from your vasectomy.
Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball? 

A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball
Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex?

A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick!
Q.Why is divorce so expensive? 

A. Because it's worth it!
Q. What is a Yankee?

A. The same as a quickie, but a Guy can do it alone.
Q. What do Tupperware and a Walrus have in common?

A. They both like a tight seal.
Q. What do a Christmas tree and a Priest have in common?

A. Their balls are just for decoration.
Q. How do you find a Blind Man in a nudist colony?

A. It's not hard.

Q: What's the difference between a Girlfriend and a Wife?

A: 45 pounds.
Q: What's the difference between a Boyfriend and a Husband?

A: 45 minutes.
Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?

A: Breasts don't have eyes.
Q. Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning? 

A . They don't have balls to scratch! 

Today's senior golfer joke
Arthur is 90 years old.

He's played golf every day since his retirement 25 years ago. One
day he arrives home looking downcast.
 "That's it," he tells his wife. "I'm giving up golf. My eyesight
has got so bad. Once I've hit the ball, I can't see where it went."

His wife sympathizes. As they sit down, she has a suggestion: "Why
don't you take my brother with you, and give it one more try."

"That's no good," sighs Arthur. "Your brother is a hundred and
three. He can't help."

"He may be a hundred and three," says the wife, "but his eyesight
is perfect."

So the next day, Arthur heads off to the golf course with his
brother-in-law. He tees up, takes an almighty swing, and squints down the

 He turns to the brother-in-law. "Did you see the ball?"
"Of course I did!", says the brother-in-law. "I have perfect eyesight."

 "Where did it go?" asks Arthur.

 "Can't remember."

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Davids Daily Dose - Tuesday June 21st


1/. Is Trump a monster? Chauncy DeVega argues Trump is an evolution of our unequal society
 that created the circumstances where such a "monster" could prevail....

In a recent New York Times column, Maureen Dowd describes Donald Trump as an "American monster." This is an entirely reasonable view, but American society is mired in such a state of malignant normality that this monster has tens of millions of followers, who worship his greed, criminality and cruelty. 

2/. Coming distractions.....

3/. For an opposing viewpoint to #1, Andrew Sullivan argues Trump is unique, and we discount 
the power of an individual to shape our society.....

“Frankly there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president,” - former veep Mike Pence.

There is a tendency, and I understand it, to view the crisis of democratic legitimacy in this country as multi-determined. The rank failure of elites this century, the intellectual barrenness of the pre-Trump GOP, the ever-further radicalization of the left, along with the cultural impacts of mass immigration and free trade, all count as contributing factors. You can tell the story in many different ways, with varying emphases, and assignations of blame.

4/. Bill Maher with "Democracy Dies In Dumbness"....excellent, this one.....

5/. We need to get rid of the old fearful Democraticelites who are stifling change....

If you want a sense of what separates much of the leadership of the Democratic Party from many of its supporters — of what illustrates their profound disconnect from younger cohorts of liberal and progressive voters — you could do much worse than to read this recent statement from Senator Dianne Feinstein of California.

6/. This is your DDD History lesson!

7/. Bernie debated Lindsey Graham on Fox News, and it went well for might imagine a future where Bernie wasn't 
screwed by Hillary's campaign and got the nomination, along with the future when we had President Gore in 2000...
Bernie Sanders with Lindsey Graham and Fox host Bret Baier after the debate.Bernie Sanders with Lindsey Graham and Fox host Bret Baier after the debate. Sanders wasted no time before diving into a signature issue – universal healthcare. Photograph: Josh Reynolds/AP


ox News is, to put it mildly, not known for indulging progressive politics – but the rightwing news channel gave it a go on Monday, when Bernie Sanders appeared in a debate on the network’s sister channel, Fox Nation.

8/. John Oliver on Tech monopolies......good comedic reporting as usual...

9/. Umair with a pretty good take on what the Jan. 6th Committee is really trying to do......just read the first few paragraphs, you'll get the gist...Image Credit: J. Scott Applewhite

Imagine a crash cart. Ever watch a medical show? Charging…3…2…1…bzzzt. The patient’s back suddenly arches. Their limbs flail. A thousand volts surge through their nervous system. Did it work?

Now you check. Sinus rhythm.

American democracy’s dying. It’s a patient who suffered a violent attack on its life. And then it was kicked and beaten while it was down. Now it’s in the hospital. Its hemmorhaging. Its heart has stopped. Want to understand why the January 6th Committee and its findings matter? They’re the crash cart.

10/. Tom Tomorrow.....hmm....these aliens sound familiar!

11/. Paul Krugman went to Europe....and was impressed....

I’ve just finished a long European tour. No, I wasn’t playing Very Important Pundit, interviewing political and business leaders (although there were a few conferences along the way). Mostly I was visiting friends, biking in Portugal, hiking in the English countryside, strolling around Berlin, etc. By the way, I had forgotten that Berlin has a massive monument to the Soviet Army:

12/. Any takers? 

13/. The Times answers your questions about Covid immunity.....
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who have already had Covid-19, you may be wondering how long you will have immunity from the coronavirus. Earlier in the pandemic, most people assumed that getting infected had at least one upside: that you would be protected against future encounters with the virus. But as the latest wave heads toward the Western region of the countryand the virus shows no signs of easing up, reinfections seem to have become common. Already, many people are reporting second or even third infections with newer variants.

14/. The housing crisis, summarised in a toon.....

15/. Why have I never heard of this plant.....amaranth....

For thousands of years, the first Americans cultivated a blood red plant that supported their entire civilization. They grew it along with corn, beans, and squash for most of their food.

The Aztecs used it in human sacrifice rituals, mixing it with blood to make small, edible statues of the sun god Huitzilopotchli.

16/. Inflation is up to 8%, and the blame is falling on the Ukraine war - but a new book argues persuasively 
it's climate change driving prices higher globally....
A woman walks under an orange smoke-filled sky in San Francisco.A woman walks under an orange smoke-filled sky in San Francisco. Photograph: Brittany Hosea-Small/AFP/Getty Images

Forget Ukraine, coronavirus, corporate greed and “supply chain issues”, when it comes to inflation the climate crisis is the real, lasting, worry, according to a new book, and one that’s only likely to get worse.

Climatenomics, by former White House reporter and director of Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) Bob Keefe, is a narrative account of how the climate crisis is fundamentally altering not just the US but global economies.

17/. Doug Mastriano [a really evil bastard] is running for Governor of's an ad from the Lincoln Project....

18/. Jessica Wildfire is not happy.....

19/. The Guardian looks at electric cars....
The Hyundai Seven concept vehicleThe Hyundai Seven concept vehicle appears revolutionary, but it builds in features most EV designers are aiming at. Photograph: Ringo Chiu/Zuma/Rex/Shutterstock


ake any petrol car sold today and show it to a mechanic working on a Ford Model T 100 years ago and there is a fairly good chance they would understand roughly how it works. An internal combustion engine at the front turns the wheels, carrying a driver behind a steering wheel, some passengers and luggage.

20/. Best movies of 2022 so far....
The film industry is still getting back on its feet after so many pandemic disruptions, but plenty of good films have managed to make their way to screens both big and small this year. From period drama to contemporary techno thriller, these are the best movies I’ve seen in 2022, in alphabetical order—and with some links to where to watch them.

21/. And best TV....
We all agree that it’s nigh on impossible to keep up with every TV show we’re told we simply must watch. But there are some that are just too good to miss—15 in total, according to V.F.’s staffers, who joined forces to select the best TV shows of 2022 so far. These are our favorite TV and streaming comedies, dramas, and specials from the first half of the year, listed in alphabetical order—with links to where to watch them.

22/. "This Is Going To Hurt" is a rave reviewed British show....

But the thing is, it’s true. You’re going to love the new series This Is Going to Hurt, which got across-the-board rave reviews from British critics and, now, is coming stateside.

The series is now airing on AMC+, which is a streaming service that I learned existed when trying to figure out how to watch this show. (Sorry to the people at AMC, I love you and I’m sure this streaming service is great.)

Today's Military joke....
Years ago, a young Navy Pilot was injured while ejecting from his A-4 Skyhawk
due to engine failure during a catapult shot from the carrier. Due to the heroics
of rescue helicopter crew and the ship's hospital staff, the only permanent
injury was the loss of one ear.
He remained on flight status and eventually became an Admiral.
However, during his career he was always sensitive about his appearance.
One day the Admiral was interviewing two Navy Master Chiefs and a Marine
Sergeant Major for his personal staff. The first Master Chief was a Surface
Navy type and it was a great interview. At the end of the interview the Admiral
asked him, "Do you notice anything different about me?"
The Master Chief answered, "Why, yes, Admiral. I couldn't help but notice that
you are missing your starboard ear, so I don't know whether this impacts
your hearing on that side."
The Admiral got very angry at this lack of tact and threw him out of his office.
The next candidate, an Aviation Master Chief, when asked this same question,
answered, "Well yes, Sir, you seem to be short one ear."
The Admiral threw him out as well.
The third interview was with the Marine Sergeant Major. He was articulate,
extremely sharp, and seemed to know more than the two Navy Master Chiefs
put together. The Admiral wanted this guy but went ahead with the same
question. "Do you notice anything different about me?"
To his surprise, the Sergeant Major said, "Yes Sir. You wear contact lenses."
The Admiral, impressed thought to himself, what an incredibly tactful
Marine. "And how would you know that?" the Admiral asked.
The Sergeant Major replied: "Well, sir, it's pretty hard to wear glasses with
only one fuckin' ear. "

Today's farmer jokes....

Farmers can be really wise. They learn a lot by making their living from the land, or from raising livestock on their property. Here is some wisdom from the farm.

  • “Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.”

  • “Keep skunks, lawyers and bankers at a distance.”

  • “Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.”

  • “A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.”

  • “Words that soak into your ears are whispered…….not yelled.”

  • “Meanness don’t just happen overnight.”

  • “Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.”

  • “Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.”

  • “It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.”

  • “You cannot unsay a cruel word.”

  • “Every path has a few puddles.” 

  • “When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.”

  • “The best sermons are lived, not preached.”

  • “Most of the stuff people worry about, ain’t never gonna happen anyway.”

  • “Don’t judge folks by their relatives.

  • “Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.”

  • “Live a good and honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.

  • “Don’t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.”

  • “Timin’ has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.”

  • “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.”

  • “Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.

  • “The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.”

  • “Always drink upstream from the herd.”

  • “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.”

  • “Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.”

  • “If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.”

  • “Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God.” “Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.”

Today's golf joke

This threesome is at a public course and the starter comes over and says, “Do you mind if this rabbi plays with you?” They say, “No problem.” The rabbi walks up on the tee with banged-up clubs, a tattered golf bag and a yarmulke instead of a golf hat — but then proceeds to shoot a 69.

At the end of the round one of the other players asks, “Rabbi, how did you get so good?”

“You have to convert to Judaism,” he answers. So, a year goes by and the same three guys arrange to play with the rabbi again. He shoots another 69, but they all still shoot in the 90s. At the end of the round, one says: “Rabbi, I don’t get it. We all converted like you said, but you still shot 69 and we all still shot in the 90s. What’s wrong?”

“What synagogue did you get converted at?” the rabbi asks earnestly.

“Temple Beth Shalom,” they answer in unison.

“Oh no,” says the rabbi. “Temple Beth Shalom? That’s for tennis!”