Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Davids Daily Dose - Wednesday August 30th

 1/. Very good summary of the possible second Trump Presidency.....revenge....

Donald Trump's mugshot
‘His inmate number is P01135809. By 5 November 2024, those figures will be etched on the national psyche and splattered on campaign merchandise.’ Photograph: Fulton County Sheriff’s Office/Zuma/Shuttersto

On Wednesday night, Donald Trump won the Republican debate without showing up. One night later, he surrendered to law enforcement at the Fulton county, Georgia, jail. In the span of 24 hours, cameras captured the essence of the current presidential contest, namely the legal status of the prior occupant of the Oval Office. Whether Trump is a free man or a convict on election day 2024 will weigh heavily upon voters and the republic.

At the debate, six of the eight contenders raised their hands when asked if they would back Trump if he were convicted. 
With the predictable exceptions of Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson, the rest of the pack fell into line.

2/. Turning the tables.....

3/. Most interesting story about how at least a third of rape cases are disbelieved 
because there was no resistance.....and how wrong that is....

“I froze,” the woman said, thinking back on the day she was raped during a military exercise a few summers ago. 

It had been a long, hot day of training — marching into the hills, carrying heavy packs, eating M.R.E.s. Her group had been honing their navigation skills, figuring out how to get from one place to another as quickly as possible with only a compass and points, all while avoiding ambushes and snakes.

4/. Climate scientists weigh in on whether we have reached a climate tipping point.....not yet, but very, very soon.....
Excellent story from the Guardian.....

The record-shattering heatwaves, wildfires and floods destroying lives in the US, Europe, India, China and beyond in 2023 have raised an alarming question: have humanity’s relentless carbon emissions finally pushed the climate crisis into a new and accelerating phase of destruction?

The issue is being strongly debated, with accusations of doom-mongering being countered with charges of complacency. The answer matters: how bad is it, and how can we limit the damage? To find out, the Guardian asked 45 leading climate scientists from around the world. We also asked the equally vital question of whether extreme weather events were hitting people faster and harder than expected.

The scientists told us that, despite it certainly feeling as if events had taken a frightening turn, the global heating seen to date was entirely in line with three decades of scientific predictions. Being proved right was cold comfort, they said, as their warnings had so far been largely in vain.

5/. "The Eye Of The Storm"'s a video of what it looks like, from Perry, Florida.....

6/. The Times with an investigation of how our groundwater usage is threatening to seriously impact farming and many cities' water supply......
This is one of their interactive articles with pictures......and shows how we are so screwed.....

GLOBAL WARMING HAS FOCUSED concern on land and sky as soaring temperatures intensify hurricanes, droughts and wildfires. But another climate crisis is unfolding, underfoot and out of view.

Many of the aquifers that supply 90 percent of the nation’s water systems, and which have transformed vast stretches of America into some of the world’s most bountiful farmland, are being severely depleted. These declines are threatening irreversible harm to the American economy and society as a whole.

The New York Times conducted a months-long examination of groundwater depletion, interviewing more than 100 experts, traveling the country and creating a comprehensive database using millions of readings from monitoring sites. The investigation reveals how America’s life-giving resource is being exhausted in much of the country, and in many cases it won’t come back. Huge industrial farms and sprawling cities are draining aquifers that could take centuries or millenniums to replenish themselves if they recover at all.

7/. Great ad.....the rule of law still matters....

8/. So where in Florida is it going to flood? 
Good story from the Palm Beach Post, and check your neighborhood!
If you live near the water you should be worried, especially considering the official stats are way too conservative. 
They have to be, otherwise they get attacked by the right, so these gub'mint stats are the minimums Florida will flood. 
The reality is ocean level rise is accelerating,and no one knows where it ends....
We should see this week how the Panhandle will cope with the tides and rain.....

Globally, the sea level is currently rising at about 1/8 of an inch every year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
NOAA also measures relative sea level (RSL) trends, which are local sea level measurements made with respect to a local fixed reference on land. Relative sea level along the U.S. coastline is projected to rise, on average, 10-12 inches in the next 30 years, which is the same amount of increase that we saw over the last 100 years.

9/. Time for a Floriduh story......
Bunnell Elementary School is in the news for holding a segregated assembly for Black fourth and fifth graders to tell them they weren't doing well enough on standardized tests. The Black students were sent to the cafeteria without regard to their actual test scores. High-performing Black students were included in the assembly, though some were marched across the stage as examples for the rest. Low-performing white students were left out of the body.

10/. God-Man rebooted.....

11/. The deceitful and corrupt way DeSantis is firing prosecutors, and the real reasons 
why - excellent story from the Daily Beast.....

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis finally spoke to a national audience on stage at last week’s Republican presidential debate, he gloated about the way he spitefully sacked two “radical left-wing district attorneys” in his state who “wouldn’t do their job.”

What American viewers weren’t told is that, behind the scenes, the governor’s office had quietly conspired with local sheriffs to tarnish the reputations of these democratically elected prosecutors—turning local cops against the state attorneys they’re supposed to partner with and trust.

12/. A new Randy Rainbow......"Don't Arraign On His Parade"....

13/. Bob Lefsetz with his thoughts on fame, Republicans and life.....i.e one of his stream of consciousness rants, which are quite interesting.....

1. An independent is a Republican who doesn’t want to be seen as such. Very few people in America are truly independent. They almost always vote one way or the other. But they don’t want to be perceived as being beholden to a camp. Don’t buy it. You’re either a Republican or a Democrat, pick your side. As for the third party acolytes… Yeah, and unicorns are going to fly out of my butt.

2. In an incomprehensible music scene, mainstream media looks for a story, to define the landscape, to make sense of it all. Even though it makes no sense at all. “Rich Men North of Richmond” is a one shot, equivalent to shooting someone, a lot of news, and then nothing.

3. Hits are irrelevant, it’s about careers. Call me next year, or the year after, when Oliver Anthony can sell out arenas.

14/. Georgia Jail Kids.....

15/. The Republican debate - Bob Lefsetz gives his impression of what went on, and it's by far the most vivid commentary I've yet read.....
We’re doing this again?

I watched so you don’t have to. Well, an hour anyway. I couldn’t take any more, and I doubt the rest of the viewers could either.

And here’s what I’ve got to tell you…

Chris Christie is toast. He’s the Mike Bloomberg of the Republican party. A theoretical force until you see him on stage, where he seems to have lost a step. It’s the same old crap plus a bunch of anti-Trump stuff that no one is listening to, so what’s the point.

I don’t know what is going on in Florida, but Ron DeSantis is not ready for the national stage, and probably won’t ever be ready. Media-coached, he had one of the most fake smiles in history. You could see his brain working, to try and spread his lips, to show some teeth. It was out of “Mad” magazine or something. This guy is so cold and unlikable it’s laughable. But he really lost all credibility when the candidates were asked to raise their hand if they felt climate change was real and he broke in unsolicited, with some cockamamie verbiage trying to forestall, hopefully eliminate completely, a yes or no decision. He was belligerent, the kind of guy who talks over you at a party. Who cares about climate change, this man’s behavior was offensive, and evading the question by battling it, saying it’s unnecessary to begin with, that was a bad look.

16/. Tom Tomorrow watched the debate too.....

 17/. A Twitter clip from the debate.....Ron DeSantis's awful, weird and phony smile....

18/. Just amazing......a 7 minute interview with a Q-Anon MAGA guy, obviously delusional, but low key and matter of fact....
The scary thing is he is living in an alternate reality along with 25% of the country.....

19/. Jonathan Chait on why DeSantis can't make any headway against Trump - it's the cult mentality of the MAGA people.....

The conservative pundit Mollie Hemingway recently shared a letter from a listener of her podcast explaining why Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaignis faltering. The missive, which she called “a particularly good and straightforward analysis,” attributed DeSantis’s struggles to his decision to disparage Donald Trump:

Keep in mind that supporting Trump came with costs never associated with supporting Bush, McCain, or Romney. Trump supporters lost friendships. Brothers and sisters stopped talking to each other. There are parents whose children disowned them, and grandparents who will never see their grandchildren again because they stood by Donald Trump.

Every Republican has these stories. Every Republican knows Republicans who have these stories.

Attacking Trump was effectively telling every Republican who made real sacrifices that they were stupid for doing so because Trump was just a poser

20/. This documentary looks interesting - "The Escape Of Carlos Ghosn".....
The former Nissan and Renault executive Carlos Ghosn, the subject of Apple TV+’s documentary, being interviewed in Lebanon this year.
The former Nissan and Renault executive Carlos Ghosn, the subject of Apple TV+’s documentary, being interviewed in Lebanon this year. Photograph: Hassan Ammar/AP


t’s always hard to make corporate skullduggery and intrigue seem thrilling on screen. The Big Short managed by having the technical explanations delivered by Hollywood A-listers. Succession needed the private lives of the Roys to save it from death by boardroom. It’s no mean feat to make such machinations interesting, even when the story is as twisty as that of former Nissan-Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn – who was accused of financial impropriety and imprisoned in Japan, before fleeing the country in 2019, despite being under heavy surveillance.

21/. As does this - "Hipgnosis".....the story of all of the album covers of the 60's and 70's......

It was a moment in time. But we thought it would last forever.

The oldsters, the denizens of the sixties, crapped on the seventies. It was too obvious, too overblown, some sunny element had been sacrificed, it was no longer a lark, but business, and what exactly was prog rock anyway, didn’t we abhor those who were classically trained?

And then disco came along and killed it all. Well, there was corporate rock before that. Which was akin to the hair band era of the late eighties, but less cynical. But the entire enterprise collapsed, the music business was in the doldrums, only to be saved by MTV and a wave of young English bands not beholden to what had come before.

And now everybody is getting older. Even the seventies are fading in the rearview mirror. Nirvana and Pearl Jam came along to kill the hair bands, and then hip-hop powered through, the internet came along and it hasn’t been the same since.

Wow - the trailer for the boomers know all these songs.....
On Amazon for $5.99.....

Today's video - Don't eat the yellow snow.....

Today's redneck hooker joke
A redneck was walking home late at night and sees a woman in the Shadows.
“Twenty dollars”, she whispers.
Bubba had never been with a hooker before, but decides what the heck, it's only twenty bucks, so they hide in the bushes.
They're in there for only a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them. It’s a police officer.
“What's going on here, people? asks the officer.
“I'm making love to my wife!”, Bubba answers sounding annoyed.
“Oh, I'm sorry”, says the cop, “I didn't know.”
Bubba says, “Well, neither did I, til ya shined that light in her face!

Today's British jokes
  These are classified ads, which were actually placed in U.K. newspapers:
   8 years old.
   Hateful little bastard.
   1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbour's dog.
   Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd.
   Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound.
   Also 1 gay bull for sale.
   Must sell washer and dryer £100.
   Worn once by mistake.
   Call Stephanie.

   **** And the WINNER is... ****
   Complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45 volumes.
   Excellent condition, £200 or best offer. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything.
   Statement of the Century
   Thought from the Greatest Living Scottish Thinker--Billy Connolly.
   "If women are so bloody perfect at multitasking, how come they can't have a headache and sex at the same time.

Today's Confucius jokes
Man who wants pretty nurse must be patient. 
Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly. 
Lady who goes camping must beware of evil intent. 
Squirrel who runs up woman’s' leg will not find nuts. 
Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion. 
Man who runs in front of car gets tired, man who runs behind car gets exhausted. 
Man who eats many prunes get good run for money. 
War does not determine who is right; it determines who is left. 
Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night. 
It takes many nails to build a crib, but one screw to fill it. 
Man who drives like hell is bound to get there. 
Man who stands on toilet is high on pot. 
Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement. 
Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.  
“A lion will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger Wood!!!” 

Jokes from the Edinburgh Festival....

1. I started dating a zookeeper, but it turned out he was a cheetah. Lorna Rose Treen 44%

2. The most British thing I’ve ever heard? A lady who said ‘Well I’m sorry, but I don’t apologise.’ Liz Guterbock 41%

3. Last year I had a great joke about inflation. But it’s hardly worth it now. Amos Gill 40%

4. When women gossip we get called bitchy; but when men do it’s called a podcast. Sikisa 34%

5. I thought I’d start off with a joke about The Titanic – just to break the ice. Masai Graham 33%

6. How do coeliac Germans greet each other? Gluten tag. Frank Lavender32%

7. My friend got locked in a coffee place overnight. Now he only ever goes into Starbucks, not the rivals. He’s Costa-phobic. Roger Swift 29%

8. I entered the ‘How not to surrender’ competition and I won hands down. Bennett Arron 29%

9. Nationwide must have looked pretty silly when they opened their first branch. William Stone 28%