Sunday, August 23, 2015

Davids Daily Dose - Sunday August 23rd

Intrepid DDD readers - we have some disturbing stories this week about the dark undercurrents in our society surfacing, but before you get to those watch George Carlin's "American Dream" again, and even though he was on stage nine years ago it's like he was psychic about what's happening now......

There is a little difference though - "the owners" are losing control because of the rage, and Trump and Bernie are channelling this anger - Bernie responsibly, Trump cynically...... 

Anyway watch the Master before you read #1 and #4......

1/  Matt Taibbi with a serious article about Trump, and how he has stopped being funny. I, like you, have been greatly amused by this buffoon but he has wakened something in the American fringe, just like the election of the President in 2008 focused the racial hatred that was kept under wraps. 

This is becoming dangerous Taibbi - an excellent article.....
Donald Trump Just Stopped Being Funny

Win or lose, Trump's campaign threatens to unleash the Great American Stupid

Donald Trump at a town hall in New Hampshire.
"The people that are following me are very passionate," Donald Trump said recently.

So two yahoos from Southie in my hometown of Boston severely beat up a Hispanic homeless guy earlier this week. While being arrested, one of the brothers reportedly told police that "Donald Trump was right, all of these illegals need to be deported."
When reporters confronted Trump, he hadn't yet heard about the incident. At first, he said, "That would be a shame." But right after, he went on:
"I will say, the people that are following me are very passionate. They love this country. They want this country to be great again. But they are very passionate. I will say that."
This is the moment when Donald Trump officially stopped being funny.

2/  Paul Krugman with a great column that says how the Republican candidates, all of them not named Trump, are proving they are just creatures of the oligarchy. 

Why? They are all backing cutting or privatizing Social Security, a program that is extremely popular with 99% of the country but a program the 1% don't need or want......

Most interesting......

Something strange is happening in the Republican primary — something strange, that is, besides the Trump phenomenon. For some reason, just about all the leading candidates other than The Donald have taken a deeply unpopular position, a known political loser, on a major domestic policy issue. And it’s interesting to ask why.
The issue in question is the future of Social Security, which turned 80 last week. The retirement program is, of course, both extremely popular and a long-term target of conservatives, who want to kill it precisely because its popularity helps legitimize government action in general. As the right-wing activist Stephen Moore (now chief economist of the Heritage Foundation) once declared, Social Security is “the soft underbelly of the welfare state”; “jab your spear through that” and you can undermine the whole thing.

3/  Larry Wilmore with an amusing four minutes on the Republican issue de jour - birthright citizenship.......
Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 10.03.23 AM
After playing the clip of Fox News’ Bill O’Reillychallenging Donald Trump on his plan to apparently repeal the 14th Amendment and eliminate birthright citizenship for the children of immigrants, Larry Wilmore exclaimed, “I never thought I’d say this, Trump, but Bill O’Reilly is correct!” 
The Nightly Show decided he needed to take Trump to “Knowledge College,” explaining how we arrived at the 14th Amendment in the first place, over the objections of Senator Edgar Cowan of Pennsylvania, AKA “the Donald Trump of his day.” 
“Craziest of all, the 14th Amendment was a Republican idea,” Wilmore said. “It was something they got completely right the first time, like health care exchanges and hating John Edwards.”

4/  To be read after Taibbi.....yes Trump has been amusing, and Democrats are laughing at the chaos the Republican field has got itself into, but he is channelling the rage and alienation felt by tens of millions of Americans, and as this perceptive story says this is the way dictators start their rise to power. 

Trump's rise is beginning to be a dark and sinister chapter.....

Donald Trump's campaign of terror: How a billionaire channeled his authoritarian rage — and soared to the top of the pollsIn this July 11, 2015, photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. In a state where early organization is key to a successful presidential campaign, Trump’s New Hampshire operation has the trappings of a legitimate political organization. (AP Photo/John Locher)(Credit: AP)
Ever since The Donald descended that escalator at Trump Tower a couple of months ago to announce his entry into the presidential race, Democrats have been laughing. Watching the Republicans squirm and Fox News jump through hoops has made the GOP presidential primary a delightful entertainment for their rivals on the other side of the aisle. I don’t know how many of them had it in them to watch the whole Trump Town hall extravaganza in Derry, NH, on Wednesday — but those who did were unlikely to be laughing by the end of it.
There was the standard braggadocio and egomania that characterizes his every appearance and weird digressions into arcane discussions of things like building materials (for The Wall, naturally.) He complained about the press and politicians and declared himself superior to pretty much everyone on earth. But after you listen to him for a while, you come away from that performance with a very unpleasant sense that something rather sinister is at the heart of the Trump phenomenon.
Trump was still talking when Chris Hayes opened his show that night with this comment:
I want to talk about what we are seeing unfold here because I think what we are seeing is past the point of a clown show or a parody. I believe it is much more serious and much darker…

5/  Did you watch the Republican debate? Actually you didn't....what you really saw is captured by "Bad Lip Reading"......a very clever and hysterically funny four minutes.....but the Ben Carson bit is real!
It may have taken them a few weeks — and who can blame them, given the inherent silliness of their source material — but the folks over at Bad Lip Reading finally got around to working their charms upon the first Republican presidential debate and, suffice it to say, you’ll never look at any of the candidates quite the same again.
On its Facebook page, BLR stated that “as a new presidential election gets under way, it’s important to stay informed about the candidates.” If by “informed” they mean, “you’ll never look at them and their pepper-spray tans or little paper hats the same way again,” they are absolutely correct.

6/  The is one of the better 'Honest Trailers" for "The Matrix Trilogy".....I was surfing the other night in Quebec and caught 10 minutes of Matrix 1 in French, and it was still awesome.....

An amusing four minutes......

7/  This story from the Times has caused an Internet and Social Media frenzy, with Amazon scrambling to do some positive spin. It's a piece of great journalism about the corporate culture at Amazon, and how it's almost cult-like American corporate culture on steroids.....

There is an element of this in every large US company - to get ahead or even survive you have to play the game and swallow the bullshit - Amazon is an extreme case, but not that OTT I'll bet.....

SEATTLE — On Monday mornings, fresh recruits line up for an orientation intended to catapult them into Amazon’s singular way of working.
They are told to forget the “poor habits” they learned at previous jobs, one employee recalled. When they “hit the wall” from the unrelenting pace, there is only one solution: “Climb the wall,” others reported. To be the best Amazonians they can be, they should be guided by the leadership principles, 14 rules inscribed on handy laminated cards. When quizzed days later, those with perfect scores earn a virtual award proclaiming, “I’m Peculiar” — the company’s proud phrase for overturning workplace conventions.
At Amazon, workers are encouraged to tear apart one another’s ideas in meetings, toil long and late (emails arrive past midnight, followed by text messages asking why they were not answered), and held to standards that the company boasts are “unreasonably high.” The internal phone directory instructs colleagues on how to send secret feedback to one another’s bosses. Employees say it is frequently used to sabotage others. (The tool offers sample texts, including this: “I felt concerned about his inflexibility and openly complaining about minor tasks.”)
Amazon is building new offices in Seattle and, in about three years, will have enough space for about 50,000 employees. CreditRuth Fremson/The New York Times 

8/  And having read that horrifying story about a company Mary and I use frequently [we have Amazon Primeas well], you end up conflicted -  I have also read stories on how the Amazon warehouse workers are treated like Chinese labourers, but Amazon is so useful and cheap.....we won't go to Walmart because they are such an evil company, but Amazon seems to be evil too! 

What to do.....

Anyway the author of this story in Grist [also based in Seattle] is going cold turkey - no more Amazon.....

Here’s why I won’t be buying anything from Amazon again

We’ve written a lot about Amazon at Grist, from the company’s high-tech campus a couple miles from our own office to brogrammers taking over Seattle’s gayborhoodto the real cost of your Prime account. When you live in Seattle, as both Grist and Amazon do, it just comes up. The company is an ever-growing presence in our city — one often blamed for the population boom, the traffic problem, and the rising cost of living. Most of us know people who work there, and while we may hear our neighbors bitching about the long hours and the few perks (you’ll find no laundry service or free lunches at Amazon HQ), the rest of the world got a rare inside look at what life is like for Amazon’s white-collar workers this weekend, thanks to The New York Times.
One hundred former and current employees spoke to the Times about their experiences at the monolithic company, and the atmosphere comes across as a bit like the Hunger Games for coders.

9/  A sad story from Onion News about parents struggling with the difficult decision to euthanize their brain dead daughter.....such sorrow I think all parents can relate to.......

Two teary minutes.....

The parents of 13-year old Caitlin Teagart have decided to end her life, saying she can now do nothing but lay on the couch and whine about things being "gay."

10/  There's a Canadian election coming in about a month, but the Harper Government is acting strangely about it.....

This article in the Times caused a lot of comments north of the border......and note everyone we met in Canada hates this bastard Harper......even my Uncle Jim who just turned 100, won't vote for him again.....

The Closing of the Canadian Mind

Stephen Harper, the prime minister of Canada, is creating a legacy of secrecy and ignorance.

THE prime minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, has called an election for Oct. 19, but he doesn’t want anyone to talk about it.
He has chosen not to participate in the traditional series of debates on national television, confronting his opponents in quieter, less public venues, like the scholarly Munk Debates and CPAC, Canada’s equivalent of CSPAN. His own campaign events were subject to gag orders until a public outcry forced him to rescind the forced silence of his supporters.
Mr. Harper’s campaign for re-election has so far been utterly consistent with the personality trait that has defined his tenure as prime minister: his peculiar hatred for sharing information.
Americans have traditionally looked to Canada as a liberal haven, with gun control, universal health care and good public education.
But the nine and half years of Mr. Harper’s tenure have seen the slow-motion erosion of that reputation for open, responsible government. His stance has been a know-nothing conservatism, applied broadly and effectively. He has consistently limited the capacity of the public to understand what its government is doing, cloaking himself and his Conservative Party in an entitled secrecy, and the country in ignorance.
His relationship to the press is one of outright hostility.

11/  Taylor Swift with her video "Bad Blood", almost a mini-movie with a few traces of "Matrix" effects.......a feminist video to be sure, with some guest celebs....

The existence of someone who finds the notion of a woman as action-film hero threatening or offensive helps go a long way to explaining what the heck is happening in Taylor Swift’s video for “Bad Blood.” Before premiering Sunday night at the Billboard Music Awards, it had a real claim to being the most pre-hyped music video of all time, due to the fact that Swift had spent days teasing the Internet about its horde of celebrity cameos. Lena Dunham, Cindy Crawford, Jessica Alba, and more than a dozen others got poster treatment, announcing them as futuristic-crimefighter characters with names like “Slay-Z,” “Knockout,” and “The Crimson Curse.” The video lives up to its advertising, offering a hodgepodge of tropes from spy, superhero, and sci-fi movies featuring a bevy of famous women—plus Kendrick Lamar, rapping newly penned verses for the remix—toting bazookas, nunchaku, and in one case, a throwing star disguised as a compact.

12/  And continuing our focus health and how to stay in decent shape, an Australian film maker decided to eat "healthy", "natural" and "low fat" foods for thirty days. Nothing nasty like carbs, just packaged goods that Big Food tries to tell you are good for you. Read what happened.......

That Sugar Film Damon Gameau features in and directs That Sugar Film, his documentary investigating hidden sugar in food. Photograph: Madmanctor 

That Sugar Film: how 60 days of eating ‘health food’ led to fatty liver disease

Australian documentary maker Damon Gameau cracks open the refined sugars hidden in so-called ‘healthy’ packaged food in a gonzo activist mission to map his own mental and physical disintegration
The premise of That Sugar Film, Gameau’s debut as a feature film-maker and documentarian, rests on a decision three years ago to eliminate refined sugar from his diet. This means the slate was clean to test what would happen if he returned to the sweet stuff. In short: aforementioned liver disease, 10cm of visceral fat around his waist, mood swings and (according to doctors) early signs of what could lead to coronary problems.
The twist is that Gameau didn’t splurge on sloppy nosh such as cheeseburgers, chips and sundaes – in other words food everybody knows is bad for you. Gameau consumed the typical Australian’s 40 teaspoons of sugar a day, maintained exercise, the same kilojoule intake of his regular diet and – the clincher – only ate foods perceived to be healthy. This includes cereal, smoothies, muesli bars and low-fat yoghurt. The kind of products at the heart of advertising campaigns built on extolling their supposed virtues, using faux science and deceptive packaging.

"That Sugar Film"....trailer.....

13/  Pursued by ads when you go to a website? Do ads follow you around? Want to stop it?

Read this article from the Times, and download the software mentioned in the story - I did, and it works. After you install it there is an icon that goes in your tool bar that shows how many ads it blocks from each website you go to.....some are as high as 30......

The great philosopher Homer Simpson once memorably described alcohol as “the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems.” Internet advertising is a bit like that — the funder of and terrible nuisance baked into everything you do online.
Advertising sustains pretty much all the content you enjoy on the web, not least this very newspaper and its handsome, charming technology columnist; as I’ve argued before, many of the world’s most useful technologies may never have come about without online advertising. But at the same time, ads and the vast, hidden, data-sucking machinery that they depend on to track and profile you are routinely the most terrible thing about the Internet.

Now, more and more web users are escaping the daily bombardment of online advertising by installing an ad blocker. This simple, free software lets you roam the web without encountering any ads that shunt themselves between you and the content you want to read or watch. With an ad blocker, your web browser will generally run faster, you’ll waste less bandwidth downloading ads, and you’ll suffer fewer annoyances when navigating the Internet. You’ll wonder why everyone else in the world doesn’t turn to the dark side.

This is the free software......

14/  We heard an interview on the radio with Max Blumenthal, the author of a new book about Israel this week, and it was harrowing stuff......the Israel you have in your head isn't the Israel of today after 20 years of hard line right wingers and Ultra Orthodox Jews running the government. They aren't treating the Palestinians and the Gaza strip very well.....putting it mildly.....

One year ago today, Israel invaded, bombed and shelled Gaza, and continued to do that for the next seven weeks. According to the U.N., at least 2,104 Gazans were killed — 1,462 of whom (69 percent) were civilians, including 495 children. A total of 6 Israeli civilians, and 66 soldiers, were killed. The shockingly high civilian death rate in Gaza included the now-iconic imagery of four young boys from the same family being killed by Israeli warships while they played on a beach in front of a hotel filled with foreign journalists.
Months after the attack concluded, U.N. Chief Ban Ki-moon visited Gaza and labeled the destruction “beyond description,” far worse than prior Israeli attacks. At least 17,000 homes “were obliterated or severely damaged during the conflict,” and it will take two decades to rebuild them; that means that “nearly 60,000 people have lost their homes.” On countless occasions, entire large families of Gazans were instantly extinguished by Israeli violence. Because the population of Gaza is so young — 43 percent are under the age of 15, while 64 percent are under the age of 24 — the majority of its residents know little beyond extreme suffering, carnage, violence and war.
As harrowing as that data is, it tells only a small part of the story. Statistics like these have an abstract property to them: cold and clinical. Viewing the devastation of Gaza through their lens can have a distancing effect. They erase the most affecting facts: the stories of human suffering and devastation caused by this attack, the sadism and savagery that drove it.
That is what makes Max Blumenthal’s new book about this Israeli attack so compelling, so necessary. Entitled The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza, it humanizes this event like nothing else I’ve read.

15/  Florida is doomed without a political revolution.....everywhere you look is stupidity and corruption....listen to the whining from the Republicans in the House and Senate because the Florida Supreme Court ordered our scumbag pols to redistrict fairly.....

OCCUPIED TALLAHASSEE – They stamp their feet, they scream till they’re sick, and hold their breath till they’re blue. They act like 5-year-olds caught with their grotty little paws in the cookie jar, their faces covered in crumbs, as they swear they didn’t do anything wrong.
The Special – or Remedial – Session.
While all the other political kids get to have fun lying and money-grubbing, these poor little legislators they have to stay in and do the homework they refused to do earlier: drawing congressional districts that sorta-maybe-almost fairly represent the people of Florida.
Sen. Tom Lee pouted that the court maybe violated his First Amendment rights and muttered darkly about hiring a personal lawyer. Sen. Joe Negron whined that the court had made him feel like some kind of a “suspect” unfairly hauled down to the station house, because the court had directed legislators keep emails and even record conversations with aides – if it’s to do with redistricting. “I  believe at my core that the Florida Supreme Court has grossly overstepped its boundaries,” said Rep. Dana Young, looking pious, while Richard Corcoran, heir apparent to the House speakership, huffed, “We are under direction by a court that continues over and over again to exceed their constitutional authority.

Todays video - for guys......a land clearing/tree mulching machine.....ahoooooooogah.....

 Todays old guy joke
Ron Chestna, 89 years of age, was stopped by police around 2 am  and was asked where he was going at that time of night.
Ron replied, “I’m on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late.”

The officer asked, “Oh, really? Who’s giving that lecture at this time of night?”

Ron replied, “That would be my wife.”

Todays man joke

A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him.

She says hello. 

He's rather taken aback because he can't place where he
knows her from. 
So he says, 'Do you know me?' 
To which she replies, 'I think you're the father of one of my kids.'
Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, 
'Are you the stripper from the bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table with all my 
buddies watching while your partner whipped my butt with wet celery???'
She looks into his eyes and says calmly, 'No, I'm your son's teacher.' 

Todays Nun joke

John was sitting outside his local pub one day, enjoying a quiet pint and generally feeling good about himself, when a nun suddenly appears at his table and starts decrying the evils of drink.

"You should be ashamed of yourself young man! Drinking is a Sin! Alcohol is the blood of the devil!"

Now John gets pretty annoyed about this, and goes on the offensive.

"How do you know this, Sister?"

"My Mother Superior told me so."

"But have you ever had a drink yourself? How can you be sure that what you are saying is right?"

"Don't be ridiculous--of course I have never taken alcohol myself"

"Then let me buy you a drink - if you still believe afterwards that it is evil I will give up drink for life".

"How could I, a Nun, sit outside this public house drinking?!"

"I'll get the barman to put it in a teacup for you, then no one will ever know."

The Nun reluctantly agrees, so John goes inside to the bar.

"Another pint for me, and a triple vodka on the rocks", then he lowers his voice and says to the barman "and could you put the vodka in a teacup?"

"Oh no! It's not that Nun again is it?"

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Davids Daily Dose - Tuesday August 18th

1/  The master, Frank Rich on the news of last week......the Donald of course, the Senator from Wall Street Chuck Schumer and Caitlyn Jenner.....

Trump. Trump. Trump. 

Most weeks, New York Magazine writer-at-large Frank Rich speaks with contributor Alex Carp about the biggest stories in politics and culture. This week: Chuck Schumer's opposition to the Iran deal, Trump's continued strong poll numbers after the GOP debate, and Caitlyn Jenner's future as a public figure.
Chuck Schumer stirred up sharp criticism from the left by announcing his opposition to President Obama's Iran deal, though it doesn't look like his vote will ultimately prevent the deal's approval. Schumer aspires to lead the Senate Democrats after 2017. Should this turn cost him his colleagues' support down the line?
If Schumer’s "no" vote causes the Iran deal to go down, that would set up a furious and possibly successful challenge to his status as Harry Reid’s heir apparent in the Senate. But everyone assumes that Schumer is opposing the deal precisely because he knows his vote is not needed to put it over. So his ascent to the top of the Senate Democrats is not in jeopardy. Schumer knows how to count votes, God knows.
His wisdom about foreign policy is another matter. “I think we will have no choice but to engage in a large-scale military action in Iraq,” he said in January 2002. Actually, we did have a choice, and he made the wrong one, voting for the war resolution with even less hesitation than his fellow New York senator Hillary Clinton. Much of Schumer’s argument against the Iran deal, released as an online manifesto, is similarly lacking in gravitas. He comes across “a bit like your crazy uncle who gets his opinions from talk radio and wants to set you straight at Thanksgiving,” in the words of Jeffrey Lewis, writing in Foreign Policy.

2/  They still publish Mad magazine! Amazing.....but here is their excellent cover for last months feature - movie posters for politicians.....


But they didn't stop with Hillary and Bill. More than a few of the candidates got the movie-poster treatment, and all of them are spot on.

3/  Bill Curry with a look at the political races, and [as he says] whatever you believe according to the polling is wrong. There is deep anger felt by everyone, right and left, about the corruption in Washington and the corrosive effect of big money, but none of the potential candidates is mentioning it except Bernie Sanders.

Most insightful, and it you are in despair about our politics read this one....

Hillary's in danger, Trump is sunk: The hard truths America is ignoring this election season(Credit: AP/Reuters/Cliff Owen/Evan Vucci/Richard Drew/David Goldman)
In January, I began writing a weekly column for Salon. Hillary Clinton was still in pre-campaign mode but already losing ground — churning out formulaic answers to stock questions, delivering pricey speeches to the privileged, hobnobbing with Wall Street players while we peasants, now a working majority of the body politic, stocked up on torches and pitchforks. I wrote that her political model — neoliberal economics wed, as it must be, to pay-to-play politics — felt spent. In March, her emails surfaced. She waited a whole week to stage a brief, dodgy, purposefully chaotic press conference. I thought it a serious problem, especially when viewed in the context of her political history and persona, so I wrote that too.
On both points I got hurricane-force blowback from Clinton backers. As is the custom now, a lot of it was personal (why do you hate the Clintons, we hate you, you’re stupid.) or warmed over consultant speak ( the election’s so far off everyone will forget, the issue’s so abstract no one will care). What my critics shared, apart from their devotion to Hillary and contempt for me, was polling data. In surveys taken after the story broke, Clinton held on to her huge lead. (Had I not seen them? How could Salon hire a political columnist who didn’t even read polls?)
Last week, I wrote of another politician in trouble (at least if you regard Donald Trump as a politician). 

4/  Bill Maher with a "New Rules", focusing mostly on Hillary and how to reinvigorate her campaign.....six funny minutes with some good [?] advice for Hillary.....

Screen Shot 2015-08-15 at 12.20.21 PMBill Maher decided at the end of his show that even though Hillary Clinton is still the most likely candidate to get the Democrat nomination, he couldn’t stand idly by and watch her positive points take a free fall from recent events.
Maher pulled out a Donald Trump-esque description to her recent poll numbers and campaign performance, while also saying that Clinton really should “hit the blowhard as hard as he hits.” He went on to say that her recent speeches about policy are well and good, but reminded her that this is America, where its far more important to make her campaign fun and interesting than to it is to talk about matters relevant to being president
Maher had several suggestions about how Clinton could liven things up and making herself appear as a “spontaneous fun-lover.” The suggestions ran from running the gamut of celebrity interaction, to picking Toya Graham (The lady who went viral for slapping her son in the Baltimore riots) as her VP

5/  I want to set up my own church as I've always had a fancy to the moniker "Bishop Stanley".....and John Oliver explains how it works.....17 minutes of tax free advice, and quite a few chuckles too......

John Oliver exposes the disturbing world of Christian televangelists: “This is about the churches that exploit people’s faith for monetary gain”(Credit: Last Week Tonight)
On Sunday’s “Last Week Tonight,” John Oliver took on the fraudulent behind-the-scenes (and occasionally, not so behind-the-scenes) practices of America’s megachurches — specifically, those that have exploited people’s faith for monetary gain with the promise that “donations will result in wealth coming back to you.” It’s called “The Prosperity Gospel,” and is built on the idea that every donation a congregant gives its pastor is a “seed” that will one day be harvested. “Wealth is a sign of God’s favor,” after all.

6/  Matt Taibbi goes on the road to Iowa to look at the clown car realities of the Republican Presidential race, and it's as bad as you might think it is. Taibbi is one of our most perceptive political reporters, and he does a great job explaining the new depths to the politics of craziness.....

GOPMatt Taibbi hit the road with the Republican Party circus 
The thing is, when you actually think about it, it's not funny. Given what's at stake, it's more like the opposite, like the first sign of the collapse of the United States as a global superpower. Twenty years from now, when we're all living like prehistory hominids and hunting rats with sticks, we'll probably look back at this moment as the beginning of the end.
In the meantime, though, the race for the Republican Party presidential nomination sure seems funny. The event known around the world as hashtagGOPClownCar is improbable, colossal, spectacular and shocking; epic, monumental, heinous and disgusting. It's like watching 17 platypuses try to mount the queen of England. You can't tear your eyes away from it.
It will go down someday as the greatest reality show ever conceived.

7/  One of the best "People Are Awesome" videos yet - the music is decent, the feats of skill/endurance/agility/style etc etc are cumulatively may have to watch this twice to get your head around the stuff these athletes do.....five [as they say] awesome minutes......

This shows stuff that goes right - the TwisterNederland Fails compilations show when it doesn't!

8/  Did you know there was a historic heatwave in Europe, bad enough it is threatening wine production in Italy and France? 

Me neither.....but it's all part of record shattering heatwaves all over the world....

Europe's historic heatwave is threatening French wine(Credit: Deyan Georgiev/Shutterstock)
Cars are melting in Italy. Ikea, in deference to Poland’s strained power grid, has stopped serving meatballs. As temperatures reach upwards of 115 degrees Fahrenheit, this week’s death toll in Egypt has surpassed 60.
And, lest you underestimate the severity of the record-breaking heatwave engulfing central and eastern Europe, experts say its next victim may be the French wine harvest.
That’s according to the AFP, which has scared up some dire(ish) projections for how the famed wine-producing regions of Burgundy and Beaujolais are expected to fare in the crippling heat.

9/  Kristen Wiig and Fred Armisen with a sketch from Seth Myers's amusing at best, but it's in here because I love Kristen Wiig......four decent minutes.......isn't she beautiful?

Kristen Wiig & Fred Armisen are national treasures, and this incredible "Late Night" sketch proves it(Credit: Late Night With Seth Meyers)
Master improviser Kristen Wiig joined forces with her former “SNL” colleague Fred Armisen on “Late Night” Thursday to show off a new favorite hobby of hers: lip-dubbing. The actress, who is off shooting Paul Feig’s “Ghostbusters” at the moment, told Meyers that she’s also been busy creating some voice-over for Meyers’ own program for Australian viewers.
“The show’s already in English,” Meyers said. “Why would you dub it into English? And also why would you change the words?

10/  A fascinating social experiment - who would be more successful at getting money, a homeless guy asking for money for drugs and weed, or the same guy with his coughing daughter.....three most interesting minutes.....

If you've ever walked down a busy street, chances are, you may have encountered a homeless person. More often than not, these people are ignored as we pass them by -- many of us have even been taught from a young age to avoid making eye contact. However, it's hard to think that anyone could pass by a homeless man and his daughter and not want to help -- but that's exactly what happened when Colby Persin did a social experiment on the streets of New York. 
Colby wanted to see what type of homeless person New Yorkers were more likely to give to -- a man asking for money for his family, or a man asking for money for drugs and alcohol. The results were shocking! 

11/  This week you will see headlines about the NFL going after Tom Brady in court....but what the corporate media won't tell you is the real story. For that, read Matt Taibbi, look at the backstory and then judge the media coverage yourself.....

Roger Goodell and Tom BradyRoger Goodell and Tom Brady 
There are countless ways to become famous in America. You can be born beautifulrun really fast in a straight line, revolutionize morning radio or break backboards with monster dunks. You can land a plane in the Hudson River. You can star in True Detective and spend the next year making whacked-out Lincoln commercials. There's no magic formula for celebrity. You just have to do something.
Then there's Roger Goodell.

12/  A much younger Neil Young with "Old Man".....what a wonderful song......

Recorded live for the BBC in the 80's...........

13/  Have you seen any studies in our gullible media that say Coke and other soft drinks don't make you obese, and quote "scientific studies" to make the point? Well guess what - Coca Cola Corp. has paid the scientists for the "studies" because people are waking up to the fact sodas make you fat. And unhealthy.....

Still drinking this poison?

coke cans Studies partially funded by Coca-Cola don’t tend to find that drinking soda is a cause of obesity. Studies they don’t fund find otherwise. 
hese days, you almost have to feel sorry for soda companies. Sales of sugar-sweetened and diet drinks have been falling for a decade in the United States, and a new Gallup Poll says 60% of Americans are trying to avoid drinking soda. In attempts to reverse these trends and deflect concerns about the health effects of sugary drinks, the soda industry invokes elements of the tobacco industry’s classic playbook: cast doubt on the science, discredit critics, invoke nanny statism and attribute obesity to personal irresponsibility.

Casting doubt on the science is especially important to soda makers. Overwhelming evidence links habitual consumption of sugary drinks to poor health. So many studies have identified sodas as key contributors to chronic health conditions – most notably obesity, type-2 diabetes and coronary artery disease – that the first thing anyone trying to stay healthy should do is to stop drinking them.
Soda companies know this. 

14/  Here is a cartoon from the Times on the ways you can help Coke's profits...amusing.....

15/  Carl Hiaasen on the latest outrage from the certified, 100% pond scum asshole YOU elected just goes on and on......

The public tab for defending Gov. Rick Scott, Cabinet members and staff from public records went up another $300,000 according to public records obtained by the Herald on Wednesday evening. The documents were requested on June 17.
The public tab for defending Gov. Rick Scott, Cabinet members and staff from public records went up another $300,000 according to public records obtained by the Herald on Wednesday evening. The documents were requested on June 17.
Is Rick Scott the worst governor in the history of Florida?
It’s a question lots of people ask, and the verdict’s still out. The state has had many lousy governors since 1845, when the job first opened.
Scott is certainly a prime contender for worst ever, and each new screwing of Floridians pushes him closer to the title. The latest outrage reveals the fair-weather fiscal conservative reaching deep into public pockets to bail himself out of legal trouble.
During the last few months, taxpayers have been soaked for more than $1 million to settle lawsuits in which Scott and his dim-bulb Cabinet flagrantly violated Florida’s open-records and open-meetings laws.

16/  A new Quentin Tarantino movie is due in December - woop woop! "The Hateful Eight" is his latest and it's a is the trailer.....

Todays media - Floriduhman!

There is a twitter feed #floridaman, that gives all of the crazy news from's very amusing until you think "I live here too".......

Todays marital bliss joke
That morning.  I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my husband would be pleasant and say, 'Happy Birthday,'  and possibly have a small present for me.
As it turned out, he barely said good morning, let alone  'Happy Birthday.
I thought....well, that's marriage for you, but the kids.... they will remember.

My kids came bouncing down stairs to breakfast and didn't say a word.
So when I left for the office I felt pretty low and somewhat dejected.
As I walked into my office, my handsome boss, Rick, said, 'Good morning, lady, and by the way Happy Birthday!' It felt a little better that at least someone had remembered.

I worked until one o'clock, when Rick knocked on my door and said,
'It's such a beautiful day outside, and it is your birthday, what do you say we go out to lunch, just you and me.'
I said, 'Thanks, Rick, that's the greatest thing I've heard all day. Let's go!'

We went to lunch. But we didn't go where we normally would go. He chose instead a quiet bistro with a private table. We had two martinis each and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.

On the way back to the office, Rick said, 'It's such a beautiful
day...we don't need to go straight back to the office, do we?'

I responded, 'I guess not. What do you have in mind?'
He said, 'Let's drop by my place, it's just around the corner.
After arriving at his house, Rick turned to me and said, 'If you
don't mind, I'm going to step into the bedroom for just a moment.
I'll be right back.'
'Ok.' I nervously replied.

He went into the bedroom and, after a couple of minutes, he came
out carrying a huge birthday cake, 
followed by my husband, my kids, and dozens of my friends and co-workers, all singing 'Happy Birthday.'

And I just sat there....
on the couch....

Todays retirees joke

My wife and I went into town and visited a shop. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and I said, "Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?" 
He just ignored us and continued writing the ticket.
I called him an "a**hole." He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn-out tires.
So my wife called him a "s*ithead." 
He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing more tickets.
This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote. He finally finished, sneered at us and walked away. 
Just then our bus arrived, and we got on it and went home.
We always look for cars with religious bumper stickers. We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired. It's so important at our age!!

Todays senior golfer joke
Bert, at 85 years
old, always wanted a pair of soft spike golf
shoes like Freddie Couples, so seeing some on
sale after his round, he bought them
and he was so delighted with his
purchase decided to wear them home to show the
Walking proudly into the house, he sauntered into
the kitchen and said to his wife,
"Notice anything different about me?"
Margaret at age 83, looked him over and replied,
Frustrated as all get out, Bert stormed off into the
bathroom, undressed and walked back
into the kitchen completely
naked except for the new golf shoes.
Again he asked
Margaret, a little louder this time,
"Notice anything different NOW???"
Margaret looked up and said in her best deadpan
response, "Bert, what's different?
It's hanging down today, it was
hanging down yesterday, and it'll be 
hanging down again tomorrow."
Furious, Bert yells out,"AND DO
"Nope. Not a clue", she replied.
 Without missing a beat old Margaret replies,
"Shoulda bought a new golf hat.”