Thursday, December 31, 2015

Davids Daily Dose - Thursday December 31st - 2015!

Happy New Year folks!

1/  Bill Moyers with another excellent story - the plutocrats are winning, and here is how they're doing it....lobbyists, and secrecy....

The plutocrats are winning: American democracy is being sold off, piece by piece(Credit: CBS)
In the fall of 2001, in the aftermath of 9/11, as families grieved and the nation mourned, Washington swarmed with locusts of the human kind: wartime opportunists, lobbyists, lawyers, ex-members of Congress, bagmen for big donors: all of them determined to grab what they could for their corporate clients and rich donors while no one was looking.
Across the land, the faces of Americans of every stripe were stained with tears. Here in New York, we still were attending memorial services for our firemen and police. But in the nation’s capital, within sight of a smoldering Pentagon that had been struck by one of the hijacked planes, the predator class was hard at work pursuing private plunder at public expense, gold-diggers in the ashes of tragedy exploiting our fear, sorrow, and loss.
What did they want? The usual: tax cuts for the wealthy and big breaks for corporations. They even made an effort to repeal the alternative minimum tax that for fifteen years had prevented companies from taking so many credits and deductions that they owed little if any taxes. And it wasn’t only repeal the mercenaries sought; they wanted those corporations to get back all the minimum tax they had ever been assessed.

2/  "The Sound Of Silence" was a great song from Simon and Garfunkel, but this version sung by Disturbed [ a metal band] is a superwow....powerful, and moving. The singer looks like Henry Rollins, but he has the most incredible voice......

A wonderful three minutes.....

3/  We are a de facto oligarchy, and the Times spells out how the .01% are concentrating wealth at the very very top - they are cheating the system, and gutting the IRS....

This is a serious, heavyweight story that may do some good....who knows.....

For the Wealthiest, a Private Tax System 

That Saves Them Billions

The very richest are able to quietly shape tax policy that will 
allow them to shield billions in income.

Louis Moore Bacon, shown with his wife, Gabrielle, is the founder of a highly successful hedge fund and a leading contributor to Jeb Bush’s Super PAC. Among his homes is one on Robins Island, off Long Island.

WASHINGTON — The hedge fund magnates Daniel S. Loeb, Louis Moore Bacon and Steven A. Cohen have much in common. They have managed billions of dollars in capital, earning vast fortunes. They have invested millions in art — and millions more in political candidates.
Moreover, each has exploited an esoteric tax loophole that saved them millions in taxes. The trick? Route the money to Bermuda and back.
With inequality at its highest levels in nearly a century and public debate rising over whether the government should respond to it through higher taxes on the wealthy, the very richest Americans have financed a sophisticated and astonishingly effective apparatus for shielding their fortunes. Some call it the “income defense industry,” consisting of a high-priced phalanx of lawyers, estate planners, lobbyists and anti-tax activists who exploit and defend a dizzying array of tax maneuvers, virtually none of them available to taxpayers of more modest means.

4/  My favorite cartoonist - Tom Tomorrow - with his two part "Year In Review"......wryly amusing....

These year in review cartoons get longer every year, and I’m still barely just able to scratch the surface. Feel free to add your highlights and lowlights of 2015 in comments

5/  Is your brain Republican or Democrat? Take this quite interesting test, and find out.....

I took it and I think it was correct, but I'm not saying my percentages!

6/  What would a DDD be without a Trump story, so here is Matt Taibbi with a very savvy article.....

Donald TrumpChip Somodevilla/Getty
It started out as a joke: Donald Trump running for president! What better way to spoof the thinness of the Republican field than to shove a bombastic reality star with orange hair, a sixth-grade vocabulary and no behavioral filter onto the debate stage with the likes of Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker and Lindsey Graham? The only thing more perfect would have been to add a head of lettuce and Koko the signing gorilla to round out the candidate slate.
Trump seemed like a perfect foil in particular for Jeb Bush, a hesitating, gelatinous aristocrat who lacked the cocksure brainlessness the previous Bush used to sell himself as a "regular guy." In an era when Republican voters were more distrustful than ever of the Same Old Politics, stiff, birthright-bearing Jeb was exactly the wrong candidate for the party elders to back.

7/  An in depth look at the ratings problem with the Colbert late night show - it's too easy to blame Colbert for turning off Republican viewers because the real story is more interesting discussion....

This is Colbert's real problem: Conservatives aren't the issue, it's mainstream America(Credit: AP/Greg Allen)
Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” keeps slipping in the ratings. In November, it even fell behind Seth Meyers who comes on an hour later than him.
My Salon colleague Sophia McClennnan suggested when Colbert slipped to third that it might have something to do with a Republican audience having problems with complex satire. While it’s true that Colbert does get a little more advanced than the silly games you see on other shows, I would also propose that hosts Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel are giving dumb Americans exactly what they want: pre-digested content that says nothing and doesn’t make anyone mad.
Bill Carter, who has chronicled late-night brilliantly in books and in the New York Times for years, has a new Hollywood Reporter piece examining Colbert’s problem and what some have called the panic inside CBS.

8/  This is one of the most surreal ads you will ever see, but it's very successful -  for Hendricks Gin......30 amusing seconds.....and yes you will watch it twice....OK OK you will probably do stop action to see the bizarre backgrounds and creatures....

It will remind you of the Monty Python spots, but with a MUCH bigger budget!

9/  Another quiz about current affairs......on this one I got 9 out of 11, so have a go at this.....

Test Your Savvy About 2016 With a Quiz

By  DEC. 31, 2015
Those of us engaged in columny usually settle for writing about what has already happened. But today, let’s not follow the easy course. Instead, take my quiz of what’s to come in the year ahead and see if we think alike.

10/  It's almost beyond belief that almost 50% of Americans and an entire political party stoutly deny climate change is happening, but as this article points's REALLY starting to kick in now....

But it's also becoming clear that there's no stopping it - the money, power and vested interests blocking any action to mitigate the damage are too welcome to 2 degrees C by 2050.....which will be awful enough....

The level of denial is simply appalling. It appears increasingly unlikely that humanity will prove capable of confronting and addressing the self-destructive climate-change catastrophe that it has created.
The leaves came off the last trees — a crabapple, a willow and a hardy Norway maple — during the first week of December this year, surely the latest I can remember seeing leaves on trees since we moved to the Philadelphia area 18 years ago. But it’s not just that.
A rhododendron bush beside the house has huge blooms ready to burst open, the white petal tips pushing out of their scaly looking egg-sized buds. And our garden is still boasting a surprisingly fast-growing crop of chard, sweet kale and perhaps most surprisingly, tall fava bean plants that, while they didn’t produce any beans this year, saute up to make a beautiful doumiao — one of my favorite Chinese vegetable dishes.
On a micro level, it is nice to be able to harvest fresh veggies pest-free from our garden a few days before the new year (and, judging by the 10-day forecast, well into 2016!), thanks to our not having had one below-freezing day yet this fall and winter, and only a few nights when the temperature dipped into the high 20s, not enough to kill hardier vegetables like kale and chard. But viewed through a climate-change lens, this is pretty scary.
Nobody can tell me that climate change is a hoax.

11/  Another decentish movie, "The Revenant" directed by Alejandro Inarritu - not great, but if you like the premise of extreme violence and hardship you'll enjoy it.........

Leonardo DiCaprio plays a mountain man in 1823 in “The Revenant.
In “The Revenant,” a period drama reaching for tragedy, Leonardo DiCaprio plays the mountain man Hugh Glass, a figure straight out of American myth and history. He enters dressed in a greasy, fur-trimmed coat, holding a flintlock rifle while stealing through a forest primeval that Longfellow might have recognized. This, though, is no Arcadia; it’s 1823 in the Great Plains, a pitiless testing ground for men that’s littered with the vivid red carcasses of skinned animals, ghastly portents of another slaughter shortly to come. The setting could not be more striking or the men more flinty.

“The Revenant” is an American foundation story, by turns soaring and overblown. Directed by Alejandro G. Iñárritu (“Birdman,” “Babel”), it features a battalion of very fine, hardworking actors, none more diligently committed than Mr. DiCaprio, and some of the most beautiful natural tableaus you’re likely to see in a movie this year. Partly shot in outwardly unspoiled tracts in Canada and Argentina, it has the brilliant, crystalline look that high-definition digital can provide, with natural vistas that seem to go on forever and suggest the seeming limitless bounty that once was. Here, green lichen carpets trees that look tall enough to pierce the heavens. It’s that kind of movie, with that kind of visual splendor — it spurs you to match its industrious poeticism.

Todays video - magic tricks and professional golfers....three great minutes....what's not to like!

Todays hand job joke
An elderly golfer comes in after a good round of golf at a new course and heads straight to the bar/restaurant area of the club house. As he passes through the swinging doors, he spots a sign hanging over the bar that reads:
COLD BEER: $5.00
HAND JOB: $250.00
Checking his wallet to be sure he has the necessary money, the old golfer walks up to the bar & beckons to the exceptionally attractive female bartender who is serving drinks to a couple of sun-wrinkled golfers. 
She glides down behind the bar to the old golfer. “Yes?” she inquires with a wide, knowing smile. “May I help?"
The old golfer leans over the bar & whispers, “I was wondering young lady, are you the one who gives the hand-jobs around here?” 
She looks into his wrinkled eyes & with a wide smile purrs, “Yes sir, I sure am.”
The old golfer leans in even closer & into her left ear says softly: 
“Well then, be sure to wash your hands real good, because I want a cheeseburger.”

Todays Mensa jokes
The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

Here are the winners:

1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

3. Intaxicaton: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

5. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

6. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid

7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. 
11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

12. Decafalon (n): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

13. Glibido: All talk and no action.

14. Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

15. Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and
cannot be cast out.

17. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.

The Washington Post has also published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words.

And the winners are:

1. Coffee, n. The person upon whom one coughs.

2. Flabbergasted, adj. Appalled by discovering
how much weight one has gained.

3. Abdicate, v. To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade, v. To attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly, adj. Impotent.

6. Negligent, adj. Absent mindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.

7. Lymph, v. To walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle, n. Olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. Flatulence, n. Emergency vehicle that picks up someone who has been run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash, n. A rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle, n. A humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude, n. The formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.

13. Pokemon, n. A Rastafarian proctologist.

14. Oyster, n. A person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.

15. Frisbeetarianism, n. The belief that, after death, the soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Circumvent, n. An opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.

Todays Wild West joke
A tough old cowboy from Montana counseled his granddaughter that if she wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a 
pinch of gun powder on her oatmeal every morning.

The granddaughter did this religiously until the age of 103, when she died. 

She left behind 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren, 25 great-great-grandchildren, and 
a 40-foot hole where the crematorium used to be.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Davids Daily Dose - Sunday December 27th

1/  Matt Taibbi, as usual, nails it - why are Americans so frightened ? It's TV and our "news" business.....there's money to be made keeping the stupids constantly frightened......

Read the sentence below, and if it makes sense for you read the article.....excellent.

Tune It All OutThe solution to most of our fears? Stop watching the news.

Americans are the safest, richest, most extravagantly protected people in the world, but we're more miserable, divided and frightened than ever. That we literally want to be walled off from the rest of the world would be bad enough, were it not also true that we increasingly also hate and fear each other

2/  Viral video - a guy strapped a GoPro to his dog to see what he did when he left the house....three surprising [and a little heartbreaking] minutes....

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Pet owners like to think that when they head off to work every day, their pooch or kitty happily sleeps and plays most of the day away with no bouts of separation anxiety or despair.
That's what Springfield radio host, Mike Holmes(better known as Mike the Intern from 104.7 The Cave), assumed his beloved dog Guinness did while he was at work.
But then one day he put a GoPro camera around Guinness' neck and walked out the front door. When Holmes viewed the video — one that captured poor Guinness howling and yelping, frantically trotting back and forth from the window to the door with the hope of seeing his master return and finally collapsing on Holmes' bed to cry — Holmes said he felt terrible.
"It just broke my heart. I had never heard him howl like that. I never heard him whine like that," Holmes said.

3/  This is one of the most infuriating stories I've read recently - there seems to be no end to the exploitation and ruthless plundering of the will be angry and disgusted if you read this article from the Times....

Clifford Cain Jr., a retired electrician, in his West Baltimore home.
Clifford Cain Jr., a retired electrician in Baltimore, was used to living on a tight budget, carefully apportioning his Social Security and pension benefits to cover his rent and medication for multiple sclerosis.
So Mr. Cain was puzzled when he suddenly could not make ends meet. Months later, he discovered why: A debt collector had garnished his bank account after suing him for about $4,500 the company said he owed on an old debt.
Mr. Cain said he never knew the lawsuit had been brought against him until the money was gone. Neither did other Baltimore residents who were among the hundreds of people sued by the collector, Midland Funding, a unit of the Encore Capital Group, in Maryland State Court. Some of them said they did not even owe any money, or their debt had long expired and was not legally collectible, according to a review of court records.

4/  A dance Supercut from the movies - see how many you recognize!.....

About 4 minutes....

5/  Interesting - I had always thought organic eggs were best......but this analysis by Vox says "maybe".....

I am, of course, assuming you don't eat Walmart eggs.....

Cage-free, free range, organic: what all those egg labels really mean

If you've ever bought eggs in a supermarket, you've probably faced this conundrum: do I buy the regular, cheap eggs, or the nicer, organic/cage-free eggs? And supposing you want to spring for the humane stuff, how do you know which farms are really treating their hens right, and which are just throwing up smoke and mirrors?
The short answer: yes, you should be buying cage-free eggs. But the case for buying organic or free range eggs isn't very compelling. When shopping around, be sure to look for "Certified Humane" and, even better, "Animal Welfare Approved" stickers on your eggs. They're your best bet if you love egg products but want to be sure the hens laying them are being treated well.

6/  I love these videos of outer gets our lonely little planet in perspective.....this one is well done....about three minutes....

It's tough to convey these huge numbers in a way that makes sense. But YouTube user daveachuk made the astounding video above that helps put them into perspective.
As the video zooms deeper and deeper, remember that every single pinprick of light is a star — in most cases, scientists believe, a star orbited by its own planet (or planets).
Think of it this way: our Solar System is so big that we still haven't sent any spacecraft beyond its borders. But it's replicated over and over, literally billions of times, in the Andromeda Galaxy. And Andromeda is just a single galaxy, relatively close to our Milky Way — both are part of a larger supercluster of galaxies called Laniakea.
Make the video full screen, turn the volume up, and let it sink in. The vastness of our universe is beyond words.

7/  We know local weather has nothing to do with climate change, but patterns of weather this article says the unseasonal temperatures are due to El Nino. but climate change makes it more extreme.....

502198614-timmy-mcgovern-dressed-as-santa-claus-walks-along-theThis year, Christmas Eve feels more like the tropics for much of the East Coast. Here, Timmy McGovern dressed as Santa Claus walks along the beach passing out candy canes and posing for pictures with beach-goers on Dec. 21, 2015 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images
As a journalist, I know you’re not supposed to personify inanimate objects, but the weather in America this week seems angry.
Take Wednesday, for example. As travelers rushed home to celebrate the holidays, temperatures in New England soared to spring-like levels. Street vendors dismantled Christmas-tree stands in New York City in the driving rain. Tornadoes tore through the South. On Lake Michigan, wind gusts approached hurricane force. And the data backs up what we already intuitively know: None of us, or any of our grandparents, ever experienced a December with weather like this.

8/  I was looking for an update to this story from 2014, but couldn't find one......which means either the scientists didn't do one or someone told them not to! Although the team works for NASA look at the disclaimers - NASA has disowned this report, probably because all of NASA's budget is gub'mint money and vulnerable to political pressure.

Either way read essence a team of genius scientists has analyzed patterns and data mathematically and concluded society will collapse within 15 years like the Roman and Mayan empires about 2030.....and their data did NOT fully factor in the effects of climate change.

If you read DDD you are above average intelligence, so look at this, think about it and even if they are off a decade it's not looking good folks....
Civilization was pretty great while it lasted, wasn't it? Too bad it's not going to for much longer. According to a new study sponsored by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, we only have a few decades left before everything we know and hold dear collapses.
The report, written by applied mathematician Safa Motesharrei of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center along with a team of natural and social scientists, explains that modern civilization is doomed. And there's not just one particular group to blame, but the entire fundamental structure and nature of our society.
Analyzing five risk factors for societal collapse (population, climate, water, agriculture and energy), the report says that the sudden downfall of complicated societal structures can follow when these factors converge to form two important criteria. Motesharrei's report says that all societal collapses over the past 5,000 years have involved both "the stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity" and "the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or "Commoners") [poor]." This "Elite" population restricts the flow of resources accessible to the "Masses", accumulating a surplus for themselves that is high enough to strain natural resources. Eventually this situation will inevitably result in the destruction of society.

9/  This is a three minute video of a tornado destroying a home, taken by the poor guy from inside the house.....heartbreaking....

About a minute of it is sound only where I guess they are in the basement.....

If you’ve never experienced the power of a tornado, you should put yourself in this couple’s shoes, if only for three and a half minutes.
This is incredible video captured in the middle of an actual tornado.

10/  A list of the best apps for travel.....from the travel lady at the Times.....

Recently I deleted dozens of travel apps from my iPhone. Many are great. They allowed me to research unfamiliar places, listen to audio tours and turn my photos into postcards. But travel is about tapping the world, not a screen, so I’m ending the year with an app purge. I’ve kept only what I use often. An app didn’t have to be new (most weren’t) to make the cut, but it had to make travel easier or significantly more enjoyable. Below are a dozen that have earned a spot on my smartphone heading into 2016

11/  Movie review - "The Hateful Eight', directed by Quentin is basically if you like Tarantino movies you'll love this one....

Quentin Tarantino is a scholar of old movies with a particular antiquarian fetish for the ways they used to be made and consumed. His eighth feature, “The Hateful Eight,” was shot on film with antique lenses and is being projected at some theaters in sumptuous, wide-screen 70-millimeter Panavision.
Mr. Tarantino and his director of photography, the three-time Oscar winner Robert Richardson, revel in the tonal and compositional possibilities of the format. The dense colors and clever shifts in focus hold your attention when the dialogue starts to sputter. There is quite a lot to see and hear. Almost three hours long, “The Hateful Eight” has an overture at the beginning — a static title card accompanied by a sinister and swaggering Ennio Morricone score — and an intermission a little past the midpoint.

Interesting trailer is in the story!

Todays video - An award-winning six minute short Australian film [mainly] for guys, and lads if this ever happens to you I hope you don't have to go to this doctor. A guy drinks too much, and has an uncomfortable feeling in the morning..... 

This is one of the funniest I've seen for a builds wonderfully.....

Todays blonde joke....with a difference!

A blonde city girl named Amy marries a Colorado rancher. 

One morning, on his way out to check on the cows, the rancher says to Amy, "'The insemination man is coming over to impregnate one of our cows today, so I drove a nail into the 2 by 4 just above where the cow's stall is in the barn.  
Please show him where the cow is when he gets here, OK?"........ 
The rancher leaves for the fields.  After a while, the artificial insemination man Arrives and knocks on the front door.  
Amy takes him down to the barn. They walk along the row of cows and when Amy sees the nail, she tells him, 
"'This is the one right here." 
The man, assuming he is dealing with an air head blond, asks,  
"Tell me lady, 'cause I'm dying to know; how would YOU know that this is the right cow to be bred?"
"That's simple," she said. "By the nail that's over its stall," she explains very confidently.  
Laughing rudely at her, the man says, "And what, pray tell, is the nail for?"  
The blond turns to walk away and says sweetly over her shoulder,  
"I guess it's to hang your pants on." 

Todays husband joke

Vern works hard at the Phone Company but spends two nights each week bowling, and plays golf every Saturday. 

His wife thinks he's pushing himself too hard, So for his birthday, she takes him to a local strip club. 

The doorman at the club greets them and says, "Hey, Vern! How ya doing?"

His wife is puzzled and asks Vern if he's been to the club before.

 "Oh no," he says. "He's in my bowling league ."

When they are seated, a waitress asks Vern If he'd like his usual and brings over a Budweiser.

His wife is becoming increasingly uncomfortable and says, "How did she know that you drink Budweiser?"

"I recognize her, because she's also the waitress at the golf club. I always have a Bud at the end of the first nine, honey."

A stripper then comes over to their table, throws her arms around Vern, starts to rub herself all over him and says, "Hi Vern. Want your usual table dance, big boy?"

Vern's wife, now furious, grabs her purse and storms out of the club. 

Vern follows and spots her getting into a cab. Before she can slam the door, he jumps in beside her and tries desperately to explain how the stripper must have mistaken him for someone else.

But his wife is having none of it. She is screaming at the top of her lungs and calling him every four-letter word in the book.

The cabby looks in the rear-view mirror and says, "Geez Vern, you picked up a real bitch this time."


Todays Catholic joke

The parish priest went on a fishing trip.
On the last day of his trip he hooked a monster fish and proceeded to
reel it in.  The guide, holding a net, yelled, 'Look at the size of that Son of a Bitch!'
'Son, I'm a priest. Your language is uncalled for!'

'No, Father, that's what kind of fish it is - a Son of a Bitch fish!'

'Really? Well then, help me land this Son of a Bitch!'
Once in the boat, they marvelled at the size of the monster.
'Father, that's the biggest Son of a Bitch I've ever seen'

'Yes, it is a big Son of a Bitch. What should I do with it?'
'Why, eat it! Of course. You've never tasted anything as good as Son
of a Bitch!'  

Elated, the priest headed home to the rectory.
While unloading his gear and his prize catch, Sister Mary inquired
about his trip.

'Take a look at this big Son of a Bitch I caught!'
Sister Mary gasped and clutched her rosary, 'Father!'

'It's OK, Sister. That's what kind of fish it is, a Son of a Bitch fish!'
'Oh, well then, what are you going to do with that big Son of a Bitch?'

Sister Mary informed the priest that the new Bishop was scheduled to
visit in a few days and that they should fix the Son of a Bitch for
his dinner.
'I'll even clean the Son of a Bitch', she said.

As she was cleaning the huge fish, the Friar walked in.

What are you doing Sister?'

'Father wants me to clean this big Son of a Bitch for the new Bishop's Dinner'

'Sister! I'll clean it if you're so upset! Please watch your language!

'No, no, no, it's called a Son of a Bitch Fish.'

Really? Well, in that case, I'll fix up a great meal to go with it,
and that Son of a Bitch can be the main course!
Let me know when you've finished cleaning that Son of a Bitch.'

On the night of the new Bishop's visit, everything was perfect.

The Friar had prepared an excellent meal.

The wine was fine, and the fish was excellent.

The new Bishop said, 'This is great fish, where did you get it?'

'I caught that Son of a Bitch!' proclaimed the proud priest.

'And I cleaned the Son of a Bitch!' exclaimed the Sister.

The Friar added, 'And I prepared the Son of a Bitch, using a
special recipe!

The new Bishop looked around at each of them.

A big smile crept across his face as he said,
'You fuckers are my kind of people!"