Friday, May 31, 2019

Davids Daily Dose - Friday May 31st

1/  Interesting story about the Republicans and climate denial - they realize outright denial is stupid, so now it's "let's do some cosmetic stuff and it's still business as usual - but Trump has thrown a wrench into their plan....
Change he can’t believe in. Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images
The American people believe climate change is real, and they want their government to do something about it.
A record 72 percent of voters said global warming was an “important” issue for them personally in a Yale/George Mason University poll released earlier this year. That same poll found a majority of Republican voters favored government action to combat warming, with 56 percent endorsing “strict carbon-dioxide emission limits on existing coal-fired power plants to reduce global warming and improve public health, even if the cost of electricity to consumers and companies would likely increase.” This finding is broadly consistent with other recent surveys. Last year Gallup found that 62 percent of voters believed the government was “doing too little” to protect the environment — the highest that figure has been in more than a decade. 

2/  It's definitely time for this three minute clip from the Newsroom again, where Jeff Daniels explains why America isn't the greatest country in the world any more......this was made in 2014, and watch it now in the third year of the Trump era....

3/  Andrew Sullivan on Theresa May and the right wing populism spreading throughout the EU.....not good news....
The center did not hold. Photo: Leon Neal/Getty Images
If you were hoping that the recent wave of global right-wing populism might be declining, it has not been a very good couple of weeks. In India, the Hindu nationalist, Narendra Modi, was just reelected handily — with a hefty majority in the Parliament, despite expectations that he’d do far worse. Buoyed by resurgent nationalism and his standing up to China and Pakistan, as well as appealing to the left-behinds, he achieved something historic: the first full second term for a prime minister in nearly 50 years. But it’s impossible to understand Modi’s success without seeing his exploitation of Hindu anti-Muslim religious bigotry at the heart of it. This was a victory for illiberal democracy — one in which Muslims are used as a classic minority threat.

4/  Sam Bee on Mayor Pete going on Fox amusing six minutes....

5/  The excellent Tom Tomorrow...

6/  Matt Taibbi explains the awful implications of the Trump DOJ warrants for Julian Assange....
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange today sits in the Belmarsh High Security prison in southeast London. Not just for his sake but for everyone’s, we now have to hope he’s never moved from there to America.
The United States filed charges against Assange early last month. The case seemed to have been designed to assuage fears that speech freedoms or the press were being targeted.
That specific offense was “computer hacking conspiracy” from back in 2010. The “crime” was absurdly thin, a claim that Assange agreed (but failed, apparently) to try to help Chelsea Manning develop an administrative password that could have helped her conceal identity as she downloaded secrets. One typewritten phrase, “No luck so far,” was the damning piece of evidence.

7/  A SNL piece with Sandra Oh you haven't seen...."Admissions Police".....reasonably amusing, and in this news cycle relevant....

8/  Wonderful!

9/  You may have read about the doctored Nancy Pelosi video - in case you haven't seen it the Times has the original and the doctored versions side by side. This is just the beginning of malicious fake videos...
Manipulated videos of Speaker Nancy Pelosi that made it seem as if she were stumbling over and slurring her words continued to spread across social media on Friday, fueled by President Trump’s feud with the Democratic leader.
One of the videos, which showed Ms. Pelosi speaking at a conference this week, appeared to be slowed down to make her speech sound continually garbled.
The video has been viewed millions of times on Facebook and was amplified by the president’s personal lawyer, 
Rudolph W. Giuliani, who shared the video Thursday night on Twitter.

10/  If you are connected to the cruise industry this story from the Times will be of interest.....Park West Galleries who do the Art Auctions on ships are in trouble.....
The scene played out for years. Twice a week, in the late afternoon, above the Shun Lee Chinese restaurant on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, a creaky elevator would open, and out would step an elderly man. Thin as a rail, with a sparse mustache, he would sometimes have little idea about where or who he was. A pair of security doors would buzz unlocked once surveillance cameras identified him as the artist Peter Max.
Inside, he would see painters — some of them recruited off the street and paid minimum wage — churning out art in the Max aesthetic: cheery, polychrome, wide-brushstroke kaleidoscopes on canvas. Mr. Max would be instructed to hold out his hand, and for hours, he would sign the art as if it were his own, grasping a brush and scrawling Max. The arrangement, which continued until earlier this year, was described to The New York Times by seven people who witnessed it.

11/  Some good movies and shows coming up.....I love a good trailer, and here are some great ones....
Has it really been less than a week since HBO dropped that wonderfully cryptic, Pink Floyd-scored Westworld teaser? It feels like several months have passed since then. Trailer-wise, it’s been a busy six days: We got an extended look at Quentin Tarantino’s latest, a teaser for the upcoming Star Trek: TNG spinoff, a peek at Linda Hamilton’s return to the Terminator franchise and yes, that aforementioned clip about the show HBO is betting the farm on now that Game of Thrones is over. Plus some previews of docs, TV shows and what may be the best exploitation film of the year. It’s your trailers-of-the-week round-up.

12/  Summer TV from Rolling Stone....looks like some excellent shows to sit out the heat.....
Remember when Fall was the season when the rush of new TV series and returning favorites kept you glued to your coach? That was sodecades ago. Now, thanks to streaming platforms and basic-to-premium cable channels and sub-boutique cable channels and an overall post-Peak TV glut, it’s premiere season all year round! The summer used to be for reruns and the occasional variety special. Flash-forward to 2019, and you’ve got megahit shows about ’80s teens, Oscar-winning actors fretting over murders and the sort of big-budget blockbuster-ish stuff you used to have to go to air-conditioned multiplexes to see. Who needs the beach when you have a new season of Big Little Lies, now with 100% more Meryl Streep?

13/  HBO shows ranked from worst to best.....not many surprises, but interesting nevertheless.....and you'll probably find a 
series to go back to....
During the rapid expansion of cable and satellite television in the 1980s, HBO was one of the new services’ biggest selling points, thanks to a lineup that featured uncut recent theatrical movies, concerts, stand-up-comedy specials, and even the occasional Broadway show … and not the same ol’ sitcoms and dramas. These days, HBO is still one of pay TV’s top draws, but it’s mostly because of shows like Game of Thrones and Veep and not because subscribers are eager to catch up with Ocean’s 8 and The Predator. 

Todays farming joke
I recently spent $6,500 on a young registered Black Angus bull.
I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cow.
I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth.
Anyhow, I had the Vet come and have a look at him.
He said the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young, so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day.
The bull started to service the cows within two days, all my cows!
He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neighbor's cows!
He's like a machine!
I don't know what was in the pills the Vet gave him ............
But they kind of taste like peppermint.

Todays English language lesson
You think English is easy?

1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture..
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert..
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear..
19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Todays religious joke

A Priest and a Rabbi were sitting next to each other on an airplane.  After a while, the Priest turned to the Rabbi and asked,

"Is it still a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?"
The Rabbi responded, "Yes, that is still one of our laws."
The Priest then asked, "Have you ever eaten pork?"

To which the Rabbi replied, "Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and tasted a ham sandwich."

The Priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.

A while later, the Rabbi spoke up and asked the Priest, "Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?"

The Priest replied, "Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith."

The Rabbi then asked him, "Father, have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?"

The Priest replied, "Yes, Rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke my faith."
The Rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silent, thinking, for about five minutes.
Finally, the Rabbi said, "Beats the shit out of a ham sandwich, doesn't it?"


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Davids Daily Dose - Thursday May 23rd

1/  This is a big deal folks, and causing the idiot to melt down....
Follow the money. Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images
House Democrats made significant headway toward finding out what Donald Trump has been hiding in his tax returns Wednesday, as a federal judge in New York City rejected the president’s request to bar Deutsche Bank and Capital One from honoring a congressional subpoena for his financial records.
Trump, his three eldest children, and their companies had argued in court that the Democrats’ subpoenas lacked “any legislative purpose” and violated the Right to Financial Privacy Act. The House committee that issued the subpoenas countered that Trump’s records were needed for “wide-ranging investigations of issues bearing upon the integrity of the U.S. financial system and national security, including bank fraud, money laundering, foreign influence in the U.S. political process, and the counterintelligence risks posed by foreign powers’ use of financial leverage” — and that the Right to Financial Privacy Act does not apply to Congress.
U.S. District Judge Edgardo Ramos favored the Democrats’ argument.

2/  Matt Taibbi on how Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie are being kneecapped by the media....excellent background to stories you are reading....
Last week, the Daily Beast ran this headline: “Tulsi Gabbard’s Campaign Is Being Boosted by Putin Apologists”
That was followed by the sub headline: “The Hawaii congresswoman is quickly becoming the top candidate for Democrats who think the Russian leader is misunderstood.”
The Gabbard campaign has received 75,000 individual donations. This crazy Beast article is based on (maybe) three of them.
The three names are professor Stephen Cohen, activist Sharon Tennison and someone using the name “Goofy Grapes,” who may or may not have once worked for comedian Lee Camp, currently employed by Russia Today.
This vicious little article might have died a quiet death, except ABC’s George Stephanopoulos regurgitated it in an interview with Gabbard days later. The This Week host put up the Beast headline in a question about whether or not Gabbard was “softer” on Putin than other candidates.

3/  Trevor Noah shows how Democrats [Bernie and Pete] rocked when they went on Fox News....a clever and enlightening six minutes, and funny too!
Daily Show” host Trevor Noah said Democratic presidential candidates are getting in President Donald Trump’s head by not only appearing on his favorite network, Fox News, but drawing praise from the audience.  
Trump even attacked Fox News for hosting South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg on Sunday, wondering aloud “What’s going on?” with the network for putting Democrats on the air.
“Something very strange!” the president complained. 
“Awwww, poor Trump,” Noah mocked. “You realize what happened here. The news network that he loves the most flirted with a younger, hotter candidate and he’s clearly shook.” 
It’s not just Buttigieg, who received a standing ovation at the end of his town hall on Sunday night and caused host Chris Wallace to let out a “wow,” that’s bugging Trump. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, also seeking the Democratic nomination, appeared on the network and earned praise from the town hall audience.

4/  Matt Taibbi on the road with Bernie.....he explains why the Democratic establishment hates Bernie but also why 
Bernie's message is resonating....
Madison, Wisconsin. A blustery Friday evening. A few thousand supporters of Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders are gathered in James Madison Park, along the shores of Lake Mendota. Though it’s April, it’s cold as hell. A group of Bern fans look ready to blow away in the breeze as their giant American and Wisconsin state flags fill up like spinnaker sails. When Sanders finally ascends to the lectern, all you can see from a distance is a shock of white hair whipping in the wind atop a shiny black overcoat. He looks like a gull in a Glad bag.

5/  Bill Maher takes on Catholicism.....this "New Rules" pressed the buttons of Fox News! Seven minutes....

6/  The current spate of Abortion bills is nothing to do with pro-life - it's all about white men trying to get back to the 50's when women knew their place. Very dangerous, and this is a serious moment in our country....
Part of President Trump’s new immigration proposal is something called “patriotic assimilation.” It’s a euphemism for an immigrant entry exam that evokes the Jim Crow literacy tests used to disenfranchise black voters. One administration official told the Washington Post that green-card applicants would be required to pass an exam based on such everyday American household dinner topics as Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptist Association.
That is a perplexing choice for the administration, given the timing. That letter, dated January 1, 1802, is the foundation of many understandings of the First Amendment when it comes to the separation of church and state. That is anything but what we saw this week, as their Republican allies in statehouses throughout the Midwest and South pushed through unconstitutional, misogynist and pseudoscientific restrictions on abortion

7/  Samantha Bee with an amusing segment "Sex Ed for Senators".....exposing the ignorance of Republicans 
trying to control women....six amusing minutes...

8/  Is it any surprise to anyone that Trump's Immigration plans are cruel and stupid? Devised by Stephen Miller, sold by Jared Kushner.....awful cruel ideas.
President Trump’s wheel of preoccupations spun back around to the border on Thursday, when he took to the White House Rose Garden to announce his administration’s new plan to overhaul federal immigration law. Trump called the proposal “a fair, modern and lawful system of immigration” that would be based primarily on merit. “If for some reason, possibly political, we can’t get the Democrats to approve this merit-based, high-security plan, then we will get it approved immediately after the election when we take back the House, keep the Senate and, of course, hold the presidency,” Trump said
Trump was still fired up on Friday morning, tweeting that all “people that are illegally coming into the United States now will be removed from our Country at a later date as we build up our removal forces and as the laws are changed.” He added that there is a “good chance” Democrats will ultimately embrace the new plan.

9/  John Oliver with his excellent brand of comedic reporting - this week on how deaths are investigated.....and it's nothing like TV.....a very good [and funny] 18 minutes.....

10/  Was Brexit a surprise to you? Read this story from the Times on how the Conservative government has gutted 
services to the English countryside, and wonder no more. I didn't realize how bad it was....
ALSTON, England — It was not until Trevor Robinson received a letter notifying him of a missed appointment at the hospital that he realized he had not spoken to another human being in more than six weeks.
Mr. Robinson, a 77-year-old retired landscape gardener, had spent most of that time alone, sitting on his favorite frayed leather recliner looking out the window at the moorland surrounding his cottage in the northwestern county of Cumbria.
“When you spend every second by yourself, you lose track of time,” he said as tears trickled down his face. “I feel lonely, very lonely, and bored.”
Mr. Robinson’s isolation, shared by thousands of older people in Britain, is the result of a chain of cause-and-effect that stretches from rural Cumbria to the halls of power in London. He used to ride a subsidized bus to town until the local council discontinued the route. The council was responding to steep budget cutbacks stemming from the Conservative-led government’s decade-long austerity program.

11/  Go through this list of movies on Netflix again....summer is coming with network TV a desert....
Uma Thurman in Pulp FictionPhoto: Miramax
This post is updated regularly to reflect the latest movies to leave and enter Netflix. *New additions are indicated by an asterisk. 
With thousands of movies to choose from, and a navigation system and algorithm that don’t always make the right choice easy to find, it can be difficult to know what to watch on Netflix. That’s why we’re here, breaking down the 100 best movies on the service at this minute, with regular updates for titles that have been removed and when new ones are added. We’ve done the hard work, so now the only thing you have to do is sit back and, uh, watch all 100 movies. (And if you’re more of a TV person, check out the 50 best TV shows on Netflix.)

12/  And the best summer TV.....
Photo-Illustration: Maya Robinson/Vulture and Photos by Amazon, Hulu, Netflix and HBO
Now that you’ve seen all the best shows of 2019 (so far), your summer content plans can go one of two ways: Rewatch The Office for the fourth time while questioning its streaming mortality, or give something new a try. Here at Vulture dot-com, we’re very much in favor of taking something new out for a spin, and thanks to the season’s bounty of fresh debuts and returning favorites, you’ve got a bunch of options to put in your queue, baby! Below, we’ve listed every confirmed premiere date for shows in the months ahead, as well as highlighted a few notable titles that should be on your radar. Enjoy!

13/  Did you ever live in Dade or Broward counties? If so check out this list of restaurants still going after many many have YOU been to?
Mary and I - most of them!
So many restaurants come and go in South Florida that diners could use a scorecard to figure out what’s open from week to week.
High rents. Changing tastes. Chef boredom.
It all adds up to short restaurant life spans.
But if you look hard enough in the 305 and 954, several restaurants have stood for more than half century. And in always changing Miami-Dade, Broward and the Keys, that is a lifetime.

Todays Italian joke

An elderly Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Rimini, Italy, went to the local church for confession.

When the priest slid open the panel in the confessional, the 
man said: 

"Father, during World War II, a beautiful Jewish woman from our neighborhood knocked urgently on my door and asked me to hide her from the Nazis. So I hid her
in my attic."

The priest replied: "That was a wonderful thing you did, and you have no need to confess that."

"There is more to tell, Father.  She started to repay me with sexual favors.  This happened several times a week, and sometimes twice on Sundays."

The priest said, "That was a long time ago and by doing what you did, you placed the two of you in great danger, but two
people under those circumstances can easily succumb to the weakness of the flesh.  However, if you are truly sorry for your
actions, you are indeed forgiven."

"Thank you, Father.  That's a great load off my mind.  I do have one more question."

"And what is that?" asked the priest.

"Should I tell her the war is over?''

Todays Scottish joke
A man was sitting on a blanket at the beach. He had no arms and no legs.
Three women - one from England, another from Wales, and the other from Scotland, were walking past and felt
 sorry for the poor man.
The English woman said, "Have you ever had a hug?" 

The man said, "No." 
So she gave him a hug and walked on, feeling pleased about herself.
The Welsh woman said, "Have you ever had a kiss?"
The man said, "No." 
So she gave him a kiss and walked on, feeling pleased about herself.
The Scottish woman came to him and said, " 'ave ye ever been fucked, laddie? "
The man broke into a big smile and said, "No".
She said, "Aye, well ye will be when the tide comes in"

Todays Irish joke
John O'Reilly hoisted his beer and said, "Here's
to spending the rest of me Life, between the legs
of me wife !"

That won him the top prize at the pub for the best
toast of the night !

He went home and told his wife, Mary, "I won the
prize for the Best toast of The night."

She said, "Aye, did ye now. And what was your toast?"

John said, "Here's to spending the rest of me
life, sitting in church beside me wife."

"Oh, that is very nice indeed, John!" Mary said.

The next day, Mary ran into one of John's drinking
buddies on the street Corner. 

The man chuckled leeringly and said, "John won the prize the other
night at The pub with a toast about you, Mary."

She said, "Aye, he told me, and I was a bit
surprised myself.. 
"You know, he's only been in there twice in the last four years. 
Once I had to pull him by the ears to make him come, and the 
other time he fell asleep".