1/. Matt Gaetz, our Florida man getting what we all hoped would happen to him....
Since he arrived in Washington, D.C., in 2017, Representative Matt Gaetzhas prided himself on making very few friends at the Capitol. “When I first got to Washington, the party leaders said ‘Gaetz, it seems to us you’re not really a team player,’ and I said ‘I am, but you’re not my team,’” he told a crowd this week in the panhandle town of Niceville, in the heart of his Florida district.
2/. Colin Jost roasts Matt Gaetz.....very funny, nicely done....three minutes....
3/. Fox News is a force for evil in this country, and this story explains how and why....
Political analysts are still trying to figure out just what has caused the Republican Party in this country to move so far to the right in recent years, and there are many theories. Much has been made of the Trump-loving white working class's perceived loss of economic success due to outsourcing and international trade and we've endlessly discussed their various grievances about losing the status and privileges they believe they are entitled to. We try to understand their confusion about changing cultural norms and the cascading disinformation that permeates social media. In the end, all we really know is that they are very upset and Donald Trump gave voice to their overwhelming anger and disdain for their fellow Americans.
4/. Joe Biden Foxplained by the Daily Show's Desi Lydic...three minutes of Foxspeak.....
5/. Trumpies are now conditioned to hate liberals, and we are closer to something that could get out of control very easily......a disturbing article...
And why the Nazi analogy is so chilling
I have relatives and friends who still support Trump. They think the Democrats literally stole the election. They believe the Capitol riots were the work of Antifa and the Left. They’re convinced America is ‘close enough’ to some government agency secretly microchipping us all, that anyone who isn’t a Republican is a communist, and that Republicans who oppose Trump are nearly as bad or worse, especially if they don’t believe the election was stolen.
6/. The border issue...
7/. We follow the wonderful HCR every morning via her emails, and this is one of her pieces
that really make you think......
8/. Maya Rudolph is Beyonce on a Hot Wing eating show.....amusing, three minutes....
9/. Tom Tomorrow, MAGA in the future....
10/. The origins of QAnon, a very interesting article from MSNBC....
Sometimes, when I look at the outlet where I insert my computer charger, I can see a sorrowful face looking back at me: two thin slits for eyes and a big, dour, downturned arc of a mouth, surprised and dismayed at its throatful of electricity. There’s a term for the human tendency to see faces where none exist: pareidolia, one of those curious and lovely Greek-rooted words that sounds a bit like a fancy parasol or a rare flower https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/how-qanoon-helps-its-followers-find-conspiracy-chaos-n1262227?icid=msd_topgrid
11/. The SNL cold open with Britney Spears, with special guest Matt Gaetz.....mildly amusing, seven minutes....
12/. Very good commentary on how the wealthy are gaslighting us constantly....
A few years ago, one of my friends confessed something over coffee. She leaned forward. Her voice fell to a hush: “I love my kids, but from a financial standpoint, I regret having them.”
My friend is a tenured professor. She’s published books with major presses, including Oxford. People beg her to speak at conferences.
Despite all this, her family is barely getting by. (Her husband is also a highly-regarded professor in engineering.) When she was done talking, her face glowed with shame.
It’s a common story these days.
13/. The SNL cast attempts to explain NFT's in a musical skit involving Janet Yellen.....incomprehensible, but good! Three minutes....
14/. Oh boy I hope this story is true....
AsAmerica processes the trauma and peril of Donald Trump’s presidency, and the terrible scenes of violence and mayhem at the Capitol that marked its end, there is a reservoir of panicky fear that he will somehow persevere simmering below the surface. He did such profound damage, it is hard to believe he could be gone. Yet for all the danger of those last days, Donald Trump is effectively finished.
15/. "Boomers Got The Vax"....SNL with a musical number that's actually pretty good...
16/. Five signs of a highly intelligent person....of course I had to put this one in here....
There are significant reasons to size up a person’s mental acuity. For example, if you are taking advice, interviewing, or communicating, it helps to know what you are working with. Many of the best managers are excellent at reading their audienc
17/. You may have read about Little Nas X and his satanic music video "Montero", and this story explains why
the Christian right is outraged at this clip....which is in the story BTW...
For the meager price of $1,018, you could briefly purchase a pair of sneakers infused with human blood and embossed with a bronze pentagram. Even the price contains a satanic reference: In Luke 10:18, Christ says he saw “Satan fall like lightning from the heavens.” Only 666 pairs of the sneaker ever existed and they have vanished like tears in the rain. Their cultural legacy endures though, and so does the rage they helped provoke.
18/. Excellent and surprisingly philosophical article about two movies you might want to see....."Nomadland" which is definitely in line for an Oscar, and "Some Kind Of Heaven" which is a documentary about the Villages. Both movies are about America, and the American lifestyle you can afford....
119/. Men - did you like John Wick? Based on this review you'll like "Nobody" too....
20/. True Crime series' on Netflix you might like....
Today's video - a short horror movie.....90 seconds.......
Today's golf joke
Many years ago a man accidentally overturned his golf cart.
Elizabeth, a very attractive and keen golfer, who lived in a villa on the golf course, heard the noise and called out: "Are you okay? What's your name?"
"It's John, and I'm okay, thanks," he replied as he pulled himself out of the twisted cart.
"John," she said, (firm loose breasts undulating beneath her white silky robe) "forget your troubles. Come to my villa, rest a while and I'll help you get the cart up later."
"That's mighty nice of you," he answered, "but I don't think my wife would like it."
"Oh, come on now," Elizabeth insisted.
She was so very pretty, very, very sexy and very persuasive ... he was weak. "Well okay," He finally agreed but thought to himself, "my wife won't like it."
After a couple of restorative Scotch and waters, he thanked Elizabeth. "I feel a lot better now, but I know my wife is going to be really upset. So I'd best go now."
"Don't be silly!" Elizabeth said with a smile, letting her robe fall open slightly. "She won't know anything. By the way, where is she?"
"Still under the cart, I guess."
Todays blond jokes [male edition]
A blond man is in the bathroom and his wife shouts: "Did you find the shampoo?"
He answers, "Yes, but I'm not sure what to do... it's for dry hair, and I've just wet mine."
A blond man spies a letter lying on his doormat.
It says on the envelope "DO NOT BEND ".
He spends the next 2 hours trying to figure out how to pick it up.
A blond man shouts frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!"
"Is this her first child?" asks the Doctor.
"No!" he shouts, "this is her husband!"
A blond man is in jail; the guard looks in his cell and sees him hanging by his feet.
"Just WHAT are you doing?" he asks.
"Hanging myself", the blond replies.
"The rope should be around your neck" says the guard.
"I tried that", he replies, "but then I couldn't breathe".
An Italian tourist asks a blond man: "Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?"
To which the blond man replies: "If they fell forward, they'd still be in the boat."
A friend told the blond man: "Christmas is on a Friday this year".
The blond man then said, "Let's hope it's not the 13th".
Two blond men find three grenades, and they decide to take them to a police station.
One asked: "What if one explodes before we get there?"
The other says: "We'll lie and say we only found two."
A woman phoned her blond neighbor man and said: "Close your curtains the next time you and your wife are having sex. The whole street was watching and laughing at you yesterday."
To which the blond man replied: "Well the joke's on all of you, because I wasn't even at home yesterday!”
Today's aphorisms...
An Aphorism is a statement of truth or opinion expressed in a concise and witty manner.
♦ I find it ironic that the colors red, white and blue stand for freedom until they are flashing behind you.
♦ When wearing a bikini women reveal 90% of their bodies . Men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.
♦ Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?
♦ You know that tingly little feeling you get when you love someone? That's common sense leaving your body.
♦ My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance. We'll see about that!
♦ I think my neighbor is stalking me as she's been Googling my name on her computer. I saw it through my telescope last night.
♦ Money talks ... but all mine ever says is good-bye.
♦ You're not fat, you're just easier to see.
♦ If you think nobody cares whether you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.
♦ I always wondered what the job application form is like at Hooters. Do they just give you a bra and say, "Here, fill this out?"
♦ I can’t understand why women are OK that JC Penney has an older women’s clothing line named, "Sag Harbor"
♦ The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can go in a robe before you start looking like a mental patient.
♦ Money can’t buy happiness, but it keeps the kids in touch.
♦ The reason Mayberry was so peaceful and quiet was because nobody was married. Andy, Aunt Bea, Barney, Floyd, Howard, Goober,
Gomer, Sam, Ernest T Bass, Helen, Thelma Lou, Clara and, of course, Opie were all single.
The only married person was Otis, & he was a drunk. II