Thursday, September 8, 2011

Davids Daily Dose - Thursday September 8th

1/  Great to have Gail Collins back from her leave and if you watched the Republican debate last night this might amuse you.....belay that, will amuse you.....

It was a dark and stormy night.

Except in those parts of the country where it was dry and fire-prone. But what did America care about the weather when it had the chance to forget about its troubles on Wednesday night and curl up with eight candidates for the Republican presidential nomination?
The voters have a lot to figure out. What would it be like to have a president who continually tells the country he’s going to get the working class workin’? And is there something going on with Mitt Romney’s hair? The dark part is looking darker and those little white tufts around the ears are getting whiter. It makes his forehead look as if it’s levitating.
The Republican nominating campaign has thus far been one long primal scream from party members desperate to avoid making Romney their nominee. Really, they will look at anybody. Remember the Donald Trump moment? Michele Bachmann, Front-Runner? Who knows where their glazed eyes will turn next? Rudy Giuliani is now running around saying that he might get in the race “if I think we are truly desperate.”
Which they would really, really, really have to be.

2/  Last Friday, just before the Labour Day weekend [called a slow news day in the business] the White House snuck out the news that the President had scuttled the proposed EPA regulations, a major victory for the polluting energy companies and a stinging defeat for our environment.
Keith Olbermann takes him to task for this really, really bad decision.....

Keith Olbermann excoriated President Obama on his Friday show for halting the impending toughening of environmental regulations against smog.
The announcement from the White House that it would keep widely criticized 2006 regulations in place until at least 2013 did not sit well with Olbermann. In the voiceover introduction to his show, he thundered, "what the hell is going on in the White House?"
Olbermann said that Obama had given a huge gift to polluters and corporations, and had delivered an equally large "whack across the knees" to his base.

3/  Remember the flap over the sheduling of the speech Obama is sheduled to deliver tonight at 7pm? Last week on Piers Morgan Frank Rich had some tough words for the President and his team - two short clips, total of about 4 minutes....

New York magazine columnist Frank Rich lashed out at the Obama administration for its handling of President Obama's upcoming speech to Congressduring an appearance on "Piers Morgan Tonight" on Thursday. He also said that Obama's tenure has been a "rhetorical and...substantive failure."
Rich said that the White House had committed blunders every step of the way, first by requesting the speech on the same night as the GOP debate and then by agreeing to move the date.
"I think it's amateur night," he said. "You'd think that the White House would have figured out this debate was going on, you know. It's not being held on a public access really makes you wonder who is in charge."

4/  Rick Perry, who could be the front runner for the Republican race, confirmed it again in the debate last night - he doesn't believe in climate change or evolution.....the Guardian UK comments on the Republican denial of science.....

Jon Huntsman Jr, a former Utah governor and ambassador to China, isn't a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination. And that's too bad, because Mr Hunstman has been willing to say the unsayable about the Republican party in the United States, namely, that it is becoming the "anti-science party". This is an enormously important development. And it should terrify us.
To see what Mr Huntsman means, consider recent statements by the two men who actually are serious contenders for the Republican nomination: Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.
Mr Perry, the governor of Texas, recently made headlines by dismissingevolution as "just a theory", one that has "got some gaps in it", an observation that will come as news to the vast majority of biologists. But what really got people's attention was what he said about climate change: "I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects. And I think we are seeing almost weekly, or even daily, scientists are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change."
That's a remarkable statement – or maybe the right adjective is "vile".
The second part of Mr Perry's statement is, as it happens, just false: the scientific consensus about man-made global warming – which includes 97% to 98% of researchers in the field, according to the National Academy of Sciences – is getting stronger, not weaker, as the evidence for climate change just keeps mounting.

5/  Very funny video of a Yeoman Warden at the Tower of London giving the most unique tour guide ever.....what a character.....about 7 amusing minutes.....

6/  The Middle East is a dangerous place, but Israel's right wing government is deliberately making it less being stupid and obstinate by not apologising to Turkey.....big mistake Moishe........

That’s right. Instead, locked in its siege mentality, led by the nose by Lieberman and his ilk — unable to grasp the change in the Middle East driven by the Arab demand for dignity and freedom, inflexible on expanding settlements, ignoring U.S. prodding that it apologize — Israel is losing one of its best friends in the Muslim world, Turkey. The expulsion last week of the Israeli ambassador was a debacle foretold.
Israeli society, as it has shown through civic protest, deserves much better.

7/  There's a [gay] storm a'coming......I think this 2 minute video has Marcus Bachmann [husband of Michelle!] somewhere in the credits.....his character is played by the big white guy in the suit......Pray "the gay" away!!!

8/  Really interesting take on the jobs initiatives the President needs to come up with in his speech tonight.....and a clever premise to the article [Jobs]....if you care about Obama, this is a pretty good piece with some excellent advice..........

It’s true — President Obama needs to focus on jobs. But not the kind of jobs you are probably thinking of.
I’m talking about Steve Jobs, another young leader who rose fast, hit a wall and came crashing down to reality but somehow managed to muster the brilliance and strength of character to stage the greatest comeback in corporate history.
“Jobs doesn’t get hung up on the art of the possible,” explains Steven Levy, a columnist at Wired magazine and author of a biography of Jobs, “Insanely Great.” “He figures out what should be done or how it should work and he keeps at it until he brings the world along. The reason Apple has succeeded is because it doesn’t start with compromise, doesn’t start with the idea that there are constraints.”
The implication for Obama: Stop looking at polls, stop responding to everything your critics say. Instead, think big, figure out what the country needs and go for it.

9/  OK it's mindless and stupid video time - 3 minutes of golf cart crashes.....yeehah!

10/  What a wonderful medical system we's an article about what doctors offices have to go through with the bureaucracy of the insurance.....I guess the Affordable Care Act [Obamacare] didn't fix this little problem....

A former colleague from Canada who practiced medicine with me here in the States never hesitated to make one thing clear to me: He couldn’t wait to get back.
It wasn’t the cultural life that he missed, nor was it the ex-girlfriend I always suspected he pined for. It was the medicine.
“It’s different,” he would say wistfully, without elaborating. “Practicing medicine is just different over there.”
A study published this month in the journal Health Affairs made me think of my colleague again and offered one likely possibility for his return to Canada: There, he had more time to focus on his patients.
Researchers asked hundreds of physicians and administrators in private practices across the United States and Canada how much time they spent each day with insurers and other third-party payers, tracking down information for claims that were denied or incorrectly paid, resolving questions about insurance coverage for prescription drugs or diagnostic tests, and filing the different forms required by each and every insurance company.
Physicians in Canada, where health care is administered mainly by the government, did spend a good deal of time and money communicating with their payers. But American doctors in the study spent far more dealing with multiple health plans: more than $80,000 per year per physician, or roughly four times as much as their northern counterparts. And their offices spent as many as 21 hours per week with payers, nearly 10 times as much as the Canadian offices.

11/  I hadn't realised how complex Florida's water systems are.....short but interesting article on how water quality is at risk, which is why the Water management's budgets have been cut....Silly me  - this is Floriduh.....

Todays video - amazing motorcycle stunts done in Las Vegas.....

Todays Married's joke

At a wedding party recently someone yelled, "All the married men please stand 
next to the one person who has made your life worth living".

The bartender was crushed to death.

Another Married's joke

He said to me "I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it".
I said to him "You wear pants don't you?"  


He said to me "Shall we try swapping positions tonight?"
 I said to him "That's a good idea - you stand by the stove & sink while I sit on the sofa and do nothing but fart".  


He said to me  "What have you been doing with all the grocery money I gave you?"
 I said to him  "Turn sideways and look in the mirror! " 

He said to me  "Why don't women blink during foreplay?"
 I said to him "They don't have time".  

He said to me  "How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?"
 I said to him "I don't know; it's never happened".  


He said to me "Why is it difficult for women to find men who are sensitive, caring and good looking?"
 I said to him "They already have boyfriends".  

He said to me  "What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?"
 I said to him "A widow".  

He said to me "Why are  married  women heavier than  single women?"
 I said to him "Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the fridge".  


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