Number #6 is really interesting.........recommend it......
1/ It's a fact that in the 30's, in the middle of the great depression, noone was calling it a depression. It wasn't till about 5 years later that it got that label. The same thing is happening now, with one crucial difference. Everyone but the 1% is in a depressed economy, but the large corporations and the wealthy are just fine because of their diversification globally.....
Paul Krugman calls it like it is.......and focuses on Europe where some worrying political trends are surfacing......
It’s time to start calling the current situation what it is: a depression. True, it’s not a full replay of the Great Depression, but that’s cold comfort. Unemployment in both America and Europe remains disastrously high. Leaders and institutions are increasingly discredited. And democratic values are under siege.
On that last point, I am not being alarmist. On the political as on the economic front it’s important not to fall into the “not as bad as” trap. High unemployment isn’t O.K. just because it hasn’t hit 1933 levels; ominous political trends shouldn’t be dismissed just because there’s no Hitler in sight.
Let’s talk, in particular, about what’s happening in Europe — not because all is well with America, but because the gravity of European political developments isn’t widely understood.
First of all, the crisis of the euro is killing the European dream. The shared currency, which was supposed to bind nations together, has instead created an atmosphere of bitter acrimony.
2/ Most interesting discussion between Rachael Maddow and Chris Hayes on the corrosive effects of the filibuster being used as a routine by Republicans in the Senate to derail anything getting done by the Obama administration, and how this tactic is tearing at our democracy......
Good background as to why we are so dysfunctional - it's not "Congress", it's the Republicans in Congress.....
3/ The true lunacy of the Republican agenda spelled out, policy by policy. It's not till you see the corrupt things they want to do to this country and indeed the world that you get it.
An excellent article from Tim Dickinson in Rolling Stone.......
By all rights, 2012 ought to be a cakewalk for the GOP. Unemployment is pandemic. Riot police are confronting protesters in public squares and on college campuses. In an epic fail of foresight, the Democratic convention will be held in one of the world's banking centers, Charlotte, North Carolina – setting the stage for violent clashes not seen since the streets of Chicago, 1968. "I hope they keep this up," gloated Grover Norquist, one of the Republican Party's most influential strategists. "Hippies elected Nixon. Occupy Wall Street will beat Obama."
But don't go writing the president's political obituary just yet: He may wind up being resurrected by the GOP itself. The Republican Party – dominated by hardliners still cocky after the electoral sweep of 2010 – has backed its entire slate of candidates into far-right corners on everything from the environment and immigration to taxation and economic austerity. Whether the GOP opts for Mitt Romney or an "anti-Mitt" is almost entirely beside the point. On the major policy issues of the day, there's barely a ray of sunshine between any of the viable Republicans, not counting those who have committed the sin of libertarianism (Ron Paul) or moderation (Jon Huntsman). No matter who winds up with the nomination, it appears, Obama will face a candidate to the right of Barry Goldwater.
4/ If you have any doubts the religious right in this country are insane, watch this Jon Stewart [5 minutes] where he eviscerates some asshole from the Florida Family of his better ones.....
5/ This is a compilation of astonishing things athletes and just plain crazy guys do in the name of sport......incredible images and some beautiful photography.....4 minutes.....
A very good one........
6/ Really, really disturbing article that says we are already a nation divided. We have split into two camps - the rational/scientific and the faith driven, basically the old Confederacy vs the better educated states.....
If you are interested in politics, or civics, or our future, you should read this one........
What is America, and what is an American? If anything binds us together across space and time, it is our ideals and the stories we tell about our pursuit of them. From the beginning, we set ourselves against Europe’s hierarchies. We exalted democratic government, equality of opportunity and individual freedom. We conceived of our experiment as “the last best hope of earth,” in Lincoln’s words.
But ideals don’t live in a vacuum; they take root in the soil of institutions. Beginning with our first experiments in self-government, the dissonance between our ideals and our institutional practices–especially the tolerance and extension of slavery–created tensions that finally tore us apart.
The South’s alternative vision of the good society was defeated in the Civil War, and our 20th-century history can be told as a narrative of halting progress toward greater tolerance and equality. The major plot points include regulations on corporations in the early 1900s; women’s suffrage in 1920; a social safety net in the New Deal; the Supreme Court’s rejection of Jim Crow laws in 1954; the civil rights and feminist movements of the 1960s; the gay rights victories since the 1970s.
This narrative suggests that our democratic experiment is working, albeit slowly. If we have never been entirely unified in our ideals, the Civil War at least re-unified our institutions. A century and a half later, we rally around the same flag. Or so we think.
The deeper truth is disquieting. The rhetoric of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Rick Perry about the “real America” is not imagined: They and those who oppose them live in different Americas, embodying different ideals and meaning different things to their loyalists.
How we reached this impasse is a fascinating question. The answer to it raises profound doubts and questions about how–and whether–we can move forward as “one nation, indivisible.”
.............................. ...........
The new Confederacy rejects that process wholesale. Its leaders and authorities are the spiritual descendants of the conservative Christians and charismatic radio preachers who broke away from religious modernism in the 1920s and 1930s. For these leaders and their followers, faith justifies–and verifies–itself. You don’t believe an idea because it’s true. It’s true because you believe it.
This is why, in the “real America” of Bachmann, Palin and Perry, it is self-evident that cutting taxes increases revenues; the founders were evangelical Christians; evolution is bunk; climate change is a hoax; the United States has the best healthcare system in the world; we can transform the Middle East into a garden of democracy; Kenya native Barack Obama has slashed the military budget; the war on drugs is worth the cost; and so on. These are all leaps of faith. The new Confederates flat-out reject or ignore any counter-evidence, because they have their own fount of truth. FOX News is the obvious example, but decades before the rise of FOX–going back to the early 20th century radio evangelists–conservatives had been quietly building their own media and networks for “truth” telling.
And here is the unsettling thing for anyone concerned about this fraught moment in the American experiment. Though they’re clueless, the leaders of the new Confederacy do offer a seductively egalitarian vision. The solutions to all our problems can be found, they promise, not through actual experimentation or so-called knowledge, but from the simple faith of ordinary citizens.7/ If you are interested in music this slideshow of "12 disappointing facts about popular music" will depress the shit out of you......but it's fascinating anyway......
8/ Finally someone is fighting back against argruably the most truly evil company in the world - Monsanto. As reported by the Bangor [Maine] Daily News organic farmers have banded together and sued Monsanto for harassment......
I have wanted to catch up with Bridgewater organic farmer Jim Gerritsen ever since he was named in October to the 2011 list of 25 visionaries who are changing the world by the national magazine Utne Reader. When I finally succeeded last weekend, he was on his way to New York City to give a speech and participate in the Dec. 4 rally and “Farmers’ March” to Zuccotti Park organized by the Food Justice Committee of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Gerritsen, 56, who with his wife, Megan, and their family has operated Wood Prairie Farm in Bridgewater since 1976, is on a mission that has put him in the national — and international — spotlight. As president of Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the trade organization for the organic seed industry, he is the lead plaintiff in a suit to protect growers and consumers of organic foods.
The defendant is Monsanto Corp., world leader in production of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, intended to increase yields of herbicide-resistant crops — crops that can withstand sprays such as Roundup that kill the weeds around them. Airborne or insect-borne pollen from these transgenic, or gene-spliced, crops can do irrevocable damage to organic seed crops. But loss of crops is only the beginning.
“Farmers lose not only the value of the organic crop, but we are also open to patent infringement lawsuits,” Gerritsen said “Monsanto can contend that the (organic) farm is in possession of a (patented) Monsanto product.” 2011/12/08/news/aroostook/ aroostook-farmer-the-face-of- organic-growers’-fight- against-monsanto/
9/ Our right wing Supreme Court is now taking on political issues, and we know who they are going to side with. They are hearing 1/the Arizona Immigration law 2/ Texas redistricting and 3/ "Obamacare".
With Justice Thomas, Scalia and Alito on board the oligarchs have already won........this is the most corrupt Supreme Court ever.....
WASHINGTON — In the space of a month, the Supreme Court has thrust itself into the center of American political life, agreeing to hear three major cases that could help determine which party controls the House of Representatives and whether President Obama wins a second term.
The court announced Monday that it would decide whether Arizona was entitled to impose tough anti-immigration measures over the Obama administration’s objections. The case joined a crowded docket that already included challenges to Mr. Obama’s signature legislative achievement, the 2010health care overhaul law, and a momentous case on how Texas will conduct its elections.
The Texas case, which on Friday the court agreed to hear, could cause as many as four seats in the United States House of Representatives to change party control.
“It’s not just that these are big cases, but these are big cases that echo in the political arena,” said Nathaniel Persily, a professor of law and political science at Columbia University. “There is now a judicial fo
10/ The Black Eyed Peas always push the boundaries of video making, and this one is "Matrixy"....incredibly original, cool, goes at warp speed......"The Time - Dirty Bit"...
Cool, cool video........and Fergie [sigh]
11/ Advice from a columnist from Esquire for Republicans - get out of Iowa......
After I read this, I mused on the clips I've seen of the Iowa Republican base, and they really seem to be crazed this column is apropos.......
The Republican party is legendary for not taking my advice. (Okay, so self-immolation has some ethical and logistical difficulties, especially on the floor of the House, but, hey, this is America — we can overcome anything.) But I still believe in a place called hope, so here's my latest recommendation for the Party of Lincoln Who Is Presently Vomiting in the Beyond.
Get the hell out of Iowa.
Just pack up and leave. Tell it to the snake-handling hayshakers who make up your party's base in that otherwise lovely state: So long, and thanks for all the corn dogs. Sneak out in the dead of night. Sneak out in the dead of noon, with brass bands playing and fireworks bursting overhead. Just get yourselves out of Dodge. And Waterloo. And Keokuk. And Ames. If Michele Bachmann or Rick Santorum want to stay out there and chase Jesus through the dairy barns, let them. Get your party out of there before it loses what's left of its mind.
Just this morning, my man Chuck Todd had a panel on to discuss the state of play out there. He made the point that the "evangelicals" who make up a substantial portion of the people who will be voting in the "crucial" Iowa caucuses have their own networks within which they will make their decisions in three weeks, and that they are untouched even by the blandishments "of Fox News." In other words, the first serious event in the winnowing out of the Republican party's presidential field will be largely in the hands of people who consider Sean Hannity either too godless, or too intellectually challenging, or insufficiently conservative. The panel went on to discuss this judiciously, as a matter of political reality. But, really, that in itself is an indication of something, and it's not a healthy situation to find yourself in.
12/ Christmas lights - this has to be the ultimate display......set to music, controlled by computer, the house seems to be alive.....hope it's a real house, wonder if it's animation? Hmmm......2 minutes......
13/ Our Governor, Rick Scott, suddenly has had a change of heart and now wants to give more to education - Scott Maxwell points out the minor problem with this apparent's complete BS......this certified asshole Rick Scott is still pond scum......
Today we have examples of both the highs and lows of human nature — from unbridled generosity among Central Floridians to a cowardly politician who had his secret exposed.
But first, let's talk about schools.
Suddenly, Rick Scott says he wants to treat them better.But first, let's talk about schools.
Good for him. I like that. So do most parents and teachers.
In fact, except for the people who type in ALL CAPS on Sentinel comment boards about the evils of public schools, fluoride and the new Muppet movie, most civilized Floridians agree that our cash-strapped schools and kids deserve better.
Fewer class offerings, underpaid teachers and 9:30 a.m. lunch times aren't good enough.
So if Scott is trying to improve Florida's below-average funding, again, I say: Kudos, governor.
Now for the reality check.
What Scott has proposed is bumping up the per-pupil spending (the only one that really counts) from $6,262 a kid to $6,372.
That sounds fine and dandy … until you realize that it used to be $6,897.
Rick Scott was the one who cut it.
So, according to the state's own numbers, the governor cut $600 and is now talking about giving back $100.
And that makes him the next education governor?
14/ Lauren Ritchie points out one of our County Commissioners has been online making inappropriate comments on news stories......kind of childish stuff from someone who is supposed to be a community leader.....and also a little weird......
Anyone who reads nearly any news website or blog knows there is a section below stories where readers can submit comments about the topic being discussed.
The purpose is to engage the community in a discussion on the issues at hand.
The childish individuals who hijack the public-discussion area to engage in name-calling and unfounded allegations are, fortunately, a small minority.
Sadly for Lake County, however, one of its county commissioners has joined that despicable minority.
Commissioner Sean Parks, 40, acknowledged last week that in late May he created an account from which anonymous comments have been posted at, repeatedly calling his constituents "hacks and loons," labeling one of his colleagues a "kook" and using a clever turn of phrase to refer to a fellow anonymous poster as human waste.
Parks acknowledged that he wrote some of the comments but said he was not the author of them all.
One comment described the residents of Summit Greens, a Clermont retirement community, as "miserable, crotichy [sic], cantankerous individuals." The same post attacked a woman in her 70s who created an enormously popular monthly "social breakfast" in the development that has grown into a politically active group. She used it to get residents mobilized to fight for a traffic light.
Todays video - the Carlsberg commercial in Amsterdam.....excellent even the second time........
Todays military joke
One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex standing in the foyer of the church
staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with names and small American flags mounted on
either side of it. The 6-year-old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside
the little boy, and said quietly, "Good morning Alex."
"Good morning Pastor," he replied, still focused on the plaque. "Pastor, what is this?"
The pastor said, "Well son, it's a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the service."
Soberly, they just stood together, staring at the large plaque.
Finally, little Alex's voice, barely audible and trembling with fear asked,
"Which service, the 8:00 or the 10:30?"
Todays British jokes
These are classified ads, which were actually placed in U.K. Newspapers:
8 years old,
Hateful little bastard.
8 years old,
Hateful little bastard.
1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbour's dog.
Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd.
Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound.
Also 1 gay bull for sale.
Must sell washer and dryer £100.
Worn once by mistake.
Call Stephanie.
**** And the WINNER is... ****
Worn once by mistake.
Call Stephanie.
**** And the WINNER is... ****
Complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45 volumes.
Excellent condition, £200 or best offer. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything.
Statement of the Century
Thought from the Greatest Living Scottish Thinker--Billy Connolly.
"If women are so bloody perfect at multitasking,
How come they can't have a headache and sex at the same time?"
Todays senior joke
To help save the economy, the Government will announce next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting seniors (instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs.
Older people are easier to catch and will not remember how to get back home.
I started to cry when I thought of you...Then it dawned on me ... oh, crap ... I'll see you on the bus!
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