As a service for all of you living in Lake County, Florida we have looked at the Republican primary ballot for the election coming on August 26th including District 31. The judicial and School Board races are non-partisan, so these are on the Democratic primary ballot as well.
This email is meant as a summary of the public positions of the candidates using their printed material, websites and media coverage. In the school board races I have used the opinions of a group of teachers.
1/ Governor
It's fascinating to look at the other candidates in these races where you know the high profile candidate will win with 90%+ of the primary Rick Scott will win this one......but the question is - why did they enter this race?
But here's Yinka!
And the Latina Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder.....
So if you are Republican, but don't like Rick Scott and want to send a message, vote Yinka!
2/ State Representative District 31
This is Apopka, the tri-city area [Mt. Dora, Eustis, Tavares] and north.......
There are five candidates and I [like most of you] have received multiple flyers from all of them, but it's important to understand the code used in their marketing material....."balanced budget", "lower taxes", "government regulation", "Christian values", "2nd Amendment rights" are code for Tea Party or right wing issues, and four of the five seem to be trying to be more conservative than each other to appeal to primary voters, who tend to be older.
Randy Glisson, Terri Seefeldt, Joseph Stephens and the youngest [and most radical] Jennifer Sullivan all aspire to be Tea Party believers, according to their websites and printed material. Belita "B" Grassel says she is a "moderate conservative"....
Here they are with links, in order of conservatism.....
Jennifer Sullivan....24 years old, and very has minimal information.....but she has lots of lawn signs.......
Terri Christian, anti-Obamacare, also very conservative.......
Randy Glisson.......quite conservative, a doctor who hates Obamacare, using Facebook in his website [smart]...
Joseph Stephens.....pretty conservative, a mortgage fraud investigator from Apopka......
Belita "B" Grassel calls herself a "moderate conservative Republican".....she is also an RN.....
All five candidates had a debate in Apopka on July 29th, and it was all quite predictable but the key summaries were these:
All of the candidates would take different action if given a “Magic Wand to Fix Obamacare”. Terri Seefeldt said she would eliminate class action lawsuits due to Doctors having to practice defensive medicine. Stephens attacked pharmaceutical companies for not finding permanent solutions for illness. Sullivan wanted competition for policies across state lines, and protection from frivolous law suits. Glisson wanted to correct shortages caused by the legislation and Grassel wanted to expand the Nurse Practitioner field, and take action to reduce costly ER visits by the uninsured.
The candidates were asked their views on one of the social issues. Among these, their stances on abortion, and same sex marriage. All of the candidates except for one chose to address both. All of them took pro-life stances and believed marriage was between a man and a woman except for B. Grassel. B. Grassel said she supported the 2nd amendment but said nothing else. “You asked for one, I’m giving you one.” she told the moderator. In past forums, the former teacher union rep, and nurse has had left leaning views on the social issues.
There is your summary of the candidates positions.....four conservatives who are anti abortion and gay marriage, and B. Grassel, a moderate on social issues......
The choice is yours..........
Note - this is an open primary, so registered Democrats can vote in this race.....
3/ Circuit Judge 5th circuit, group 3
- Denise Dymond Lyn.....was City Attorney for Inverness, serves as a special magistrate in Lake County....
- Mary practice of Family Law......
- Bo Samargya.....criminal defense attorney
- Sandy K. Kautz......a sitting judge, the incumbent.
From the Ocala Star Banner:
The Judicial Qualifications Commission investigated Kautz earlier this year and suggested she be publicly reprimanded by the Florida Supreme Court for engaging in inappropriate behavior both inside and outside the courtroom.
The commission, an independent agency that investigates alleged misconduct by judges, said Kautz expressed anger and frustration during court proceedings. It also said that when making certain rulings she gave the impression she either did not know the law or chose not to apply it. And she stood beside — and advocated for — her sister during a 2012 first appearance hearing.
The Tampa Bay Times looked at all four candidates, and......
Mary Hatcher, 53, is the most experienced of the challengers, having practiced law for 25 years. She started her own Bushnell-based practice in 1999 and said 70 percent of her case load now is in family law. Notably, her resume includes an important distinction from the rest of the field — she spent six years as a senior attorney for the Florida Department of Children and Families, helping strengthen her advocacy for children's interests. Likewise, her early career included serving as the staff attorney for the 6th Circuit Court judges in Dade City, giving her behind-the-scenes experience researching judicial rulings.
The Tampa Bay Times recommends Mary Hatcher for the Group 3 seat in the 5th Judicial Circuit Court.
4/ County Court Judge group 3
- Daniel David Archer.....
- Terry T Neal.....the incumbent judge.
This race was the subject of an excellent column from Lauren Ritchie in the Orlando Sentinel, giving the backstory of this election. A group of personal injury attorneys have funded Archer's race, because they are angry that Judge Neal has put a cap on their excessive fees....
Races for county judge seats are typically dull affairs, but a group of personal-injury lawyers mostly from Orlando are poised to liven up the August election by dumping an unprecedented amount ofcash
into an effort to oust respected Lake County Judge Terry Neal.
Why would out-of-town lawyers with limited business
in these parts want Neal gone? Their unofficial leader would have voters believe that his goal is simply to improve the judiciary — he said he's helping Lake voters get rid of a "bad judge."
Neal, a 59-year-old former secretary who put herself through law school
, was appointed to the bench in December 2005 and has since earned a reputation as a steady jurist who is a stickler for detail.
Against her, these 15 to 20 attorneys are backing a Clermont lawyer whose financial
condition is shaky and whose marketing strategy has been to grow a long beard and flowing hair to attract biker clients. Daniel Archer, who declared his net worth as $14,142 in the red, lost his Montrose Street office when his bank foreclosed and sold it in 2012.
No question here - Vote for Judge Terry Neal....
5/ School Board races.
I reached out to a friend who spent his career in the Lake County Schools as a teacher, and he recently met with a group of teachers currently working in Lake County schools. These are their choices:
This morning I met with teachers who have researched and interviewed the Lake School Board candidates.
• District 1 — While there was no consensus, the group generally leaned toward John Ardizone.
• District 3 — Also without consensus, the group favored both Marc Dodd or Jamie Hanja
• District 5 — There was a definite recommendation for Stephanie Luke.
Barring any new race-changing information, I will be voting for:
Hope this is helpful folks, and please pass it on to your friends if you think it useful....
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