1/ Iraq and the fight against ISIS - I'm sure you have seen TV reports and read stories in the mainstream media, and if you are a Fox watcher you're also scared to death they are coming to kick down your door.
And because you watch "the news", you think you are informed......but you are not. The reality of this conflict is complex and twisted beyond belief - there are no good or bad guys, no black or white issues, just grey.....
None of us have a clue what is really going on in the cesspit of the Middle East - it's way too nuanced and complicated for the media to even try to explain to us, so all you get is the surface, and on this basis a majority of Americans including all Republicans want to send US troops into this mess.
This story in Rolling Stone gives the true picture of the disaster that is Iraq and Syria, the real winner of the conflict and the real reason why it is happening. Read this, and if you think we should still send troops to fight in this civil war, think about which side they should be on because there are no good ones.....
If you visited the Interior Ministry compound in Baghdad during the holy month of Muharram this past fall, you would be forgiven for thinking that Iraq, like its neighbor Iran, is a country whose official religion is Shiite Islam. The ministry's walls are emblazoned with iconography and slogans paying tribute to the Shiite martyr Imam Hussain, as are police stations and vehicles throughout the capital: black banners with scarlet lettering, and the portraits of a smoldering, bearded Hussain staring down at the faithful.
In an office decorated with maps of Baghdad and Shiite posters, I find the man with possibly the ministry's hardest job: Col. Riyadh al-Musawi, commander of the Baghdad Falcons, the city's premier bomb squad. The rise of the militant group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, left the city under assault for months and meant bloody, dangerous work for Musawi and his men, with car bombs, suicide attacks and mortar strikes tearing into crowded marketplaces and mosques.
This late-fall morning, Musawi is looking even more worn than usual. The bags under his eyes seem to droop toward the comfort of his plush mustache. He's been moonlighting outside the city with a Shiite militia — one of the many armed religious brigades that took up the defense of Baghdad after the collapse of the army this past summer. Last night, Musawi helped defuse a tangle of IED traps that ISIS had left behind during a retreat. "They buried them in the desert, in a daisy chain," he says, pulling out a tangle of pressure-activated triggers. "It was a sleepless night."
Musawi is a career military officer and a patriot, someone who doesn't shirk from dangerous work and is well-respected by his men because of it — and yet he's spending his nights working for a private religious militia. His unofficial job highlights the central dilemma for President Obama as he seeks a congressional mandate for the war with ISIS: Iraq has become a militia state, with its military operations led, in many cases, by the same Iranian-backed commanders who once fought the U.S. military. And while the militias have been effective at pushing back ISIS, they have also deepened the sectarian nature of the conflict, making prospects for any reconciliation between Sunnis and Shiites — and Iraq's hopes for peace — even more distant.
As the Iraqi government, backed by U.S. airstrikes and military trainers, begins an all-out offensive against ISIS, the Obama administration seems caught in a bind.
http://www.rollingstone.com/ politics/news/inside-baghdads- brutal-battle-against-isis- 20150313?page=5
2/ The excellent Frank Rich with his comments on the weeks news.....
Most weeks, New York Magazine writer-at-large Frank Rich speaks with contributor Alex Carp about the biggest stories in politics and culture. This week, the magazine asked him about Aaron Schock's resignation and Elton John's Dolce & Gabbana boycott.
With some questionable travel reimbursements at taxpayers’ expense adding to Aaron Schock's $40,000 Downton Abbey–inspired office redecoration, the 33-year-old Illinois congressman announced his abrupt resignation. Do Schock's transgressions tell us anything about what's wrong with Washington?
Surely nothing new. This political boy wonder’s main transgressions seem to be these: using public money for touristy travel, perks, and partying; having spectacularly bad taste; and accomplishing nothing whatsoever in Congress. (In three-plus terms he never sponsored a bill that became a law.) Given that Schock served in a Congress mainly known for gridlock, dysfunction, and its fealty to lobbyists — and belonged to a Republican caucus that could barely get its act together to fund a government function as basic as Homeland Security — he is hardly an anomaly. And unlike most of his peers he was unfailingly entertaining. Aaron Schock is not your father’s Beltway hack.http://nymag.com/daily/ intelligencer/2015/03/ somebody-please-give-aaron- schock-a-tv-show.html
3/ Amy Schumer is a funny lady - here she does a five minute standup that I found quite amusing, Mary not so much......
Anyway - we report, you decide.....
Last night, Amy Schumer did a 5-minute set at Comedy Central’s “Night of Too Many Stars,” and she was as hilarious and irreverent as ever, kicking things off with a Cosby joke before launcing into a hilarious bit about Hollywood’s obsession with women’s bodies and the double standard that female comedians face. As she puts it: “I get labeled a ‘sex comic’ just because I’m a woman. You know, I feel like a guy could get up here and literally pull his dick out, and everyone would be, ‘He’s a thinker!”
4/ If you read the article last week about Sheldon Adelson and his twisted vision for Israel, the reelection of Netanyahu was a victory for Adelson and the right wingers. But it came at a cost - this column from Thomas Friedman and the following piece from Jon Stewart give the background, the consequences of how Bibi got his vote out and what it means for the future.
But the essential point is a vicious oligarch [Adelson] now owns the Israeli Prime Minister, and has a huge influence on US foreign policy to the point that he will scuttle the President's treaty with Iran.
This is dangerous stuff folks....
Well, it’s pretty clear now: Benjamin Netanyahu is going to be a major figure in Israeli history — not because he’s heading to become the longest-serving Israeli prime minister, but because he’s heading to be the most impactful. Having won the Israeli elections — in part by declaring that he will never permit a two state-solution between Israelis and Palestinians — it means Netanyahu will be the father of the one-state solution. And the one-state solution means that Israel will become, in time, either a non-Jewish democracy or Jewish non-democracy.
Yes, sir, Bibi is going to make history. And the leader in the world who is most happy that Netanyahu ran on — and won on — a one-state solution is the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Oh, my goodness. They must have been doing high-fives and “Allahu akbars” all night in the ruling circles of Tehran when they saw how low Bibi sank to win. What better way to isolate Israel globally and deflect attention from Iran’s behavior?
The biggest losers in all of this, besides all the Israelis who did not vote for Netanyahu, are American Jews and non-Jews who support Israel. What Bibi did to win this election was move the Likud Party from a center-right party to a far-right one. The additional votes he got were all grabbed from the other far-right parties — not from the center. When the official government of Israel is a far-right party that rejects a two-state solution and employs anti-Arab dog whistles to get elected, it will split the basic unity of the American Jewish community on Israel. How many American Jews want to defend a one-state solution in Washington or on their college campuses? Is Aipac, the Israel lobby, now going to push for a one-state solution on Capitol Hill? How many Democrats and Republicans would endorse that?
Warning: Real trouble ahead.
5/ Jon Stewart on how Netanyahu got elected, the Fox News reaction and in spite of the seriousness he milks lots of laughs from this screwed up process....
Yes, a comedian who makes more sense than any of our corporate media.....
Showing a series of clips from one particular cable news network, Stewart demonstrated that a narrative has emerged that laments President Obama having not called Netanyahu to congratulate him yet. “Really? You find it interesting that a foreign country’s prime minister who came to Congress against the White House’s wishes and shits on a nuclear deal the president spent years working on, wouldn’t receive an immediate post-election atta boy!” Stewart mocked. “Really?!”
Of course, Stewart noted how many in the media never believed Netanyahu would pull out the victory after reportedly appealing “directly to the extreme right in the spectrum.” And in regards to Netanyahu’s public claim that his opponents were bussing in minority Arabs to vote against the Likud party, the Daily Show host snarked back: “How dare you! How dare you gin up racist fears of minority turnout for short-term political gain. That’s our thing!”
6/ Last week we went back to "normal" time from Daylight Savings Time, and personally I love the later sunrise and it staying light till 8 o'clock at night. So why do we have DST at all? Clue - it's NOT farmers.....
John Oliver's team did one of his wonderful pieces on the history and logic behind something we keep doing, and noone knows why....three amusing minutes.....
There may be no better time for John Oliver to recruit his viewers to a cause than this bleak Monday morning when everyone is groggily trying to shake off their daylight saving hangover. But if three cups of coffee and a video of Ryan Gosling dancing isn’t enough to wake you up, then maybe some mild outrage will do it. As part of his ongoing “Why Is This Still a Thing?” segment, Oliver tackles daylight saving time, which, contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with farmers or their stupid cows.
Last Week Tonight’s timely segment is just one of several cropping up this week. The Atlantic ran a post called “Time to Kill Daylight Saving,” which offered up the following sobering statistic about just how unproductive you’re feeling today: “The resulting loss in productivity costs the economy an estimated $434 million a year.” So if the stupid cows don’t benefit, we don’t save any energy, and we’re losing money, why is daylight saving still a thing?
7/ Australia's right wing government is in trouble.....and you read this and go "this sounds familiar".....a couple of things about the land of Oz....
1/ - home to Rupert Murdoch, so the media is loudly right wing....
2/ - compulsory voting. Election time all Australians are required to vote, so the ruling party can't suppress the votes of specific groups like this country does....
Even with these differences, the Tea Party experiment down under looks like it's failed....
The first attempt to export the Tea Party has all but imploded. Angry voters have hit back at the Australian Liberal Party's doctrinaire adoption of brutal right-wing policies. There is a larger message in this distant squabble.
In Washington, the annual CPAC (Conservative Political Action) conference is underway, giving "potential presidential candidates" of the Republican persuasion the chance to parade their wares under the floodlights.
By all accounts, posturing and preening is the name of the game, meaning it is more like a febrile revivalist meeting than a screening process for the next finger on the nuclear trigger. It comes a month after another "essential hurdle" for young hopefuls, the Koch Brothers' secretive "show and tell." With all the media excitement, Tea Party activists must be feeling pretty pleased with themselves. At last - with Obama's term coming to a close next year - a chance to put a nice Christian white man back in the Oval Office. However, dazzled by their razzmatazz, the troops have probably not noticed a slight reverse in the Righteous Battle somewhere offstage.
Some years ago, Australia's right-wing party, the Liberals, decided moderation was not the path to power, that they needed a sharp swing away from the political center to win government. The country is in danger, they shouted, with hordes of immigrants, religious fanatics and soft-headed greenies trying to swamp Our Way of Life. What the nation needs is a dose of hard-right realism, a stiff blast of fiscal rectitude, commercial reality and military readiness to counter the creeping mush of years of Labor misrule. Writing a new policy was a bit of a problem as the Liberal Party has always been essentially opportunistic, its political program dictated by the polls - but, just across the Pacific, there was a ready-made solution called the Tea Party. So, aided by American donors, we became the test ground for an attempt to export the Tea Party's sinister franchise.
8/ Watching the NCAA basketball series? After I saw this report from John Oliver on how the NCAA exploits the players, I lost any interest in these games.....
A long report from Oliver in his comedic reporting style.....you learn, and laugh....about 19 minutes....
The maddest thing about March Madness is that, despite bringing in over $1 billion in television ad revenue, student athletes aren’t paid a penny because they’re considered “amateurs” by NCAA standards.
With Tuesday marking the first round of the year’s biggest college tournament, John Oliver revealed some of the dirty practices of the NCAA on Sunday’s “Last Week Tonight.”
What we learn: The NCAA has no intention of ever paying student athletes – despite bringing in more ad revenue than the Super Bowl and almost the entire NFL post-season combined and despite a former NCAA athlete letting it slip in an interview that “there [were] hungry nights where [he] couldn’t eat.”
9/ A Bill Maher "New Rules" piece with at least two amazing zingers where you go "whoa"......his subject is frat boys, not the deepest subject matter but he makes it one of his better segments.....a funny five minutes..........
Maher, certainly no prude, said frats are really becoming a huge problem when you have abuse going on, racial epithets flying around, and even people dying from hazing rituals. And after going through some of the most screwed-up methods of hazing members, Maher asked, “Jesus, why not just pledge ISIS?”
He said if anyone wants to go to college to “paint your face or degrade women or drink yourself sick,” they should really rethink the idea of college in the first place.
10/ The ad industry as well as the TV news business has learned that fear sells - the more scared they make us the more we respond.....
Here are nine ways they try to get to you.....read this, because if you realize what they are trying to do, it won't work on you....
This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
Call them the products of fear. Advertisers, like politicians, know it works. If you scare people enough, they are easily sold a bill of goods. Define a problem, even if it really isn’t a problem, then bombard the masses with the solution to the (non) problem.
In the introduction to AlterNet’s new series on the politics of fear, Don Hazen wrote, “Americans are endlessly bombarded with media messages that are fearful and deceitful. Almost daily, we are urged to fear exaggerated or fake threats… this media onslaught literally shapes how our brains work and what people believe.” These threats can be huge, like terrorism lurking around the corner, or they can be minor, like the need to protect your baby’s knees from the hazards of crawling. The common denominator is that these aren’t really such huge problems and you are being subjected to the hard sell. Selling fear makes lots of money, and America is nothing if not a place to make money.
How do industries market their products through fear? People buy products for two reasons. Either to get the things they want or to avoid the things they don’t want. Fear industries focus on the latter. There are three factors in play:
- Our perceived vulnerability. That is, are we likely to get hurt or be affected?
- Our perceived severity. That is, is it going to hurt badly?
- Can we do anything about it?
Industries that use fear to sell amp up the first two factors and hammer home the third. Yes! You can do something about it! Buy our product! Here are 9 industries that prey on your fear in order to make a profit.
11/ Guy video - even if you know nothing about rugby this three minute sequence of a rugby match is amazing.....non-stop action, the ball goes back and forth with multiple sweeps from both teams.....a "wow" even for pussy NFL fans....
Remember - if this was American football this would have taken at least 20 minutes....
This has to be one of the best 3 minutes of non stop rugby I have ever seen. Its the lead up to the Tim Nanai Williams try in the Highlanders vs Chiefs game in Dunedin under the roof.
12/ We learned last year there was evidence the West Antarctic ice sheet was melting at a crucial place, which would lead to massive melting over the course of a century or so. This year comes a new bombshell - the Totten glacier in the East ice sheet is melting too.....
The good news......it's going to take hundreds of years for the full effects to be felt......
The bad news.....it's irreversible.....in ? years the worlds oceans will be 7 meters higher, just from these two glaciers....
Good story from the Washington Post [you know, the well known liberal rag], with diagrams and graphics that are clear and understandable....
A satellite view of Antarctica is seen in this undated NASA handout photo obtained by Reuters on Feb. 6, 2012. (NASA handout via Reuters)
This story has been updated.
A hundred years from now, humans may remember 2014 as the year that we first learned that we may have irreversibly destabilized the great ice sheet of West Antarctica, and thus set in motion more than 10 feet of sea level rise.
Meanwhile, 2015 could be the year of the double whammy — when we learned the same about one gigantic glacier of East Antarctica, which could set in motion roughly the same amount all over again. Northern Hemisphere residents and Americans in particular should take note — when the bottom of the world loses vast amounts of ice, those of us living closer to its top get more sea level rise than the rest of the planet, thanks to the law of gravity.
The findings about East Antarctica emerge from a new paper just out in Nature Geoscience by an international team of scientists representing the United States, Britain, France and Australia. They flew a number of research flights over the Totten Glacier of East Antarctica — the fastest-thinning sector of the world’s largest ice sheet — and took a variety of measurements to try to figure out the reasons behind its retreat. And the news wasn’t good: It appears that Totten, too, is losing ice because warm ocean water is getting underneath it.
“The idea of warm ocean water eroding the ice in West Antarctica, what we’re finding is that may well be applicable in East Antarctica as well,” says Martin Siegert, a co-author of the study and who is based at the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London.
13/ The slimy, corrupt and disgusting piece of bat shit YOU elected Governor of Floriduh is in a bind.....FEMA will not be giving any funding to states that aren't preparing for climate change....
Once again Florida is a national joke because of Voldemort....
Rick Scott may have found a way of making climate denial state policy, but the Florida governor is going to have a hard time ignoring this. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) just updated its guidelines for state disaster preparedness plans, and under the new policy, plans will only be approved — and federal funds appropriated — if they address the threats of climate change.
“The challenges posed by climate change, such as more intense storms, frequent heavy precipitation, heat waves, drought, extreme flooding, and higher sea levels, could significantly alter the types and magnitudes of hazards impacting states in the future,” the guidelines explain. They direct states to “assess vulnerability, identify a strategy to guide decisions and investments, and implement actions that will reduce risk, including impacts from a changing climate.”
InsideClimateNews argues that the FEMA, intentionally or not, has delivered a trump card for climate advocates frustrated with politicians’ refusal to acknowledge the reality of climate change. FEMA allocates an average of $1 billion per year to disaster preparedness programs, reporter Katherine Bagley explains — funds that states won’t be privy to if they refuse to comply with the guidelines. (Note that disaster relief funds are a different matter and will not be affected.)
“If a state has a climate denier governor that doesn’t want to accept a plan, that would risk mitigation work not getting done because of politics,” Becky Hammer, an attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council’s water program, told Bagley. “The governor would be increasing the risk to citizens in that state” — thus raising the stakes of denying the science considerably.
14/ George Ezra with "Listen To The Man".......a British singer with a deep, rich voice....a catchy song.....
Video is interesting, because Sir Ian McKellen keeps trying to take over the singing.....mildly amusing.....
George Ezra has a voice that can float high and delicate, but it can also wade deep. At 18, he was discovered via YouTube; now, at 21, he's released a debut album that's No. 1 in England.
Before he made Wanted On Voyage, Ezra took a solo train trip across Europe for inspiration, as he eavesdropped on conversations and took notes to find starting points for songs. Written after a night of drunken revelry and a missed train, "Budapest" takes its title from a city he never got to visit. So, while trying his hand at a love song, Ezra decided to write about all the beautiful things he would give up for love: "golden grand piano, my beautiful castillo, my acres of land." Of course, he owns none of those things.
15/ Carl Hiaasen with an amusing riff on our [septic tank dweller] Governor Rick Scott's instructions to scientists and government planners not to ever mention the words "climate change".....
Rough draft of Gov. Rick Scott's urgent message to all employees of the state of Florida:
Please pay no attention to recent news reports about my administration banning the use of the terms "climate change" and "global warming" in official documents, letters or emails.
There is no official ban.
All communications among state employees are routinely diverted for review by my staff members who, when appropriate, re-phrase the content.
For example, residents in Miami Beach are blaming so-called climate change for raising the sea level and causing frequent flooding of streets and neighborhoods.
The crisis poses an undeniable threat to the tourism and real-estate industries, and I've acted swiftly. At my direction, the state Department of Environmental Protection will henceforth define the situation in Miami Beach as a "permanent high tide."
This isn't censorship. It's creative editing.
As I have said many times, I'm not a scientist so I can't say for sure that the climate is changing because of human activity. I'm also not a reader, so I am basically incapable of researching the subject on my own.
16/ Movie to watch out for - "Merchants Of Doubt", about how the spin doctors denying climate change are the latest in a long line of paid hacks who started with the tobacco to throw doubt on the theory that smoking cigarettes caused cancer.....
Informative, and I'm sure infuriating....but I still want to see it....
Late last month Senator James M. Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, brandished a snowball on the Senate floor, suggesting that the ugly winter weather afflicting the Eastern Seaboard was evidence that global warmingis a hoax. This moment of political theater was widely ridiculed (by Jon Stewart and others), but “Merchants of Doubt,” Robert Kenner’s informative and infuriating new documentary, ought to remind us that the denial of climate change is hardly a joke.
And those who promote it — in the news media, in political discourse, in serious-looking reports published by dubious think tanks — are anything but fools. “Merchants of Doubt,” based on Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway’s book of the same title, examines the history of corporate-financed public relations efforts to sow confusion and skepticism about scientific research. The filmmakers interview scientists, activists and whistle-blowers who have tried to expose such activities, as well as some of its perpetrators, repentant and otherwise.
“If you can ‘do tobacco,’ ” one of the perpetrators is quoted as saying, “you can do just about anything in public relations.” The reference is to the long campaign to obfuscate and undermine attempts to make the public aware of the dangers of cigarettes. As early as the 1950s, tobacco companies were aware — thanks to their own research — that their products were hazardous and habit forming, but they waged a prolonged and frequently successful campaign to suppress and blur the facts. Their tactics included sending dubiously credentialed experts out into the world to disguise dishonesty as reasonable doubt. “We just don’t know.” “The science is complicated.” “We need more research.”
Merchants of Doubt two minute trailer.......
Todays video - the classic cheese shop sketch from Monty Python.....
Todays Florida joke
Florida woman stops alligator attack with a small Beretta pistol .
This is a story of self-control and marksmanship by a brave, cool-headed woman with a small pistol against a fierce predator. What is the smallest caliber that you would trust to protect yourself?
A Beretta Jetfire testimonial.... Here is her story in her own words:
"While out walking along the edge of a pond just outside of The Villages with my soon to be ex-husband discussing property settlement and other divorce issues, we were surprised by a huge 12-ft. alligator which suddenly emerged from the murky water and began charging us with its large jaws wide open. She must have been protecting her nest because she was extremely aggressive.
If I had not had my little Beretta Jetfire .25 caliber pistol with me, I would not be here today! Just one shot to my estranged husband's knee cap was all it took....
The 'gator got him easily and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace. It's one of the best pistols in my collection! Plus the amount I saved in lawyer’s fees was really incredible.
Todays Irish joke
Two men were sitting next to each other at a bar. After a while, one guy looks at the other and says, "I can't help but think, from listening to you, that you're from Ireland.
"The other guy responds proudly, "Yes, that I am!
"The other guy responds proudly, "Yes, that I am!
The first guy says, "So am I! And whereabouts from Ireland might you be?"
The other guy answers, "I'm from Dublin, I am."
The first guy responds, "Sure and begora, and so am I!
”And where did you live in Dublin?"
The other guy says, "A lovely little area it was, I lived on McCleary Street in the old central part of town."
The first guy says, "Faith, it's a small world, so did I, So did I! And to what school would you have been going?"
The other guy answers, "Well now, I went to St. Mary's of course."
The first guy gets really excited and says, "And so did I. Tell me, what year did you graduate?"
The other guy answers, "Well, now, let's see, I graduated in 1964."
The first guy exclaims, "The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us! I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same bar tonight. Can you believe it - I graduated from St. Mary's in 1964 me own self."
About this time, Vicky walks into the bar, sits, and orders a beer. Brian, the bartender, walks over to Vicky, shaking his head and mutters, "It's going to be a long night tonight."
Vicky asks, "Why do you say that, Brian?"
"The Kelly twins are drunk again."
Todays St. Patricks Day joke
An Irishman is stumbling through the woods, totally drunk, when he
comes upon a preacher baptizing people in the river.
comes upon a preacher baptizing people in the river.
He proceeds into
the water, subsequently bumping into the preacher.
the water, subsequently bumping into the preacher.
The preacher turns
around and is almost overcome by the smell of alcohol, whereupon, he
asks the drunk, "Are you ready to find Jesus?"
around and is almost overcome by the smell of alcohol, whereupon, he
asks the drunk, "Are you ready to find Jesus?"
The drunk shouts,
"Yes, I am."
So the preacher grabs him and dunks him in the water. He pulls him
back and asks, "Brother, have you found Jesus?"
"Yes, I am."
So the preacher grabs him and dunks him in the water. He pulls him
back and asks, "Brother, have you found Jesus?"
The drunk replies,
"No, I haven't found Jesus!"
"No, I haven't found Jesus!"
The preacher, shocked at the answer,
dunks him again but for a little longer. He again pulls him out of the
water and asks, "Have you found Jesus, brother?"
dunks him again but for a little longer. He again pulls him out of the
water and asks, "Have you found Jesus, brother?"
The drunk answers,
"No, I haven't found Jesus!"
By this time, the preacher is at his wits end and dunks the drunk
again -- but this time holds him down for about 30 seconds, and when
he begins kicking his arms and legs about, he pulls him up.
The preacher again asks the drunk, "For the love of God, have you found Jesus?"
The drunk staggers upright, wipes his eyes, coughs up a bit of water,
catches his breath, and says to the preacher,
"No, I haven't found Jesus!"
By this time, the preacher is at his wits end and dunks the drunk
again -- but this time holds him down for about 30 seconds, and when
he begins kicking his arms and legs about, he pulls him up.
The preacher again asks the drunk, "For the love of God, have you found Jesus?"
The drunk staggers upright, wipes his eyes, coughs up a bit of water,
catches his breath, and says to the preacher,
"Are you sure this is where he fell in?”
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