I am listing the candidates and profiles based on their published material for Lake County offices in the Republican primaries, and giving a common sense recommendation for your votes.....
All of these positions up for your votes are taken from my mail-in ballot for Mount Dora in the order of presentation, and because of redistricting there are some changes and names you won't recognize.
All of the quotes under the candidates names are from their websites or other social media....
All of the quotes under the candidates names are from their websites or other social media....
Note - the Democratic ballot has the same following offices as the Republican one as they are either non-partisan or not contested:
Lake County Commission - District 1
School Board - District 2
School Board - District 4
Lake County Judge - Group 2
Constitutional Amendment - Solar
Here are our Aug. 30 Republican primary recommendations:
US Senator - Marco Rubio
Congress District 6 - Ron Desantis
State Senator District 12 - Dennis Baxley
State Representative District 31 - ?
Lake County Sheriff - Peyton Grinnell
Supervisor of Elections - Michael Holland
County Commission District 1 - Timothy Loucks
County Commission District 3 - Jimmy Connor
County Commission District 5 - Welton Cadwell
Water Authority District 3 - ?
Water Authority At Large - Robert HendrickState Committeeman - Randy Austin
State Committeewoman - Elise Dennison
County Court Judge Group 2 - Cary Rada or Judy Stewart
School Board District 2 - Kristi Burns
School Board District 4 - Joan Rintelmann
Solar Constitutional Amendment - YES
Here is the detail for all 17 races on the Republican primary ballot:
1/ Florida - US Senator
Carlos Beruff - a supporter of Trump and enthusiastically endorsed by Governor Rick Scott - nuff said. Currently in a lawsuit with the City of Mount Dora.
Ernie Rivera - strong Christian values, even more right wing than Beruff
- Born in Tallahassee-1958
- Hispanic Heritage, Puerto Rican
- Married for 33 years to a beautiful Cuban, one son and one grandson.
- 35 years serving in education, social welfare programs in; Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, Miami and Africa.
- Strong Christian Beliefs
- Business Entrepreneur, job creator and visionary.
Concerned over the loss of the basic principles on which our nation was founded he has decided to run for the United State Senate to make the changes needed to restore our great country. We have many problems facing our great nation and we need to elect leaders that will help heal our nation and make us strong again. We need to protect our basic Christian beliefs, protect our borders, make our military strong again, take care of our veterans, create jobs to boost our economy and reduce government spending.
Marco Rubio.....if you need more information about him, you have obviously been living off the grid for years....
But just in this week - wants to force pregnant women with the Zika virus to have their microcephaly babies.
Dwight Mark Anthony Young - quite religious!
I would like to start by thanking the Lord my God through Jesus Christ, who is the author and finisher of my faith and is the source of my inspiration to take on this great endeavor. My name Is Dwight Young and I am running as a Republican candidate for the Florida U.S Senate. I was born in Jamaica W.I and migrated to the United States at the age of fifteen in 1981. Upon arriving in the U.S, I made my home in Queens NY. I attended Springfield Gardens High School. Upon graduating High School in 1989, I went on to join the United States New York Army National Guard while attending Queens College. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Minored in Urban Studies.
I am a Father of two sons and one deceased daughter. I am also the son of one living parent (Mother). I am a man of service. Not only have I served my Country as a member of its armed services for 5 years, I have served my County as a member of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office as a Detention Deputy. I have served my Community as the President of my Home-owners Association. I have served my church by traveling to Africa on a mission trip to teach the schoolchildren of Namibia about the importance of abstinence. This was important due to the fact that African communities were suffering on a massive scale from HIV. Last but not least, I have served and am still serving St. Jude Children’s Hospital with my financial donations.
We recommend [gagging] Marco Rubio
2/ Representative in Congress - District 6
Fred Costello - Tea Party candidate....
It’s past time for America to restore our core Judeo-Christian family values. As a pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment social and fiscal conservative, I know that others will only follow us when we lead by example. Please join me in Standing Up For America!
Prescription for America: We will pass laws to assure that our courts stop discriminating against those who believe in the values upon which our country was founded. We will allow anybody who believes differently (including atheists, agnostics, Hindus, Muslims who renounce Sharia Law …) to live legally among us as long as they fully accept that while we will not discriminate against them, we will not change our country’s values and laws to fit their beliefs.
Ron Desantis - the sitting Congressman from the 6th District. Looks like he is being primaried from the right by the other two candidates.
He earned a bachelor of arts, magna cum laude, and was the captain of the varsity baseball team at Yale University. He also graduated with honors from Harvard Law School. While at Harvard, Ron earned a commission in the United States Navy as a JAG officer.
During his active duty Navy service, he served as a military prosecutor, supported operations at the terrorist detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and deployed to Iraq during the 2007 troop surge as an advisor to a U.S. Navy SEAL commander in support of counterinsurgency operations in Iraq. He has also performed duties as a federal prosecutor, taught courses on military law, and written on constitutional issues.
Since being elected to the U.S. House in 2012, Ron has served on the Judiciary, Foreign Affairs and Oversight & Government Reform Committees. He is the chairman of the Oversight Committee’s National Security subcommittee and the vice-chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice.
G.G.Galloway - Not quite as right wing as Costello, but close....a realtor.....
He recently finished serving a three-year term as one of eight members of the Coldwell Banker Commercial Advisory Board. As Federal Political Coordinator representing the National Association of Realtors, he saw firsthand Washington’s influence and disfunction, and recognized the need for fresh conservative faces to re-energize our economy and represent the true will of the people.
In addition to his contributions to the region’s economy, G.G. has been a leader in many community organizations. He has held such positions as President of the Rotary Club, President of the YMCA Board of Directors, President of the Daytona Beach Association of Realtors and President of Ormond Beach Main Street USA. Galloway has also served on the board of the Volusia County Association of Responsible Developers since its founding and with Team Volusia, the county’s economic development corporation.
We recommend Ron Desantis
3/ State Senator - District 12
Dennis Baxley - been in the Florida House since 2000, now running for Alan Hay's seat. Well funded, very conservative and was the author of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" bill.....
David E. Gee - has a picture of Trump on his website, and is a very conservative Christian and student of the Bible.....
He was a member of the board of directors of the Transportation Intermediary Association (TIA) for over 10 years. From 2003 to 2005, he was Chairman of the Board of this national organization representing annual business in excess of $157 billion. In 2008, he was the recipient of the National Heritage Award, the highest honor conferred by TIA. David is a nationally recognized expert witness on transportation issues.
Most recently, David Gee served as Chairman of the Board of a preventive medicine company. He owns a radio station, has a radio tower management firm and is a consultant to several small businesses.
A resident of active adult community, The Villages, since 2005, David is a lifetime conservative, community activist, competitive athlete and bible study leader. He is a widower, father of two and grandfather of six.
A successful businessman, he is an award-winning volunteer leader whose values are based on Judeo-Christian principles. He brings business savvy, courage and a willingness to be outspoken. An exceptional unifier, David Gee is tried, tested and trusted. He is opposed to absurd political correctness that demeans traditional American values and is a respected spokesperson for American greatness and Constitution-based education.
H. Marlene O'Toole.....in the House since 2008.....but according to Lauren Ritchie's column below she managed to violate Florida's ethic laws repeatedly, which is pretty hard to do since the regulations are so lax. But she did it....
We recommend Dennis Baxley
4/ State Representative - District 31
Theo Bob - no idea why he's running.....zero chance.....
Jennifer Sullivan - incumbent - her accomplishment in her first term was to pass a bill making poor women wait 24 hours to have an abortion.....this is consistent with her fundamentalist Christian principles....
Here are some of her tweets - not exactly a deep thinker....
Ms Sullivan seems to be a charming young lady, but is so underqualified to represent 75,000 people in the Florida Legislature it's scary....
We recommend abstaining
5/ Lake County Sheriff
Peyton Grinnell - current Chief Deputy to Sheriff Gary Borders, who has endorsed him.....from his website......
The Lake County Sheriff's Office is a large, complex organization with an annual operating budget of nearly sixty million dollars. We have over 700 of the most professional employees in the State of Florida! Our professional detention staff operates the 960 bed county jail and processes approximately 13,000 inmates a year through the facility.
With the retirement of the best Sheriff in the State of Florida, Gary S. Borders, voters will need to elect a Sheriff that already has the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to provide efficient and effective law enforcement services to our citizens.
As your current Chief Deputy, I have worked side by side with Sheriff Borders since 2006 and have proven I have what it takes. Please vote for me, Peyton C. Grinnell on August 30th.
Andres Obregon Jr.....picture from his FB page.....if this floats your boat, go for it.....
Daniel Sells......A little too political for a tough, demanding job?
Candidate for Sheriff of Lake County ( Retired with 38 years from Orange County Sheriff's Office )
Hometown: Minneola
Age: 70
Political or civic experience:
I've been involved in Republican politics since high school, along with being a Republican Executive Board Member. Civic experience has been community involvement most of my adult life with various organizations and while in law enforcement.
We recommend Peyton Grinnell
6/ Supervisor of Elections
Alan Hays - read Lauren Ritchie's story on why this angry old man wants the job.....
Voters should expect to provide pensions for public service, but they should carefully consider what they're getting for the money. Yes, this is work, but democracy demands it of you.
Hays, unfortunately, has done almost nothing to benefit Lake taxpayers in the years he served in the Legislature. He don't deserve a promotion from the $30,000 annual senate salary plus $129 a day for the time the ruling body is in session.
Hays' record in the Senate shows that he has been unable to get nearly any bills passed. That is because most of them are such wing-ding extreme right proposals that his colleagues snicker behind his back.
Hays' powerlessness is fortunate because nearly all his initiatives ooze with contempt for the average citizen.
Margie Eaton - does not sound qualified to run this operation.....I went through her website but it doesn't say if she works, or where....
For many years I have been active in supporting the Lake County community from the political arena to just being involved with our local community efforts. I love Lake County and have watched the county grow from being a very large physical county with a small population to a very large county with a very large population. With that growth comes growing pains and the need to develop new processes and technology to support that growth. I wanted to get involved with that development and the way to do this is to join in the process of running for office. I can make a difference and it is time for a positive change in the LAKE COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE. There is a need for fresh ideas and rejuvenation. The staff are well trained and I am committed to their growth and development, but from a process and technical standpoint, the office is running behind other similar counties in the State. My extensive legal experience will give me the ability to provide Lake County with excellent service and I have the knowledge needed to understand and apply the Statutes that define the job of the Supervisor of Elections. I am very passionate in the belief that if you are qualified to vote, your vote should be counted and I will strive to make that happen.
Michael Holland - former Mayor of Eustis.....seems to be the best candidate......
We recommend Michael Holland
7/ Lake County Commission District 1
Timothy Sullivan - this is the sitting commissioner who doesn't live in his district, and lies about it.
Lauren Ritchie column from February....this issue is still unresolved, and he probably thinks it will just go away....
Consider that Sullivan took part in a coordinated media attack last week on Conner, who is seeking his third term in the district where Sullivan actually lives. He whined during an interview with a reporter about Conner voting against him when it was his "turn" to be commission chairman. (Actually, there is no "turn" — commissioners simply trade the title among themselves as a matter of custom.) Sullivan described Conner as a power-hungry bully who tries to get his way by "ramrodding" pet issues through the commission.
Seriously? Sullivan has the audacity to snipe from the sidelines at the commissioner against whom he should, by law, be running? Against the commissioner he doesn't have the courage to take on? Where, oh, where, does one find the hubris to do such things in public?
Tim Sullivan FB page....
Tim Sullivan was cleared this week by the State Attorneys office, so no charges will be filed on his residency status....legally he's clear, but ethically?
Michael Philip Levine - from his website.....wants you to remember his name [sarcasm]....
As a kid, Mike Levine’s dream was to own his own business. After 20 years living the dream Mike is looking for a different challenge. Mike is asking Lake County voters to support his campaign to become the County Commissioner from District 1. There is no greater honor than to be elected by one’s peers to public service. Mike will serve Lake County well by dedicating all of his talent, energy and experience to the job. Mike Levine will be grateful for your vote. If you are casting an absentee ballot, please vote for Mike Levine. If you are voting early, please vote for Mike Levine. Please vote for Mike Levine on August 30th, election-day.
Timothy M. Loucks - current Mayor of Groveland.....read the Sentinel profile - seems qualified.....
I was born in Fort Meade, Maryland; my family moved to Florida when I was two months old. I was raised in West Orange County. I’m married with two successful adult daughters and two grandchildren. My wife Susan and I moved to Lake County in 2007, and currently reside in the city of Groveland. Unlike one of my competitors, my permanent residence is within the boundaries of the Lake County Commissions District 1.
I was appointed Mayor of the City of Groveland in 2013 and won re-election in 2014. During my service as Mayor, I chaired the design and implementation team for Groveland’s Commercial Economic Development and Common Sense Incentives Plan. This plan resulted in over $9 million in new and retained commercial growth in Groveland for 2014-15 alone, with a minimal investment of less than $200,000 (cash and waived fees). This city-wide initiative set a new record with less than a 10-year return on invested dollars.
Under my administration, the City of Groveland ranked number one in 2014-15-16 as the fastest growing city in Lake County, experiencing a combined growth rate of 51.3%. The City of Groveland maintained the second lowest municipal property tax rate in Lake County while I have proudly served as Mayor.
In 2015, I retired from Reedy Creek Energy Service Water Resource Division at Walt Disney World after 27 years of service.
We recommend Timothy Loucks
8/ Lake County Commission District 3
This is the most high profile local election - the incumbent Jimmy Connor is being targeted by a Mexican cement company for his opposition to their proposed sand mine, which will threaten our water supply in South Lake. See the story from the Daily Commercial....
More background from the Orlando Sentinel
Wendy Breeden - Retired Librarian, sister of Romac owner, favored by the Tea Party and other right wing groups.
Breeden just retired from being Public Resources Director of Lake County. I talked to Wendy today and took pictures of her filing her paperwork at the Lake County Supt. of Elections Office. Lake County political insiders will be interested to know that the owner of Romac Lumber, Dan Robuck, is her brother. Robuck is known as a major supporter and funder of other local candidates.
Breeden said she wants to give back to Lake County, and that is one reason she is running.
From the Sentinel - Breedon doesn't want Dems to vote in this election, so recruited her brother to close it off......a little sneaky....
The most highly contested race is between District 1 County Commissioner Jimmy Conner, a conservative Republican who wants to keep his seat, and challenger Wendy Breeden, a retired county government employee. Kiley Anderson, who works for Breeden's brother, has registered as a write-in candidate, which closes the primary to all voters except Republicans. Florida's primaries are open only when candidates for any given office are all from the same party and no write-in candidates file.
Jimmy Connor - experienced, pro environment.....
To continue to represent individual citizens, not special interests like the foreign sand mine interests who are trying to defeat me through ads the Orlando Sentinel have determined to be false.
I trust voters will not allow special interests to buy an election through hiding money in Political Action Committees. We lowered property taxes last year and are doing a full roll back this year so keeping taxes low is a top priority too. Currently, Lake County has the second lowest property taxes in the Region.
As in the past, I will keep government small. We eliminated over 150 positions and our property tax revenues are $14.8 million LESS than when I was elected.
Public Safety - I will continue to support the sheriff's office, firefighters and Lake EMS to keep our citizens safe.
Public Safety - I will continue to support the sheriff's office, firefighters and Lake EMS to keep our citizens safe.
We recommend Jimmy Connor
9/ Lake County Commission District 5
Josh Blake....... a legislative aide in Tallahassee, very vague website....reminds me of Slaby.
Welton Cadwell - incumbent - been on the County Commission for 24 years.....Chairman of the Lake Expressway Authority.....
Lake County Board of County Commissioners
- Originally elected in 1992, serving sixth term
- Served as Chairman eight times
- Served as Vice-Chair four times
Chairman, Lake EMS Board of Directors
Florida Association of Counties (FAC)
Board of Directors
National Association of Counties (NACo)
Past - Board of Directors
Past – Vice Chair, Community and Economic Development Steering Committee
Chairman, Community and Economic Development Steering Committee
- East Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Central Florida Expressway Authority
Board Member, Chairman
Florida native and lifelong resident of Lake County. Currently residing in Umatilla with wife Barbara. Proud parent of four Children and five grandchildren
We recommend Welton Cadwell
10/ Lake County Water Authority - District 3
People - these races are very important because one of the major issues Florida will be facing in the next decades is water, and we need sound decisions to be made now for the future....so both of the Water Authority races are more important than you might think.
But having said that I can't find any real information on either candidate.....
Diana Mullins - this is her FB page....
Found this.....she is 77 years old.....
Diana Mullins Contact Information:
E Shirley Shores Rd, Tavares, FL 32778, Born June 21, 1939
Gregory Scott
The Sentinel profile is blank.....
Can't find a damn thing about him......there is a Greg Scott in Tavares on FB who's an Assistant Public Defender, but is it him? Who knows.....
We recommend you leave this blank, and vote for Elizabeth Kapoor in the general election in November, who I know personally as an intelligent and committed person who will do a good job on the Water Authority
11/ Lake County Water Authority - District 1
Keith A Farner - this is what the Lake County Republican Party website listed for Farner, but as you can see it's the one from his campaign for Supervisor of Elections in 2012. Maybe he couldn't be bothered to update it for such a measly position as Water Authority.....very strange....
https://www.facebook.com/keith .farner.98
Robert "Butch" Hendrick - runs a company in the environmental services industry.....looks good.....
We recommend Robert Hendrick
12/ State Committeeman
Doug Duerr - FB has a picture of him with Pam Bondi
Ralph Smith - radio show host
Randy L Van Alstine - incumbent
We recommend Randy Van Alstine
13/ State committeewoman
Elise A Dennison - currently a Leesburg City Commissioner
Patricia Sullivan - head of the North Lake Tea Party....if you want more Tea Party agendas in Florida politics, vote for her....
We recommend Elise Dennison
14/ County Court Judge - Group 2
Ben Boylston - 33 years old, father was a Lake County judge.....
Boylston, 33, founded the law firm of Stuart, Mount, Bleakley, and Boylston in May of 2013 and works in the practice’s Tavares office. His career began while in law school at Florida State University, prosecuting cases in Monticello, a small town near Tallahassee. After graduating and passing the Bar exam in 2005 at the age of 23, he became an associate with the Tavares law firm of Graves & Spivey, P.A. He later worked at Stone & Gerken, P.A. in Mount Dora, practicing civil litigation, contracts, and municipal law.
Jonathan Olson - experienced prosecutor, works as a ASA....
Jonathan accepted a position as Assistant County Attorney in Mahnomen County where he prosecuted juvenile and misdemeanor cases. He was also in charge of child dependence cases, working with social workers to protect those unable to protect themselves.
Jonathan next worked in the Mower County Attorney’s Office where he was promoted from Assistant to Chief Assistant County Attorney.
Jonathan’s duties included prosecution of all types of crimes, legal counsel for the Sheriff’s Office, legal counsel for the Department of Social Services and legal counsel for the County Commissioners.
Mower County was also where Jonathan and SaraJane were blessed with their children PaulJon and Elizabeth.
At the request of his family (and their desire to see the grandkids more often), the Olson’s moved to Florida in 2004. Jonathan and SaraJane were offered positions in Mr. Brad King’s Office as Assistant State Attorneys.
Cary Rada - has a criminal defense practice in Lake County....
He graduated from Stetson University College of Law in 1994, and a year later he began work as Lake County’s state prosecutor in Judge Donna Miller’s courtroom. He worked as a prosecutor until 2003.
Then he opened his own law criminal law practice.
Practicing law in Lake County for more than 20 years, Rada is a board certified criminal trial attorney.
Rada said he admired Miller and would emulate her by “addressing the needs of each individual and treating everyone in the courtroom with dignity and respect.”
“I would not apply a rigid sentencing structure," he said. "Instead I would be flexible in my sentencing."
Further, Rada said he would be in favor of creative sentencing.
“If the legislation allows it, I would be in favor of having an individual provide community service to the community if they are unable to pay off a fine,” he said. “We can maintain that individual’s license and they would give back to the community and remain a productive member of the community.”
If elected, Rada, 48, said he would like to see the newly implemented veterans court be established in county court, as opposed to strictly in circuit court.
Rada said the role of judge is an important one and does not take it lightly.
Judy A. Stewart - has a law practice in Lake County - and the cleverest yard sign....with the different size fonts you see "Judge Judy" in red....
- Judy is vastly thorough and extremely levelheaded;
- Faced with legal opponents and matters within the system, she remains calm and effective;
- She carries herself with quiet dignity; strength and diligence;
- With knowledge and experience on her side, her quiet demeanor is highly effective.
- She gets the job done with honest, firm control and no fanfare.
Judy herself states: “Through my life and legal experiences, I have obtained professional responsibility and strive to carry that rationale in my daily life. I am sensible, realistic, even-tempered as well as reliable and practical.”
Brian Welke - has an estate planning practice in Mount Dora.....
Brian has been practicing law in Lake County since 1997 with his first job working as an assistant county attorney for Lake County. But in 1998 Brian opened his own office in Mt. Dora. Since 1998 he has represented dozens of homeowners and renters associations in Lake County but now his practice is limited to the area of estate planning, probate, family law, and adoption law. He is a member of the Florida Adoption Council and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys. In 2012 Brian opened Florida Adoption Services, a full service adoption agency.
A tough one as they are all qualified, but we recommend Judy Stewart or Cary Rada
15/ School Board - District 2
Kristi Burns - an actual teacher, with a PHD....knows the problems, and has solutions
Pernell Mitchell - a man with a mission, not quite sure what
Sandi Wells Moore - another politician with great ideas for the School Board
We recommend Kristi Burns
16/ School Board - District 4
Lou Buigas - [she] a "business leader" for the board will make it all better - yeah right.
Sandy Gamble - [he] basically blank FB page
James Myers - a real estate attorney....just what the School Board needs...
Joan Rintelmann - an experienced teacher, sensible and levelheaded.....
We recommend Joan Rintelmann
17 - Constitutional Amendment - Solar
A third consumer-friendly, solar-power amendment proposal bubbled up from the Legislature this year, a surprise given the history of lawmaker support for utilities. Yet legislators voted unanimously to ask voters in the Aug. 30 primary to approve a sensible and practical pathway to promoting solar power. The measure repeals personal property taxes for solar equipment and exempts real estate taxes on the devices for two decades.
The amendment proposal's objective is growing the solar market by lowering the initial costs to lease and set up the equipment as well as boost the cost effectiveness gradually and make the shift to clean and sustainable energy more appealing.
Voters should support this sensible start to a bona fide consumer- and business-oriented state solar policy. In fact, this legislative proposal targeted commercial enterprises and enjoys the backing of the business community.
Vote YES on this....this is the "good" amendment....
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