1/. There are two very dangerous Trump Cabinet members in a pool of idiots and hacks - one is the AG Jeff Sessions who is trying to roll the the Justice Department back to the 50's, but the other one is Scott Pruitt who is in charge of gutting the EPA, which if he succeeds could affect all of our lives....an excellent in depth story from Rolling Stone that's frankly scary....
Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, wants you to know that he was responsible for persuading President Trump to pull out of the Paris climate agreement. Pruitt has never said that explicitly, of course – he understands that if he wants to keep his job, he needs to pretend that the decision was Trump's alone. But Pruitt did everything he could to telegraph to the world that he thought Paris was a bad deal for America, and urged Big Coal executives to make their views known to the president as well. Trump, who has dismissed climate change as a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, was lobbied equally hard by major business leaders and some of his own advisers, including his daughter Ivanka and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, to stay in the agreement. But Pruitt, aligned with White House chief strategist and populist provocateur Steve Bannon, won the fight
2/. A very good Seth Meyers segment where he summarises the weeks news......there is a hysterically funny bit with Trump at his New Jersey Golf Course.....and a wedding....
He gets better and better......11 excellent minutes....
President Trump has left the White House for a 17-day “working vacation” at a New Jersey golf resort — and that’s all the ammo Seth Meyers needed for his latest Closer Look on Late Night.
“Just in case you needed more proof that he’s not really a billionaire, he takes a New Jersey vacation,” Meyers began on Monday night. “‘New Jersey vacation’ sounds like a slang term for a mafia hit job.”
But after mocking POTUS for his golfing attire (“You’re the president, not a hungover cruise director”) and the creepy way he approached a bridal party celebrating a wedding at the resort (“Is there anything scarier than Trump walking into your wedding and going, ‘Where’s the bride?'”), Meyers took a more serious tone in scolding the president for his two-week trip.
“To be clear, I’m not criticizing Trump for taking vacations. I’m criticizing him for being a lying hypocrite,” he said, after showing a series of campaign-trail clips in which Trump had attacked President Obama for taking constant golf trips.
3/. In case you are wondering why America is so angry, this is the reason, proved yet again with real numbers. If Fox put this on their news feed or indeed any of the corporate media showed this, there would be a revolution but of course they won't....because they are all owned by the people on the high end of this chart....
Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart
Unfortunately these interactive charts don't reproduce properly, but it represents income growth.....a very good and illuminating story you need to open and appreciate.....
4/. John Oliver on the horrible Stephen Miller.....three great minutes......
The Trump administration's senior policy advisor Stephen Miller is being considered to replace former White House communications director Anthony "Mooch" Scaramucci. So on Sunday, John Oliver devoted an entire segment to the controversial figure, whom he blasted as a "Vitamin D-deficient Minion."
Last week, Miller spoke at a White House press briefing in which he emphasized President Trump's support for legislation that would decrease legal immigration by half over the next decade, making citizenship contingent on factors like English-speaking ability, education level and job skills. CNN reporter Jim Acosta clashed with Miller over the bill, referencing the words on the Statue of Liberty requesting the world's "tired," "poor" and "huddled masses." The policy advisor responded, "The poem that you're referring to was added later. It's not actually part of the original Statue of Liberty."
5/. One of our favorite writers, Matt Taibbi, interviewed by Sean Illing from Vox.....insightful.....
“Pull a lever for me and you’ll horrify them all.”
That’s how Rolling Stone columnist Matt Taibbi described the pitch that Donald Trump made to voters during the 2016 campaign when we spoke earlier this year. Roughly half the country, he reasoned, voted for political dynamite, someone who would upend Washington.
Taibbi spent all of 2016 covering the Trump campaign for Rolling Stone, eventually writing a book about that experience. He was convinced, at least early in the campaign, that Trump would flame out. But Taibbi quickly realized that something was afoot. Voters saw in Trump a total rejection of everything they despised about liberal elite culture.
We’re now six months into the Trump presidency. And though he has certainly exploded the Washington consensus, are his voters getting what they wanted?
I reached out to Taibbi on Monday.
6/. Eric Bolling from Fox News has been suspended for sending dick pics to colleagues....Stephen Colbert has 3 minutes of fun with this news.....very amusing....
But a little factoid - on my FB feed is a right wing nut job, and she is posting stories blaming the accusers, i.e. dick pics are Fake News or a conspiracy....
Eric Bolling pretty much begged to get mocked and ridiculed for the recent allegations of sexual harassment made against him, i.e., sending “dick picks” to colleagues at Fox News.
The Fox News host, “whose cologne you can smell through the TV,” according to late-night comedian Stephen Colbert, has been a blowhard on the right-wing network for years.
“Whatever happened to old-fashioned courtship?” Colbert asked his audience during his opening monologue Monday.
Bolling has been suspended from Fox News while the network investigates allegations uncovered by the Huffington Post.
“He denies the charges, sort of,” Colbert informed his audience.
Bolling’s attorney wrote an unconvincing statement last week following the Huffington Post’s reporting, writing, “Mr. Bolling recalls no such inappropriate communications.”
“How do you forget sending someone your bits and pieces?” Colbert asked. “Did I leave the water running in the tub? Did I send multiple penis pictures to my coworkers?”
7/. Good balanced story from Paul Krugman on the ACA and the way forward for progressives....Medicare for all sounds good but would mean a large tax increase to pay for it......better to fix the ACA....
For now, at least, the attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act appears dead. Sabotage by a spiteful Trump administration is still a risk, but there is — gasp! — a bipartisan push to limit the damage, with Democrats who want to preserve recent gains allying with Republicans who fear that the public will blame them for declining coverage and rising premiums.
This represents a huge victory for progressives, who did a startlingly good job of marshaling facts, mobilizing public opinion, and pressuring politicians to stand their ground. But where do they go from here? If Democrats regain control of Congress and the White House, what will they do with the opportunity?
Well, some progressives — by and large people who supported Bernie Sanders in the primaries — are already trying to revive one of his signature proposals: expanding Medicare to cover everyone. Some even want to make support for single-payer a litmus test for Democratic candidates.
So it’s time for a little pushback.
8/. There was a hysterical reaction from the White House to a Times report Mike Pence is gearing up for a 2020 Presidential run....Jimmy Kimmel has two funny minutes and a non-campaign ad from Pence....
As we have all heard, Mike Pence is definitely not running for president in 2020. Nope, no way, not even thinking about it, never crossed his mind, nothing to see here.
Jimmy Kimmel, took a moment out of last night’s airing of Jimmy Kimmel Live to talk about how Vice President Pence is perfectly happy just where he is.
Yes sir. No two ways about it.
9/. Above and Beyond with "Counting Down The Days", featuring Gemma Hayes.....
10/. A viral campaign ad for Amy McGrath, a Democrat running for Congress in Kentucky.......inspiring! She was a Lt. Colonel in the Air Force.....
Amy McGrath knew when she was 12 years old that she wanted to fly fighter jets. She also knew that she wasn’t allowed to.
So McGrath launched an aggressive letter-writing campaign to lawmakers in her home state of Kentucky. She wrote to her congressman, who told her “women ought to be protected and not allowed to serve.”
11/. I'm sure most Florida residents agree it's getting really crowded in some areas, and yet our gub'mint's policies are growth, more growth please......and the price is the continuing degradation of our environment.....
Good article from the Orlando Sentinel....
If you are keeping up with local news, you are already aware that Florida is facing an environmental crisis of historic proportions. Like a water glass, the Florida peninsula is filling up with people. From the bottom of the glass in Miami and the Keys, along the sides of the glass up the coasts, to the upper half of the glass, including Orlando, The Villages, Marion County, Gainesville and into the Panhandle, people are putting down their roots, and human communities are growing.
Currently exceeding 20 million permanent residents, and more than 100 million tourists each year, Florida’s renewable and nonrenewable resources are being bulldozed, covered over, and depleted faster with every year that passes.
At an average density of 350 people per square mile, there is less and less space for native habitats and the wildlife they support. No longer the frontier state it was in 1950 with a total population of 2.8 million, and a density less than 50 people per square mile, today’s Florida is awakening to the reality that we must all live more sustainably.
12/. The Florida Democratic Party.....sigh.....Scott Maxwell in the OS....
Right now, there’s a flurry of political activity in western Orange County.
With a special legislative election afoot, four Republicans are running vigorous campaigns, debating conservative ideas and collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign cash in House District 44, which envelops Disney, Winter Garden, Dr. Phillips and west Orlando.
So, the Republicans are all in.
One the other side of the aisle is a single Democratic candidate without much name ID, support or money. As of his last report, he had raised $3,131 … with most of that coming from the candidate’s own pocket.
All this in a district that strongly supported Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump just nine months ago — about 28,000 votes to 22,000.
This, my friends, is why Democrats are chronic losers in this state … because they don’t compete.
Heck, they can’t even organize.
http://www.orlandosentinel.com /opinion/os-florida-democrats- losers-scott-maxwell-20170803- story.html
13/. Vanity Fair picks the best movies and TV of the year so far......I can vouch for one show - the third season of "The Leftovers" was amazing.......it's on Netflix
Somehow we’re halfway through 2017—and, despite everything, we have seen quite a few good movies and watched some great TV. Which certainly is worth celebrating. For this list, we’re only counting movies and television that were released before July 1, so while we’d love to include wonderful things like War for the Planet of the Apes or A Ghost Story, we’ll have to save that praise for later. In the meantime, these 20 projects stand out as the best 2017 has to offer, so far. We’re not ranking them 1-10 just yet. We’ll save that for December.
14/. And here's a movie coming up...."Mother" with the lovely Jennifer Lawrence......definitely not a knee slapper! Directed by Darren Aronofsky....
“Black Swan,” “Requiem for a Dream,” “The Wrestler,” “Pi” — unless you are a particular kind of masochist (or sadist), you didn’t actually enjoy any of those Darren Aronofsky films. Sure, maybe you appreciated them. Maybe you kind of loved them. But, no, you did not have fun watching Natalie Portman descend into madness or seeing Jared Leto lose his arm to drug addiction (unless that’s your thing, and then we have to talk).
This grinding, brutal lack of cinematic fun marks Aronofsky’s entire body of work — but the trailer for his latest, “Mother!” suggests that trend may be (that’s may be) coming to a close.
Starring Jennifer Lawrence, “Mother!” seems to be the story of a young wife whose domestic efforts at maintaining a pristine house for her partner, played here by Javier Bardem, is interrupted by mysterious strangers and a moldy basement wall that leaks blood. Adulting is hard, guys.
Todays teacher jokes
Todays Jewish senior joke
Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Miami, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore.. Jacob suggests they go in.
Jacob addresses the man behind the counter:
"Are you the owner?"
The pharmacist answers, "Yes."
Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?"
Pharmacist: "Of course, we do."
Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"
Pharmacist: "All kinds."
Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism?"
Pharmacist: "Definitely."
Jacob: "How about suppositories?"
Pharmacist: "You bet!"
Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis and Alzheimer's?"
Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The
Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?"
Pharmacist: "Absolutely."
Jacob: "Everything for heartburn and indigestion?"
Pharmacist: "We sure do."
Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers and canes?"
Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes."
Jacob: "Adult diapers?"
Pharmacist: "Sure."
Jacob: "We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry."
Jacob addresses the man behind the counter:
"Are you the owner?"
The pharmacist answers, "Yes."
Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?"
Pharmacist: "Of course, we do."
Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"
Pharmacist: "All kinds."
Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism?"
Pharmacist: "Definitely."
Jacob: "How about suppositories?"
Pharmacist: "You bet!"
Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis and Alzheimer's?"
Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The
Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?"
Pharmacist: "Absolutely."
Jacob: "Everything for heartburn and indigestion?"
Pharmacist: "We sure do."
Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers and canes?"
Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes."
Jacob: "Adult diapers?"
Pharmacist: "Sure."
Jacob: "We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry."
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