Friday, April 27, 2018

Trump and Fox and Friends - DDD Special

Yesterday Trump called in to "Fox And Friends" for a 30 minute unhinged rant, and I'm sure you heard polite commentary on how strange it was, but to get the true flavour of the insanity you need to watch the late night comedians.....since it's time sensitive [won't be as funny in a week because he will do something else just as dumb] I'm putting it out today so you can relate in a timely fashion - and get real news!

Here are three different takes on the craziness from three wonderful's really interesting how all of them focus on different elements in the talk...

For me the best by a hair was Stephen Colbert......eight minutes.....
President Trump called into Fox & Friends on Thursday morning, and "this interview was insane," Stephen Colbert said on Thursday's Late Show. "It was rambling; it was so loud, it sounded like he was shouting the whole time." Colbert joked his way through the interview, from Trump's birthday present for Melania to his musings on Michael Cohen's business, how he definitely didn't collude with Russia (just ask Vladimir Putin), his threat to maybe fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and his complaints about NBC and CNN while insisting "he doesn't watch the thing he spends every waking moment complaining about."

A close runner up was Trevor Noah.....five minutes....

Trevor Noah had some fun at the expense of President Trump for his “epic” phone-in interview on Fox & Friends.
“Normally, when Trump has a bad day, we know Trump watches Fox & Friends and yells at the TV. But today, he did the same thing… but we all got to listen in,” Noah told his viewers. “And you could tell from the start that this was going to be special.”
The Daily Show host ripped the president for admitting that all he got for First Lady Melania Trump‘s birthday was a “beautiful birthday card.”
“How did Trump mess up the world’s easiest question?” Noah asked. “It’s like they threw him a softball and he swung and hit himself in the d*ck.

And for a more comedic reporting slant on our unhinged leader Seth Meyers does an excellent 11 minutes - just as funny, slightly more serious but with some of the best zingers.....

Most of your week probably gotten eaten up theorizing about Kanye West’s mental state, so maybe you didn’t even notice Donald Trump’s rival breakdown on Fox & Friends Thursday morning. Trump, also known as the actual President of the actual United States for real, called into the show to address well… everything. But mostly to talk about all the things his lawyers probably told him not to on TV. Thursday night Meyers used his A Closer Look segment to analyze everything from Emmanuel Macron’s third wheel face, to the fact that the president probably didn’t even get his wife a birthday present. Yikes, no wonder she won’t hold his hand.

The definition of "deer in the headlights".....

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