1/. Frank Rich on the Democratic debates....
Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images
Most weeks, New York Magazine writer-at-large Frank Rich speaks with contributor Alex Carp about the biggest stories in politics and culture. Today, the Democratic debates, Donald Trump’s racist attacks on members of Congress, and Democrats coming out for impeachment.
This week’s Democratic debates gave a different mix of candidates a chance to challenge each other directly. How much will their performances reshape the field?
If little else, this week’s debates produced an avalanche of premature adjudication by politicos and the press, a harmless diversion as we slide into the dog days. If you boil all the prognostication down to a single sentence, it would yield the answer to your question: Nothing has changed. Joe Biden is still shakily in the lead for the nomination, and no single candidate is yet poised to knock him off. In the end, perhaps the most salient fact to be taken away from the debates is the collapse in viewership: 8.7 million viewers tuned in the first night (second-night figures are not yet available as I write this), as opposed to 15.3 million viewers for the first Democratic debate a month ago and 18.1 million for the second.
2/. A Jimmy Kimmel street interview....with kids...three minutes...
3/. Rolling Stone grades the candidates in both recent debates....interesting if you watched them, Cliff Notes if you didn't....
After the two night, six hour marathon of the Democratic 2020 primary debates in Detroit, the dust has settled. Here, Rolling Stone presents our consolidated letter grades for the performance of all 20 candidates, over both nights, assessing the contenders’ effectiveness of message, their clarity of purpose, the sting of their attacks, and their success in avoiding gaffes, self-owns, and face-plants.
4/. Mac King, a Las Vegas magician with the rope trick.....amazing....2 minutes...
5/. Umair with a provocative question - have we reached the point of global collapse. Not quite, but it's coming faster than we think....
There’s a tiny question that keeps recurring to me these days. Have we reached the tipping point of global collapse? Are we past the point of no return when it comes to an immediate future of climate chaos, political upheaval, economic stagnation, and social implosion?
I have this sinking feeling that in recent months, we just might be getting pretty close. And you don’t want to play Russian roulette with the devil, my friends. https://eand.co/are-we- reaching-the-tipping-point-of- global-collapse-a7b47c3adc97
6/. Tom Tomorrow on your health insurance.....
7/. Ho Hum. There are definitive signs the Greenland ice sheet is melting at an astonishing rate....but do
you see this in our media? Of course not....
Amid an ongoing heat wave, new data show the Greenland ice sheet is in the middle of its biggest melt season in recorded history. It’s the latest worrying signal climate change is accelerating far beyond the worst fears of even climate scientists.
The record-setting heat wave that sweltered northern Europe last week has moved north over the critically vulnerable Greenland ice sheet, triggering temperatures this week that are as much as 25 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal https://www.rollingstone. com/politics/politics-news/ greenland-ice-sheet-melt- 865803/
8/. Amazing rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody by a South African high school choir.....they nail it!
9/. Media Matters is a wonderful group that monitor right wing media, and they do a great job....
If you believe former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, Media Matters for America is the nation’s “most dangerous organization,” which would be quite a feat for a modestly funded nonprofit whose 80 employees spend a lot of their time quietly watching cable news at their desks. The 15-year-old, left-leaning news-watchdog group’s mission of combating “conservative misinformation” extends to minute-by-minute scrutiny of right-wing media — Fox News, in particular — and its stars, who do not, as a rule, enjoy the attention. Sean Hannity accused MMFA of “liberal fascism,” and said it’s pressuring his advertisers to drop his show; the second part is entirely accurate.
10/. This caught my eye.....definitely agree with some of the comments!
"Overrated Places to Visit"....
The thread got a lot of comments. While a lot of them made sense to me, others were actually a little surprising. Here are a few of these ~bold~ opinions:
1. The Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles
11/. One wonders what will happen to Florida when climate change including sea level rise and heat really kick in.....read this essay
from David Cohea, a Mount Dora writer for Medium....
What about climate change impacts to the interior of the state, in Central Florida where we live? Sadly, the evidence is mounting of a regional stress that will result in catastrophe if local planners don’t soon begin their work.
The biggest impact will be a steady migration of sea level rise refugees.
12/. Definitely a "Floriduh" story.....our Republican Gubmint is resolute in making sure Floridians remain stupid....
New Florida Board of Education Chair: “I won’t support any evolution being taught as fact at all in any of our schools.”
Florida has a new Board of Education chairman: Andy Tuck.
When the state science standards were rewritten in 2008, Tuck was vice chairman of the Highlands County school board. Several school boards passed resolutions opposing the inclusion of evolution in the new standards. Highlands seriously considered a resolution but eventually backed down.
13/. New York Magazine rates the best TV of 2019 so far.....
The summer TV season is in full swing, and so are Vulture’s picks for the best TV shows of 2019 so far. In the interest of helping you keep your watch lists current, we’ll update this list on a monthly basis throughout the year https://www.vulture.com/ article/best-tv-shows-2019. html
Todays blond joke...
A guy and a blond are on a date, and after dinner and a movie, they head on up to that citys makeout spot "Lookout Point", where things get a little hot 'n' heavy.
Then the guy leans over, "Do you want to go in the backseat?"
Unfazed, they continue making out.
The guy trys again, "Do you want to go in the backseat?"
A little frustrated, the man decides to ignore it.
They continue to get pretty into it.
Soon, the man figures he can ask again, "Do you want to go in the backseat?"
"Why not?"
"Because I want to stay up here with you."
source: http://www.jokes4us. com/blondejokes/ backseatblondejoke.html
source: http://www.jokes4us.
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