1/ A glimmer of hope perhaps? Jeff Goodell is feeling slightly more optimistic about the future and getting the climate crisis mitigated even a little....it's the kids!
Here’s a reckless prediction: a decade or so from now, when the climate revolution is fully underway and Miami Beach real estate prices are in free-fall due to constant flooding, and internal combustion engines are as dead as CDs, people will look back on the fall of 2019 as the turning point in the climate crisis. At the very least it will be remembered as the moment that it became clear that people were not going to give up their future on a habitable planet without a damn good fight.
It’s not easy to feel hopeful at this dark hour. The Amazon rainforest is burning, heat waves this summer have killed thousands of people around the world, the Midwest is still reeling from massive flooding, and the human suffering from Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas is just beginning to be revealed. Meanwhile, President Trump doodles on hurricane maps and big oil is still investing millions in fossil-fuel infrastructure that will only further load the atmosphere with carbon and accelerate the devastating climate impacts. Climate scientists tell us that nations of the world need to cut carbon pollution in half by 2030 to avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Yet in 2018, carbon emissions grew faster than any year since 2011.
2/ Samantha Bee tells us how the Koch Brothers have destroyed our planet....six amusing and informative minutes....
3/ We love Rachel Maddow, but this writer has some points.....
Just because you’re right doesn’t mean you can change hearts and minds. But then again, that’s not what cable news is about, is it? And it hasn’t been for a long time.
Rachel Maddow is as huffy and indignant as she is intelligent. Her blustering is just shy of shrill but her constant scoffing is far from impartial. In a jarring mashup of political savvy and “freaking”-as-an-adjective casual, an hour with this news “expert” feels like little more than your smartest friend reassuring you that you’re right.
The reality is that the audacity of what is now normal in American politics screams for itself. We do not need her eyebrows raised right off her head, her guffaws after every unbelievable absurdity she reports on.
4/ Amazing new campaign commercial for Valerie Plame - for Congress in New Mexico....one dynamic minute....
5/ Even if you hate and despise them all, this article from The Atlantic about the younger Trumps is quite fascinating - it exposes their true awfulness
and explains why we loathe them so....
The empire begins with a brothel. It stands, sturdy and square, at the heart of a gold-rush boomtown in northwest British Columbia, a monument to careful branding. The windows of the Arctic Restaurant have no signs offering access to prostitutes—even in a lawless Yukon outpost in 1899, decorum rules out such truth in advertising—but Friedrich Trump knows his clientele.
6/ Sam Bee on Brett Kavanaugh.....excellent commentary on this scumbag...five good minutes...
7/ She's beautiful, talented and also smart....and seems to have some common sense too.....good article from
the Times on Taylor Swift....
Taylor Swift is on fire. She just dropped her seventh album, “Lover,” and it’s already the top seller of 2019. She also dropped some wisdom that deserves to be as widely appreciated as her music.
In an interview on Aug. 25 on “CBS Sunday Morning,” Ms. Swift spoke up about our culture’s obsession with forgiveness. “People go on and on about you have to forgive and forget to move past something,” she said. “No, you don’t.”
She’s right. You don’t have to forgive and forget to move on. And sometimes, you shouldn’t forgive or forget. You should resent.
8/ Canada shows us again what intelligent countries do.....
GATINEAU, Quebec — Along the coast of the United States, people who lost homes to Hurricane Dorian are preparing to rebuild. But Canada — which has faced devastating flooding of its own — is testing a very different idea of disaster recovery: Forcing people to move.
Unlike the United States, which will repeatedly help pay for people to rebuild in place, Canada has responded to the escalating costs of climate change by limiting aid after disasters, and even telling people to leave their homes. It is an experiment that has exposed a complex mix of relief, anger and loss as entire neighborhoods are removed, house by house.
9/ John Oliver piling on Joe Biden for his record player comment....one painful minute....
10/ This beautiful story will break your heart, because it's about drilling for oil in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge.....wonderful pictures of the timeless
beauty of the area.....before this stupid country allows them to destroy this pristine wilderness....
11/ Umair has a commentary on our dumbness....how predatory capitalism has made us stupid....
You don’t have to look too hard to see it. There’s an American President…marking up maps with a Sharpie…like an infant…so he’s not humiliated by a foolish lie. LOL. Yet there’s the British PM, lampoonishly wrecking democracy. What the? America, and it’s little brother, Britain, are currently in a heated competition to win first place for being the incredibly dumbest country in the world. It’s neck and neck, my friends. Nobody knows which nation of idiots will edge out the other, and win the gold medal for sheer head-pounding stupidity.
12/ "Always", one of Above and Beyond's most haunting songs with a beautiful video....
13/ Interesting profile of Mitch McConnell, the most evil man in politics and how he is facing a huge challenge in this election.....about bloody time!
Fittingly enough, it was hot as blazes in Kentucky when Mitch McConnell slunk back home for Congress’ annual summer recess. One week earlier, Robert Mueller had testified that Russia was meddling in the 2020 U.S. elections. McConnell, the Senatemajority leader, responded by shooting down Democrats’ efforts to bring two election-security bills to a vote — bills that McConnell, in his familiar fashion, had previously sentenced to quiet deaths after they passed the House. In the hailstorm of opprobrium that followed, McConnell had been tagged by “Morning Joe” Scarborough with the indelible nickname “Moscow Mitch.” The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank called him a “Russian asset.” Twitter couldn’t decide whether he was #putinsbitch or #trumpsbitch. The Kentucky Democratic Party was selling red “Just Say Nyet to Moscow Mitch” T-shirts, emblazoned with an image of the senator’s jowly visage in a Cossack hat, as fast as they could print them up.
https://www.rollingstone.com/ politics/politics-features/ mitch-mcconnell-man-who-sold- america-880799/
14/ Movie Review....."Ad Astra" with Brad Pitt.....says it's excellent....
Seek out the nearest jumbo screen and let filmmaker James Gray, a renegade visionary with a big reach and a knack for sneaky mischief, sweep you off ad astra (that’s “to the stars” in Latin). Getting lost in the space conjured up by the writer-director and the brilliant Dutch-Swedish cinematographer Hoyte Van Hoytema (Interstellar, Dunkirk) to screw with your head and throw off your equilibrium is part of the fun. Plus you’ll have Brad Pitt for company, which is good since he’s giving one of his best implosive performances as Major Roy McBride, an astronaut on a mission both profound and personal.
In essence, Ad Astra is a father-son story told on a cosmic scale.
15/ If you haven't seen "Years and Years" yet, you need to.....it's the best TV Mary and I have seen for a long time.....
Six episodes that will run you through every emotion.....wonderful TV....it's worth getting HBO for...
There’s a moment about 15 minutes into the first episode of Years and Years that made me gasp at its audacity, its prescience, its visual horror. The new six-part series from the British writer Russell T. Davies (Doctor Who, A Very English Scandal) charts the life of the Lyons family over the course of 15 years, starting in 2019 and ending in 2034. It’s a kitchen-sink saga that barrels its way through births and marriages and betrayals, but also through the near-future. In 2024, Stephen Lyons (played by Rory Kinnear), a financial adviser, is at home with his wife, Celeste (T’nia Miller), both rushing their way through the morning routine. When the camera turns to their teenage daughter Bethany (Lydia West), her face isn’t recognizably human. Instead, she looks like a 3-D version of a Snapchat puppy, with vast cartoon eyes, wagging pink ears, and a brown snout. When she talks, her voice is grotesquely distorted, a robotic hallucination of a child’s cadence. “I might have to start limiting filter time,” Celeste says in the same exasperated, noncommittal way that you might think, I really should spend less time on Twitter.
Todays blonde joke
A blonde finds herself in serious trouble. Her business has gone bust and she’s in dire financial straits.
She’s desperate, so she decides to ask God for help.
She begins to pray… ‘God, please help me. I’ve lost my business and
if I don’t get some money, I’m going to lose my house as well. Please let
me win the lottery’
Lottery night comes, and somebody else wins.
She again prays… ‘God, please let me win the lottery! I’ve lost my business, my house and I’m going to lose my car as well.’
Lottery night comes and she still has no luck.
Once again, she prays… ‘My God, why have you forsaken me? I’ve lost
my business, my house, and my car. My children are starving. I don’t
often ask You for help, and I’ve always been a good servant to You.
PLEASE let me win the lottery just this one time so I can get my life back in order.’
Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light as the heavens open.
The blonde is overwhelmed by the Voice of God, Himself…
‘Sweetheart, work with Me on this…. Buy a ticket.’
Todays second blonde joke
I pulled into the crowded parking lot at the local shopping center and rolled down the car windows
to make sure my Labrador Retriever Pup had fresh air.She was stretched full-out on the back seat and I wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there.I walked to the curb backward, pointing my finger at the car and saying emphatically,"Now you stay. Do you hear me?""Stay! Stay!"The driver of a nearby car, a pretty young blonde, gave me a strange look and said,"Why don't you just put it in 'Park'?"
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