1/ Frank Rich on the 12 person Democratic debate....good summary, especially if you are like Mary and I and couldn't bring yourselves to watch it...
Only two of these three are still viable. Photo: John Minchillo
Most weeks, New York Magazine writer-at-large Frank Rich speaks with contributor Alex Carp about the biggest stories in politics and culture. Today, what last night’s debate tells us about the Democratic field.
Last night was the first Democratic primary debate since Congress opened its official impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump. Did that change anything?
The opening question, a softball about impeachment, allowed every last one of the 12 candidates on the overcrowded stage to tell us what we already know: They are all for it! So the advent of the impeachment inquiry per se didn’t change anything. But once we moved beyond that dull panorama of like-mindedness, this turned out to be a clarifying debate.
2/ Tom Tomorrow.....excellent as usual....
3/ Matt Taibbi on Joe Biden.....most interesting political analysis of Uncle Joe....
On a blistering afternoon in the courtyard of the East Las Vegas Community Center, former Vice President Joe Biden steps to the lectern. With white hair and aviator glasses, he looks like he wandered off the set of an Invisible Man remake.
“How’s he going to hold up in this heat?” whispers a middle-aged white woman in the crowd to her husband. The latter keeps eyes forward under a golf visor, as if attention might keep the 76-year-old Biden upright.
If Donald Trump is expanding with age, Baron Harkonnen-style, like a giant zit, Biden seems to be shrinking. Always a verbal loose cannon, he goes blank now with regularity, lacing every minute of every appearance with the threat of media calamity.https://www. rollingstone.com/politics/ politics-features/joe-biden- paradox-taibbi-898603/
4/ You constantly hear the BS "we can't tax the rich, they'll always find loopholes" as an excuse to do nothing. This isn't true....read this most interesting story from the Times....
America’s soaring inequality has a new engine: its regressive tax system. Over the past half century, even as their wealth rose to previously unseen heights, the richest Americans watched their tax rates collapse. For the working classes over the same period, as wages stagnated, work conditions deteriorated and debts ballooned, tax rates increased.
Stop to think this over for a minute: For the first time in the past hundred years, the working class — the 50 percent of Americans with the lowest incomes — today pays higher tax rates than billionaires.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/ 10/11/opinion/sunday/wealth- income-tax-rate.html?smid= nytcore-ios-share
5/ Bill Maher with his six minute opening monologue....some good zingers...
6/ Elizabeth Warren seems to be the only candidate with enough cojones to take on the big boys.....go Liz!
Over the weekend, Facebook likened itself to a broadcaster – inadvertently asking to be regulated. This was in the third round of an argument with Elizabeth Warren over the company’s choice to run Donald Trump’s $1m advertising campaign containing lies about Joe Biden. Facebook had a stated policy of not running deceptive ads, but changed it right before the ad ran – just for politicians’ messages. Warren took aim at the practice by headlining her own Facebook ad with the cheeky claim that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had just endorsed Trump, arguing that choosing to profit from lies amounts to an endorsement of a particular kind of candidate.
ver the weekend, Facebook likened itself to a broadcaster – inadvertently asking to be regulated. This was in the third round of an argument with Elizabeth Warren over the company’s choice to run Donald Trump’s $1m advertising campaign containing lies about Joe Biden. Facebook had a stated policy of not running deceptive ads, but changed it right before the ad ran – just for politicians’ messages. Warren took aim at the practice by headlining her own Facebook ad with the cheeky claim that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had just endorsed Trump, arguing that choosing to profit from lies amounts to an endorsement of a particular kind of candidate.
7/ Good one....
8/ The Weekend Update lads with two minutes of jokes.....some very rude!
9/ This is scary.....Trump is way ahead in digital advertising, micro-targeting their base....
For all his negative poll numbers and impeachment-related liabilities, President Trump has a decisive advantage on one key election battleground: the digital campaign.
Under the management of Brad Parscale, the Trump re-election machine has devoted millions more than any individual Democrat to increasingly sophisticated microtargeting techniques.
10/ Bill Maher's "New Rules"....this almost comes under the heading of comedic reporting
as he takes on medical pricing.....that he's very funny is a bonus!
11/ If you think I'm too pessimistic about the future, Umair makes you want to
reach for the red pill.....he's OTT,....or is he?
12/ The wonderfully talented and beautiful Taylor Swift live on SNL with "Lover".....just her at the piano....
13/ Interesting column from the Times titled "Why Lefties Should Watch Fox News"....I can't, I just can't.....
I try to limit my intake of 24-hour cable TV news, because as a medium, on balance, I think it’s bad for America. Though Facebook has suffered more scrutiny and reputational damage for its role in 2016, it was cable, not social networks, that went gaga pumping up Trump during t he campaign. Today, it’s the toxic feedback swirl of Twitter and cable — and a president and a press corps that spend all hours feeding on one another’s digital droppings in a dystopian circle of life — that has rendered our political culture so vulnerable to reflexive, narrow-minded conspiracies, tribalism and groupthink.
Lately, however, I’ve found myself gorging like a bear in salmon season on the worst, most brain-corroding corner of cable, the network I’ve called a “forked-tongue colossus” for its two-decades-long project of dismantling our collective hold on the truth. I refer, of course, to Fox News.
14/ A silly but amusing SNL skit "Dog Court".....amazing how Cecily Strong holds it together! Four minutes....
15/ Anyone surprised at this? How the Villages management [Morse family] and their unspeakable residents exploit workers.....
The study defines “working poor” as those who have jobs but are not able to pay their bills, afford healthcare coverage or take care of many basic necessities.
Todays oldie with a twist joke.....
A woman takes a lover home during the day while her husband is at work.
Her 9-year old son comes home unexpectedly, sees them and hides in the bedroom closet to watch.
The woman's husband also comes home. She puts her lover in the closet, not realizing that the little boy is in there already.
The little boy says, "Dark in here."
The little boy says, "Dark in here."
The man says, "Yes, it is."
Boy - "I have a baseball."
Man - "That's nice."
Boy - "Want to buy it?"
Man - "No, thanks."
Boy - "My dad's outside."
Man - "OK, how much?"
Boy - "$150"
Man - "Sold."
Boy - "I have a baseball."
Man - "That's nice."
Boy - "Want to buy it?"
Man - "No, thanks."
Boy - "My dad's outside."
Man - "OK, how much?"
Boy - "$150"
Man - "Sold."
In the next few weeks, it happens again that the boy and the lover are in the closet together.
Boy - "Dark in here."
Man - "Yes, it is."
Boy - "I have a Wilson infielder's glove."
The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy,"How much?"
Boy - "$350"
Man - "Highway robbery. Sold."
Man - "Yes, it is."
Boy - "I have a Wilson infielder's glove."
The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy,"How much?"
Boy - "$350"
Man - "Highway robbery. Sold."
A few days later, the father says to the boy, "Grab your gloves, let's go outside and have a game of catch."
The boy says, "I can't, I sold my ball and my glove."
The father asks, "How much did you sell them for?"
The boy says, "$500"
The father says, "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like that... that is way more than those two things cost.
I'm going to take you to church and make you confess your greed."
The father asks, "How much did you sell them for?"
The boy says, "$500"
The father says, "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like that... that is way more than those two things cost.
I'm going to take you to church and make you confess your greed."
They go to the church and the father makes the little boy sit in the confession booth with the Priest to confess his sins and he closes the door.
The boy says, "Dark in here."
The priest says, "Don't start that crap again, you're in my closet now."
The priest says, "Don't start that crap again, you're in my closet now."
Todays blonde jokes....
A blonde and a redhead have a ranch. They have just lost their bull. The women need to buy another, but only have $500. The redhead tells the blonde, "I will go to the market and see if I can find one for under that amount. If I can, I will send you a telegram." She goes to the market and finds one for $499. Having only one dollar left, she goes to the telegraph office and finds out that it costs one dollar per word. She is stumped on how to tell the blonde to bring the truck and trailer. Finally, she tells the telegraph operator to send the word "comfortable." Skeptical, the operator asks, "How will she know to come with the trailer from just that word?" The redhead replies, "She's a blonde so she reads slow: 'Come for ta bull.'"
A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience. "Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents." Dumbfounded, her date asked, "What do you mean?" "Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it, and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was, 'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!' I'm like, hello? It's only 25 cents!"
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