1/. Trump claims he never met Prince Andrew, but of course there are pictures going back 20 years..
Trump and Prince Andrew in June, 2019. Photo: Samir Hussein/Samir Hussein/WireImage
President Trump on Tuesday claimed to not know Prince Andrew despite multiple pictures of the two men together taken over the years, including one of Trump, the British royal, and Jeffrey Epstein.
In the United Kingdom for a NATO summit, Trump was asked about Prince Andrew’s banishment from public duties by the royal family due to the allegations of sexual misconduct against him. “I don’t know Prince Andrew, but it’s a tough story, it’s a very tough story,” Trump said.
http://nymag.com/ intelligencer/2019/12/here- are-photos-of-trump-with- prince-andrew.html
2/. Andrew Sullivan with his main story on Boris....
It’s hard to take the British prime minister, Boris Johnson, completely seriously. Just look at him: a chubby, permanently disheveled toff with an accent that comes off as a parody of an upper-class twit, topped off by that trademark mop of silver-blond hair he deliberately musses up before venturing into the public eye. Then there are those photo-op moments in his long career that seem designed to make him look supremely silly — stuck dangling in midair on a zip line with little Union Jacks waving in his hands; rugby-tackling a 10-year-old in Japan; playing tug-of-war in a publicity stunt and collapsing, suited, onto the grass; or declaring at one point that he was more likely to be “reincarnated as an olive,” “locked in a disused fridge,” or “decapitated by a flying Frisbee” than to become prime minister.
And yet he has.
http://nymag.com/ intelligencer/2019/12/boris- johnson-brexit.html
3/. Excellent advice from the Daily Kos that says the left should mimic the right and go after right wing media with SLAPP lawsuits. If you wand a briefing on these watch the John Oliver excerpt in the story.
Now all we need is a billionaire willing to underwrite the legal expenses....
There is a point where we have to admit the truth. "News" organizations such as Fox News and Breitbart, as well as The Daily Caller, The Blaze, Newsmax, and others, are not journalistic endeavors. They are propaganda. They are strategic disinformation. They are purveyors of lies, slander, libel, and defamation.
4/. The wonderful Tom Tomorrow.....
5/. This is the excellent SNL segment on the last Democratic debate....a lot of classic bits in here, most amusing....11 minutes...
6/. Kevin Talks Turkey....Maureen Dowd's brother is a Trumpie, and she gave him her column in the Times to explain why he supports Trump.
It's interesting and ultimately depressing reading.....but if you want to understand what the base is thinking read this.
No matter how bad your Thanksgiving is, mine will be worse, and I’ll tell you why. My sister thinks Jim Jordan is hot. Well, she didn’t say “hot” exactly, but the words “admire,” “forceful” and “fighter” have been thrown around. And then there’s Kevin. It has been a crazy year, even by Trump standards. So I asked my brother to tell us, in his annual Thanksgiving column, if he has any regrets.
ROCKVILLE, Md. — Over the last three years, Maureen has frequently sent me reader emails demanding to know how I can still support Donald Trump. My short answer is always the same: Have you looked at the alternative?
The liberals still sneer at religious conservatives.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/ 11/28/opinion/trump-kevin- dowd.html?smid=nytcore-ios- share
time_continue=114&v= deH8amcPGZE&feature=emb_logo
7/. Weekend Update with the lads funny commentary on [last weeks] news....a good three minutes....
8/. Umair with one of his insightful essays....in this one he explains that everything that's happening to you and our society is the end game of capitalism.....
Really interesting, I find him quite thought provoking....
Buckle up, friend. Here’s a smattering — just a little one — of headlines I woke up to. The Washington Post saying about the American Medical Association warning of cratering life expectancy: “There’s something terribly wrong. Americans are dying young at alarming rates.” The ever so kind Walton family giving Walmart workers a tiny discount instead of…time off for Thanksgiving. Mark Zuckerberg looking the other way and whistling over propaganda. Another feel-good story about Americans desperately crowdfunding healthcare…on Thanksgiving. Republicans in Ohio telling doctors to…re-implant…ectopic pregnancies…which is…medically impossible…
9/. A Monty Python animated music video has surfaced, and although it shows it's 70's origins it startling to see how relevant it is today....3 minutes...
10/. How Big Ag aided and abetted by our corrupt political system is gutting small farms across the country.....this is in a time when climate change will be decimating agriculture, and we need the more sustainable farms who work the land responsibly, not with chemicals.
Also - Please, please watch the "Biggest Little Farm" - $6 on Amazon.....wonderful!
The Rieckmanns are about $300,000 in debt, and bill collectors are hounding them about the feed bill and a repayment for a used tractor they bought to keep the farm going. But it’s harder than ever to make any money, much less pay the debt, Mary Rieckmann says, in the yellow-wallpapered kitchen of the sagging farmhouse where she lives with her husband, John, and two of their seven children. The Rieckmanns receive about $16 for every 100 pounds of milk they sell, a 40 percent decrease from six years back. There are weeks where the entire milk check goes towards the $2,100 monthly mortgage payment. Two bill collectors have taken out liens against the farm. “What do you do when you you’re up against the wall and you just don’t know which way to turn?” Rieckmann says, as her ancient fridge begins to hum. Mary, 79, and John, 80, had hoped to leave the farm to their two sons, age 55 and 50, who still live with them and run the farm. Now they’re less focused on their legacy than about making it through the week.
11/. This Peloton ad has generated some very funny stuff on Twitter....30 seconds....
Read the Twitterverse in this story.....amusing....I love the one that says it's like the first minute of a Black Mirror episode.....
And this lady made her own Peleton ad! Wonderful.....30 seconds...
Which led on to this ad with the original Peloton lady, for Aviation Gin.....amusing 40 seconds...
12/. Not that we can forget the Presidential race, but it means nothing unless the Democrats win the Senate and dislodge Moscow Mitch....good story from Rolling Stone....
The fight to dislodge Donald Trump from the presidency has sparked unprecedented interest in the 2020 Democratic primary, drawing dozens of candidates, including no fewer than seven sitting senators. But the fight to wrest the Senate from Republican control — and oust Mitch McConnell as majority leader — is arguably just as important. Take it from Amy McGrath, the former Marine fighter pilot aiming to win McConnell’s Kentucky Senate seat, who sees curbing McConnell’s power as essential to healing our republic. “He’s the epitome of Washington dysfunction, everything we hate about politics,” she says. “You cannot drain the swamp until you get rid of Mitch McConnell.”
13/. Most interesting theory on why Trump won in 2016....white men having issues finding a wife! Don't scoff till you read this....
In 2016, Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States. This was quite a shock to many. What was once only a bad joke in an old Simpsons episode became a painful reality. Immediately, people went out searching for answers to try to explain how this happened. While there are many potential causes, there is one little often overlooked statisticthat could potentially be a big part of the answer. https://medium.com/@ gainweightjournal2/this-one- little-forgotten-statistic- might-hold-clues-to-why-trump- won-the-2016-presidential- 400f54b84ea9
14/ The 40 best movies on Netflix you haven't seen!. Lots of surprises....
As you have probably noticed by now, the major streaming services (and/or their algorithms) are often eager to promote the big films almost everyone has already seen. Yes, Pulp Fiction and Black Panther, two hugely popular titles, are available on Netflix. Feel free to rewatch them!
But what if you’re looking for something new? What if you want to watch a great movie you’ve never even heard of before today? Then this is the list for you: a collection of movies on Netflix that didn’t play theatrically in almost any city other than New York or Los Angeles and could easily be lost among the “bigger” movies that get pushed to the front of your Netflix page. There’s not a bad movie in here, and we’re willing to bet there are at least a few you haven’t seen. This is your chance to change that. (And for our main list of the 100 best movies on Netflix, click here.)
15/. 1The best TV you haven't seen this year.....from the Times reviewers....
It’s been four years since John Landgraf, the chairman of FX, coined the term “peak TV” to describe the ballooning amount of scripted series that would soon, surely, burst. That balloon is still swelling: New streaming services from Apple and Disney arrived in November, soon to be joined by HBO Max and Comcast’s Peacock.
All of which to say that it’s only getting harder to pick a mere 10.
16/. And the best 10 books of the year!
In the first chapter of this assured debut novel, two young girls vanish, sending shock waves through a town perched on the edge of the remote, brooding Kamchatka Peninsula. What follows is a novel of overlapping short stories about the various women who have been affected by their disappearance. Each richly textured tale pushes the narrative forward another month and exposes the ways in which the women of Kamchatka have been shattered — personally, culturally and emotionally — by the crime
Todays Little Johnnie joke...
Little Johnnie's neighbour had a baby. Unfortunately, the baby was born without ears.
When mother and new baby came home from the hospital, Johnnie's family was invited over to see the baby.
Before they left their house, Little Johnnie's dad had a talk with him and explained that the baby had no ears.
His dad also told him that if he so much mentioned anything about the baby's missing ears or even said the word ears, he would get the smacking of his life when they came back home.
Little Johnnie told his dad he understood completely.
When Johnnie looked in the crib he said
‘What a beautiful baby.'
The mother said, 'Why, thank you, Johnnie. Johnnie said..
‘He has beautiful little feet and beautiful little hands, a cute little nose and really beautiful eyes. Can he see alright?'
'Yes', the mother replied, 'we are so thankful; the Doctor said he will have 20/20 vision.'
'That's great', said Little Johnnie..
‘coz he'd be f****d if he needed glasses'..”
Todays Australian joke
An Aussie drover walks into a bar with
his pet crocodile by his side.He puts the crocodile up on the bar.
He turns to the astonished patrons.
'I'll make you a deal. I'll open this crocodile's mouth
and place my manhood inside.Then the croc will close his
mouth for one minute.'Then he'll open his mouth
And I'll remove my unit unscathed.
In return for witnessing this
each of you will buy me a drink.'The crowd murmured their approval.
The man stood up on the bar,
dropped his trousers,
and placed his Johnson and related parts in the
crocodile's open mouth.
The croc closed his mouth
as the crowd gasped.
After a minute,
the man grabbed a beer
bottle and smacked the
crocodile hard on the top of
its head.
The croc opened his mouth
and the man removed his genitals
unscathed as promised.
The crowd cheered,
and the first of his free
drinks were delivered.
The man stood up again and made another offer.
'I'll pay anyone $100 who's willing to give it a try.'
A hush fell over the crowd.
After a while, a hand went up in the
back of the bar.A Blonde woman timidly
spoke up..........
'I'll try it -
Just don't hit me so hard
with the beer bottle!'
Todays blind person joke
A woman goes into Bass Pro Shop to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's
birthday. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter.
A Bass Pro Shop associate is standing there wearing dark shades. She says, "Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?"
He says, "Ma'am, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything from the sound it makes."
She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway.
He says, "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-LB. test line. It's a good all around combination and it's on sale this week for only $20.00."
She says, "It's amazing that you can tell all that just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I'll take it!" As she opens her purse, her credit card drops on the floor.
"Oh, that sounds like a Master Card," he says.
She bends down to pick it up and accidentally farts. At first she is really embarrassed, but then realizes there is no way the blind clerk could tell it was she who tooted. Being blind, he wouldn't know that she was the only person around.
The man rings up the sale and says, "That'll be $34.50 please."
The woman is totally confused by this and asks, "Didn't you tell me the rod and reel were on sale for $20.00? How did you get $34.50?"
He replies, "Yes, Ma'am. The rod and reel is $20.00, but the Duck Call is $11.00 and the Bear Repellent is $3.50."
Todays compilation jokes
This says it all….
Pythagoras’ Theorem.…………………………24 words.
The Lord’s Prayer……………………………………66 words.
Archimedes’ Principle…………………………………67 words.
The Ten Commandments……………………………….179 words.
The Gettysburg Address………………………………………286 words.
The US Declaration of Independence………………………..1,300 words.
The US Constitution with all 27 Amendments……………………7,818 words.
EU Regulations on the sale of Cabbages……………………………………26,911 words
Impossibilities in the world.
1. You can’t count your hair.
2. You can’t wash your eyes with soap.
3. You can’t breathe when your tongue is out.
Put your tongue back in your mouth you silly person.
Ten (10) things I know about you.
1. You are reading this
2. You are human.
3. You can’t say the letter ”P” without separating your lips.
4. You just attempted to do it.
6. You are laughing at yourself
7. You have a smile on your face and you skipped No. 5.
8. You just checked to see if there is a No. 5.
9. You are laughing at this because you are a fun loving person & everyone does it too.
10. You are probably going to send this on to see who else falls for it.
You have received this e-mail because I did not want to be alone in the ‘idiot’ category.
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