Saturday, February 26, 2022

Davids Daily Dose - Saturday February 26th


1/. Rick Scott again proves he's the dangerous idiot we think he is......
Rick Scott’s idea of the American Dream is pretty much a nightmare for most of us. Photo: Dustin Chambers/REUTERS
In nearly every midterm election cycle in which U.S. House Republicans are in the minority, you will hear suggestions that the GOP adopt a new “Contract With America,” like the one that (not really, but according to lore and legend) led the party to its first conquest of the House many decades back in 1994. The idea is that everyone knows what Republicans are against, but nobody knows what they are for, since their contributions to the great legislative accomplishments of American history since about 1929 are limited.

2/. This is worth watching - Bill Maher looks at Trump's decline in the polls and has some suggestions about how we should deal with it.....
Is he right? Excellent question.....7 very good minutes....

3/. I don't often read Ross Douhat in the Times as he's pretty right wing, but this column makes sense - the problems in the Canadian 
trucker dispute were class based.....see what you think.

A great and mostly unknown prophet of our time is Michael Young, whose book “The Rise of the Meritocracy,” published way back in 1958, popularized the term in its title and predicted, in its fictional vision of the 21st century, meritocracy’s unhappy destination: not the serene rule of the deserving and talented, but a society where a ruling class selected for intelligence but defined by arrogance and insularity faces a roiling populism whose grievances shift but whose anger at the new class order is a constant.

4/. Tom Tomorrow does crypto.....

5/. In my opinion this essay on Ukraine by Lefsetz rivals Heather Cox Richardson in it's his style,....

This is surreal.

I mean I remember the Iraq war. The first one, the Bush I one. Where you turned on the TV and saw the SCUD missiles and the explosions. But that was before America took its right turn, before the multiple truths, when we still believed that the U.S. was an unbeatable paradise/power.

And before that we had Tiananmen Square. But this was before they built MacBooks in China. We still saw China as being backward, thought most of the country was still working in rice paddies. Today China is on course to supersede the U.S., by virtue of the number of people if nothing else. That’s a huge market. And those people have money.

But war…

We didn’t used to start them. But then Bush II went into Iraq, to change the regime, and now regime change is an issue in the United States.

I’ve got to ask. Would Tucker Carlson be for Ukraine if Biden was not? Is that what it’s come down to, you say black, so I say white?

As for truth…

6/. Rachel Maddow came back from her hiatus from her nightly show to do a special on the war in Ukraine, and it's excellent. 
Vintage Maddow - clear, concise, logical and fair.....and devastating to Putin. Put it all in perspective....

7/. Andrew Sullivan writes about the reality of trans extremism.....a challenging article indeed.....

For the first 15 years of my life, I never heard the word “homosexuality” in my home or school. I only knew about sex at all because in my Catholic primary school, we had a class on the immaculate conception, and I was the smart-ass who asked what a maculate one would mean. 

8/. Bill Maher "New Rule".....why does China get a free pass? A pretty good six minutes....

9/. Amanda Marcotte with an excellent article - Dems need to fight because the Trumpies have no balls....

In the end, the Ottawa occupiers were left literally waving white flags.

After weeks of holding the Canadian capital hostage — with relentless honking and other abuse of the residents — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau finally brought an end to what pretended to be an uprising by truckers opposing vaccine mandates but was really a fringe minority trying to recruit more followers into a fascist movement. There had been a great deal of trepidation about violent resistance from the occupiers, who were big into chest-thumping and acting tough. Instead, they pulled out the most notorious symbol of surrender. 

10/. Yup, after abortion? Contraception....

11/. After Russia invades Ukraine....China goes after Taiwan? 
Andrew Sulllivan with an interesting article that may be the future....

Over the last few months, a conversation I had 30 years ago keeps popping into my consciousness. It was the end of the Cold War, and a post-Soviet Russian state was on the horizon. I remember talking with a journalist friend about the astonishing potential of that turn of events: the return of Russia as a great power, returning to its ancient nationhood and old religion, moving away from communism, and resuming a major role in world and European affairs. Probably not a democracy, but no longer totalitarian, and worth engaging with as an authoritarian power.

12/. John Oliver dissects CRT or critical race theory....if you've got 28 minutes, it's worth it....

13/. Why do we still get robocalls and robo texts? Good question which this article tries to answer.....
We use Robokiller, and it really works....

Someone out there really, really wants to help me avoid expensive car problems.

Their recorded voice tells me that they’ve been trying to reach me about an extended warranty my car doesn’t have, yet which is somehow about to expire. I just have to press 1 to learn more. They’re persistent: I get multiple calls a day from multiple phone numbers across the country.

14/. Everything you ever wanted to know about the Presidential motorcade......nerdy but interesting ....five minutes....

15/. I really really want to see this....

Last week Vanity Fair exclusively unveiled the first look at a number of characters and locations for Prime Video’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power series. J.R.R. Tolkien fans got another good look at this new Middle-earth story when the first teaser debuted during the Super Bowl this Sunday. Now showrunners Patrick McKay and J.D. Payne offer up even more details and insights, and answer some of the more urgent questions Tolkien fans have been asking about the series set in Middle-earth’s Second Age, long before Bilbo and Frodo Baggins went adventuring.

16/. If Lefsetz recommends something, I'm there. Mary and I watched "Downfall" last night, and it's everything Lefsetz says it is - a damning indictment of corporate America's greed and indifference to their well as an excellent piece of cinema....

The Boeing Documentary

“Downfall: The Case Against Boeing”:

You want to watch this. On Netflix.

I’ve had a fascination with aircraft ever since my first jet flight on a Boeing 720B. We all knew the 707, it substituted for “jet” the same way “Kleenex” substitutes for “tissue.” Hell, ultimately Steve Miller sang a song about it. So what was a 720B?

I started to pay attention to the jets at the airport. The 727 was the one with the three engines at the back, with the high tailfeather. The DC-9 was similar, but smaller, with only two engines. The DC-10 was like a giant 727, and it had a spotty safety record. You started to worry about flying on a DC-10 towards the end of its service.

And here's a review from the Guardian.....they like it too.....

Today's video - the getaway shootout from my second favorite movie "Reservoir Dogs".....

Today's lawyer joke
A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called his client.

"I have some good news, and I have some bad news."

The art collector replied, "I've had an awful day. Give me the good news first."

The lawyer said, "Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she just invested $5,000 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15 million to $20 million, and I think she could be right."

Saul replied enthusiastically, "Well done! My wife is a brilliant businesswoman! You've just made my day. Now I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?"

The lawyer replied, "The pictures are of you and your secretary."

Today's married joke
One lazy Sunday morning the wife and I were quiet and thoughtful, sitting around the breakfast table 
when I said to her unexpectedly, “When I die, I want you to sell all my stuff, immediately.”
“Now why would you want me to do something like that?” she asked.
“I figure a woman as fine as yourself would eventually remarry and I don’t want some other asshole using my stuff.”
She looked at me intently and said: “What makes you think I’d marry another asshole?”

Today's puns
                                                                                                                                                          What type of shoes do spies wear? Sneakers.

Smaller babies are always delivered by stork, the larger ones by crane.

I invented a sandal for people with one leg. It was a flop.

You’re fat. Don’t sugarcoat it because you will eat that too.

I like to practice my knock-knock jokes, I just adoor them.

When people ask me if I have fun washing clothes I have to be honest and say loads.

What do you call a president that has to do a lot of laundry? Washing-ton.

I was going to tell you a joke about a blunt arrow but really there is no point.

Thieves broke into my house and stole everything except my soap, shower gel, towels and deodorant. Dirty crooks.

I used to go out with a girl who was secretly obsessed with graphs. She was always plotting behind my back.

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