Sunday, May 15, 2022

Davids Daily Dose - Sunday May 15th

1/. If white middle class women think the abortion ban isn't going to affect them, think again. It's going to change every woman's life.....
Really interesting article.....
Outside a Los Angeles courthouse on March 3. Photo: Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP
In 2015, the Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, “We will never see a 
day when women of means are not able to get a safe abortion in this country.” If you
 have paid attention to mainstream progressive politics in recent years, you have 
likely heard some version of this message: that privileged women — middle- and 
upper-class women, cis women, white women — are not going to experience much 
of a change to their circumstances when Roe v. Wade goes. 

2/. Tom Tomorrow really nails it in this one.....Democrats - grow a pair...

3/. Hey liberals! Bob Lefsetz asks the obvious question with Musk [possibly] about to
 cesspool Twitter, "Would You Still Buy A Tesla?"

Don’t buy a new gasoline car unless you’re planning to get rid of it in just a few years, which 

is kind of dumb, because then you’re eating the depreciation. But if you hold on any longer, 

the value of a gasoline automobile will sink to nearly zero. What is your 35mm camera worth today?

The whole world is going electric, especially in China and Europe, the way things are going 

the USA will no longer be number one in so many categories. As for all the b.s. from “patriots” 

talking about how people are desirous of immigrating into the country…a true patriot would 

talk about solidifying systems, making America more just, but that doesn’t seem to be their goal.

4/. The Lincoln Project with  a new ad - "The Crazy Ones", 30 seconds...

5/. The Guardian on how this country could be transformed into two warring camps 
really soon.....
Some wonder if the country’s social fabric, frayed by four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, can survive.Some wonder if the country’s social fabric, frayed by four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, can survive. Photograph: Evelyn Hockstein/Reuter

“You put your babies in the womb, you will be held accountable!” yelled Steve Corson, 
tall, bearded and jabbing a finger at women who chanted back: “My body, my choice!”

6/. The Supreme F##king Court....

7/. This new Texas law [of course it's Texas] is a HUGE deal.....

Texas residents can now sue Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for allegedly 

censoring their content after a federal appeals court sided Wednesday with the 

state's law restricting how social media sites can moderate their platforms. 

The 15-word ruling allowing the law, which had been blocked last year, to take 
effect has significant potential consequences. Most immediately, it creates new 
legal risks for the tech giants, and opens them up to a possible wave of litigation 
that legal experts say would be costly and difficult to defend.

8/. Hilarious TV ad from the Daily Show - "Coup Mobile" minute.....

9/. Umair on how the Democrats are [not]] handling the Roe issue....

How angry are Americans at the Democrats right now? Don’t take it from 

me. Here’s a smattering of opinions, from my kid sister’s friends — and I 

asked them particularly because they’re the constituency the Democrats 

need to survive. To say that they’re not happy would be an understatement.

10/. I hate this two faced whiner......

11/. The Times with an appreciation of how far ahead of his time George Carlin was.....

In the closing monologue from a recent episode of his HBO talk show, Bill Maher cataloged a series of social conditions that he suggested were hampering stand-up comedy and imperiling free speech: cancel culture, a perceived increase of sensitivity on college campuses, and Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars.

Near the end of his remarks, Maher invoked the comedian George Carlin, a personal hero whose iconoclastic spirit, he seemed to believe, could never thrive in such a thin-skinned and overly entitled era. “Oh, George,” he said, “it’s a good thing you’re dead.”

12/. Weekend Update #1....good.....

Weekend Update #2....good.....

Weekend Update #3 with Amy Coney Barrett....very good, and painful.....

13/. You may or may not be aware that India and Pakistan are experiencing an extreme
 heat wave now going into its third week since our 
media doesn't cover anything past Iowa..........
The effects of climate change are devastating for the world's poor.....

Nearly one in eight people on Earth are enduring a relentless, lethal heat wave that 

is stretching into its third week. 

Triple-digit temperatures are continuing to bake swaths of India and Pakistan, a 
region home to 1.5 billion people. Extreme heat has also scorched Bangladesh and 
Sri Lanka in recent weeks. For India, this past April was the hottest in 122 years 
and followed the hottest March on record. For Pakistan, it was the hottest April in 61 
years. Jacobabad, Pakistan, already one of the hottest cities in the world, saw 
temperatures rise above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Nighttime temperatures are 
staying in the 90s, granting little relief for the overheated. And more heat is in 
store for the coming days.

14/. I was perplexed why Ron DeSantis did the right thing and vetoed the FPL/Duke bill 
hamstringing the solar industry.....but this article explains 
why the weasel vetoed the bill to calm the voters in the Panhandle after FPL f##ked them 

TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis surprised many in Florida’s 
environmental community when he vetoed Florida Power & Light’s priority bill 
that was intended to reduce rooftop solar expansion in Florida...

15/. Amusing SNL sketch with Chloe Fineman as "The Understudy"....pretty good, 3 minutes....

16/. Interesting story about Evangelicals and how their brainwashing starts...resulting in extreme resistance to reality and facts....

I am a great believer in removing the profit-motive from business, essentially 

because it stimulates greed, and it leads to corruption. However, the rich 

are not responsible for the belief in creationism or the pro-life movement.

These beliefs stems from American evangelical Christianity. For some reason, 
America has remained in the dark ages when it comes to superstitious beliefs. The rest of the first world has moved towards secular and atheist societies, but not America.

17/. Amusing video by non-Americans about the dumbest thing ever said to them by 
an American....

18/. Jessica Wildfire thinks cities will be growing veggies indoors soon....

Forget cryptocurrency.

Some of us know the real secret to wealth. The commodities of the future 

are the same ones that were always the most valuable.

We’re talking about food, water, and energy.

(And information.)

Stocks are playthings for the super rich. Look at what Jeff Bezos did. He 
built a shipping empire, then he bought a grocery chain. Bill Gates quietly 
became an agriculture mogul. Elon Musk used renewable energy to capture 
government subsidies, then he bought a major information hub. Take the 
top ten richest people in the world. They control the resources that 
civilization can’t do without. That’s their money.

19/. Republicans are happy that Roe will be overturned, but you can be certain it's just the 
first step - the forces behind the anti-abortion 
movement want to take us back centuries.....

The right-wing attack on abortion will not end with abortion.

Defenders of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion that would overrule Roe v. Wade say otherwise. They say that because Alito explicitly states that his opinion “does not undermine” other cases that rely on a right to privacy, like Obergefell v. Hodges, which established a right to same-sex marriage, then it’s fair to say that it doesn’t.

I think this is wrong — not just because of the logic of Alito’s opinion, but because of the logic of the political movement that ultimately produced his ruling.

20/. Wow. WOW! Baz Luhrmann's new movie - "Elvis"......Tom Hanks as Colonel Tom 
Have a look at this trailer, and it'll be on HBO this summer.....

Today's video - Rodney Dangerfield on the Johnny Carson show.....awful quality, but funny,
He even cracks Carson up....

Today's golf jokes.... 
Ten Best Caddy Responses
Number :10 
Golfer:    "I think I'm going to drown myself in the lake."
Caddy:    "Think you can keep your head down that long?"
Number : 9 
Golfer:    "I'd move heaven and earth to break 100 on this course."
Caddy:    "Try heaven, you've already moved most of the earth."
Number : 8 
Golfer:    "Do you think my game is improving?"
Caddy:    "Yes . . . . You miss the ball much closer now."
Number : 7 
Golfer:    "Do you think I can get there with a 5 iron?" 
Caddy:    "Eventually."
Number : 6 
Golfer:    "You've got to be the worst caddy in the world."
Caddy:    "I don't think so . . . .That would be too much of a coincidence."
Number : 5 
Golfer:    "Please stop checking your watch all the time. It's too much of a distraction."
Caddy:    "It's not a watch - it's a compass."
Number : 4 
Golfer:    "How do you like my game?"
Caddy:    "It's very good - but personally, I prefer golf." 
Number : 3 
Golfer:    "Do you think it's a sin to play on Sunday?
Caddy:    "The way you play, it's a sin on any day."
Number : 2 
Golfer:    "This is the worst course I've ever played on."
Caddy:    "This isn't the golf course . . . . We left that an hour ago."
And the Number : 1 . . . . Best Caddy Comment: 
Golfer:    "That can't be my ball, it's too old."
Caddy:    "It's been a long time since we teed off, sir."

Today's Chinese jokes.....
Confucius He Say:

Man who run in 
Front of car get tired.

Man who run behind 
Car get exhausted. 
Man with one 
Chopstick go hungry.
Man who eat many 
Prunes get good run for money.
Baseball is wrong: 
Man with four balls cannot walk.
War does not 
Determine who is right, war determine who is left.
Wife who put 
Husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse.
Man who fight with 
Wife all day get no piece at night.
It take many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.

Man who drive like 
Hell, bound to get there.
Man who live in 
Glass house should change clothes in basement.
Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.

Crowded elevator smell different to midget.

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