Thursday, August 4, 2022

Davids Daily Dose - Thursday August 4th


1/. Alex Jones's trial has been wonderful for connoisseurs of the absurd....
Photo: Briana Sanchez/AP/Shutterstock/Briana Sanchez/AP/Shutterstock

Infowars founder and conspiracist jack-of-all-trades Alex Jones is finally on trial to determine how much he must pay the 

families of ten victims of the Sandy Hook shooting after a judge last year found him liable for defamationfor calling the attack a hoax.

The consequences could be serious. 

2/. Another powerful ad from "Mothers Against Greg Abbott"....

3/. Andrew Sullivan with a short commentary on whether Biden's Presidency be saved, and a longer 
piece on trans drugs being given to kids.....challenging, but always interesting....

Now we’re talking. 

The entire promise and rationale of a Biden presidency was not, I hate to break it to my lefty friends, a total transformation of the country in favor of green energy and “social justice.” It was a return to constitutional normalcy, and the kind of legislative deal-making that offers gradual progress on the biggest challenges of the day.

We wanted a better rollout of vaccines, competent economic management of the bust-and-boom cycle of the pandemic, progress on the urgent question of climate change, and responsibility again on the world stage. Biden gets a B on the first, a C- on the second, a B+ on climate, and a solid B in foreign policy.

4/. Bill Maher takes on something that is NEVER mentioned by any politician or 
commentator - how the world's 8 billion people 
are running out of resources, but the real problem is too many people. One of his best....

5/. Matt Taibbi with a summary of the stories of the week for last week....

You’re reading “America This Week,” a recap of U.S. news that launched in English, Mandarin, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, and German last Friday. Today we say Hola to readers in Spanish as well, while taking the first steps into what’s historically the slowest month in American politics. 

The emptying of Washington in late summer has a long and weirdly deadly backstory. 

6/. The very talented Randy Rainbow with his musical "Thoughts And Prayers"....amusing,
 and well done  - he has mastered sarcasm as an art form!

7/. What was and is a liberal?

8/. Republicans float outrageous bills in State Legislatures, like this one to make abortion punishable by death for the 
woman, but even though the bill died in committee the right wing crazies are playing the long game.....a frightening taste of what's coming.....
Children are seen at a protest against the supreme court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade in Raleigh, North Carolina, last month.Children are seen at a protest against the supreme court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade inAnti-abortion zealots want to legalize murder

Is it legal to kill someone who is about to have an abortion? I know that sounds like a ridiculous question, but some people on the far right would like it to be. Social media was recently awash with outrage over a bill introduced by North Carolina state legislators that would legalize violence against anyone undergoing or performing an abortion. North Carolina House Bill (HB) 158, sponsored by a Republican state representative, Larry Pittman, proposed that abortion be considered first-degree murder and would allowed civilians to use deadly force to prevent someone from ending a pregnancy.

9/. Bob Lefsetz on social media and communication.....he concentrates on the music business, but his comments are applicable to a lot of issues....

Evolve or die.

Every time a tech company capitulates to its audience and rolls back the future it’s a mistake. The best example being Netflix saying it was going to become a streaming company and the hoi polloi bitching that they still needed to rent DVDs by mail. Who’d want to stream movies? Well, despite Netflix backtracking, saying it was going to split into two companies, the streaming giant was right all along. Rent any DVDs by mail recently? Never mind streaming decimating linear television while ushering in the true golden age of television, now the superior art form. The boob tube? It’s not even a tube anymore!

And Disney and HBO ultimately woke up, after getting over their short term profit mania of licensing their shows to others.

10/. Tom Tomorrow gets philosophical.....

11/. A really bizarre story....Ivana Trump is buried on the first hole of Bedminster Golf Club....
Donald Trump and Ivana Trump in 2014. Photo: Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images
Ivana Trump, former president Donald Trump’s first wife, died on July 14 at the age of 73, owing to injuries she suffered in an accidental fall at her Upper East Side townhouse. Her funeral drew about 400 people and featured a gold-hued coffin, Secret Service agents, and loving remembrancesfrom her three adult children as well as several friends. Then this icon of ’80s glamour and New York tabloid drama was laid to rest … at a New Jersey golf course?

12/. Mothers against Greg Abbot with another viral ad.....

13/. Alito jokes about his abortion decision.....a nasty, evil little man....
Quick: You just overturned the national right to an abortion, the consequences of which cannot be overstated but just for posterity include a 10-year-old rape victim being forcedto travel out of state to obtain the procedure so she doesn’t have to carry her attacker’s child to term, a woman being forced to go through “painful, hours-long labor” to deliver a nonviable fetus, and hospitals denying lifesaving care to actual living beings. People already think you’re an angry little man who hates women and doesn‘t want them to have any rights, and your citing of a 17th-century jurist who defended marital rape and had women executed has done nothing to disabuse them of that notion. You’re on summer break from your cushy, lifelong job that you have no worry of ever losing. What do you do with all of that free time? Do you lay low, catch up on your correspondence, and try to rebuild whatever shred of respect the institution you work for once had? Or do you fly abroad to deliver a smug little comedy routine attacking anyone who’s had the audacity to say you were wrong, claiming the only explanation is that they’re religious bigots? If you’re Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, you clearly gotta go with the latter.

14/. Matt Taibbi looks at two movies [TFW No GF, and Alex's War] that set off alarm bells 
on the left, but 
makes the point that that's what journalism does.....
After Alex Jones's trial this week, the movie is more relevant....

In TFW No GF, Alex Moyer’s brilliant documentary about disaffected young American men, a pensive loner in a ski hat named Viddy describes how some turn violent. Hardcore internet subcultures like 4Chan, he says, attract some by way of the “trolling aspect,” but others are serious:

They think, okay, what do people hate most? And then they just become that, because it gets the reaction every time. 

Then some of them forget that they’re playing the character. Next thing you know, they end up at a place like Charlottesville.

Obviously there are people that are so disenfranchised, so alienated, so demonized in whatever way, that they feel like their only choice is to lash out in whatever way they can.

15/. A long and really interesting story about Barbados from the Times, and how the 
Caribbean Islands have been
 trapped by the global financial systems to the point they have no funds to prepare for 
hurricanes and 
climate change.....and how they're going to fix this....if they're allowed to.

Late on May 31, 2018, five days after she was sworn in as prime minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley and her top advisers gathered in the windowless anteroom of her administrative office in Bridgetown, the capital, for a call that could determine the fate of her island nation. The group settled into uncomfortable straight-backed chairs around a small mahogany table, staring at framed posters of Barbados’s windmills and sugar cane fields. Mottley, who was then 52, can appear mischievous in the moments before her bluntest declarations, but on this evening her steely side showed. She placed her personal cellphone on speaker and dialed a number in Washington for the International Monetary Fund. As arranged, Christine Lagarde, the managing director, answered.

16/. Wow - a climate scientist that has decided to speak out and tell it like it is.....which
 isn't pretty. 
It's UK focused, but applicable to us as well....
Globe with steam rising from it. North and South America in view.Record high temperatures and extreme weather events are being recorded around the world. Photograph: Ian Logan/Getty Images

The publication of Bill McGuire’s latest book, Hothouse Earth, could not be more timely. Appearing in the shops this week, it will be perused by sweltering customers who have just endured record high temperatures across the UK and now face the prospect of weeks of drought to add to their discomfort.

And this is just the beginning, insists McGuire, who is emeritus professor of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London. As he makes clear in his uncompromising depiction of the coming climatic catastrophe, we have – for far too long – ignored explicit warnings that rising carbon emissions are dangerously heating the Earth. Now we are going to pay the price for our complacency in the form of storms, floods, droughts and heatwaves that will easily surpass current extremes.

17/. This is Trump at the Saudi golf tournament with no makeup, in the heat....I am delighted 
to report he looks awful....

18/. A painful story about the travel and airline industry in Britain, which again explains 
some of the travel horrors we are seeing here....
Illustration by Joe Magee

19/. "The Sandman" is coming to Netflix next month, and this is an interview with the author Neil Gaiman....
Neil GaimanMr fantasy … Neil Gaiman. Photograph: Chris Buck/The Guardian

Graphic novel The Sandman made its author into an icon. He talks about his big break in comics, the genre’s long struggle for respectability and the lavish Netflix adaptation that’s bringing his gothic hero to lif

20/. Matt Taibbi loves Top Gun - Maverick.....

Over the weekend I saw the much-hyped Top Gun: Maverick. Two hours of bad-ass plane battles. It wasn’t art. It didn’t mean anything. And it was awesome. I left the theater genuinely sad to be back in 2022 America. 

In a gutsy call, considering how high-tech the movie’s effects and roller-coaster direction were, the film opened with a scruffy-looking Tom Cruise — his “real life” costume — looking like he’d eaten a canister of happy pills as he delivered a 50s-style apostrophic intro to the long-awaited sequel. Sounding like a proud Dad, he told audiences to buckle up for “real Gs” and the “most immersive and authentic film experience” they could muster. 

Cut to: the most unapologetically corny script ever, but one that works all the way. It’s every film cliché in history! It’s “Washed up hero gets one last chance at glory” meets “Fulfilling a dying friend’s last request” meets “Hand over your gun and badge!” (it’s a movie about pilots, so the actual line is, “You’re grounded!”) meets “Slow-running man impossibly escapes fusillade of helicopter-fired automatic weapons” meets “Boy and girl ride off into the sunset.” 

Is it brainless propaganda? Hell yes!

21/. The worst album covers ever made......some of these are beyond belief.....

 Are These The Worst Album Covers Ever Created?

Not all album covers are created equal. Some album covers are so incredible that they can’t now be explained by the people who originally conceived of them. These are the worst you’ll ever see.

Today's video - bike outruns cops......six minutes of adrenalin....ahoooooogah!

Today's zingers....

Nineteen Floridians go to the cinema.  The ticket lady asks "Why so many of you?" 
Bubba replies, "The film said 18 or over."    

My daughter asked me for a pet spider for her birthday, so I went to our local pet shop and they were $70.  Forget it, I thought, I can get one cheaper off the web.
I was at an A.T.M. yesterday.   A little old lady asked if I could check her balance, so I pushed her over.

Statistically, six out of seven dwarfs are not Happy.  

My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30 a m.  
Can you believe that!  2:30 a m?
Luckily for him I was still up playing my bagpipes.  

The wife was counting all the nickles and dimes out on the kitchen table when she suddenly got very angry and started shouting and crying for no reason.  I thought to myself,   "She's going through the change."

My girlfriend thinks that I'm a stalker.  Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet.

An East Indian fellow has moved in next door.
He has traveled the world, has swum with sharks, has wrestled bears and climbed the highest mountain.
It came as no surprise to learn his name was Bindair Dundat

Today's kiddie joke

Today's cop joke
Two police officers responding to a domestic disturbance with shots fired arrive on scene. 

After discovering the wife had shot her husband for walking across her freshly mopped floor, they call their sergeant on his cell phone.

"Hello Sarge."


"It looks like we have a homicide here. "

"What happened?"

"A woman has shot her husband for walking on the floor she had just mopped."

"Have you placed her under arrest?"

"No sir. The floor is still wet. "

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