Why is rural America deep red? Paul Krugman with an excellent analysis of country voters, and how they are essentially lost to
reality [and Democrats] even though red states get a disproportionate amount of government spending...
The hard-right turn of rural America has become a key factor in our nation’s troubled politics. Rural voters are a declining share of the electorate, but their turn to the MAGAfied Republican Party has been so sharp that, combined with the way our political system underweights urban voters, the radicalization of small towns and the countryside may determine the future course of American democracy — indeed, may lead to its demise.
John Oliver on Local TV News, and how bad it is.....
Tom Tomorrow and the Republican aliens....
Bob Lefsetz with one of his best ever in my opinion.....he summarises the issues in this election, and says the media is completely
misreading what is actually happening because they don't understand social media, or ignore it.....
If you want a grain of hope about the midterms, read this.....
And yes, I get Val Demings texts and emails just like he says....
I’m sick and tired of political candidates blowing up my phone looking for money.
First and foremost is Val Demmings, running against Marco Rubio for Senate in Florida. Every damn day she texts me for money, AND I DON’T EVEN LIVE IN THE DAMN STATE!
And the odds of her winning are low anyway, right now she’s almost five points behind in the polls, and although anything can happen, in recent polling inaccuracies, the advantage always breaks to the right.
But no, I’m supposed to give my cash to Val.
Where it’s first going to get whacked by her consultants, and then her ad agency and what little is left of my dollar will be blown, because no one is more out of touch with how to reach the people than political candidates.
I mean come on, you expect someone to change their opinion? Based on your biased advertisement? That’s right, ads are now all about train-wreck, you push the limits, you attack your opponent and people have no idea what to believe. You’re influencing nobody, but you’re burning my money.
Watch this again.....it's very good! An SNL short, Alexa For Seniors...
I remember back in 2016 when Michael Moore was on the Bill Maher show and said "Trump has a very good chance to win this election", and all hell
broke loose..... the media said whatever Moore thought didn't make any difference as Hillary was the ordained one who was a shoo in.
Boy was Moore right, and in that context read this.....you'll be happy...
The people are speaking, but the media’s not listening. (SIphotography/Getty images) (A daily series to counter the myth that the Republicans are going to win the House and Senate)
Six months ago, the pundits, the press and the protectors of the established order put out a lot of stories about how the Republicans were going to clean up in the November Midterms. And why wouldn’t they write that? History was on the Republican’s side. Plus Biden had sunk in the approval ratings. Senators Manchin and Sinema had blocked the votes in the Senate for most of Biden’s agenda. It was shaping up to be a comfortable, predictable midterm narrative — like any good Hallmark movie executive produced by Conventional Wisdom — and at the center of it was good ole “Grandpa Joe.”
A very good Weekend Update, the boys are on form.....
No apologies for a second piece - Michael Moore with a column that should resonate with any of you following the Mount Dora referendum
on capping building heights.....this is a great example of a grass roots initiative [Vote YES], being countered by the big money and the politicians they own [Vote NO].....
(A daily series to counter the reporting that the Republicans are going to win the House and Senate. They are not.)
I’ve spent all my time here on the Tsunami of Truths focusing on us winning the House, the Senate, and some Governors’ races.
But as one who himself was elected to local office at the age of 18, I’ve neglected to point out that all change begins at home — meaning right there in your neighborhood, your ward, your borough, your school district. It is there where the crazies are trying to ban Maya Angelou. Where the Right is trying to stop affordable housing from being built. Where the Chamber of Commerce is trying to eliminate environmental regulations. Their mission is to stifle debate, to put a halt to change, to lock things down so that the big money in town calls the shots. That’s where the Ted Cruzes of this world get their start on the road to perdition. And if we don’t stop them there, they will one day become the next Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Bob Lefsetz recommends a book...probably guys only, but why not....
“Alpha: Eddie Gallagher and the War for the Soul of the Navy SEALs”: https://amzn.to/3D03pIY
Every American should read this book.
The best book about combat I’ve ever read is “Black Hawk Down,” the Mogadishu story. They made a movie of it, which ain’t bad, but isn’t in the league of the book. The movie solely depicts action, whereas the book also depicts thought, what was going through the minds of the soldiers engaged in battle. The chaos, the fear, you felt like you were right there.
The depiction of battle in “Alpha” is not quite as good, but that does not mean it’s not fascinating, and riveting.
Vanity Fair lists the best horror movies ever made.....predictable choices, but still interesting....

The best horror movies tend to be trendsetters, whether by launching a subgenre, introducing new visual techniques, reinventing familiar tropes, or employing clever marketing schemes. Everyone has a different favorite, but it's the rare genre where people tend to agree on a handful of paragons. You'll find grisly slasher flicks, eerie ghost stories, creature features, and psychological freakouts in equal measure here, making this a guide to the best horror movies of all time for beginners and repeat viewers alike.
Today's oldie joke
An old fella was celebrating 92 years on this earth. He spoke to his toes. "Hello toes.", he said. "How are you? You know, you are
92 today. Oh the times we've had! Remember how we walked in the park in the summer every Sunday afternoon. The times we waltzed on the dance floor? Happy Birthday toes!" "Hello, knees.", he continued. "How are you? You know you're 92 today..
Oh, the times we've had! Remember when we marched in the parade? Oh, the hurdles we've jumped together. Happy Birthday, knees." Then, he looked down at his crotch. "Hello Willie! You little bugger. Just think.
If you were alive today, you'd be 92. |
Today's parenting joke
A woman and her ten-year-old son were riding in a taxi. It was raining and all the prostitutes were standing under the awnings.
“Mum," said the boy, "what are all those women doing?"
“They're waiting for their husbands to get off work," she replied.
The taxi driver turns round and says, "Geez lady, why don't you tell him the truth? They’re hookers, boy! They have sex with men for money.”
The little boy’s eyes got wide and he said, "Is that true, Mum?"
His mother, glaring hard at the taxi driver, answered in the affirmative.
After a few minutes, the kid asked, “Mum, what happens to their babies?"
“Well, Son, most of them become taxi drivers," she said.
Today's blond joke
A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead all work at the same office for a female boss who always goes home early.
"Hey girls," says the brunette, "Let's go home early tomorrow. She'll never know."
The next day, they all leave right after the boss does. The brunette gets some extra gardening done, the redhead goes to a bar, and the blonde goes home to find her husband having sex with the female boss!
She quietly sneaks out of the house and returns at her normal time.
"That was fun," says the brunette. "We should do it again sometime."
"No way," says the blonde. "I almost got caught!"
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