1/. Jason Garcia with a list of what passed the Florida House this spring, and it's horrific.....
they want to remake this state into DeSantisland.....
There was an especially ugly moment in Tallahassee last week.
The Florida Senate’s Community Affairs Committee was holding a hearing on Senate Bill 1122, a piece of legislation meant to put a stop to cities and counties removing statues and public memorials that honor Confederate leaders and other supporters of slavery. During the public testimony on the bill, an attorney from a small town in North Florida took his turn at the microphone.
“I’m speaking in favor of this because I am a student of history,” he told the senators on the committee. “This dispute that you’re seeing right now is an extension of what was left of the Civil War after the shooting ended. The shooting ended in 1865. But the cultural war has continued ever since.”
2/. Love this one - Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon in "Whiskers Are We".....very funny, full of cat jokes and gay overtones.......
A couple of our alert readers pointed out that the articles about Biden's age were a little one-sided, so
I am including some more balanced looks at the issue.....
3/. Heather Cox Richardson points out the Hur report is a textbook example of Republican Mccarthyism, smearing an opponent by "investigations"......e.g. Benghazi anyone?
Yesterday, Special Counsel Robert Hur, appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland in January 2023 to investigate President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents before he was president, released his report. It begins: “We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter. We would reach the same conclusion even if Department of Justice policy did not foreclose criminal charges against a sitting president.” The Department of Justice closed a similar case against former Vice President Mike Pence on June 1, 2023, days before Pence announced his presidential bid, with a brief, one-page letter.
4/. Maureen Dowd in her column in the Times dissects the way the Democratic Party is handling this problem, and
she concludes like anyone who has studied the Democratic elites strategy for years is that the Democrats are going to screw it up.
Another Hillary debacle with much higher stakes, like the future of the country.
Once, when my father was in West Virginia on police business, a man approached him and demanded to know
about “rumors” that President Franklin Roosevelt was “crippled.”
The man threatened to beat up my father or anyone who said F.D.R. was in a wheelchair.
My dad, a D.C. police detective, served on F.D.R.’s protective detail. (I have a picture of my father, in a fedora, guarding Roosevelt at a Senators baseball game, with the president standing up with the help of his braces to throw out the first pitch.)
Like others around Roosevelt, my dad kept a tight lip about the paralysis of the president, who did not want to seem weak.
Dad assured the West Virginia ruffian that Roosevelt was “a fine, athletic man.”
6/. Ed Kilgore in New York Magazine makes the case for experience.....
Like Joe Biden, I got my dream job at a stage of life when most folks are planning or entering retirement. After writing hundreds of thousands of words for politicians and organizations without getting much credit for it, I became a rather geriatric blogger and then a political writer for New York Magazine and blew right by the age at which I could have packed it all in. Best I can tell, I still produce more words — though perhaps not higher-quality words — than my whippersnapper colleagues. So I am naturally sympathetic to the president’s desire to stay in the saddle as long as he can, and naturally hostile to partisan efforts to depict Biden as senile or incompetent, particularly when the beneficiary of undermining confidence in his abilities is Donald Trump.
7/. Ross Douhat, the conservative columnist for the Times, makes the case for Biden leaving
in the most advantageous way for the Democrats.
Joe Biden should not be running for re-election. That much was obvious well before the special prosecutor’s comments on the president’s memory lapses inspired a burst of age-related angst. And Democrats who are furious at the prosecutor have to sense that it will become only more obvious as we move deeper into an actual campaign.
What is less obvious is how Biden should get out of it.
8/. Tom Tomorrow with this year's Valentines Cards.....
9/. Jon Stewart is back, and as this Guardian review says his first show was pretty good....
When Comedy Central announced that Jon Stewart would return once a week to the Daily Show desk, left hostless for more than a year since Trevor Noah stepped down and heir apparent Hasan Minhaj became embroiled in fabrication controversies, it seemed to symbolize all the wrong things. A show that was supposed to be charting a path forward had circled back to its own past, unable to offer an option more inspiring than another helping of whatever the public approved of during the Obama years. In the worst-case scenario, the failure of imagination that ushered a 61-year-old Stewart back to the fore of a drastically changed political reality could have been an unfortunate parallel to the DNC, hurtling toward a dead end as they refuse to cultivate young talent in the party and cast their lot with a dug-in gerontocracy.
10/. This is the show - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show.....20 minutes....
11/. You know when the Republicans have become the cult of Trump when David Brooks, the conservative
columnist for the Times, is in despair as to what has happened to his Party.......
I thought I was beyond shockable, but this week has been profoundly shocking for me. I spent the bulk of my adult life on the right-wing side of things, generally rooting for the Republican Party, because I thought that party best served America. People like Sarah Palin and Donald Trump chased me out of the Republican orbit (gradually and then all at once), but I have still held out the hope that my many friends on the right are kind of like an occupied country. They have to mouth the Trumpian prejudices to survive in this era, but somewhere deep inside, the party of Reagan still lives in their souls.
12/. Jimmy Kimmel with his "Man On The Street" segments - this one is Geography.....love the ending!
13/. Florida's insurance crisis is here.....
After we (and 40,000 other people) lost our home in the 2018 Camp Fire, we entered a long and traumatic nightmare of dealing with our insurer. I learned a lot through that experience.
In the very beginning (days after the fire), they were great. Telling us how much coverage we had, helping us get settled in a temporary home, giving us cash, providing furniture, appliances, pots and pans, and the basic necessities of a home.
But as days turned into weeks, there was a not so subtle change. Things we were told we’d get paid for changed or were denied. We were told our policy would be fully paid, and then suddenly there were a lot of caveats and exclusions. We were told we would be paid to relocate, and then they denied our expenses (They approved the expenses in writing mind you. When I provided that evidence, the response was, “That was a mistake. It should never have been approved.”) https://medium.com/@climatesurvivor/the-insurance-crisis-is-here-6e09ecf2c552
14/. If you watch the SB for the commercials, Rolling Stone has listed the best, and a couple of the worst...
15/. Time for a Floriduh story.....how the legislature tried to slip through a bill that would devastate one of our
aquatic preserves to benefit a developer, so he could dredge it and put in a yacht basin......
Hollywood is famous for its ability to spin colorful worlds of wild fantasy. Elves and dwarves fight over jewelry in “The Lord of the Rings”! Drug addicts ride giant worms in “Dune”! Old dudes battle with big flashlights in “Star Wars”!
But nothing compares to the unbelievable flights of fancy spun by our fine Florida Legislature. Protecting Confederate monuments is saving history while we ban history books! Rainbow flags are a bigger threat to our children than guns! Lots of plastic litter is better for business than a clean landscape!
Over the weekend, I heard about one that was new to me. It’s a bill to cut a chunk out of one of the state’s aquatic preserves. It’s being pushed as a way to help hurricane victims by clearing up an error on an old map. Actually, it’s being done for the benefit of a developer. https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/02/15/florida-lawmakers-try-to-move-aquatic-preserves-boundary-to-benefit-developer/
And in case you were wondering where the f... is Estero Bay, it's south of Ft. Myers Beach....
16/. The Times reviews the Icon of the Seas....quite fair, they liked the experience....
One man got down on his knees and kissed the rug emblazoned with the ship’s logo. Another lifted his wife and swung her around, ecstatic to be among the roughly 5,000 passengers to embark on the inaugural sailing of the world’s largest cruise ship, the Icon of the Seas.
For months, the 250,800-ton ship, which can carry nearly 8,000 people, has been making headlines — including some that have criticized its size and potential to damage the environment. But the passengers who plunked down $1,800 to $100,000 and boarded the ship at Port Miami in Florida on Jan. 27, said nothing could have prepared them for the vessel’s sheer scale.
17/. Lefsetz recommends a book and a TV series.....
The book is "Eastbound", and the TV series is "Sleeping Dogs" on Netflix.....
Today's Jewish joke....
Moishe, Bessie’s husband, dies and he is placed in the care of Solomon the Undertaker.
The day before the funeral Bessie goes to see that all is in order.
She takes one look at Moishe and bursts out sobbing.
Solomon tries to console her by acknowledging that it is a difficult time in her life, but time will pass and all will be better.
“NO” shouts Bessie, that’s not the problem.
“Well, what is it?”, says Solomon.
“You have him in a black suit. Moishe’s dying wish was to be buried in a brown suit. You have to make the change.”
“I can make the change” Solomon says, “but to do that I have to take the seams out of the black suit, remove it piece by piece, take the seams out of a brown suit, put it on Moishe piece by piece and then sew it up.
That will cost you an extra $250.00.”
Bessie says that she understands and agrees to pay the extra $250.
The next day is the funeral and Moishe looks beautiful in the brown suit.
A couple of days later Bessie goes to see Solomon to pay the bill.
She notices that there is an extra charge. But only $35.00 not $250.00.
Being an honest person, she brings the error to the attention of Solomon.
“No mistake” says Solomon, “as it turns out, the charge will only be $35.00.”
“Why?” says Bessie. Solomon explains.
“It just so happens, that after you left the other day, another lady came in, saw her husband in a brown suit and demanded that he be changed into a black suit.
The cost to change suits is $250.00, but the cost is only $35.00 to change heads.”
Today's Homeless guy joke
A man is accosted by a homeless guy who asks for money for dinner.
The man took out his wallet & asks, "If I give you money, will you buy beer with it instead of dinner?"
"No, I stopped drinking years ago," the homeless guy replied.
"Will you use it to go fishing?" the man asked.
"No, I don't waste time fishing," the guy said.
"Will you spend this on greens fees at a golf course?" the man asked.
"Are you NUTS!" replied the guy. "I haven't played golf in 20 years!" "Will you spend the money on a hooker?" the man asked.
"No way, I could get a disease?" said the guy.
"Well" said the man "I'm not giving you money.
Instead, I'm taking you home for a dinner cooked by my wife."
The guy was surprised. "Won't your wife be mad at you? I'm dirty & smell bad."
The man replied "That's okay.
I just want her to see what a man looks like after he's given up beer, fishing, golf & sex.
Today's last will and testament joke....
"I Sam Benjamin, being of sound mind hereby declare this to be my last will and testament.
To my son Sheldon, my first born and the best dentist in the United States I leave one million dollars tax free.
To my daughter Jayne who was wonderful and always helped her mother with the dishes and graduated from college, I leave one million dollars.
To my loving wife I leave (whatever is not in her name already) two million dollars - Enjoy, sweetheart. Enjoy. To my brother-in-law Louie, who smoked fancy cigars, who has lived with us ever since we got married, and who always said that I would
never ever mention him in my will, HELLO LOUIE!"