Sunday, June 30, 2024

DDD Special - The Debate

 This has been a surreal few days, with multiple sources, TV and print, telling me "not to worry, it was a bad night" or similar. 

They are telling me to forget what I saw, when my reaction after two minutes of Biden speaking was "OMG we are doomed".
I am a loyal Democrat, and have supported Joe Biden's work over the last three years, but the most stressful job in the world takes its toll, and he's 81.
What we saw Thursday night was a feeble old man, and his moments of physical and mental weakness are going to get worse. 
The election is looming, and our President needs to be prepared to deal with Trump losing, Republican cheating and possibly a coup 
attempt in addition to Gaza, Ukraine, Taiwan etc.etc.etc.. 

It's not often you read something that perfectly crystallises what you are thinking, but Bob Lefsetz does it in this piece.

This is a must read, and after you digest it we all need to contact anyone in power you know - "get Joe to retire" is the message, he can't win.
Democrats, this country and our planet cannot have another RBG or DiFi in the most powerful job in the world.....the stakes are too high. 
Joe has been an excellent President, he's got more shit done than anyone for 50 years, but it's time to retire honorably. 
If he runs against the orange blob, he will lose and our country is gone. 
In addition we will lose the Senate and the House again, because Joe will cripple the D. ticket..
No matter how much gaslighting the DNC and the Biden camp do, we can't unsee this disaster. 
Younger voters, low information voters and Joe Sixpack have already made up their minds, and it ain't Joe.

Lefsetz mentions a couple of moments, and here they are....

Trump and Joe leaving the stage....just sad....

The post debate the entry and how his handler Jill Biden [channelling Nancy Reagan] sets him up....

And here is the Juneteenth celebration with Joe frozen for a full minute.....

Feel free to pass this on....if you value our democracy, there needs to be a change.

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