Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Davids Daily Dose - Special - Wednesday December 8th

Bernie Sanders is the Independent Senator from Vermont, and is well known for his strong and unwavering support of the middle class. But the latest deal that Obama announced Monday night on the tax cuts for the rich has made him very angry, and in this vein he gave a powerful speech in the Senate that is the truth, plainly stated.

It isn't often you see a politician this articulate, and in this 13 minute video he spells out what is wrong with this country, the system, what we are all feeling and who is to blame. A masterful speech.....and if any of what I put in DDD resonates with you I urge you to watch this.....and then do something. Because if we don't, it will be a bleak future for the middle class. 

I am convinced this week is a defining moment for this country, and if this abortion of a bill goes ahead the wealthy and powerful win again, and we lose.

I called Bill Nelson's office yesterday, and Mary and I again today, saying if he votes for this package I will vote against him in 2012. 
Washington office - 202-224-5274.
But if you aren't from Florida call your own Senator. This is serious, serious stuff and they need to hear from us.....

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