Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Davids Daily Dose - Wednesday April 6th

Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone has a story that may surprise you - or maybe not. Our Federal Reserve has been bankrolling Qaddafi's Bank of Libya for the last few years.....yes, Qaddafi, the scourge of North Africa. Although he doesn't go into it I'm sure there is a logical "oligarch-friendly" reason why they did this.....

And Taibbi also hints at a major expose coming out in two weeks.....can't wait!!!

Barack Obama recently issued an executive order imposing a wave of sanctions against Libya, not only freezing Libyan assets, but barring Americans from having business dealings with Libyan banks.
So raise your hand if you knew that the United States has been extending billions of dollars in aid to Qaddafi and to the Central Bank of Libya, through a Libyan-owned subsidiary bank operating out of Bahrain. And raise your hand if you knew that, just a week or so after Obama’s executive order, the U.S. Treasury Department quietly issuedan order exempting this and other Libyan-owned banks to continue operating without sanction.

Read this passionate article and then ask yourself if his conclusion is inevitable - the only way to get the attention of the oligarchy and indeed middle America is by demonstrations. Get publicity. Wake up the stupids.
The article includes a "how to" video from the UK, where citizens are much more active politically than Americans.

Our system is hopelessly corrupt - the elites own the government, all three branches including our last hope Obama who has sold out the middle class to the oligarchs. Tax cuts for the rich anyone?
His announcement that he was running for President in 2012 didn't mention the working people of this country once. His strategy is to take the liberal base for granted, and go after the 20% of independants by a resolutely centrist strategy. 
So if you're a liberal, do you think this administration is assuming you're loyal? If you do, how do you feel about that? And how do you get their attention?

Anyway, a thought provoking story.....

The phrase consent of the governed has been turned into a cruel joke. There is no way to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs. Civil disobedience is the only tool we have left.
We will not halt the laying off of teachers and other public employees, the slashing of unemployment benefits, the closing of public libraries, the reduction of student loans, the foreclosures, the gutting of public education and early childhood programs or the dismantling of basic social services such as heating assistance for the elderly until we start to carry out sustained acts of civil disobedience against the financial institutions responsible for our debacle. The banks and Wall Street, which have erected the corporate state to serve their interests at our expense, caused the financial crisis. The bankers and their lobbyists crafted tax havens that account for up to $1 trillion in tax revenue lost every decade. They rewrote tax laws so the nation’s most profitable corporations, including Bank of America, could avoid paying any federal taxes. They engaged in massive fraud and deception that wiped out an estimated $40 trillion in global wealth. The banks are the ones that should be made to pay for the financial collapse. Not us.

Ho hum - everyday story in any city, USA....
SWAT team evicts grandmother onto the street doing the work of a giant bank who wrongfully foreclosed on this poor woman..... just routine folks.....another middle class person made homeless and destitute and WGAS.....
Amazing the local news actually covered this......2 minute video...

But Ms. Lennon should never have been booted out. Her problem was simple enough to solve: her husband died in January of 2008, leaving her with no will and her home ownership in legal limbo. She acknowledges missing some payments. But then, because her name was not on the house's official mortgage paperwork, she says her bank refused her checks and returned them to her. She says she has the ability to make her payments.
But believe it or not: Fannie and Freddie wouldn't accept her money.

Old but very funny Bud Lite commercial.....1 minute...

Pastor Jones from Gainesville - remember him? Burning the Koran?
Well he arranged for an Arabic video to be made and streamed it into Afghanistan, where the Afghans took affront and rioted and killed a bunch of foreigners to revenge this mortal insult to their religion - Afghans are not sophisticated people and don't want to hear this Pastor Jones is an evil, twisted, publicity hungry asshole. All they see is a so-called Christian minister burning the Koran.
Oh well.....praise Jesus.....

Now, apparently, he is. Last week, Jones burned a Koran and broadcast the images over the Internet. Ignored by local media, the footage reached Afghan screens before American ones. The response was horrific: An angry Afghan mob overran the U.N. headquarters, killing seven foreigners and several Afghans, in protest of his blasphemy. The violence seemed especially senseless given the petty motives underlying Jones' provocations. He'd grown despondent over the sudden loss of attention, after the media caravan had moved on from his front lawn. He wanted it back.

Todays medical joke

After experiencing the discomfort and embarrassment of a prostate test on
the National Health Service, a friend of mine decided to have his next test
carried out while visiting in Thailand where the beautiful nurses are rather
more gentle and accommodating
, as well as Thailand having an excellent
reputation for all medical and surgical procedures.

As usual he was asked to strip off, 
while a very pretty nurse snapped on her
latex gloves and picked up a tube of lubricating jelly.
He lay naked on his side on the bed and waited for the examination to begin.
The nurse began the examination, a great deal more gently than his previous
examination experience had been, back home.

"At this stage of the procedure it's quite normal to get an erection" said
the nurse.

"I haven't got an erection" said the man.

"No, but I have" replied the nurse.


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