Saturday, February 11, 2012

Davids Daily Dose - Saturday February 11th

1/  One of the recurrent themes of the Republican primary has been the staunch Christian dogma that every candidate has been spouting, but as this article says Jesus would have been appalled by the lot of them.....
There has never been a more loudly Christian group of presidential candidates than this primary season’s GOP contenders. From the start, the campaign has been an exercise in Christian one-upmanship. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann set the standard for religious fervor, boasting of setting her alarm clock at 5 a.m. so she could read the Bible and issuing born-again testimonials like “I radically abandoned myself to Jesus Christ.” Herman Cain said that he was inspired to run for president by the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. Rick Perry released a video in which he intoned, “I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian … As president, I’ll end Obama’s war on religion and I’ll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.”
Bachmann, Cain and Perry are no longer sharing their spiritual rectitude with a national audience, but the remaining candidates continue to flaunt their Christianity. Newt Gingrich, who has noisily proclaimed that his conversion to Catholicism saved his soul, repeated Perry’s charge, accusing President Obama of launching a “war on religion” by requiring that church-owned hospitals and universities provide insurance that covers birth control. “It’s a fundamental assault on the right of freedom of religion,” Gingrich said. “On the very first day I’m inaugurated I will sign an executive order repealing every Obama attack on religion.”
Gingrich has framed the election as a battle for America’s soul,warning that if Obama is not defeated, the United States is in danger of becoming a “secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists.” Such apocalyptic warnings, combined withstatements like “I can’t imagine being comfortable with an atheist in the presidency,” insinuate that Obama is a fake Christian – a widespread belief among the religious right. (That’s actually a comparatively moderate view: The hardcore see him as the Antichrist.)
Rick Santorum went even further, essentially calling for America to become a theocracy. At the Thanksgiving Family Forum last year, Santorum said, “Our civil wars have to comport with the higher law … That’s why as long as abortion is ‘legal,’ according to the Supreme Court, we will never have rest, because that does not comport with God’s law … As long as there is discordance between the two there will be agitation.”
The Republican strategy — loudly proclaiming one’s Christian faith, while attacking Obama as an agent of secular evil, if not actually Satan himself – is right out of the Fox News playbook. As the voice of the American far right, the ultimate undeclared super-duper-GOP-PAC, Fox News has embraced the cracked “birther” movement and generally done everything within its latitudinous definition of “fair and balanced” to portray Obama as a fake-Christian, foreign-born, America-hating Muslim. (Fox’s “War on Christmas” rants appear with such clockwork regularity at Christmastime that I use them as reminders to open my Advent Calendar.)
The only GOP candidate who has not openly pursued this strategy is the front-runner, Mitt Romney. Romney has avoided the subject because as a Mormon, his own Christian credentials are suspect. But as the ultimate political panderer and opportunist, he would play the Christian card if he could. Like all the GOP candidates, Romney has tried to paint Obama as an alien Other, elite, mysterious, malevolent – in a word, slightly satanic. And also like them, Romney presents his free-market, anti-government ideology as more “American,” and by implication more “Christian,” than Obama’s.
As someone who has spent many happy hours studying Christian theology, from Origen to Hans Kung, as well as modern scholarshipabout Jesus, I supposed I should be pleased by this eruption of holy fervor among the Republican candidates for the highest office in the land. But there’s just one little problem.
Jesus would have been appalled by the whole pack of them.

2/  Remember the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"? A comedian translates this story into Shakespearean English, with amusing results......

For those of you who haven't read this story to grandkids recently, here is the original tale in plain English.....the clip is funnier if you read this first......

And here is the 8 minute clip of "Three Little Pigs" as told by William Shakespeare, imagined by John Branyan............

3/  Bill Moyers interviews David Stockman, the budget director for the Reagan Presidency, and Gretchen Morgensen, financial columnist for the New York Times. The conversation is about the 2008 meltdown, and the complete lack of accountability for these crimes. Both guests discuss what happened, and the likelihood of it happening again.

It's very rare to get intelligent TV like this, and if you want to know what really happened in the last financial crisis watch this excellent hour.....

If you don't, there is always Hoarders or Storage Wars or anything with a Khardashian in it...........

4/  Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire backer of Newt Gingrich, is a dangerous man........think about it - this oligarch has singlehandedly propped up an extremely disgusting politician into become the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for at least two weeks, and all it took was $10 million. Adelson also funds the ultra right wing administration of Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu......

The point is that one billionaire, one individual, who by all accounts is a stubborn asshole, is in a position with his money to influence US and International politics however he wants. This is a dangerous world - the oligarchs have waaaaay more money than the good people.....

LAS VEGAS — Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire casino executive keeping Newt Gingrich’s presidential hopes alive, has relayed assurances to Mitt Romney that he will provide even more generous support to his candidacy if he becomes the Republican nominee, several associates said in interviews here.

The signals from Mr. Adelson, whose politics are shaped in large part by his support for Israel, reflect what the associates said was his deep investment in defeating President Obama and his willingness to play a more prominent role in the Republican Party and conservative causes.
The assurances have been conveyed in response to a highly delicate campaign by Mr. Romney and his top Jewish financial supporters to dissuade Mr. Adelson from adding to the $10 million that he and his wife have given to a pro-Gingrich “super PAC,” Winning Our Future, that has been tearing into Mr. Romney through television advertising.
Several people who have spoken with Mr. Adelson over the past two weeks said he would most likely continue to help the group as long as Mr. Gingrich remained in the race. But, they said, he is concerned that additional deep-pocketed donors have not joined him. And, they said, his affection for and loyalty to Mr. Gingrich, who met with him here on Friday, have not blinded him to the reality that the nominating contest is tilting in Mr. Romney’s favor.
“Sheldon is committed to keeping him in the race as long as he wants to stay in,” said Fred Zeidman, a top fund-raiser for Mr. Romney and a longtime friend of Mr. Adelson. “But any time that Newt decides to get out of the race, he would devote his energy and money to the overriding issue, which is beating Barack Obama.”
Underscoring Mr. Adelson’s devotion to that larger cause, he was among the conservative political financiers on hand last weekend for the twice-yearly gathering of the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch near Palm Springs, Calif., where the Kochs and their like-minded colleagues discussed their efforts to ensure Mr. Obama’s defeat.
Mr. Adelson, who has long been a behind-the-scenes financier to Republican candidates, is said to be comfortable with a more visible role in the 2012 election. His decision to back the pro-Gingrich group has significantly raised his profile, but friends say he does not want his aid to Mr. Gingrich to be interpreted as anti-Romney.

5/  Everyone should have their own billionaire -  Rick Santorum has his version of Adelson which is driving his success in Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota.....the battle of the billionaires - thanks, Supreme Court.....

Also this week Obama broke down and formed his own SuperPac.....about time - if he didn't it would be like going into a boxing match with one hand tied behind your back.....

Here's the point and think about it, because the media won't - if Santorum actually becomes President he will be the wholly owned creature of Foster Friess, and who will have Obama's ear when he wins re-election? This system HAS to be changed......

Mitt Romney and Foster Friess, a wealthy donor to conservative causes, were walking out of an event together a few months ago when Mr. Friess broke the news: After backing Mr. Romney for president four years ago, he was getting behind Rick Santorum this time around.

“He couldn’t quite figure out why Rick was even bothering to go through the effort,” Mr. Friess recalled in an interview on Wednesday. “I mean, I don’t mean to fault him for saying, ‘Why take Rick seriously?’ Nobody took Rick seriously.”
Many more Republicans are taking Mr. Santorum seriously now, thanks to his victories in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado on Tuesday — and perhaps none more than Mr. Romney, for whom Mr. Santorum’s unexpected rise poses another threat from the right.
Few people played a more pivotal role in Tuesday’s turn of events than Mr. Friess. An investor who made millions in mutual funds and now lives in Wyoming, he is the chief backer of a “super PAC” that has helped keep Mr. Santorum’s candidacy alive by running television advertisements on his behalf.
His role as outside funder — one that Mr. Friess indicated he would continue to play in the contests ahead — escalates the battle among a few dozen wealthy Republicans to influence their party’s choice of a presidential nominee.
They are exploiting changes to campaign laws and regulations that have allowed wealthy individuals and businesses to pool unlimited contributions into super PACs that in turn have inundated the airwaves with negative advertisements.
Mr. Friess’s chosen outlet, called the Red, White and Blue Fund, provided critical support for Mr. Santorum as he successfully sought to resuscitate his campaign with victories in Tuesday’s contests. At a time when Mr. Santorum could not afford to pay for a single commercial of his own, the Red, White and Blue Fund focused in particular on Minnesota, where the super PAC supporting Mr. Romney,Restore Our Future, broadcast a last-minute blitz of advertising against him, according to an analysis from Kantar Media/CMAG.
But Mr. Friess’s help could prove even more vital in the weeks ahead, as Mr. Santorum tries to capitalize on his upset victories on Tuesday to mount a more assertive challenge to Mr. Romney and to Newt Gingrich, who has an even more deep-pocketed supporter in the billionaire casino executive Sheldon Adelson, one of the richest men in country.

6/  Found this recently - "The Bishop", a Monty Python 4 minute film made by "Church Of England Films".....if you like Monty Python, this is one of their zanier skits.....caused an outrage in Britain as I recall.....

7/ Excellent Jon Stewart interview with Elizabeth Warren, candidate for Senate in Massachusetts running against the creature of Wall Street - Scott Brown. This extended interview in two parts proves a couple of things - Jon Stewart is one of the premier political journalists in the country, and Elizabeth Warren could be a future candidate for president.....what a wonderful person.......

And there are some funny the first three minutes he nails her with a really good zinger.......but overall an excellent interview.....

In this unedited, extended interview, Elizabeth Warren considers cuts in education and research spending detrimental and calls on America to invest in its middle class. (06:13)

8/  Hmmmm.........haven't heard much about this, but there is a fight going on in Vermont where voters approved a single payer health care system which will kick in in 2015....and the insurance companies are throwing millions into trying to undermine the decision......

Just another sign of the times....follow the money.....

MONTPELIER, Vermont — You can’t see them. They’re hidden from view and probably always will be. But the health insurance industry’s big guns are in place and pointed directly at the citizens of Vermont.
Health insurers were not able to stop the state’s drive last year toward a single-payer health care system, which insurers have spent millions to scare Americans into believing would be the worst thing ever. Despite the ceaseless spin, Vermont lawmakers last May demonstrated they could not be bought nor intimidated when they became the first in the nation to pass a bill that will probably establish a single-payer beachhead in the U.S.
When he signed Act 48 into law on May 27, surrounded by dozens of state residents who worked for many years to achieve universal coverage, Governor Peter Shumlin expressed great pride in what had been accomplished.
“We gather here today to launch the first single payer system in America, to do in Vermont what has taken too long—to have a health care (system) that is the best in the world, that treats health care as a right and not a privilege, where health care follows the individual, not the employer,” Shumlin said.
The problem for Shumlin and his allies is this: it will take five years before Vermont can fully implement its new system, partly because the federal health care reform law prohibits states from undertaking more far-reaching reforms until 2017 unless granted waivers from the feds to do so. And though Vermont’s Congressional delegation is on board to pursue a waiver that would let the state set up a single payer system two years from now, the insurance industry’s friends in Washington are not keen to let that happen. That’s because they want to use those five years to persuade Vermonters that they really don’t want to go the single payer route after all.

9/  Mary loved this Superbowl commercial - a 30 second spot for Oikos Greek the hunk John Stamos get nailed.....

10/  Remember the University research that said there was a correlation between racist views, right wing beliefs and a low I.Q.?

The Guardian UK ruminates on this and the failure of the progressives to fight back against the lack of reality-based thinking on the right.......

Self-deprecating, too liberal for their own good, today's progressives stand back and watch, hands over their mouths, as the social vivisectionists of the right slice up a living society to see if its component parts can survive in isolation. Tied up in knots of reticence and self-doubt, they will not shout stop. Doing so requires an act of interruption, of presumption, for which they no longer possess a vocabulary.
Perhaps it is in the same spirit of liberal constipation that, with the exception of Charlie Brooker, we have been too polite to mention the Canadian study published last month in the journal Psychological Science, which revealed that people with conservative beliefs are likely to be of low intelligence. Paradoxically it was the Daily Mail that brought it to the attention of British readers last week. It feels crude, illiberal to point out that the other side is, on average, more stupid than our own. But this, the study suggests, is not unfounded generalisation but empirical fact.
It is by no means the first such paper. There is plenty of research showing that low general intelligence in childhood predicts greater prejudice towards people of different ethnicity or sexuality in adulthood. Open-mindedness, flexibility, trust in other people: all these require certain cognitive abilities. Understanding and accepting others – particularly "different" others – requires an enhanced capacity for abstract thinking.
But, drawing on a sample size of several thousand, correcting for both education and socioeconomic status, the new study looks embarrassingly robust. Importantly, it shows that prejudice tends not to arise directly from low intelligence but from the conservative ideologies to which people of low intelligence are drawn. Conservative ideology is the "critical pathway" from low intelligence to racism. Those with low cognitive abilities are attracted to "rightwing ideologies that promote coherence and order" and "emphasise the maintenance of the status quo". Even for someone not yet renowned for liberal reticence, this feels hard to write.
This is not to suggest that all conservatives are stupid. There are some very clever people in government, advising politicians, running thinktanks and writing for newspapers, who have acquired power and influence by promoting rightwing ideologies.
But what we now see among their parties – however intelligent their guiding spirits may be – is the abandonment of any pretence of high-minded conservatism. On both sides of the Atlantic, conservative strategists have discovered that there is no pool so shallow that several million people won't drown in it. Whether they are promoting the idea that Barack Obama was not born in the US, that man-made climate change is an eco-fascist-communist-anarchist conspiracy, or that the deficit results from the greed of the poor, they now appeal to the basest, stupidest impulses, and find that it does them no harm in the polls.

11/  One of the names being thrown around by the right wing against Obama to see if any mud sticks is Saul Alinsky, and Robln Blumner in the St. Pete Times tells us who he was and what he actually stood for.....

You know, facts. Reality. Alinsky was a fighter for the poor, but did not believe in welfare and he was not by any means a socialist......

Good article......

It was a classic Bill Maher riposte. In a recent episode of his HBO show the comedian quipped: "Before the next Republican accuses President Obama of taking his cues from Saul Alinsky, he has to answer two questions. One, why would you invite my outrage by suggesting such a specious link between our president and Saul Alinsky? And, two, who the f--- is Saul Alinsky?" (Yes, it's HBO.)
Maher noted that Newt Gingrich likes to throw Alinsky's name around with lines like: "The centerpiece of this campaign is American exceptionalism versus the radicalism of Saul Alinsky."
To which Maher joked, "(This) still doesn't tell me who Saul Alinsky is. But, if Newt hates him, he's probably a divorce lawyer
What people know about Alinsky, if they know anything at all, is that he was a community organizer in Chicago, just like Obama was before going to law school. Alinsky died in 1972, when Obama was a child. But conservative commentators and politicians like to insinuate that Obama is an acolyte of Alinsky. For many Republicans, merely uttering Alinsky's name conjures images of leftist rabble storming the barricades of heroic capitalism.
Alinsky was a fighter for the poor and disenfranchised, which makes him an instant villain for those on the political right. He was a young adult during the Great Depression, witnessing how people's lives were degraded and subjugated by monied interests. He saw how corporations and politicos sowed ethnic and racial divisions in the lower classes to keep them powerless, and he devoted his life to teaching others the transformational power of banding together.
But as Gingrich's convenient bugbear, Alinsky's life doesn't exactly fit. Alinsky was not a Communist or even a rigid leftist ideologue. According to a book about him by Nicholas von Hoffman, who worked with Alinsky in Chicago in the 1950s, Alinsky was suspicious of big government welfare programs and even met once with conservative icon Barry Goldwater.
"To h-ll with charity," Alinsky once told the Chicago Daily News, "The only thing you get is what you're strong enough to get — so you had better organize."

12/  The Lana Del Rey Saga
This is trivial, but this little piece of media theatre a public takedown of an up and coming star? Or a brilliant segmented marketing campaign for her upcoming album aimed at sympathetic kids? 
Not sure.....

But here is the original video of Lana Del Rey singing "Video Games", which went viral with over 27 million hits......not a bad song, she's cute, the video has a story [?] sort of, so it was super popular.....

So based on this success they booked her on Saturday Night Live as the musical guest and she sings two songs.....Daniel Radcliffe introduces her......and watch her sing "Video Games" live. On stage. In front of an audience. Badly. And see the meltdown. And if you can stand it watch the next song "Blue Jean".

After this performance the internet goes ballistic, pro and con. "The worst performance ever"....vs "wasn't that bad"....

The kids rally to her defense......and we don't know how this will turn out over the long haul, but in the short term her new album sales this week were #2 behind Adele......proves yet again - "There's no such thing as bad publicity!"

 SNL of course uses this controversy as the basis of a very funny 2 minute skit with the brilliant Kristen Wiig as Lana.......

13/  A wealthy Canadian is expanding his cattle ranch in Marion County to make it the largest operation in Florida......the County loves the jobs, and so there is enormous pressure on to give him water rights to grow hay and feed the cattle.

If Frank Stronach were to build Disney World in Marion County, he would already have enough land to do it.
The Canadian–based businessman has increased his Marion County land holdings in the past two years nearly sixfold, making him the largest private property owner in the county with 29,000 acres. (Walt Disney World in Orlando encompasses somewhere around 25,000 acres.) Only the U.S. Forestry Department, which owns the Ocala National Forest, and Florida's various state agencies have more land in Marion County than does Stronach.

And he's looking for more.
Behind the land grab are plans for a sprawling cattle ranch with tens of thousands of grass-feed, hormone-free cattle for beef production.
Until 2010, the 79-year-old Stronach was mostly known in the area for his 3,800-acre thoroughbred horse farm in Williston.
The international car parts magnet bought the Adena Springs spread during the 1990s. It is one of five such farms he owns across the United States and Canada. The new cattle operation will be called Adena Springs Ranch.
Only about seven years ago did he start amassing cattle at the Williston farm. The operation includes about 400 cows at that farm and another 1,100 on other area properties. For most area cattlemen, that's a lot. For Stronach, it's a first step.
In his application with the St. Johns Water Management District, Stronach seeks permission to pump as much as 13.27 million gallons of water per day to irrigate his fields, cool his proposed power plant and operate his 61,000-square-foot beef processing operation.
But most of that water will be used to grow grass, especially in the drier winter months, to feed cattle, Moyer said.

But here's the bad news - the water this giant ranch needs will kill Silver Springs and the aquifer, and the manure will pollute the Springs and the Ocklawaha River......

“They say they'll need the water during a drought? We're in a drought. We're in the most severe drought,” Marwick said. “Silver Springs is at its lowest point in recorded history. The Ocklawaha is at its lowest in recorded history.
“It's one man's plan to use more water than all the people who live and visit Ocala and we're being asked to water our lawns no more than once a week. You can't expect to take 13 million gallons and not have an impact,” Marwick said.
Ocala uses about 12.85 million gallons daily.
Another problem is waste. The average adult beef cow produces about 60 pounds of manure waste daily. If Stronach raises only a third of his expected herd and half are younger, smaller cows, producing only half the manure, waste would still approach nearly 500,000 pounds of waste a day.
Marwick said he fears much of that waste will find its way through the groundwater and into the Silver Springs and Ocklawaha River.
But we all know the end to this story in Rick Scott's Florida - the rich guy will get his water, and whatever happens happens. Screw our environment and our childrens heritage........

14/  Movies
A couple of decent action films out this week....

"Safe House", with Denzel Washington.......pretty good review.......a "Jason Bourne" type of movie but Denzel makes it better and more menacing.....

At some point in the tense, tough, visceral action movie “Safe House” a side character describes a rogue superagent played by Denzel Washington as “the black Dorian Gray.” Now that’s a movie pitch in waiting. Mr. Washington, or rather the mystery man he plays, Tobin Frost, a former operative for the C.I.A., lets out a short self-aware laugh of a man who isn’t just fielding a compliment but also owning it fully. And why not? He looks good, and he knows it.

Mr. Washington turned 57 in December, but if he’s feeling any of the aches and pains of age, it doesn’t show. “Safe House,” a “Bourne”-esque story about the bad, bad things that agents sometimes do in the name of country and company, puts Mr. Washington through his action-flick paces. He runs, he punches, he runs, he punches and occasionally discharges a gun, either coldly (it’s just business) or with the slight look of disgust of a man cleaning off the bottom of his shoe. Tobin Frost — the name smacks of airport spy fiction — isn’t really the enigma the filmmakers would like you to believe, but Mr. Washington is so good at suggesting deep reserves of cool, moody mystery and smoldering feeling that he keeps you nicely guessing.

"Safe House"

The second is a Woody Harrelson "bad cop" movie - "Rampart".....again a good review......

A sun-scorched noir, “Rampart” tells a familiar story with such visual punch and hustling energy that it comes close to feeling like a new kind of movie, though it’s more just a tough gloss on American crime stories past. Directed by Oren Moverman from a fast, nasty, at times queasily funny screenplay by him and James Ellroy, it stars Woody Harrelson as Dave Brown, one of those dirty cops who ooze out of the smog-kissed Los Angeles sprawl to keep the peace in paradise, usually by breaking heads and gunning for trouble.

If you’ve read Mr. Ellroy, whose crime novels include “L.A. Confidential,” or one of his influences,Joseph Wambaugh (“The Choirboys”), you will recognize Dave Brown, the bullheaded, red-necked cop who swings first, asks later and calls the city a jungle and himself one of its soldiers. The language is no accident: For decades the Los Angeles Police Department followed a military model that made it a paradigm of ruthless efficiency in which police violence, particularly against minorities, was tolerated. By 1999, the year the movie opens, the department was rocking from the revelation that cops in the anti-gang unit in the Rampart Division, in central Los Angeles, had been dealing drugs and worse.
“Rampart” isn’t a docudrama take on the scandal, which is mentioned in passing, but a fictional, sometimes surrealistic exploration of the kind of mindset or maybe ideology, personal and professional, that led some Los Angeles cops to rob, kill and turn into a gang of their own. It’s a vivid, often mesmerizing portrait of a man rotting from the inside out, though perhaps only partly because the organization he works for (though really against), and the world he inhabits, are sick too. Yet why Dave does what he does is anyone’s guess, because one of the movie’s strengths is that it finds meaning in his actions without trying to explain him. Some people, it suggests, remain mysteries, which, however maddening, also helps make Dave insistently watchable.

"Rampart" trailer......another wow.....excellent cast.....Sigourney Weaver, Ned Beatty, Steve Buscemi, Anne Heche....

Todays video - Coke Lite commercial.......

Todays Valentines Day joke

A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing “Love” stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them.

His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing.

The man says, “I'm sending out 1,000 Valentine cards signed, ‘Guess who?’”

“But why?” asks the man.

“I'm a divorce lawyer,” the man replies.

Todays British Valentines Day joke

A husband walks into Victoria 's Secret to purchase a sheer negligee for
his wife for Valentines Day. 

He is shown several possibilities that range from £250 to £500
in price -- the more sheer, the higher the price.

He opts for the sheerest item, pays the £500, and takes it home.

He presents it to his wife and asks her to go upstairs, put it on, and
model it for him.

Upstairs, the wife thinks (she's no dummy), "I have an idea ... it's so
sheer that it might as well be nothing. I won't put it on, I'll do the
modelling naked, return it tomorrow, and keep the £500 refund for

She appears naked on the balcony and strikes a pose.

The husband says, "Good Grief! You'd think for £500, they'd at least
iron it!"

He never heard the shot. Funeral is on Thursday at noon.

The coffin will be closed.

Another Valentines Day joke

The Wife's Affair
A man returns home a day early from a business trip on February 14th. It's after midnight.

While en route home he asks the cabby if he would be a witness.
The man suspects his wife is having an affair and he wants to catch her in the act.

For $100, the cabby  agrees.

Quietly arriving home, the husband and cabby tip toe into the bedroom.

The husband switches on the lights, yanks the blanket back and there is his wife in
bed with another man!

The husband puts a gun to the naked man's head.

The wife shouts, 'Don't do it! I lied when I told you I inherited money:
HE paid for the Porsche I gave you.
HE paid for our new cabin cruiser.
HE paid for your football season tickets.
HE paid for our house at the lake.
He paid for your Hawaiian golf vacation.
HE paid for our country club membership, and HE even pays the monthly dues !'
Shaking his head from side-to-side, the husband lowers the gun.

He looks over at the cabby and says, 'What would you do ?

The cabby replies, 'I'd cover his ass with that blanket before he catches cold.'

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