1/ Bank Of America - none of us really know how awful an institution BoA is, but Matt Taibbi does.......and he lays out the case for letting this bloated, corrupt, government-supported "too big to fail" bank slip away......
Excellent article, great research, chilling story........
At least Bank of America got its name right. The ultimate Too Big to Fail bank really is America, a hypergluttonous ward of the state whose limitless fraud and criminal conspiracies we'll all be paying for until the end of time. Did you hear about the plot to rig global interest rates? The $137 million fine for bilking needy schools and cities? The ingenious plan to suck multiple fees out of the unemployment checks of jobless workers? Take your eyes off them for 10 seconds and guaranteed, they'll be into some shit again: This bank is like the world's worst-behaved teenager, taking your car and running over kittens and fire hydrants on the way to Vegas for the weekend, maxing out your credit cards in the three days you spend at your aunt's funeral. They're out of control, yet they'll never do time or go out of business, because the government remains creepily committed to their survival, like overindulgent parents who refuse to believe their 40-year-old live-at-home son could possibly be responsible for those dead hookers in the backyard.
It's been four years since the government, in the name of preventing a depression, saved this megabank from ruin by pumping $45 billion of taxpayer money into its arm. Since then, the Obama administration has looked the other way as the bank committed an astonishing variety of crimes – some elaborate and brilliant in their conception, some so crude that they'd be beneath your average street thug. Bank of America has systematically ripped off almost everyone with whom it has a significant business relationship, cheating investors, insurers, depositors, homeowners, shareholders, pensioners and taxpayers. It brought tens of thousands of Americans to foreclosure court using bogus, "robo-signed" evidence – a type of mass perjury that it helped pioneer. It hawked worthless mortgages to dozens of unions and state pension funds, draining them of hundreds of millions in value. And when it wasn't ripping off workers and pensioners, it was helping to push insurance giants like AMBAC into bankruptcy by fraudulently inducing them to spend hundreds of millions insuring those same worthless mortgages.
2/ Bill Maher is being attacked by the right wing for making a nasty joke about Palin, which makes it okay for Rush to say those evil things about Sandra Fluke.....but Maher is a comedian, and Rush is the leader of the Republican Party, which is a little different.....
Anyway this 6 minute segment is excellent - funny as usual, with some commentary on the Kony controversy
3/ Trayvon Martin was killed by a vigilante in Sanford, Fl., and Charles Blow in the Times tells us the facts of this tragic incident......
As of today the FBI has taken over the investigation from the Sanford Police........
Trayvon had left the house he and his father were visiting to walk to the local 7-Eleven. On his way back, he caught the attention of George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old neighborhood watch captain, who was in a sport-utility vehicle. Zimmerman called the police because the boy looked “real suspicious,” according to a 911 call released late Friday. The operator told Zimmerman that officers were being dispatched and not to pursue the boy.
Zimmerman apparently pursued him anyway, at some point getting out of his car and confronting the boy. Trayvon had a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea. Zimmerman had a 9 millimeter handgun.
The two allegedly engaged in a physical altercation. There was yelling, and then a gunshot.
When police arrived, Trayvon was face down in the grass with a fatal bullet wound to the chest. Zimmerman was standing with blood on his face and the back of his head and grass stains on his back, according to The Orlando Sentinel.
Trayvon’s lifeless body was taken away, tagged and held. Zimmerman was taken into custody, questioned and released. Zimmerman said he was the one yelling for help. He said that he acted in self-defense. The police say that they have found no evidence to dispute Zimmerman’s claim.
One other point: Trayvon is black. Zimmerman is not.
4/ Melissa Harris-Perry with a three minute commentary on the incident.......
"When I say the name Trayvon Martin, does it mean anything to you?" Melissa Harris-Perry asked her MSNBC audience on Saturday. "If it doesn't, it should."
Harris-Perry then took some time to explain who Trayvon Martin is: a 17-year-old, unarmed black teenager who wasallegedly shot and killed by a man in Florida in late February, after the man saw him walking down a street and thought he looked suspicious. The case has attractedsubstantial attention, in part because the man, George Zimmerman, has admitted to shooting Martin but has not been arrested or charged with any crime.
She played portions of the 911 call Zimmerman made to police, where he said that "something was wrong" with Martin, that he seemed to be "on drugs" and was "walking around and looking about."
"Walking around and looking about," Harris-Perry said. "That's what Zimmerman found so suspicious about Trayvon."
5/ You may have missed some of these mid-month stories, so here is Onion News to let you catch up.....2 minutes......
6/ A rogue bureaucrat, appointed by G.W.Bush to an obscure Federal Housing agency, is singlehandedly undermining our economic recovery....how can this possibly be? How can this asshole refuse to implement government policies? No comprende........
The single largest obstacle to meaningful economic recovery is a man who most Americans have probably never heard of, Edward J. DeMarco.
From his perch as acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, DeMarco oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-owned mortgage behemoths that collectively control about half of all home loans in the land. What he does shapes both the national housing market and the ability of troubled borrowers to hang on to their homes. What he has been doing lately has been so unhelpful that Democratic lawmakers and grassroots advocacy groups are properly demanding his ouster.
DeMarco steadfastly refuses to allow Fannie and Freddie to help distressed homeowners by writing off principal balances on their mortgages. This has ensured that tens of millions of borrowers remain "underwater," meaning they owe the banks more than their homes are worth -- a status that has an alarming tendency to portend foreclosure. His refusal is based on logic that is both elegantly simple and tragically flawed: He is responsible for cleaning up the books at Fannie and Freddie, so he is against spending money.
If DeMarco were fire chief and your house became engulfed in flames, you could forget about calling 911. By his reasoning, the taxpayer would be best served by keeping the fire engines in the station, lest they get damaged in the line of duty. It would not matter whether the flames licking your windows were the result of your recklessness or the product of an explosion at, say, the methamphetamine lab down the street. He would not run up the municipal water bill by saving your block.
Many housing experts have long argued that writing down balances for underwater homeowners is the key to limiting foreclosures. Even the Obama administration -- which previously fought against principal reduction -- has come to embrace this strategy. The $25 billion foreclosure settlement that the administration brokered last month with the nation's five largest banks includes provisions that will write down balances.
But if DeMarco keeps refusing to go along, the new program will be irrelevant. Only he has the power to make principal reduction happen broadly because only he has his hands on the levers at the institutions that control most of the mortgages.
"He is standing in the way," Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the New York Democrat, told me on Thursday. "He is single-handedly saying that he's opposed to any write-downs because all he cares about is the fiscal solvency of Fannie and Freddie -- a legitimate concern, but not the only concern. If he doesn't do what he ought to do, then he ought to be fired."
7/ David Guetta and Usher with "Without You".......an interesting music video with - get this - special effects!.....
Apparently kids jumping up and down can move continents and crumble roads.....oh well.....
Interesting electronic backing, and Usher has a great voice......
8/ Has "Big Coal" lost it's clout? We certainly hope so, but this good news is two-edged....coal has less clout because the natural gas industry [fracking] is expanding so much.....from the frying pan into the fire......
Right now, energy geeks around the country are debating the economic and political consequences of high gasoline prices, but here’s one thing you can say for sure: Pain at the pump is inspiring President Obama to make some sharp speeches about energy. In Maryland yesterday, he confronted the issue of soaring gas prices head-on, slamming Republicans for "talking down new sources of energy" and aptly comparing fossil fuel-loving Solyndra-bashers to "founding members of the Flat Earth Society."
I particularly liked the distinction he drew yesterday between energy sources of the past and those of the future: "We can't have an energy strategy for the last century that traps us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future – an all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st Century that develops every source of American-made energy. Yes, develop as much oil and gas as we can, but also develop wind power and solar power and biofuels."
The most surprising thing about the speech was what Obama didn’t say: "coal." There were no odes to "clean coal," no false promises about the number of jobs coal mining will provide in the future, no bullshit about how America needs coal to keep the lights on. Nor did the president mention coal in any of his riffs about energy in the recent State of the Union speech, or in hisremarks about energy in North Carolina a few weeks ago when he promised to strip the fossil fuel industry of $4 billion in subsidies.
In the world of energy politics, the sudden vanishing of the word "coal" is a remarkable and unprecedented event.
As anyone who is reading this surely knows, there is no energy source that is more emblematic of the past than coal. We still burn nearly a billion tons of it a year in America, almost all of it to generate electricity. But it is a dirty, inefficient, planet-cooking fuel whose supporters have pushed into the 21st Century with slick ads for "clean coal," an army of high-powered lobbyists, and big checks for politicians. And until recently, it’s worked. The secret of Big Coal’s success has always been its political power. In the regions where it is mined and burned, coal mining companies – as well as the railroads that haul it and the power companies that burn it – are deeply wired into state and local governments. They have worked long and hard to convince the hacks in city halls and state houses that their economic future depends on burning more and more coal, and that any shift away from coal, or, worse, any crackdown on environmental regulations, will bring about not just economic chaos, but blackouts.
http://www.rollingstone.com/9/ Rita Hayworth - what a great star she was, and a fabulous dancer. Some genius with too much time on his hands has set some of her great movie dance routines to the BeeGees "Staying Alive".....4 minutes.....
Fun, happy video.....
10/ Rachael Maddow had Senator James Inhofe on her show last week - he was promoting his new book about how climate change is a hoax, but in the second half of the interview Rachael changes the subject and completely, absolutely but ever so politely nails Inhofe.....wonderful to watch such professionalism.....
Highly recommended......
Rachel Maddow confronted Republican Senator James Inhofe about his ties to anti-gay legislators in Uganda during a tense conversation on her Thursday show.
Inhofe was on to discuss his new book, which focuses on his famous anti-global warming views. But, in the second half of the interview, Maddow asked him about a section of the book in which he mentioned her for what he said was an attack on him for attending the climate change summit in Copenhagen.
"Did you actually watch that show?” she said. "I'm sure I did, but I can't remember exactly what happened on that day," Inhofe replied.
"That wasn't what I was talking about," Maddow said. She played a clip of her Dec. 3, 2009 show in which Inhofe was mentioned. The context, however, had to do with aninfamous bill in Uganda which called for the execution of gays in some circumstances. (That bill has recently been re-introduced in the Ugandan parliament.)
11/ A speaker at a TED conference has a computer fail [the Apple spinning wheel of death] right at the beginning of his lecture....see how he gets out of it.....clever, 4 minutes.....
12/ I used to work in an industry that relied a lot on on foreign tourism to fill our ships, but the way visitors to the US are treated at airports and seaports is counterproductive to say the least. An excellent story from the Times travel section about a real problem......how we treat our tourists......
AS Americans, we like to imagine our country as we think of ourselves: open-hearted and welcoming; efficient and practical; easygoing, above all. These values are the foundation of our culture, of an open economy fueled by ideas and immigration, and of our soft power — America’s ability to change the world simply because it is admired.
Whatever foreigners think of the American experiment, though, it’s unlikely the experience of crossing our border has made them think better of it.
Imagine that you’re the citizen of a prosperous, democratic ally like Britain, Spain or Japan, and you’d like to visit America. Before traveling, you must pay $14 to complete an online United States government form called ESTA, short for Electronic System for Travel Authorization.
ESTA asks for basic personal data, like your name and birth date. It also asks whether you are guilty of “moral turpitude,” whether you’re planning crimes or “immoral activities” and whether you suffer from “lymphogranuloma venereum” (don’t ask). If you’re involved in terrorism or genocide — and for some reason you’ve decided to take this opportunity to inform the United States government — there’s a box for that. And if you’re a spy — a particularly artless one — please let us know.
Naturally, no one with anything to hide will answer honestly. Such purposeless questions recall Thoreau — “I saw that the State was half-witted” — and should astonish Americans, who know better than their government how to welcome guests.
ESTA has other problems. It’s an almost uniquely American burden: Among the major European and Pacific democracies that Americans can visit without a visa, a few countries (Britain, for example) require some travelers to complete a simple onboard landing card, but only Australia requires some travelers to complete a fee-based, online pre-registration like ESTA. ESTA also duplicates the personal data that passengers must still provide for the separate Advance Passenger Information System.
Aesthetically, ESTA’s Web site — America’s digital front porch — is a disaster: uninviting and embarrassingly inconsistent with America’s information technology pre-eminence. Ten dollars of ESTA’s fee is earmarked for “visit America” ad campaigns. Tourism promotion is common sense. But we might reconsider the wisdom of requiring travelers to subsidize it in exchange for a grilling about their sexual health and genocidal activities.
Before landing, travelers (including Americans) must additionally complete a paper customs form. But asking travelers whether they are carrying snails or “disease agents” is as futile as asking whether they collaborated with the Nazis (another ESTA question). Sweden, Germany and many other countries not yet overrun by snails take a practical approach. Those countries post rules in the customs hall and skip pointless paperwork that only the honest will complete honestly.
Finally, when travelers actually disembark, they are too often subjected to inaccurate lessons in American manners and common sense. Americans may be surprised by the conclusions of a 2006 survey by the U.S. Travel Association, which found that foreign travelers were more afraid of United States immigration officials than of terrorism or crime. They rated America’s borders by far the least welcoming in the world. Two-thirds feared being detained for “minor mistakes or misstatements.”
Since then, according to Geoff Freeman, the travel association’s chief operating officer, the border experience for visitors “remains a significant issue.”
13/ The Republicans have had 14 years in complete control of Florida's Governorship [Jeb Bush, Charlie Crist, Rick Scott] and both houses of the Legislature, and this story details how the middle class is being decimated by their corporate-friendly policies......
For going on 14 years, the Florida Republican Party has fiddled and belittled the middle class. It isn't an act of God that's destroying the American Dream; it's petty, self-serving, greedy acts of Man, justified by a perversion of capitalism that's the equivalent of economic rape. Relentlessly, a political, ideological mind-set has been robbing generations of their "pursuit of happiness."
Of course, the nightmare doesn't have to continue. It is within our control to stop it — if, but only if, enough people face reality. In the meantime, as long as Floridians remain passive, their future is bleak —and getting bleaker. There will be no long-term economic recovery in this state until and unless the middle class recovers its buying-power. That's just a fact of our consumer-driven economy.
Since 1999, Florida has been the guinea pig for a failed experiment in top-down, free-market economics on a scale never seen before. The assault on the middle class began in earnest when voters elected Jeb Bush and a Republican-dominated Legislature, a consolidation of power that gave them unprecedented carte-blanche to implement year after year of elitist economics — without a peep from those getting shafted.
14/ The US Navy has a Presidential Honour Guard Drill Team, and here they are performing the best military routine you will ever see, in front of a Norwegian audience.....wow.....3 minutes.....
15/ I like Mazdas - they are very well put together cars, so it's great to see the latest iteration of the Mazda 3 which gets a genuine 40mpg....and they have toned down the front "grin".....one of the coolest small cars out there......
Last year, a rare battle of the welterweights broke out. Never before, it seemed, had so many new compact models swaggered into showrooms. The Ford Focus,Honda Civic, Hyundai Elantra, Chevy Cruze and Nissan Versawere all brand-new or completely redesigned. Which one would win the compact crown?
Yet while all eyes were focused on the main event, the Mazda 3 was in training. It now comes to market not as a stem-to-stern redesign, like those competitors, but with a transformative new engine and a pair of exceptional new transmissions.
Although the Mazda arrived relatively late, it turns out to be the life of the party. Long the sportiest, most rewarding car to drive in its class, the 3 is now the only one that effortlessly tops 40 miles per gallon in real-world driving.
Let’s repeat that: The Mazda 3 is the best performer in the class, and it has the best mileage. That’s a pretty unbeatable combination.
Since the 1970s, of course, Mazda has worked that niche of affordable Japanese performance, enjoying hits like the Miata roadster, but never quite breaking into the big time. Fuel economy took a back seat, as with Mazda’s prodigiously thirsty, rotary-engine RX sports cars.
But with regulators circling and a 35 m.p.g. standard brewing, there’s no longer any place to hide. Mazda says its new suite of technologies, collectively called Skyactiv, will raise its fleetwide mileage by 30 percent by 2015 with no need for an expensive hybrid system.
The 3 sedan and hatchback bear the first green fruit of this technology, including a 2-liter 4-cylinder engine and equally stellar 6-speed transmissions, both manual and automatic.
While the 3 doesn’t look much different, its body and cabin have received a nip and tuck. Mazda has made an attempt to fix the goblin grin of the lower grille, softening the shape of the radiator opening and slapping a larger black bar across it. But like a dental retainer, the hardware can do only so much for the Mazda’s unsightly mouth.
16/ We have taped and watched every episode this season of "Southland", an excellent police drama set in the streets of Los Angeles, so this article from the Times was of great interest - good TV is pretty rare, so we tend to read the reviews which are usually very accurate telling you about the bad shows, which avoids you getting involved with junk......
"Southland" is worth Netflixing.....[hmmm...is that a word?]
A RECENT episode of the police drama “Southland” ended with a gang member stabbing Detective Lydia Adams in the stomach during a routine arrest. Only the audience knew she was pregnant and running late for an ob-gyn checkup.
“This isn’t the type of show you can watch while eating or folding your laundry,” said the actor Michael Cudlitz, who plays Officer John Cooper on “Southland.” “Our show isn’t easy to watch.”
It’s even harder to fit into the current television landscape.
In 2009 NBC canceled “Southland” after seven episodes. TNT, the basic-cable channel, ran six remaining episodes, and last year TNT introduced the first 10-episode season produced specifically for it.
The premise was the same — a cathartic ride-along with flawed but committed Los Angeles police officers as they patrol the city’s seediest streets — but basic-cable budgets meant fewer characters and car chases.
“Southland” concludes its fourth season on TNT on Tuesday and once again teeters on the verge of cancellation, despite the kind of critical acclaim not lavished on a cop drama since “The Wire” on HBO. Writing in The New York Times, Mike Hale extolled the show’s “excellent performances and superior production values,” while The Wall Street Journal’s Nancy deWolf Smith compared “Southland” to “a hot date on a Saturday night” that delivers a rush “like nothing else on TV.”
That “Southland” has struggled speaks to a broader predicament in television. In an increasingly crowded market, network executives prefer the novel (ABC’s sci-fi series “The River”), the loud (NBC’s musical “Smash”) or the elaborate (Fox’s just-canceled dinosaur drama “Terra Nova”). Those shows have struggled to hang on to viewers who initially tuned in because of the unique premises and expensive marketing campaigns splashed across buses and billboards. Yet while “Southland” may be too serialized and uncomfortable for network outlets, it’s also too mainstream for premium channels like HBO or Showtime.
Unlike their network television counterparts, the cops in “Southland” don’t have superhuman skills or a knack for cracking jokes while standing over a corpse. Instead, Regina King’s Detective Adams has an unplanned pregnancy with a married man. The rookie Ben Sherman (Ben McKenzie) punches a rowdy but harmless high school girl in the face, an act that inevitably ends up on YouTube. And Cooper is a once-closeted gay man fighting an addiction to oxycodone.
Shot with a shaky camera in cinéma vérité style, “Southland” has a you-are-there flavor meant to evoke the reality show “Cops.” Each episode opens with the guttural voice of an omniscient narrator imparting police wisdom to viewers. “As cops become more experienced, their confidence inevitably grows,” the narrator warned at the opening of the episode in which Ms. King’s character is attacked. “Confidence can lead them to take more risks, that’s when they’re in real danger.”
17/ Ladies - Arizona has a bill going through it's legislature that lets employers refuse to cover contraception if they have a moral objection to it, Tennessee's legislation where any woman having an abortion would have her name and personal details published online, and Utah where a rape victim would have to prove she was raped before she could have an abortion. The Republican war on women's rights and health choices.
The scum in Tallahassee also hate women's rights, but there's a little problem - the Florida Constitution......so they have a sneaky constitutional amendment on the ballot in November that will take away women's freedom.
Read this excellent article from Robyn Blumner and get ready......
Florida and its women are being attacked. The state's Republican leaders are laying the legal groundwork for the day Roe vs. Wade is overturned by the Roberts court.
But they have a problem. Before abortion can be outlawed in Florida, the state Constitution has to be amended to limit abortion rights. An amendment takes 60 percent of the popular vote, yet more than half of Floridians say they don't want new restrictions on abortion.
So trickery is part of the plan.
With Republicans enjoying super-majorities in Florida's House and Senate and occupying the Governor's Mansion, victory in the culture war is so close Florida's religious conservatives are loading up on aspirin for women to hold you know where. If a Republican wins the White House, the demise of a woman's right to choose an abortion is as bankable as the coming long, hot summer. All a President Mitt Romney would have to do is replace one liberal justice, or even centrist Justice Anthony Kennedy, with a conservative appointee, and women can kiss their bodily autonomy goodbye.
It was nice while it lasted.
But there's a hiccup in Florida. The state has a constitutional right to privacy which guarantees every person "the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into the person's private life."
This might sound like something straight out of a tea party rally, though it's missing references to Medicare's inviolability. But Florida's constitutional right to privacy is a progressive manifesto that protects, among other things, the right to refuse medical care and the right to an abortion.
Todays video - a classic Guinness ad "Dancing Man".......
Todays Paraprosdokian joke - [love #17]
PARAPROSDOKIANS (Winston Churchill loved them) are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected; frequently humorous.
1. Where there's a will, I want to be in it.
2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.
3. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.
5. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
6. War does not determine who is right - only who is left..
7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
8. They begin the evening news with 'Good Evening,' then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
9. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
10. Buses stop in bus stations. Trains stop in train stations. On my desk is a work station. :-(
11. I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted paychecks.
12. In filling out an application, where it says, 'In case of emergency, notify:' I put 'DOCTOR.'
13. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
14. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.
15. Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.
16. A clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy memory.
17. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
18. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.
19. There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
20. I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure.
21. You're never too old to learn something stupid.
22. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.
23. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
24. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
25. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
26. Where there's a will, there are relatives.
Todays Irish joke
An old Irishman, Paddy, is about to go to his eternal reward. He looks at his grieving friend, Mike, and says, "I have one last request, Mike."
"Anything, Paddy," Mike says. "What is it?"
"In me kitchen pantry you'll find a 100- year-old bottle of whiskey. When they put me in the ground will you pour it over me grave?"
"I will, Paddy," Mike says. "But would you mind if I passed it through me kidneys first?"
Todays guy joke - Classes for Women
Men TeachingClasses for Women at
By Fri, January 27, 2012
Class 1
Up in Winter, Down in Summer - How to Adjust a Thermostat
Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.
Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hrs beginning at 7:00 PM..
Class 2
Which Takes More Energy - Putting the Toilet Seat Down, Or Complaining About It for 3 Hours?
Round Table Discussion.
Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.
Class 3
Is It Possible To Drive Past a Wal-Mart Without Stopping?--Group Debate.
Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.
Class 4
Fundamental Differences Between a Purse and a Suitcase-- Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.
Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.
Class 5
Curling Irons--Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Bathroom Cabinet?
Examples on Video.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning
At 7:00 PM
Class 6
How to Ask Questions During Commercials and Be Quiet During the Program
Help Line Support and Support Groups.
Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM
Class 7
Can a Bath Be Taken Without 14 Different Kinds of Soaps and Shampoos?
Open Forum ..
Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.
Class 8
Health Watch--They Make Medicine for PMS - USE IT!
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.
Class 9
I Was Wrong and He Was Right!--Real Life Testimonials.
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined.
Class 10
How to Parallel Park In Less Than 20 Minutes Without an Insurance Claim.
Driving Simulations.
4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours.Class 11
Learning to Live--How to Apply Brakes Without Throwing Passengers Through the Windshield.
Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined
Class 12
How to Shop by Yourself.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.
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