Fun factoid - look at your gas gauge: there is an arrow showing you which side your gas cap is on......
The Pope is in town, and the headlines are full of Popisms from left [adulation] and right [disgust at his activism]......there is no doubt the Pope is a charismatic and compelling figure, and certainly his positions on many social issues are making him respected by everyone....
But Matt Taibbi isn't fooled by any of it - to him the Pope still represents one of the most corrupt and oligarchic institutions in the world.......
"I was raised Catholic. To me the Church is just a giant evil transnational corporation operating on a dreary business model"
Whether you like what Taibbi says or not, he cuts to the essentials on issues....
It's like the Colts-Jets game from Monday night. I can't decide which side I want to lose more.
It's been a long time since the left and right in America have had had a real fight for primacy in the religious space. For almost a generation now liberals have mostly conceded the very word faith, letting Republicans smother and monopolize the term like overprotective parents.
Overt religiosity is the norm on the GOP side, with God-stalking nutballs like Michele Bachmann or Ben Carson perennially front and center. Meanwhile, the closest thing to a famed religious liberal that America has seen over the span of many decades was probably Susan Sarandon's nun character in Dead Man Walking, an anti-capital punishment parable whose religious message wasn't believable even though it was a true story.
But now the script has flipped
The ads that really drive one crazy on TV are the drug ads, so Amy Schumer has made one of her own ads for minute of wry humour..... very amusing....
Schumer's sketch "Ask If Birth Control Is Right For You" hilariously illustrates how painstaking it is for women to obtain birth control by parodying a prescription drug advertisement. “Ask your doctor if birth control is right for you… then ask your boss if birth control is right for you," the soothing voiceover says.
All too often a woman's ability to access birth control (and generally be in charge of her own body) is not up to her. From the 2014 Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case that ruled certain employers don't have to provide contraception coverage for female employees to the flawed process of getting birth control under the Affordable Care Act -- the process of obtaining birth control in the U.S. is anything but easy.
One of the interesting things about doing this is reading interesting articles by intelligent people - James Kwak is an economist, and here he writes about how he is supporting Larry Lessig for the Democratic primary.....Lessig of course has zerochance, but read Kwak's summary of the state of our politics and why we need Lessig.....really insightful........
We have lots of problems: Expensive yet mediocre health care. Lack of retirement security. Out-of-control megabanks. Inequality of opportunity. And, of course, climate change.
At the end of the day, though, there are only two things that matter: early childhood education and electoral reform.
We need smart, motivated, knowledgeable voters. And we need a political system in which all people have an equal say. Without those ingredients, no amount of well-meaning, reasoned, fact-based argument is going to do much good.
Just think about climate change, for example.
Bill Maher picks on some easy right wing targets like Kim Davis and Josh Duggar, but they supply the best jokes! A pretty good four minutes....
Bill Maher closed out his show tonight asking why Republicans pick bad “instant heroes” like Kim Davisor Cliven Bundy or Josh Duggar.
“Either you’re a terrible judge of character,” he said, “or there’s nobody home at the good people house.”
Maher said that Davis, despite her “Jesus freedom,” “turned out to be everything conservatives hate” because of her four marriages and births out of wedlock.
We haven't had a story about the slimiest, most corrupt Governor in the country for a while - Rick Scott [AKA Voldemort] who YOU elected.....just read this story to remind yourself about the permanent damage this scumbag has done to our State.....
Remember when Rick Scott went around in 2014 claiming to be an environmentalist? Yeah, that was hilarious. If you find the rape and pillage of Florida amusing.
Some of our fellow citizens actually fell for it, too, just enough to get him re-elected. Flori-duh, indeed.
Here’s Scott’s shameful scorecard:
1. Still won’t talk about climate change, despite salt water intrusion in South Florida wells and massive flooding in Tampa.
Todays robot joke
A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie.He decides to test it out at dinner one night.The father asks his son what he did that afternoon.The son says, "I did some schoolwork." The robot slaps the son.The son says, "Ok, Ok. I was at a friend's house watching movies."Dad asks, "What movie did you watch?"Son says, "Toy Story."The robot slaps the son.Son says, "Ok, Ok, we were watching porn."Dad says, "What? At your age I didn't even know what porn was."The robot slaps the father.Mom laughs and says, "Well, he certainly is your son."The robot slaps the mother.Robot for sale.
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