We'll wait till tomorrow for any stories about the Democratic debate......the best analysis comes after a little thought....
The always interesting Matt Taibbi on how the Fox News brand finally might be taking a hit.....from The Donald! The story title is "Rupert Murdoch Is Deviant Scum".......whoa.....say what you really mean Matt! This story is a wonderful read if you are at all interested in politics and our country of crazies......feast on this sample quote....
Neither Ailes nor Murdoch are too dense to know what this means. They know they've spent a generation building an audience of morons. Their business model depends on morons; morons are the raw materials of their industry, the way Budweiser is in the hops business.
News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch tweeted last week that he'd like to see "a real black President" in office.
It all comes back to Rupert Murdoch. As multiple recent news stories have proven, the 2016 presidential race is fast becoming a referendum on the News Corp CEO and reigning media gorgon.
The two top candidates in the Republican field are a Fox News contributor (Ben Carson opened his Fox career two years ago comparing Obama to Lenin) and a onetime Fox favorite who is fast becoming the network's archenemy: Donald Trump is the fallen angel in the Fox story, a traitor who's trying to tempt away Murdoch's lovingly nurtured stable of idiot viewers by denouncing their favorite "news" network as a false conservative God.
The fact that Trump is succeeding with this message on some level has to be a source of terrible stress to Murdoch. He must be petrified at the prospect of losing his hard-won viewership at the end of his life.
This, in turn, might explain last week. Otherwise: what was Rupert Murdoch doing tweeting?
Who is going to be the Republican Speaker of the House? If it's Paul Ryan, it's going to be really interesting because Ryan is a con artist, so says Paul Krugman in one of his most forthright columns ever in the NYT.....
How will the chaos that the crazies, I mean the Freedom Caucus, have wrought in the House get resolved? I have no idea. But as this column went to press, practically the whole Republican establishment was pleading with Paul Ryan, the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, to become speaker. He is, everyone says, the only man who can save the day.
What makes Mr. Ryan so special? The answer, basically, is that he’s the best con man they’ve got. His success in hoodwinking the news media and self-proclaimed centrists in general is the basis of his stature within his party. Unfortunately, at least from his point of view, it would be hard to sustain the con game from the speaker’s chair.
John Oliver on the oil boom in North Dakota......not one of his best, but still gives you good information along with the jokes......
I watched this with interest because we stayed in Bismarck, ND this summer as we were driving across Merika.....and you can see oil activity, fracking towers and refineries from I-84 as you are speeding through this desolate state. Bismarck is probably the only city in the US with a huge oil refinery about 1/4 mile from it's downtown....
In Sunday evening’s Last Week Tonight, John Oliver went after the state of North Dakota, or as he called it, “south of Canada.” The state has been experiencing both a boom and bust thanks to an uptick in oil drilling and fracking. Boom because it’s making people a ton of money and reduces the dependency on foreign oil. A bust because it’s literally destroying the state and killing people.
The Bakken Formation is a 200,000-square-mile “rock unit” located in the northwest portion of the state, and named after Henry Bakken who is basically the Jed Clampett of North Dakota oil drilling. The formation itself has about 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of oil according to the USGS. It’s about 25 percent more than they initially thought it was. Yes, “like Channing Tatum, North Dakota suddenly turned out to be a lot more interesting once it was covered in oil.”
Time for a doom and gloom story from Rolling Stone......"Nine terrifying signs of environmental collapse".....
Actually they have missed another four or five.....
You may have noticed the extreme weather this year....DUH! Floods, drought, record heat.
This is with warming of only 0.8 C....scientists say even if we implement drastic CO2 emission controls now we are still guaranteed to have a 2 C rise in temperature by 2100, with some scientists saying it could come by 2050.....
Between natural disasters and climate change, the environment can be a pretty terrifying thing to think about. Don't think so? Here are 9 indications of looming disaster to keep you awake at night.
And on the same lines, a look at one of our possible futures....from Tom Tomorrow.....sometimes a cartoon says it all......
Seth Myers is becoming a little more political, and that's a good thing with Jon Stewart gone......
Here he takes on the big money in politics.....a pretty funny four minutes....
Seth Meyers had a few words for the role money plays in politics Monday night. On Late Night with Seth Meyers the comedian cited the New York Times story over the weekend which detailed 50 percent of the campaign funding this cycle has come from 158 incredibly wealthy families.
One such donor is Chicago hedge fund billionaire Kenneth Griffin who earns about $68.5 million per month. He’s donated about $300,000 to Republican campaigns, but if you adjust what he makes it is the equivalent of $21.17 for the average family.
Meyers says these campaigns are much longer as a result, showing a clip of a CBS News correspondent Julianna Goldman saying that candidates once dropped out after running out of money. But with all the unlimited funding available, candidates jump out only when their sugar daddy or sugar momma turns off the cash. “And now, try sleeping tonight knowing there might be a person Chris Christie considers his sugar daddy,” Meyers said.
Basically, these Super PACs are the reason that this campaign is starting so early and keeping people alive long after their expiration date. “So next time you’re wondering why Bobby Jindal is still in the race,” Meyers said.
This is a four minute video I found totally fascinating.....I suppose it's a guy thing. It's a bridge girder layer.......Chinese of course......
Todays clever jokes
Coffee: person upon whom one coughs.
Flabbergasted: Appalled over how much weight you have gaine d.
Abdicated: Give up hope of ev er having a flat stomach.
Esplanade: Attempt an explana tion while drunk.
Willy-nilly: Impotent
Negligent: Describes a condit ion in which you have absent m indedly answered the door in y our nightgown.
Lymph: Walk with a list.
Gargoyle: Gross olive flavore d mouth wash.
Flatulence: Emergency vehicle that picks you up after you h ave been run over by a steam r oller.
Balderdash: Rapidly receding hairline.
Rectitude: The formal dignifi ed bearing adopted by a procto logist.
Pokemon: Rastafarian proctolo gist.
Circumvent: Opening in the fr ont of boxer shorts worn by Je wish men.
Lord give me patience. If yo u give me strength I’ll need b ail money.
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