The always wonderful Frank Rich on the news of the last few days......
Most weeks, New York Magazine writer-at-large Frank Rich speaks with contributor Alex Carp about the biggest stories in politics and culture.
This week: Hillary Clinton's image rehab, the prospects of gun control after Oregon, and the race for the speaker of the House.
Tomorrow marks the one-month anniversary of Hillary Clinton's much-publicized plan to appear more personable, which so far has culminated with her appearance on SNL last weekend. What's worked best for her, and what's been most awkward so far?
What’s working best for Clinton is the Republicans. House-speaker-in-waiting Kevin McCarthy’s statement that his party was pursuing its endless Benghazi investigation to bring down her poll numbers was manna from heaven for the Clinton campaign.
What’s working best for Clinton is the Republicans. House-speaker-in-waiting Kevin McCarthy’s statement that his party was pursuing its endless Benghazi investigation to bring down her poll numbers was manna from heaven for the Clinton campaign.
I actually watched this Rachel Maddow segment live while channel surfing, and it's funny, but sobering to realize this dimwit will be Speaker of the House......she cracks up in the clip.....four minutes of wry amusement.....
However, it would appear as if her recent humorous criticisms of potential new Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy have worked their way to the ears of upstart challenger Jason Chaffetz.
Maddow last week devoted several segments to McCarthy’s myriad of verbal flubs within the first few days of his visible candidacy for Speaker. Maddow hammered a McCarthy quote that came from a blundered foreign policy address last Monday, where he said, “Those who return home are being disrespected by the VA that can’t keep the simple promise to all of our heroes to the need when they need it most.”
The Oregon shootings happened in a County with a crazy Sheriff......a provocative statement to be sure, but a true one - he is one of the far right conspiracy zealots that control the Republican party, which is why these mass shootings will happen again, and again, and again......
Guns have become a symbol.....
Mass shootings and gun-crazed conspiracy theorists: Our country is swimming in an abundance of both, so it was just a matter of time before the two collided, not on the shooter side of the equation but on the law enforcement side.
John Hanlin, the sheriff of Douglas County who has been in charge of the police response and investigation of Thursday’s shooting at Umpqua Community College, has fallen under media scrutiny because he’s left an eyebrow-raising trail of gun nuttery that shades into conspiracy theorist territory. His past behavior calls into question not just his own office’s ability to handle this case responsibly, but tells us a lot about why it’s so hard to even begin to have a reasonable conversation about guns in this country, much less move towards sensible policies to reduce gun violence.
Conservatives aren’t lying when they say they need guns to feel protected. But it’s increasingly clear that they aren’t seeking protection from crime or even from the mythical jackbooted government goons come to kick in your door. No, the real threat is existential. Guns are a totemic shield against the fear that they are losing dominance as the country becomes more liberal and diverse and, well, modern. For liberals, the discussion about guns is about public health and crime prevention. For conservatives, hanging onto guns is a way to symbolically hang onto the cultural dominance they feel slipping from their hands.
Another great comedic investigation by John Oliver, this time on mental health in the aftermath of the Oregon shooting.....there is nothing else on TV as good at an in depth investigation of an issue.....this is a short one, at 11 minutes....
For his main Last Week Tonight segment Sunday night, John Oliver dove deep into the issue that has been top of mind for every major Republican presidential candidate in the wake of the latest mass shooting in Oregon: mental health.
“Perhaps the clearest sign of how little we want to talk about mental health is that one of the only times it’s brought up is, as we’ve seen yet again this week, in the aftermath of a mass shooting, as a means of steering the conversation away from gun control,” Oliver said. After playing clips of Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee blaming a broken mental health system, and not guns, for the constant gun massacres in this country, he added, “It seems there is nothing like a mass shooting to suddenly spark political interest in mental health.”
If you had any doubt whatever we live in one of the most corrupt, backward and stupid states in the country read this excellent story from Scott Maxwell in the Orlando Sentinel.....YOU voted these bastards in......
Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency reached a nearly $2 billion settlement with the Florida fertilizer giant, Mosaic — a company the feds accused of improperly handling a mind-blowing 60 billion pounds of hazardous waste.
It's hard to fathom just how big 60 billion pounds is.
So imagine a pile of waste that weighs as much as the RMS Titanic.
Now multiply that times 600 … all of it potentially hazardous byproducts of phosphate mining that could seep into soil and groundwater.
That's how much waste we're talking about, much of it stacked in piles of dirt, sand and acidic wastewater as tall as 500 feet through this state and Louisiana.
The historic settlement was an impressive get.
It also is proof that Florida politicians are corporate toadies — and just plain wrong when it comes to environmental protection.
Todays sensitive male joke
The room was full of pregnant women with their husbands.
The instructor said, "Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you.
Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and
will make delivery that much easier. Just pace yourself, make plenty of
stops and try to stay on a soft surface like grass or a path.
Gentlemen, remember -- you're in this together. It wouldn't hurt you to go walking with her.
In fact, that shared experience would be good for you both."
The room suddenly became very quiet as the men absorbed this information.
After a few moments a man, name unknown, at the back of the room, slowly raised his hand."
Yes?" said the Instructor.
"I was just wondering if it would be all right if she carries a golf bag while we walk?"
This kind of brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? This kind of sensitivity just can't be taught.
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