1/ I know there was a reason I include so much comedy and comedic reporting in our DDD - it's the way you train your brain to filter out BS.....a great piece and very insightful.
Seriously - you need to take five minutes and watch this - it'll be an epiphany for your political senses....
While major news networks have struggled to figure out the right way to cover the Trump administration, political satirists like Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers have demonstrated why comedy can be such a powerful antidote to BS.
2/ Another excellent story from Matt Taibbi.......normal length!
Last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered a review of all agreements between the Justice Department and local police departments around the country. Sessions wrote that "it is not the responsibility of the federal government to manage non-federal law enforcement agencies," and said the DOJ might "pull back" on federal oversight responsibilities under Donald Trump.
The news came after the revelation by the New York Daily News that Daniel Pantaleo – the officer who used a chokehold in the killing of Eric Garner – had repeatedly been disciplined by the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) prior to the Garner case. New York City had fought like a tiger to keep this information out of the public eye, and when it finally was released, it was only through an anonymous leak.
The story about Pantaleo shows why the Sessions story is so unsettling.
3/ Mitch McConnell has broken America....
4/ A very, very funny two minute medical ad.....wish the product were real....
Since Trump took over the White House, there has been a slew of people complaining of anxiety and depression triggered by the elections. Therapists are calling it Post-election Stress Disorder and they are seeing a rise in patients.
Good thing Los-Angeles-based writer/director Sam Friedlander (@samcf) has found a cure. Impeachara is the new "drug" that will help you cope with the next four years by convincing you that Trump has been impeached thus quelling your debilitating fear and anger.
Friedlander released a witty spoof video on the new "drug" – check it out below:
Trump's America
Two awful situations with police completely and totally overreacting plus an amazing ISIS - like video from Lake County's Sheriff [Mount Dora is in Lake County] threatening heroin dealers.........
But don't take it from me - watch the videos....
5/ A doctor was literally dragged off a flight.....two one minute videos which you have probably seen, but look at them again....
United Airlines is dealing with a major public relations nightmare on Monday, after a passenger was literally dragged off an overbooked a flight from Chicago to St. Louis on Sunday.
After asking four passengers to volunteer to give up their seats and being dismayed that not enough were willing to do so, the airline’s employees decided to forcibly eject at least one passenger from the flight. Whe n the man refused to give up his seat because he had to go to work the next day, the employees physically dragged him down the aisle and forced him off of the plane. One passenger said afterward that “kids were crying and people are disturbed.”
When asked by a local ABC affiliate about the incident, United Airlines responded, “Flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked. After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate.”
While the airline seemed unremorseful for having used law enforcement to violate the civil liberties of one of its customers, it did provide a glib apology “for the overbook situation.”
6/ Trump's America - A female student was thrown to the ground, thrown down by a cop.....
(Larimer County Sheriff’s Office)
Authorities in Colorado say they are investigating an intense video that shows a police officer slamming a female college student to the ground.
“There will be an internal review of the officer’s actions from the perspective of policy and procedure,” Fort Collins police Chief John Hutto said in a Sunday press release.
The video was filmed Thursday and circulated on social media over the weekend. It shows a Fort Collins police officer grab a woman by the arm outside a nightclub and throw her face-first to the sidewalk.
7/ Trump's America - Lake County Florida's Sheriff is Peyton Grinnell, and he has made a remarkable ISIS-like video......
This Florida police department looks like it’s ready to kill people who deal drugs
You don't want to be caught selling heroin in Lake County, Florida

Lake County Sheriff Peyton Grinnell and his masked men.
Florida’s Lake County Sheriff Office of Community Engagement has a very important message to heroin dealers within the area: “We’re coming for you.”
In one of the more bizarre videos on the internet — which is quite a high bar — Sheriff Peyton C. Grinnell delivers what’s supposed to be an intimidating message to those who dare to sell heroin. The video was posted to the county sheriff’s office Facebook page last Friday.
“To the dealers that are pushing this poison, I have a message for you: We’re coming for you,” Grinnell states.
8/ Then there's this one minute United Airlines training video.......what a great movie....
9/ Some of you reading this will be very happy.....most of you - not so much....
Increasing inequality means wealthy Americans can now expect to live up to 15 years longer than their poor counterparts, reports in the British medical journal the Lancet have found.
Researchers said these disparities appear to be worsened by the American health system itself, which relies on for-profit insurance companies, and is the most expensive in the world.
Their conclusion? Treat healthcare as a human right.
10/ I wonder if the Republicans in Florida can destroy our environment faster than Trump can ruin the country.....good question!
This story will raise your blood pressure....
In the most divisive controversy in years over aquifer waters, Florida authorities have reversed their previous opposition to an irrigation permit sought for a cattle operation near the ailing Silver Springs.
The irrigation permit was scheduled for a final vote of approval Tuesday, but a coalition of environmental groups filed legal action Monday, meaning the matter will go to a state hearing judge for further action.
"They are allowing politics to drive the science," said Lisa Rinaman, who heads St. Johns Riverkeeper, one of the groups staunchly opposed to increased pumping from the Floridan Aquifer by Sleepy Creek Lands ranch in Marion County.
In 2014, the St. Johns River Water Management District said an irrigation permit sought by Sleepy Creek to pump 1.1 million gallons a day from the aquifer would harm "the ecology of Silver Springs and the Silver River."
Todays video - I love this one, so no apologies for repeating it. Birmingham UK's airport in winter with horrendous crosswinds.....
Todays golf joke
A man and his wife walked into a dentist's office.
The man said to the dentist, "Doc, I'm in one heck of a
hurry. I have two buddies sitting out in my car waiting
for us to go play golf, so forget about the anaesthetic, I don't
have time for the gums to get numb. I just want you to pull a
tooth, and be done with it! We have a 10:00am tee time at
the best golf course in town and it's 9:30 already...I don't
have time to wait for the anaesthetic to work!”
hurry. I have two buddies sitting out in my car waiting
for us to go play golf, so forget about the anaesthetic, I don't
have time for the gums to get numb. I just want you to pull a
tooth, and be done with it! We have a 10:00am tee time at
the best golf course in town and it's 9:30 already...I don't
have time to wait for the anaesthetic to work!”
The dentist thought to himself, "Well, well, now here's a dedicated golfer with real balls!!"
So the dentist asks him, "Which tooth is it sir?"
The man turned to his wife and said, "Open your mouth Sarah and show the dentist the tooth...."
Sort of a joke....
This picture was posted on a website with this accompanying question;"If you were in a public place, would you feel comfortable with him sitting ten feet away from your children?"This is the thoughtful response from one of the readers;"I would gently explain to my children that while it is his absolute right to do it, I do not approve. In no uncertain terms I would tell them that if I ever catch THEM wearing brown slacks, blue socks and black shoes, IN PUBLIC, I will slap the shit out of them."Texas Mom
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