1/ Matt Taibbi's eulogy for Roger Ailes.....I think this is how he really feels!
Roger Ailes Was One of the Worst
Americans Ever
Fox News founder made this the hate-filled, moronic country it is today
Ousted Fox News CEO Roger Ailes died Thursday morning at age 77.
On the Internet today you will find thousands, perhaps even millions, of people gloating about the death of elephantine Fox News founder Roger Ailes. The happy face emojis are getting a workout on Twitter, which is also bursting with biting one-liners.
When I mentioned to one of my relatives that I was writing about the death of Ailes, the response was, "Say that you hope he's reborn as a woman in Saudi Arabia."
2/ Jimmy Kimmel with an amusing four minutes on "fake news", and how to spot it....
The cable news outlets have been working overtime lately in a desperate attempt to keep up with the bombshell scandals rocking the Trump White House. President Donald Trump, as of result, cannot stop complaining about all the negative coverage he has received.
So the writers and host of “Jimmy Kimmel Live” devised a handy guide to cipher through legitimate news and the so-called fake news flooding America’s media landscape.
On Wednesday, Jimmy Kimmel showed his audience some clips from CNN and Fox News to juxtapose how the outlets were covering the president.
“This morning on ‘Fox and Friends’ they did everything possible to put a positive spin on what many believe was an obstruction of justice,” Kimmel said before playing a clip showing the three co-hosts of “agreeing that the president did not obstruct justice by asking former FBI Director James Comey to drop the probe into Gen. Mike Flynn — because Trump only said that he “hoped” that the investigation would go away.
3/ Where do you go when it comes to buying healthy food? Who can you trust?
A disturbing story from WaPo about how phony organics are making it to our supermarkets because of the complete lack of inspections and enforcement.....remember "small gub'mint good" under Trump.
We are lucky Mount Dora has a farmers market with local farms bringing in whatever is in season, and we have chicken, meat, fish and bread too, all from local vendors. Farm to table folks....the only way you can have any confidence that your food is healthy....
Workers at Laiwu Manhing Vegetables Fruits in China’s Shandong province prepare to pack and ship ginger last June. The crop, though grown organically, doesn't meet U.S. organic standards, because of pesticide residue left after washing. It’s not sold as organic in the United States or Europe, the company said. (Jorge Ribas/The Washington Post)
A shipment of 36 million pounds of soybeans sailed late last year from Ukraine to Turkey to California. Along the way, it underwent a remarkable transformation.
The cargo began as ordinary soybeans, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post. Like ordinary soybeans, they were fumigated with a pesticide. They were priced like ordinary soybeans, too.
But by the time the 600-foot cargo ship carrying them to Stockton, Calif., arrived in December, the soybeans had been labeled “organic,” according to receipts, invoices and other shipping records. That switch — the addition of the “USDA Organic” designation — boosted their value by approximately $4 million, creating a windfall for at least one company in the supply chain.
After being contacted by The Post, the broker for the soybeans, Annapolis-based Global Natural, emailed a statement saying it may have been “provided with false certification documents” regarding some grain shipments from Eastern Europe. About 21 million pounds of the soybeans have already been distributed to customers.
4/ Very good Stephen Colbert six minute segment on the Russians in the Oval Office......
This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
Four months into Trump’s presidency, Stephen Colbert has long been fed up with Republicans’ excuses for Trump. But few things are more frustrating in times of crisis than total hypocrisy from the other side.
“Right now, things that are self-evidently bad are being sold to us by people who know better as perfectly okay,” Stephen Colbert began Tuesday’s “Late Show.”
He then turned to the Washington Post’s report on Trump’s meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak last Wednesday, which revealed Tump had leaked highly classified information to the scandal plagued-foreign official.
5/ A disturbing story which sounds true - Trump supporters literally do not care what he does, as long as it upsets liberals....
If there was one principle that used to unite conservatives, it was respect for the rule of law. Not long ago, conservatives would have been horrified at wholesale violations of the norms and traditions of our political system, and would have been appalled by a president who showed overt contempt for the separation of powers.
But this week, as if on cue, most of the conservative media fell into line, celebrating President Trump’s abrupt dismissal of the F.B.I. director, James Comey, and dismissing the fact that Mr. Comey was leading an investigation into the Trump campaign and its ties to Russia. “Dems in Meltdown Over Comey Firing,” declared a headline on Fox News, as Tucker Carlson gleefully replayed clips of Democrats denouncing the move. “It’s just insane actually,” he said, referring to their reactions. On Fox and talk radio, the message was the same, with only a few conservatives willing to sound a discordant or even cautious note.
6/ Amazon Echo Silver....a very amusing two minutes from SNL....
Available now for three easy payments of $9.99 (via "Saturday Night Live")
Saturday Night Live this week provided a sneak peek at an Amazon Echo "for people of a certain age."
The sketch (below) advertises the Amazon Echo Silver, "the only smart speaker device to be used specifically by the greatest generation." The wood-grain speaker, with a gold accents and accompanying stand, is "super loud and responds to any name even remotely close to Alexa."
The faux spot opens with an elderly Kenan Thompson yelling at his regular Echo: "Alyssa, what time is it?" he asks before trying "Amanda!" and "Odessa!"
7/ Forgotten in the medical debate is anything to do with dentistry, which remains the most defining class discrimination medical issue....
Dee Matello, right, waits in subfreezing temperatures with hundreds of others for free dental care at a clinic in Salisbury, Md.,
on March 10. Matello, who owns a small vending machine business with her husband, says she hasn't seen a dentist in years.
(Linda Davidson / The Washington Post)
SALISBURY, Md. — Two hours before sunrise, Dee Matello joined the line outside the Wicomico Civic Center, where hundreds of people in hoodies, heavy coats and wool blankets braced against a bitter wind.
Inside, reclining dental chairs were arrayed in neat rows across the arena’s vast floor. Days later, the venue would host Disney on Ice. On this Friday morning, dentists arriving from five states were getting ready to fix the teeth of the first 1,000 people in line.
Matello was No. 503. The small-business owner who supports President Trump had a cracked molar, no dental insurance and a nagging soreness that had forced her to chew on the right side of her mouth for years.
“It’s always bothering me,” she said. And although her toothache wasn’t why she voted for Trump, it was a constant reminder of one reason she did: the feeling that she had been abandoned, left struggling to meet basic needs in a country full of fantastically rich people.
8/ A serious Bill Maher is upset with social media companies selling addictive products.....a few jokes, but one of his reporting ones....
Five interesting minutes...
Bill Maher says social media tycoons should “stop pretending that they are friendly nerd Gods building a better world.”
Instead, the “Real Time” host has called on them to admit they are “just tobacco farmers in T-shirts, selling an addictive product to children.”
“Let’s face it, checking your ‘likes’ is the new smoking,” he said Friday.
Maher referenced a recent CBS “60 Minutes” report on the concept of brain-hacking. It alleged that tech companies purposefully design addictive products which force people to constantly feel the need to “check in.”
“Every time you check your phone, you are pulling that slot machine handle because you may get that reward,” Maher said. “It’s come to this? You don’t exist until you get a smiley face?”
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ entry/bill-maher-social-media- drug-dealers_us_5916a78ce4b003 1e737dd975
9/ Katy Perry's new video is pretty strange, but it's a good song and she is in a body suit.....
Katy Perry is seasoned and served as a sexy chicken cutlet in the NSFW "Bon Appétit" video. Rap trio Migos and Kogi restaurateur Roy Choimake appearances in the bizarre clip.
The video opens with a circle of male chefs brandishing steak-knives cutting Perry out of plastic wrap. She's tossed into flour where they knead and massage her body like dough. In the kitchen, vegetables are tossed on top of Perry before she's thrown into a stew. Chef Roy Choi bastes and decorates the pop star-turned-cutlet.
10/ The self-described "greatest living American writer" Neil Pollack says some good things about Trump.....
Nice things about Trump
Michael Kinsley is right about the Donald: He is the leader of America and we revere and respect him
When Michael Kinsley introduced the idea of saying something nice about Donald Trump in the pages of The New York Times a couple of weeks ago, it was merely a mainstream expression of something I’ve been doing in these pages for years. As America’s most pro-Trump pundit, I’ve never had a problem saying something nice about the Donald, who has always treated me and my work (particularly my Trump biography “Titan of Gotham”) with the respect it deserves.
11/ "Alien Covenant"......out this weekend.....oooooohhhhh.......
There's a knockout scene in the mind-bending space thriller that is Alien: Covenant in which David, an android played by Michael Fassbender, teaches Walter – the upgraded 2.0 model, also played by Fassbender – how to play a flute. "Watch me ... I'll do the fingering," says David with enough come-on carnality to singe the screen. Can art, science, spirituality and rampaging ego be embodied by a machine? Can humanity still survive in an alien world? Can an android be gay? Can the amazing Fassbender, playing god and devil and all stops in between, be any better? "You have symphonies in you, brother," David tells his student. I'll say. And so does this funny, fierce, sometimes exasperating but always compelling new chapter in a franchise designed to scare us shitless.
Todays blind person joke
Husband and wife are waiting at the bus stop with their nine children.
A blind man joins them after a few minutes. When the bus arrives, they find it
overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able to fit onto the bus.
So the husband and the blind man decide to walk.
overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able to fit onto the bus.
So the husband and the blind man decide to walk.
After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the
blind man as he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, "Why don't you put a
piece of rubber at the end of your stick? That ticking sound is driving me crazy."
The blind man replies, "If you had put a rubber at the end of YOUR
stick, we'd be riding the bus ... so shut up."
The blind man replies, "If you had put a rubber at the end of YOUR
stick, we'd be riding the bus ... so shut up."
Todays bonus joke
During my prostate exam I asked the Doctor "where should I put my pants?"
"Over there by mine" was not the answer I was expecting.
Todays blonde joke
John walked into a sports bar around 5:58 PM.
He sat down next to a very attractive blonde at the bar and stared up at the TV.
The 6 PM news was coming on. The news crew was covering the story Of a man on the ledge of a large building preparing to jump.
The blonde looked at Bob and said, "Do you think he'll jump?"
John said, "You know, I reckon he'll jump."
The blonde replied, "Well, I bet he won't."
John placed a $20 bill on the bar and said,"You're on!"
The blonde placed her money on the bar, and kept watching the scene on the telly The guy on the ledge did a swan dive off the building, falling to his death.
The blonde was very upset, but willingly handed her $20 to John "Fair's fair. Here's your money."
John replied, "I can't take your money". I saw this earlier on the 5 PM news, so I knew he would jump."
The blonde replied, "I did, too, but I didn't think he'd do it again."
John took the money.
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