1/. I am sure if you mention this story to right wingers their heads will explode....but it's pretty obvious, isn't it? The best way to fight climate change is to have fewer children, especially American children....
The next best actions are selling your car, avoiding long flights, and eating a vegetarian diet. These reduce emissions many times more than common green activities, such as recycling, using low energy light bulbs or drying washing on a line. However, the high impact actions are rarely mentioned in government advice and school textbooks, researchers found.
Carbon emissions must fall to two tonnes of CO2 per person by 2050 to avoid severe global warming, but in the US and Australia emissions are currently 16 tonnes per person and in the UK seven tonnes. “That’s obviously a really big change and we wanted to show that individuals have an opportunity to be a part of that,” said Kimberly Nicholas, at Lund University in Sweden and one of the research team.
The new study, published in Environmental Research Letters, sets out the impact of different actions on a comparable basis. By far the biggest ultimate impact is having one fewer child, which the researchers calculated equated to a reduction of 58 tonnes of CO2 for each year of a parent’s life.
https://www.theguardian.com/en vironment/2017/jul/12/want-to- fight-climate-change-have-fewe r-children
2/. A most interesting video from Vox, on how our comedians [not the mainstream media] have found the perfect way to deal with Trump and his lies. It also says if you watch the endless BS and panel discussions on his tweets on cable news you will rot your brain, but if you look at our satirists you will stimulate your sense of analysis....
It's six minutes, very well done and validates why you should watch the clips in DDD!
The first few months of the Trump administration have been a goldmine for late-night comedians and political satirists. Shows like Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, Saturday Night Live, and Late Night With Seth Meyers have enjoyed ratings boosts thanks to their regular lampooning of the Trump White House.
But beyond the jokes and sight gags, political satirists have done an excellent job of seriously covering the Trump administration — sometimes even better than major TV news networks. And that’s because while traditional journalists feel compelled to take President Trump’s often absurd statements and conspiracy theories seriously, political satirists have demonstrated an extremely low tolerance for bullshit.
Sophia McClennen, author of Colbert’s America and co-author of Is Satire Saving Our Nation?, argues that part of what makes satire so useful for covering Trump is that it encourages audiences to think critically. “Political satire is about showing you that the system is faking you out. … It fires up the mind to say, ‘Hmm, this doesn’t seem right.’”
Traditional journalism, on the other hand, doesn’t always know when to laugh at the absurd. “The news media sort of seems like it has to take it seriously in order to be taken seriously,” McClennen says.
3/. Stephen Colbert on the Trump Jr. Russia meeting.....five very funny minutes....

'Late Show' host Stephen Colbert.
Stephen Colbert will debut not one, not two, but five field pieces this week that were taped in Russia, as “The Late Show” celebrates “Russia Week” in honor of the possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Eastern European power.
The most significant story pertaining to Russia’s election interference obviously involves Donald Trump Jr. and his meeting with a Russian attorney.
“They never met with Russians, but it turns out they did,” Colbert said at the start of his monologue Monday. “But all they talked about was adoption, but it turns out they talked about
colluding. But the one Russian did not give them any documents, but it turns out she did. And it wasn’t one Russian, it was five. This is the first time a Trump has lied about having a smaller crowd size.”
Colbert was referring to reports that a Russian lobbyist, Rinat Akhmetshin, also attended the Trump Jr. meeting.
4/. A long and fascinating piece on Trump's Russian mob ties in the years before he went into politics.....this is where he got his money - the Russian mafia, and oligarchs....
Trump’s Russian Laundromat
How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.
In 1984, a Russian émigré named David Bogatin went shopping for apartments in New York City. The 38-year-old had arrived in America seven years before, with just $3 in his pocket. But for a former pilot in the Soviet Army—his specialty had been shooting down Americans over North Vietnam—he had clearly done quite well for himself. Bogatin wasn’t hunting for a place in Brighton Beach, the Brooklyn enclave known as “Little Odessa” for its large population of immigrants from the Soviet Union. Instead, he was fixated on the glitziest apartment building on Fifth Avenue, a gaudy, 58-story edifice with gold-plated fixtures and a pink-marble atrium: Trump Tower.
5/ A very, very good Seth Meyers "A Closer Look"....
President Donald Trump was obviously not the only Republican who suffered a loss this week. “Late Night” host Seth Meyers reminded his viewers that Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., also deserved a large part of the blame.
“Majority Leader Mitch McConnell outlined plans to repeal Obamacare without a bill to replace. The same way we got rid of Obama without a good plan to replace him,” Meyers said.
After it was clear that the GOP did not have enough votes to repeal Obamacare, Trump offered a few words on camera about their legislative failure.
“President Trump said that it was important to get more Republicans into office,” Meyers informed his audience. “More? Pretty sure when the Titanic was sinking the answer wasn’t more icebergs.”
6/. A follow up story to the New York Magazine article on climate change - by the way the article has gone viral, and provoked a lot of reaction and some pushback saying the conclusions were unprovable and extreme....but as this story in Slate says it may even be too conservative....
And in the first paragraphs, echoes from story #1....
Alarmism Is the Argument We Need
to Fight Climate Change
New York magazine’s global-warming horror story isn’t too scary. It’s not scary enough.
An enormous iceberg breaks off the Knox Coast in the Australian Antarctic Territory on Jan. 11, 2008. We should be scared of stuff like this.
New York’s David Wallace-Wells has a formidable cover story in the magazine this week, “The Uninhabitable Earth,” that dryly details just how bad things could get due to climate change. The answer? Very, very bad. The timeline? Sooner than you think. The instantly viral piece might be the Silent Spring of our time, except it doesn’t uncover shocking new information—it just collects all the terrifying things that were already sitting out there into one extremely terrifying list.
“No matter how well-informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough,” Wallace-Wells writes, before running through the known science and stats that explain why rising seas, the focus of most of our climate panic, are just the tip of the iceberg—disease, famine, economic panic, and civil unrest are coming, too. An argument for freaking out, his piece has been decried for being too alarmist. Actually, it is not alarmist enough. As I read it in bed at midnight Sunday night, for the first time I started to realize just exactly why climate change might be a reason not to have children—because if those children have children, this could be their world. That’s how close to the edge we are.
7/. Ann Coulter's war with Delta was a real eye opener on what a Beast she is.....but Trevor Noah with the amusing real story....five good minutes...
Ann Coulter publicly aired her grievances with Delta airlines over the weekend to her 1.6 million Twitter followers,
“I know that it sometimes seems like all America talks about anymore is Donald Trump,” Trevor Noah said on Monday night’s Daily Show. “But that’s not true. Every few weeks we also talk about something awful that happened on an airplane.”
“It seemed like the dignity-denying experience of flying couldn’t get any worse,” he added. “But this weekend, one flier survived an experience so tragic that we just have to talk about it.”
Noah was, of course, talking about Ann Coulter’s weekend Twitter war with Delta Air Lines after they dared to switch her seat on a three-hour flight from New York to Florida.
“People, this is the civil rights struggle of our generation,” joked Noah. “How long will white women be asked to move to the back — well, not the back, but just slightly over two seats. Ann Coulter is basically airplane Rosa Parks.
8/. Seth Meyers with his opener......four minutes of one liner jokes....he's pretty funny.....
GOP Health Care Plan Fails in Senate Again, Kermit Gets Fired - Monologue
9/. Of all the stupidity that is rampant in Floriduh the fact that solar panels are not only not encouraged but financially penalized seems to be the dumbest....good for the City of South Miami!
Anyone building a new house in South Miami — or in some cases renovating existing ones — will have to install solar panels after the city commission approved a groundbreaking law Tuesday night.
The measure, the first of its kind in Florida, will go into effect in two months on Sept 18.
The ordinance passed 4-1 Tuesday night, with commissioner Josh Liebman dissenting.
Under the rules, new residential construction would require 175 square feet of solar panel to be installed per 1,000 square feet of sunlit roof area, or 2.75 kw per 1,000 square feet of living space, whichever is less. If the house is built under existing trees, the shade may exempt it.
Home renovations that replace more than 75 percent of the structure or extend the structure by more than 75 percent would also have to follow the new ordinance.
South Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard, a biology professor at Florida International University, has championed this measure. His entire home runs on solar and he drives an electric car. His monthly electric bill is about $10.
10/. Stephen Colbert on rare form.....four excellent minutes....
On Wednesday night, Stephen Colbert slammed President Trump for having an undisclosed second meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit earlier this month.
“Really?” Colbert asked. “How stupid can you be? You’re in the middle of what could be the worst scandal in U.S. history. People think you colluded with the president of a hostile foreign power, then you go out of your way to meet with him again and you don’t tell anybody? That’s like if O.J.[Simpson] does get out on parole and immediately goes glove shopping.”
The Late Show host pointed out that the meeting lasted as long as an hour.
“Gentlemen, if your collusion lasts longer than an hour, please consult the FBI,” he quipped.
11/. Movie news
New trailer for "Blade Runner 2049".....coming in October.....looks amaaaaaaaaaazing!
Officer K (Ryan Gosling), a new blade runner for the Los Angeles Police Department, unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what's left of society into chaos. His discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former blade runner who's been missing for 30 years.
Todays golf joke
This guy brings his best golf buddy home, unannounced, for dinner at 6:30 after golf. His wife screams her head off while his friend sits open mouthed and listens to the tirade.
"My bloody hair and makeup are not done, the house is a f****** mess, the dishes aren't done. Can't you see I'm still in my f****** pyjamas and I can't be bothered with cooking tonight! Why the f*** did you bring him home unannounced you stupid idiot?"
"My bloody hair and makeup are not done, the house is a f****** mess, the dishes aren't done. Can't you see I'm still in my f****** pyjamas and I can't be bothered with cooking tonight! Why the f*** did you bring him home unannounced you stupid idiot?"
"Because he's thinking of getting married."
Todays Mensa joke
Some years ago, there was a Mensa convention in San Francisco.Mensa, as you know, is a national organization for people who have an IQ of 140 or higher.
Several of the Mensa members went out for lunch at a local cafe.When they sat down, one of them discovered that their salt shaker contained pepper, and their pepper shaker was full of salt.How could they swap the contents of the two bottles without spilling any, and using only the implements at hand?Clearly -- this was a job for Mensa minds.
The group debated the problem and presented ideas and finally, came up with a brilliant solution involving a napkin, a straw, and an empty saucer.They called the waitress over, ready to dazzle her with their solution."Ma'am," they said," we couldn't help but notice that the pepper shaker contains salt and the salt shaker contains pepper."
But before they could finish .......... the waitress interrupted. "Oh -- sorry about that." She leaned over the table, unscrewed the caps of both bottles and switched them.
There was dead silence at the Mensa table.
Todays Jewish joke
A Catholic, a Protestant, a Muslim, and a Jew were in a discussion during dinner.
Catholic: "I have a large fortune....I am going to buy Citibank!"
Protestant: "I am very wealthy and will buy General Motors!"
Muslim: "I am a fabulously rich prince.... I intend to purchase Microsoft!"
They then all wait for the Jew to speak....
The Jew stirs his coffee, places the spoon neatly on the table, takes a sip of his coffee, looks at them and casually says: "I'm not selling."
A bonus joke - the Apple Watch
A Navy pilot walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman.
He gives her a quick glance then casually looks at his new Apple watch for a moment.
The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?"
No,” he replies, “I just got this state-of-the-art Apple watch, and I was just testing it.”
The intrigued woman says, “A state-of-the-art watch? What’s so special about it?”
The pilot says, “It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically.”
The lady says, “What’s it telling you now?”
Well, it says you're not wearing any panties.”
The woman giggles and replies, “Well it must be broken because I am wearing panties!”
The pilot smirks, taps his watch and says, “Darn thing’s an hour fast.”
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