1/. For news junkies these are exciting times.....if the disintegration of our Democracy wasn't so serious it would be even more fascinating......anyway Frank Rich gives us his wisdom on the idiot son........
Most weeks, New York Magazine writer-at-large Frank Rich speaks with contributor Alex Carp about the biggest stories in politics and culture. Today: Donald Trump Jr.’s emails, Republican silence, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s last attempts to get a health-care bill passed.
After Donald Trump Jr.’s constantly shifting explanations for his meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer, we now know that he, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort were eager to receive incriminating information about Hillary Clinton that was offered as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” Is this the smoking gun investigators have been waiting for?
There will be no single smoking gun that will bring down this White House. It will be death by firing squad — or perhaps a sequence of firing squads — as the whole story inexorably pours out of the administration’s smoldering ruins. This week’s bombshell has the feel of gallows humor.
There will be no single smoking gun that will bring down this White House. It will be death by firing squad — or perhaps a sequence of firing squads — as the whole story inexorably pours out of the administration’s smoldering ruins. This week’s bombshell has the feel of gallows humor.
http://nymag.com/daily/intelli gencer/2017/07/watching-the-do wnfall-of-a-presidency-in-real -time.html
2/. A two minute skit from the British comedienne Tracey Ullman, and you will get it in about 30 seconds....it's also viral with 30 million views...
3/. For all of the headlines about voter fraud and the bogus Kris Kobach federal panel looking at alleged "voter fraud", right wingers are quietly going across the country to get Democrats off the voter rolls.....good journalism from Mother Jones magazine....
Hans Gutknecht/Los Angeles Daily News/ZUMA
Willie Miller was born in 1948 in Noxubee County, Mississippi, an agricultural community along the state’s eastern border named after a Choctaw word that translates roughly to “stinks like fish.” As a teenager, she saw the civil rights movement transform the region, where previously no African Americans had been registered to vote. In 2000, Miller, who is black, was elected to the Noxubee County Election Commission, and she’s been reelected every four years since. Today, the county of 11,000 is more than 70 percent African American and has a poverty rate nearly three times the national average. “You got a few that’s gonna crawl out of the cotton fields and go on and do something else with their lives, and most of them are gonna leave,” Miller says. For those who stay, Miller does her best to make sure they’re able to vote.
4/. Stephen Colbert with his opener from Monday.....a very amusing seven minutes...
Stephen Colbert taunted the Trump administration on Monday after The New York Times reported that the President's son, Donald Trump Jr., agreed to meet with a Russian lawyer offering information that would hurt Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency.
"It's not a smoking gun," Colbert allowed, "but it is a gun meeting with a Russian bullet about their mutual desire to smoke."
"Much ado about nothing," he added, mocking the words Donald Trump Jr.'s lawyer Alan Futerfas used in his client's defense, "other than the fact that five White House advisors then confirmed that Don Jr. only took the meeting because the lawyer promised to provide damaging information on Hillary Clinton."
5/. Israel and it's religious fanatics, the Ultra Orthodox are alienating American Jews.....good column from Thomas Friedman....
To the casual observer, Israel has never looked more secure and prosperous. Its Arab neighbors are in disarray. Iran’s nuclear program has been mothballed for a while. The Trump team could not be friendlier and the Palestinians could not be weaker. All’s quiet on the Tel Aviv front. …
Look again. In fact, the foundations of Israel’s long-term national security are cracking.
6/. An Australian journalist with a two minute clip on Trump at the G20.....a devastating report that was shown on Australian TV and has gone viral worldwide........
A savage opinion of Donald Trump’s presidency that went viral was delivered by one of Australia’s most seasoned political journalists, who is well known to viewers of the national broadcaster for his frank opinions.
Chris Uhlmann, the political editor of the government-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation, described Trump as “isolated and friendless” at the G20 leaders’ summit, and said his disastrous foreign policy had “pressed fast-forward on the decline of the United States”.
The analysis, delivered on the ABC’s political program Insiders, has been viewed thousands of times around the world, and astonished American political commentators.
7/. Above and Beyond Live at Porchester Hall - "A Thing Called Love".....wonderful song with full orchestra, even a harp....
8/. Vanity Fair with an excellent article on extreme heat......it also explains why heat with high humidity like we get in Florida is very dangerous....
Death Valley
Late last July, a swath of the Middle East from Saudi Arabia across Kuwait to Iraq and Iran was hit by a heat wave. As usual, it was caused by a powerful high-pressure dome that parked overhead, compressing and heating the upper atmosphere, limiting convection, and trapping the lower atmosphere below it even as the desert floor heated the air from the ground up. “Heat waves” are relative affairs—technically, they are merely multi-day deviations from whatever the local norms happen to be. They don’t count for much in places like Denmark. The Middle East is not as milquetoasty as that. In Kuwait, for instance, the daily average maximum temperature in July is around 112 degrees, a level that would trigger urgent warnings in the United States but that in Kuwait is simply the expected weather.
The heat wave last July was different. The month started hellishly enough. At an automated weather station in a desert wasteland called Mitribah, in the country’s uninhabited North, the maximum temperature hovered around 114 degrees. Then the numbers started to climb, passing through 120 degrees on the 14th, topping 124 degrees on the 19th, and peaking at 129.2 degrees in the midafternoon of July 21, 2016. That temperature exactly matched the highest reliably measured air temperature in history—129.2 degrees, recorded on July 1, 2013, in Death Valley, U.S.A. The Mitribah report made news around the world because of concerns about global warming, though no single temperature demonstrates much, and it is actually the accelerating rise of pre-dawn minimums, rather than the slower rise of midafternoon maximums, that is affecting global temperature averages more rapidly than scientists had anticipated just a few years ago.
9/. Live PD put a camera in a Police cruiser, and this is what they filmed.....
Live PD aired an insane segment on Saturday night when a police officer had to wrestle a suspect who was holding onto his infant child as he resisted arrest.
Live PD is an A&E program where police officers are filmed in real time as they fulfill their duties and respond to criminal incidents all over the country. The show is presented by Mediaite founder Dan Abrams with analysis from Tom Morris Jr..
Tonight’s show featured a high speed chase in Richland County, South Carolina which ended after the driver flipped over his car. When an officer went to apprehend the driver, the man ended up flailing his baby around and refused to let go as the officer tried to take him into custody.
10/. Eating meat can be hazardous to your health.....you need to know where your food comes from....
Why eating meat in America is like going on a trip
to the drug store
Most of the meat Americans eat is banned in other industrialized countries
This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
Recently, Organic Consumers Association, along with Friends of the Earth and Center for Food Safety filed suit against chicken giant Sanderson Farms for falsely marketing its products as “100% Natural” even though it contains many unnatural and even prohibited substances. Sanderson chicken products tested positive for the antibiotic chloramphenical, banned in food animals, and amoxicillin, not approved for use in poultry production. Sanderson Farms products also tested positive for residues of steroids, hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs and even ketamine, a drug with hallucinogenic effects.
This is far from the first time unlabeled human drugs have been found in U.S. meat. The New York Times reported that most chicken feather-meal samples examined in one study contained Tylenol, one-third contained the antihistamine Benadryl, and samples from China actually contained Prozac. The FDA has caught hatcheries injecting antibiotics directly into chicken eggs. Tyson Foods was caught injecting eggs with the dangerous human antibiotic gentamicin.
Todays Hillbilly joke
Cletus is passing by Billy Bob's hay barn one day when, through a gap in the door, he sees Billy Bob doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old John Deere tractor. Buttocks clenched, he performs a slow pirouette, and gently slides off first the right strap of his overalls, followed by the left. He then hunches his shoulders forward and in a classic striptease move, lets his overalls fall down to his hips, revealing a torn and frayed plaid shirt. Then, grabbing both sides of his shirt, he rips it apart to reveal his stained T-shirt underneath. With a final flourish, he tears the T-shirt from his body, and hurls his baseball cap onto a pile of hay.
Having seen enough, Cletus rushes in and says, "What the world're ya' doing, Billy Bob?"
"Good grief, Cletus, ya' scared the bejeebers out of me," says an obviously embarrassed Billy Bob ..
"But me 'n the wife been havin' trouble lately in the bedroom d'partment, and the therapist suggested I do something sexy to a tractor."
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