1/ The wisdom of Frank Rich....and he's not happy.....
Do you trust his gut? Photo: Alex Brandon/AP/Shutterstock
Most weeks, New York Magazine writer-at-large Frank Rich speaks with contributor Alex Carp about the biggest stories in politics and culture. Today, Brian Kemp’s plan to reopen Georgia’s economy, and the removal of a federal vaccine scientist.
Despite pushback from public health experts, local employers, mayors, and even Fox News, Georgia governor Brian Kemp has announced that some businesses in his state will begin to reopen tomorrow, and Tennessee, Ohio, and South Carolina will follow soon after. What’s the benefit to a governor like Kemp in making this decision now?
Having stolen an election from Stacey Abrams by disenfranchising black voters, Kemp clearly believes he can get away with anything.
2/ The Times assembled experts to ask them about where we are going and how soon we will be through this crisis.....a long and factual article....
The coronavirus is spreading from America’s biggest cities to its suburbs, and has begun encroaching on the nation’s rural regions. The virus is believed to have infected millions of citizens and has killed more than 34,000.
3/ John Oliver with an excellent 21 minutes of comedic reporting on Fox News and their coverage of the virus....
One of his better ones....
4/ Umair with his dystopian view of the future.....the problem is it's beginning to look like he's right...
Does it feel like the world’s started to fall apart over the last twelve months or so — or even the last three? That tiny voice in you shouting “yes!!” Isn’t wrong. It’s right. You’re not an alarmist or a maniac. Right about now, understanding that things are falling apart is the sanest thought of all to have.
Every now and then, there’s what’s come to be called an annus horribilis — a particularly terrible year. Take, for example, well..this one. 2020. Consider, for a moment, the last three months or so. In January, megafires. In February, megafloods. In March, a pandemic. Can you imagine another year like this one? Could any of our societies even take it?
5/ A clever little ditty....an amusing two minutes...
6/ George Packer in The Atlantic - "We Are Living In A Failed State"....either a sobering or an
inspirational or depressing message - your choice.....reminds me of Umair.......
7/ South Florida has major issues, and it's coming at them quickly. Good story from the Guardian...
ew places on the planet are more at risk from the climate crisis than south Florida, where more than 8 million residents are affected by the convergence of almost every modern environmental challenge – from rising seas to contaminated drinking water, more frequent and powerful hurricanes, coastal erosion, flooding and vanishing wildlife and habitat.
8/ Matt Taibbi's blog.....very good, some background on the money they are stealing....
Weekly Jobless Claims Hit 5.425 Million, Raising Monthly Loss To 22 Million Due To Coronavirus (CNBC)
Worst Case Fears Of 20%-Plus U.S. Jobless Rate Are Now Realistic (Bloomberg)
Then from Wall Street:
Private Equity-Owned Companies Sell New Bonds in Credit Rally (Bloomberg Law)
Fed’s Historic Move Spurs Rally in Junk Bonds: 6 ETF Picks (Nasdaq.com)
As we head into the second month of pandemic lockdown, two parallel narratives are developing about the financial rescue.
In one, ordinary people receive aid through programs that are piecemeal, complex, and riddled with conditions.
9/ If nothing else this crisis is showing what a screwed up health care system we have.....good story from the Times...
In March, Congress passed a coronavirus bill including $3.1 billion to develop and produce drugs and vaccines. The bipartisan consensus was unusual. Less unusual was the successful lobbying by pharmaceutical companies to weaken or kill provisions that addressed affordability — measures that could be used to control prices or invalidate patents for any new drugs.
The notion of price control is anathema to health care companies.
10/ Remember this one? Robert Palmer with "Addicted To Love"....what a great backup band....
11/ One thing we can all agree on.....
Don’t be fooled by Fox News, Donald Trump, or the same type of groups that produced the Tea Party a decade ago: The protesters taking to the streets against social distancing are a small minority of Americans — and their attitudes represent a fraction of public opinion.
In fact, America has done something remarkable in this moment: It has united.
12/ A little biased, but this story from the Guardian about the cruise industry points out some of the real problems the ships have....not good....
e’ve been asked – and we’ve asked ourselves – why Covid-19 seems to be impacting Princess so heavily.” Thus spoke Jan Swartz, president of Princess Cruises, in a video posted on social media in mid-March. She looks sad-eyed and baffled into the camera: “We don’t really know.”
13/ Bet you haven't seen this in a while - Prince with Purple Rain, from the movie....
One of the most iconic guitar solos ever....
14/ Great article from the Times on some of the best TV out there, including the amazing The Plot Against America" on HBO....
They concentrate on shows with alternative timelines, "what if" scenarios...
15/ We just watched a new documentary on climate change called "Planet Of The Humans", produced by Michael Moore and narrated and directed by Jeff Gibbs. If you have any trace of "green" in tour philosophy you owe it to yourself to watch this, and I will guarantee you won't feel the same about the green movement ever again.
It's a must watch - it's free on YouTube for 30 days....
ecently, petrolhead pundit Jeremy Clarkson was thought to have disgraced himself by pointing out that the hi-tech sea yacht used by Greta Thunberg for her transatlantic crossing, for all its solar panels and underwater turbines, had an old-fashioned diesel engine aboard for emergencies. I thought about Clarkson’s jibe while watching this refreshingly contrarian eco-documentary from environmentalist Jeff Gibbs, which has been uploaded for free online viewing by its executive producer, Michael Moore.
Todays video - a new Nina Conti, one of the best ventriloquists out there.....
Todays Australian joke
A recent article in a West Australia newspaper reported that a woman, Mrs.Maynard, has sued a Perth Hospital, saying that after her husband had surgery there he lost all interest in sex.
A hospital spokesman replied: "Mr. Maynard was admitted for cataract surgery. All we did was correct his eyesight."
Todays PC jokes
Due to the climate of political correctness now pervading America, Kentuckians, Tennesseans and West Virginians will no longer be referred to as'HILLBILLIES.'You must now refer to them asAPPALACHIAN-AMERICANS.And furthermore,HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT WOMEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT:
1. She is not a 'BABE' or a 'CHICK' - She is aBREASTED AMERICAN. '2. She is not 'EASY' - She is'HORIZONTALLY ACCESSIBLE.'
1. He does not have a 'BEER GUT' - He has developed a'LIQUID GRAIN STORAGE FACILITY.'
2. He is not a 'BAD DANCER' - He is' OVERLY CAUCASIAN.'
4. He is not 'BALDING' - He is in'FOLLICLE REGRESSION.'
5. He does not act like a 'TOTAL ASS' - He develops a case ofRECTAL-CRANIAL INVERSION.'(Loved this one!)
6. It's not his 'CRACK' you see hanging out of his pants - It's'TROUSER CLEAVAGE.'(Loved this one even more)
Todays non-PC guy joke
A woman goes to the Doctor, worried about her husband and his temper.The Doctor asks: "What's the problem?The woman says: "Doctor, I don't know what to do. Every day my husband seems to lose his temper for no reason. It scares me."The Doctor says: "I have a cure for that. When it seems that your husband is getting angry, just take a glass of water and start swishing it in your mouth. Just swish and swish but don't swallow it until he either leaves the room or calms down.Two weeks later the woman comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn.The woman says: "Doctor that was a brilliant idea! Every time my husband started losing it, I swished with water. I swished and swished, and he calmed right down! How does a glass of water do that?"The Doctor says: "The water itself does nothing. It's keeping your mouth shut that does the trick".
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