Sunday, November 7, 2021

Davids Daily Dose - Sunday November 7th


1/. Ohio's Senate race is a clown car of the highest calibre.....BTW JD Vance wrote Hillbilly Elegy ....
Photo: Jeffrey Dean/AP/Shutterstock
We all have dreams. Small dreams, big dreams. I, for example, would like to live in a small forest hut, like a millennial Baba Yaga. For J.D. Vance, it’s to become senator, and his friends are trying to help him out. How nice.

2/. Bob Lefsetz watched the SNL cold open, and LOVED James Austin Johnson's this, then 
watch the cold open below....

3/. The SNL cold open with Judge Jeanine Pirro, fairly good but the highlight is James Austin Johnson 's interpretation 
of Trump's verbal diarrhea, amazing....8 minutes....Trump starts 4 minutes in.....

4/. Thomas Edsall in the Times nails the issue that is plaguing Democrats - immigration...

Although public polling on immigration shows a strong shift to the left, survey responses in that vein mask a far more complicated reality. Over and over again, immigration has proved to be politically problematic for Democrats. As far back as 2007, when he was chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, Rahm Emanuel warned that immigration had become the new “third rail of American politics.”

5/. Bill Maher with a pretty good "New Rules" - "Words Matter"....

6/. Bob Lefsetz spells out how Republicans win, and Democrats lose....excellent thoughts, and he has a knack of getting the essentials right. 
If I was a Democratic politician I'd be very worried....

They’re the North Vietnamese.

So, Republicans want an America that no longer exists, and they’re doing their best to make sure they get it. And if they can’t, which they can’t, progress moves forward, they’re going to do their best to put the brakes on change. Democrats? They just don’t care that much and they’re in disarray to boot.

That’s right, the Republicans are united. Together. They all hew to the same line, march to the same beat. Look at how they’ve all lined up behind Trump. They know it’s about defeating the enemy, the Democrats, they put their individual needs to the side in pursuit of mass victory. And they seem to be damn good at it.

7/. Tom Tomorrow....

8/. Matt Taibbi on how the Virginia governorship went red....the media line of why this happened 
is waaaaaaay too simple, the truth is much more nuanced....
The drama that played out in upscale Loudoun County, Virginia over the last year or so, and cost Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe the governorship last night, is a book waiting to be written. In fact, if companies like HBO or Netflix have any sense, it will soon be a movie as well, because almost every hot-button issue in American national politics was rolled up somewhere in this sprawling, preposterous, rage-filled suburban drama.

9/. Andrew Sullivan on the Virginia the headline - "The Woke Meet Their Match - Parents"....

The best news from Tuesday’s smattering of elections was what didn’t happen. Despite several pre-election bids to gin up skepticism about the integrity of the electoral system, the results, even in very close races, were broadly accepted as legit. Yes, the New Jersey result is super-close and the Republican Jack Ciattarelli may yet seek a recount, as would be his right. But here is his message: “I don’t want people falling victim to wild conspiracy theories or online rumors. While consideration is paid to any and all credible reports, please don’t believe everything you see or read online.”

10/. A classic - Emma Stone and Jimmy Fallon battle it out in a lip sync contest....she's wonderful, 
he's pretty good too....about 9 minutes....

11/. Michael Moore is right.....unfortunately....the world still doesn't trust us....

As the week drew to a close and President Biden desperately tried to get Congress to vote on his infrastructure bills (build roads, help people) before he headed to two major summits in Europe, pundits and corporatist Dems railed against the progressive lawmakers for holding things up. Of course the only people holding things up were two pro-wealthy Democratic senators — and every single Republican. The progressives? They were holding out on behalf of the vast majority of Americans whose lives would be turned around and vastly improved should Biden’s big bill pass. 

12/. John Oliver with 24 minutes of comedic reporting on homelessness.....

13/. The biggest problem with this country is ignorance and stupidity....which is deliberate. The elites decided back in 
Reagan's day to gut the public schools, and here we are today. 
Excellent story from Salon....

With apologies to Paul Simon, and despite all of the information available to the mortal man, there are still millions of Americans who currently believe they're gliding down the highway when in fact they're slip slidin' away.

As President Biden prepares to travel to Europe to meet with the Pope and our NATO allies next week, there remains a huge national security problem for him to grapple with, one that hasn't been addressed in any meaningful fashion for many years.

14/. A supercut of Fox News"s endless wars on......everything! One minute....

15/. Despite all you hear and read, Democrats are still addicted to corporate money....

Democratic Party leaders on Thursday united around a plan to halve their economic agenda, which had already been nearly halved a few months ago. The full loaf is really a quarter loaf, but at this point, it’s actually less than that, because they also slashed promised regulatory and tax provisions that might have reduced medicine prices, provided workers some paid leave, and made billionaires start paying taxes.

In the coming days, we will learn more of the granular details in the 1,600-plus-page bill — but the overall agreement amid a flood of industry campaign cash is an illuminating moment: it reveals the outer limits of possibility for corporate politics, and the human costs of those politics

16/. John Oliver with a very interesting and amusing segment on car commercials.....six minutes....

17/. Umair with a very good question - are we headed to a Civil War?
There’s a question that’s been eating away at me. I’ve tried not to ask it, but it keeps coming back to haunt me. It’s an ugly one, a difficult one. I’d bet, perhaps, that it’s occurred to you, too. It goes like this. Is America headed for a second civil war?

18/. Jay Leno had a amusing minute....

19/. Just in case you don't read Umair because you think he's OTT, how about this from MSN....

If there is a second American Civil War, which side would you choose? It may be wise to make that decision now, in the spirit of planning for the worst while hoping for the best.

A recent public opinion poll by the University of Virginia Center for Politics finds that a majority of Trump voters want to secede from the Union. Alarmingly, nearly as many Biden voters, 41 percent, also feel it may be "time to split the country." This is part of a larger pattern; other polls and research have come to similar conclusions.

20/. Hmmmm.....Matt Taibbi with his thoughts on Rachel Maddow and the Russia investigation.....I watched the 
Danchenko piece and frankly did not get her this is worrisome....

Yesterday, Special Counsel John Durham indicted Brookings Institute analyst Igor Danchenko, better known as the primary source for Christopher Steele, the ex-spy who compiled the now-infamous “Steele Dossier” on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016. The case has implications for higher-ranking figures, but the indictment is most immediately devastating to the reputation of the many famous news personalities who hyped the Steele story. They almost all look terrible today, but the response by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was a thing beyond. Whatever the category below “disgraced journalist” is, she entered it with gusto with last night’s performance.

Today's video - another of our short horror movies......this one is "The Closet", and not for the faint of heart! 
You've been warned......

Today's medical joke

There is nothing worse than a Doctor's Receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you in a room full of other patients.
I know most of us have experienced this, and I love the way this old guy handled it.
A 65-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk.
The Receptionist said, 'Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for today?'
'There's something wrong with my dick', he replied.
The receptionist became irritated and said, 'You shouldn't come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that. '
'Why not, you asked me what was wrong and I told you,' he said.
The Receptionist replied; 'Now you've caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and discussed the problem further with the Doctor in private.'
The man replied, 'You shouldn't ask people questions in a roomful of strangers, if the answer could embarrass anyone". 

The man walked out, waited several minutes, and then re-entered.

The Receptionist smiled smugly and asked, 'Yes??'
'There's something wrong with my ear,' he stated.

The Receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice.. 'And what is wrong with your ear, Sir?'
'I can't piss out of it,' he replied.
The waiting room erupted in laughter... 

Mess with seniors, and you're going to lose.

Today's blonde jokes.....

What can strike a blonde without her even knowing it? A thought

What do you do if a blonde throws a grenade at you? Pull the pin and throw it back.

What do you call a smart blonde? A golden retriever.

How do you make a blonde's eyes light up? Shine a flashlight in their ear. 

What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant? "Are you sure it's mine?"

What do you call it when a blonde dies their hair brunette? Artificial intelligence.

How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday? Tell her a joke on Wednesday

Today's old Trump jokes

Q: What’s the difference between God and Donald Trump?
A: God doesn’t think he’s Donald Trump.

Q: How’s Donald Trump going to get rid of all the Mexicans?
A: Juan by Juan

Q: What does Donald Trump tell Obama supporters he’s trying to win over?
A: Orange is the new black.

Q: Wanna hear a racist joke?
A: Donald Trump

Q: What happens when Donald Trump takes Viagra?
A: He grows taller.

Q: Why does Trump wants to ban the sale of pre-shredded cheese?
A: He wants to make America grate again.

Q: Why does Donald Trump secretly want to lose the election?
A: Because if he wins, he’ll have to move into a smaller house in a black neighborhood.

Q: What’s 18 inches long and hangs in front of an assh*le?
A: Donald Trump’s tie

Q: Minorities have the race card, women have the gender card, homosexuals have the gay card, but what do discriminatory white men have?
A: The Trump card

Q: America is going to suffer if Donald Trump becomes president
A: You could say we’re going toupée for it.

Q: What do a thong and Donald Trump’s toupee have in common?
A: They both barely cover an assh*le.

Q: Why did Donald Trump cancel his trip to Israel?
A: He realized they already have a wall and fear of Muslims.

Q: So Donald Trump wants to be president and move into the white house. Why not?
A: It wouldn’t be the first time he pushed a black family out of their home.

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