Tuesday November 5th will be the Mount Dora City Council elections, and four seats including the Mayor will be decided.
The results of this election will be much more important than usual, because there has been a campaign by the developers of the Lakes of Mount Dora subdivision [Medallion Homes] to give contributions to candidates Wiseman, Wood, Canas and Payne in order to guarantee their support for any issue coming before the council that could benefit them. Top of the list will be having the City sell five acres of land inside the Lakes of Mount Dora so Medallion can build another 54 houses, netting them a profit of at least $2 million dollars.
[See below for a story on Medallion's use of Chinese drywall in houses built in Bradenton, and their refusal to fix the problems for the homeowners. This is a glimpse of how they operate]
Medallion Homes is using political donations from their own PAC, and also funding flyers mailed to many voters with lies about Cathy Hoechst, Michael Tedder, Carla Pepperman and Ryan Donovan. The issue they focus on in the flyer is complete and utter BS.......
Here is the column from Lauren Ritchie in todays Orlando Sentinel......
Mount Dora voters shouldn't be fooled by flier warning of 'taller buildings' downtown
November 1, 2013
Be sure to read the fine print on the flier — the real story is hiding there.
That's where you'll learn that powerful forces from outside Mount Dora are making a play to control the City Council.
A flier sent to registered voters in Mount Dora earlier in the week warned: "Protect Mount Dora! Stop Taller Buildings Downtown!"
It promised that four candidates — mayoral candidate Randy Wiseman and council candidates Jon Canas, Brian Payne and incumbent Denny Wood — would "prevent the construction of taller buildings downtown."
What a clever diversion! Too bad it's a lie.
The four candidates won't get to don the cape and do that Superman thing to "prevent" tall buildings in Mount Dora's historic downtown for one excellent reason: The city's comprehensive plan caps the height of buildings downtown at three stories — 35 feet.
So, there's no need for any saviors to swoop in and protect the outraged populace. Of course, the flier mailed by a political organization based in Venice doesn't mention that little fact. What it does do is create a boogeyman that everyone loves to hate. After all, who wants skyscrapers in that lovely little New England village? The flier provides the illusion that the lone voter has the power to help stop this unsightly threat. All humbug.
The flier also doesn't mention a lot of other pertinent information, but it provides plenty of confusing and inaccurate "facts."
Just so this is clear - a large out-of-town corporation is attempting to influence our City government so that instead of our City Council doing what is right for the residents of Mount Dora, the Council will do whatever Medallion Homes wants. Although the campaign donations to Wiseman, Wood, Canas and Payne were lawfully made, if the candidates receiving the money vote for Medallion and against the City's interests it may be legal, but it doesn't pass the smell test.
So it's up to us to stop this.....
The turnout for these off year elections is low - in 2011 only 24% the electorate voted. The reason turnout is so meagre is probably because most voters believe there were choices of candidates who wanted to do what's best for the City Of Mount Dora, but disagreed on the details. Perhaps the understanding was in previous years our home was just another small Florida city "trying to make a living" so to speak - perhaps a little naive, but with some grains of truth.
This changed in 2011 - welcome to the real world. Nick Girone was elected with a donation of $3500 from Medallion [remember the yard signs?], so based on that sucess this year Medallion has gone all in - they want control of the City Council.
If you want to let them have it, don't bother to vote.
But if this blatant influence buying by an outside corporation sticks in your craw, go and vote. It takes five minutes.
If you are indifferent and stay home, they win. So vote on Tuesday Nov. 5th.
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Chinese Drywall
Medallion Homes has also had it problems in it's base in Bradenton......they installed Chinese drywall in some homes in a subdivision......
Bradenton builder on Chinese drywall list
Published: Monday, January 4, 2010 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Sunday, January 3, 2010 at 5:24 p.m.
Another locally based home builder can now be added to the list of those that used tainted Chinese drywall in the region.
• Based in Bradenton
• Developments include Country Meadows, River Plantation, University Groves, Bobcat Trail, Foxbrook Estates and Gamble Creek Estates.
• Founded in 1984
• Developments include Country Meadows, River Plantation, University Groves, Bobcat Trail, Foxbrook Estates and Gamble Creek Estates.
• Founded in 1984
The Herald-Tribune has confirmed that Bradenton-based Medallion Homes, which has constructed houses in Manatee and Sarasota counties for more than 20 years, is one of the builders now known to have used drywall manufactured in China by Knauf Tianjin Plasterboard Ltd. Co.
At least one home in the Country Meadows neighborhood in East Manatee and at least two in the Bobcat Trail neighborhood in North Port were built by Medallion with Knauf Tianjin wallboard. The Chinese manufacturer's drywall has been found to release sulfur gases tied to corrosion of wires, air conditioners and other metals in homes, and suspected of causing health ailments, including respiratory and sinus problems.
Medallion did not return several calls seeking comment, and how many of its homes are affected remains unknown.
After using the tainted Chinese drywall in these homes, you would think they would fix the problem for the homeowners who were left with worthless houses, wouldn't you?
No way.....they said they couldn't afford to fix the problem, but then went on a land buying spree.....
Is this firm too broke to fix homes?
Published: Monday, March 15, 2010 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 5:08 p.m.
BRADENTON-BASED MEDALLION Homes has been at odds with the owners of at least a half-dozen houses it built using contaminated Chinese drywall.
Associated entities based at 2212 58th Ave. E. in
Bradenton include:
Medallion Homes Gulf Coast Inc.
edallion Home At Cascades LLC
arco M. Beruff Irrevocable Trust
uckeye Manager Inc.
and Experts Inc.
argor Partners III - Parrish LC
argor Partners IV - Bobcat LC
iva Trace LLC
armarc Development Inc.
igh Ground Enterprises LLC
SOURCE: Florida Department of State,
Manatee County Clerk of Court
Bradenton include:
Medallion Homes Gulf Coast Inc.
edallion Home At Cascades LLC
arco M. Beruff Irrevocable Trust
uckeye Manager Inc.
and Experts Inc.
argor Partners III - Parrish LC
argor Partners IV - Bobcat LC
iva Trace LLC
armarc Development Inc.
igh Ground Enterprises LLC
SOURCE: Florida Department of State,
Manatee County Clerk of Court
Medallion executives have repeatedly refused requests to be interviewed and would not answer questions for this story.
But several weeks ago, the builder's attorney, Alan Tannenbaum, commented for the first time -- saying the reason Medallion is not repairing the affected homes is simply that it does not have the money to do so.
Tannenbaum said remediation estimated at more than $100,000 per home "would basically take them to bankruptcy."
But state and county records reviewed by the Herald-Tribune raise questions about whether Medallion is really on the financial brink.
Records show Medallion and its associated entities have recently engaged in some of the largest land acquisitions in the Sarasota-Bradenton area, spending millions of dollars to buy up everything from lots to entire subdivisions. Medallion also has pulled a flurry of building permits and is moving forward with construction of new homes across Manatee County.
Mel DeMarco has put together some data on the owner of Medallion, and it's pretty interesting.......
Meet Carlos Beruff - The Out-of-Town DeveloperThis is the man whose associates have been sending negative campaign ads out in our local elections. You may have received one from a Political Action Committee (PAC) called "Committee to Protect Florida Seniors”. They claim, in that very slick ad, that the Medallion Home slate of candidates will protect us from tall buildings in downtown Mount Dora. That is ironic, coming from Carlos Beruff. In this photo, he is trying to explain to people from a small town on the Gulf Coast why they should want 4 and 5 story buildings, a hotel, condos and a convention center in their small town, on their waterfront. The development he is trying to sell them here is his development. It's called Long Bar Pointe - Mr. Beruff claimed he wanted this development to emulate Palm Beach.* The residents there don’t want Palm Beach. They fought against Long Bar Pointe because it would devastate their community; a community that depends on fishing and its waterfront appeal for its survival. The people came out a thousand strong to try to stop him in his efforts.He got most of what he wanted, anyway. The local county commission voted to approve most of his development - by a margin of only one vote.He and/or his associates are behind the mailers you are getting from “Committee to Protect Florida Seniors” or “Floridians for a Brighter Future” or pretty much any other slick out-of-town flyer you may receive. Make no mistake, they want their slate of candidates to win this election (Wiseman, Wood, Payne and Canas). All of those men have taken money from them - large sums of money. This developer has pending business issues that will come before council members for votes that can make him and his investors a lot of money. The developer and his associates have contributed very large sums of money over the last year to try to buy the local government they want. There is more land with approved PUDs already in place that can be had near and around the Lakes of Mount Dora, as well. We need to be vigilant citizens to protect our City.You should also know that Medallion Home only allows the candidates they specifically support to campaign or place signs within their development. Apparently, they want to censor what those residents hear from the rest of the candidates. They are definitely willing to spend big and bury us all in negative nonsense and lies to win this election. Don’t fall for it Mount Dora. Read your return address labels. If your flyer comes from Pensacola or Venice or Bradenton, or anywhere but right here in Lake County…it is likely being mailed to sway you for the developer’s benefit. If it comes from some Political Action Committee you have never joined, it is probably from the developer. If it does not say it is a paid political advertisement from the candidates running for office, or information from a friend or neighbor you know to live here…it is probably dreck from the developer.This is the City that we have worked together to protect and preserve. Small town elections should be about the residents and respecting what they have worked hard to create. Our City has weathered much with the support of its residents. It is the premier community in Lake County. Let’s keep it that way - Mount Dora for Mount Dorans.* Craig Pittman, Tampa Bay Times 9/6/13There was never a vote by city council to approve tall buildings in the historic downtown ...that is a lie perpetrated by ill-informed or dishonest candidates.Unfortunately, we have hit the “Big Time”. Outside developer interests want to control our local government. As the Wekiva Parkway is built and ultimately reaches us there will be a lot of money to be made…these out-of-towners will want more and more of it. They will tear our community apart and move on after they have lined their pockets. Let’s keep them from profiting on our history and hard work!They will say whatever they need to say so their candidates are elected -Example: The last flyer mailed out by the developer’s friend said that 2 council members voted for tall buildings on September 18, 2013 - there was NO MEETING that day.This is exactly the tactic that Beruff and his people employ in small towns to get what they want. He and his people bombard the community with negative mailings at the last moment. You can stop them from taking over. Don’t let this corporation take hold of our government for their own profit.Instead of relying on what some out-of-town developer says these people stand for -give these candidates an opportunity to speak for themselves, please. See who is truly informed, involved and positive about building a better Mount Dora...Vote November 5, 2013
Lakes of Mount Dora HOA
I have heard anecdotally that the Homeowners Association Board for the Lakes has a majority of members who favour Medallion.....I am not familiar with any of the issues of this subdivision but it would be interesting to hear of any recent votes by the Board that would impact Medallion, for or against. This quote from Mel's piece seemed to confirm the story I heard.....
You should also know that Medallion Home only allows the candidates they specifically support to campaign or place signs within their development. Apparently, they want to censor what those residents hear from the rest of the candidates.
This election - Tuesday November 5th 2013 - Vote wisely
I agree with Mel DeMarco's recommendations below.....
I am supporting:
Ryan Donovan in District 1 - he lives and works here in Lake County, father of 2 kids, uses common sense, independent thinker, experience on council.
Michael Tedder, At-Large - Michael has lived here a long time, raised a daughter, now has a grandchild. His business is here, he supports downtown businesses. He is an active boater and advocate for our docks and waterfront.
Carla Pepperman District 4, also has lived in Mount Dora for decades. She is a lawyer, a mom, an active citizen in our community who has the talent, education and smarts to make a difference.
Cathy Hoechst for Mayor, she's a champion for downtown vitality, volunteers endlessly with children and our local food pantry, has worked for the interests of small business tirelessly, has had a corporate career, remains objective and she works to build consensus among her peers.
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