Fascinating and pretty persuasive article on how many of the very, very wealthy see themselves as victims, including the evil Koch brothers. His point is billionaires looking down on our society see a totally different reality than the 98% of us looking up....
Most interesting......it's almost enough to make you feel sorry for these pathetic bastards if they weren't so dangerous.....
Since the financial crisis of 2008, one of the most revealing spectacles has been the parade of financial elites who petulantly insist that they are the victims of societal hostility: political officials heap too much blame on them, public policy burdens them so unfairly, the public resents them, and -- most amazingly of all -- President Obama is a radical egalitarian who is unprecedentedly hostile to business interests. One particularly illustrative example was the whiny little multi-millionaire hedge fund manager (and CNBC contributor), Anthony Scaramucci, who stood up at an October, 201o, town hall meeting and demanded to know: "when are we going to stop whacking at the Wall Street pinata?"
The Weekly Standard now has a very lengthy defense of -- including rare interviews with -- Charles and David Koch, the libertarian billionaires who fund everything from right-wing economic policy, union-busting, and anti-climate-change advocacy to civil liberties and liberalized social policies -- though far more the former goals than the latter. In this article one finds the purest and most instructive expression of billionaire self-pity that I think I've ever seen -- one that is as self-absorbed and detached from reality as it destructive. It's really worth examining their revealed mindset to see how those who wield the greatest financial power (and thus the greatest political power) think of themselves and those who are outside of their class.
Tom Tomorrow puts the disaster in the Japanese nuclear plant into perspective.....
The abortion issue is coming up again and again in Republican led states - why? Amanda Marcotte believes it's the same social conservative base of the Republican party seizing the moment to "control the uteruses of America".
Interesting and well argued piece......and ladies, one of her main points is that you aren't capable of making rational choices about your body.....
When Republicans profited from the miserable economy to sweep up huge wins in last fall's election, most political watchers figured they knew what was coming: budget cuts, privatization of more government functions, and tax cuts for the wealthy. The push to dismantle public sector unions has been a bit of a surprise, but not a jarring one.
But what seems to have thrown everyone -- save for a handful of embittered and neglected pro-choice activists -- for a loop is the way Republican lawmakers at both the national and state levels have focused so intently on the uteruses of America. Republicans appear to believe that the women of America have wildly mismanaged these uteruses in the four decades since the Supreme Court gave them control over them -- and now that Republicans have even a little bit of power, they’re going to bring this reign of female tyranny over uteruses to an end.
After all, the Republican House speaker, John Boehner, has identified limiting women's access to abortion and contraception as a "top priority" -- this with the economy is in tatters and the world in turmoil. Boehner's and the GOP's abortion fixation raises an obvious question: Why now, when there are so many other pressing issues at stake.
Wow. WOW.
If you like Lady Gaga, you may like this 7 minute viral [27 million hits] video "Born This Way". I say may because it's unlike anything she has done before, and maybe done by any human being anywhere.
Some people could find this very offensive, but most will hopefully see Gaga being Gaga - she wants to shock you and make you think, or at least think about her........
This video also explains why she entered the Grammy Awards carried in an egg.....born this way.....
Todays video - having a bad morning?
Todays Wal-Mart joke...
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